Out of the cage

Chapter 475 Chapter 11.31 Only one way

In the Nanyang region, it is a country of thousands of islands. In 177, Wei Keng's sea, land and air forces were all here. Dealing with two apostles at the same time is an unprecedented challenge.

With the bombing of the islands in the east by the dead wave, the guerrilla warfare of a large group of Fengming birds will go to the west, and a large number of rain worms will hide deep in the ground, forming basic eggs. Sulfur Iron Basalt retreated in the crater, waiting for the dead wave to dissipate and fight the humans who arrived here again.

On the alpine base station in the middle of the island.

Sun Yu held his own flamethrower and looked at the muddy and rotting jungle, and couldn't help but return to the scene 15 days ago.

You must know that before you first came to this island, as a newcomer, you were very new to this island——finally saw the legendary tide of creatures.

The bulldozers on the human side are constantly clearing the vegetation and replacing crops such as bamboo. A large amount of organic fuel produced by the biochemical power station was turned into firepower and sprayed under the guidance of the war cat, effectively curbing the biological tide.

But with the continuous fighting, everyone is so exhausted that genetic pollution appears, which is a feeling of disorganized internal organs and chests that are wriggling and misplaced. ——The shortage of medical supplies makes everyone feel a little bad. Fortunately, the team leader made decoctions and pills, which can relieve symptoms

As everyone became more and more impetuous and wanted to end this war as soon as possible, this committed a big taboo of military strategists.

Fifteen days ago, Sun Yu's team was besieged by the Fengming group. Thousands of large birds descended from the sky, blocking everyone in a small area, and the war cats were caught by the birds and turned into corpses.

The fuel of the flamethrower was exhausted, - and the spikes fired by some birds pierced the combat suits of the players.

Just when death was about to come, the guides in the team uttered a unique spiritual language to everyone, expounding everyone's shortcomings, and then ignited the high-oxidation granules on their bodies.

The instant it was ignited, a luminescent jellyfish-like structure emerged from the organic body! This is a scenario where high-density organic matter frequency bands are released in the air, and such frequency bands require fuel. As the light radiated to the surroundings, all the birds within a few hundred meters fell down one after another, their brains were all melted.

Sun Woo witnessed this shocking scene with his own eyes. However, after returning to the base, when everyone wanted to find another guide (Wei Keng) to confirm the last scene, the guide died.

Even though the Wei Keng group looks exactly the same, they understand a lot under the circumstances of high communication. However, each individual is different due to different experiences. There are only fifteen individuals who can remember Sun Yu, including those who can cook, design, and heal. The three sacrificed were those who liked playing cards, who liked to whistle with leaves, and those who had strong hands-on skills.

The posture of the middle man means that each individual energy can only be used exclusively on one project in order to be comparable to excellence.

For Sun Yu's aggressive team, Wei Keng, the best part of them, is gone. Immediately after, the strange Wei Keng was replaced.

After Sun Yu moved to other teams, he realized that he was not being "specially cared for". In an extremely dangerous situation, there is a group of guides who have taken the risk of 'igniting the torch'.

Wei Keng used his own casualties to replace the number of possible "killed" newcomers. And precisely because newcomers are prone to make mistakes, Wei Keng suffered a relatively high number of casualties in the Nanyang battle.

"I'll pay for the price for you once, and you have to continue to grow." This is what the Wei Keng group conveyed to this wave of newcomers.

After experiencing one incident after another, all the teams in the southward battle became calm, and no one thought about ending the battle as soon as possible.

Sun Yu walked back to the hut behind him, which was flanked by a carbon-based emission tower. He and his companions spent a month casting this carbon-based radiation tower wearing colonial armor, and now he will stay here for a year until the humane ecological stronghold is stabilized and the surrounding natural ecological nodes appear.

In this wild world, he understood some things that he didn't understand before. The glory of human beings does not lie in destruction, but in the determination to charge forward to hope.

In the Nanyang area, the scientific research ships in the unified logging area are constantly monitoring the combat situation in the life field here, as well as the health data of their own personnel. Of course, he also knew that there were accidental casualties in the Wei Keng group.

Many successors are persuading Wei Keng: "Minimize accidents as much as possible."

Wei Keng shook his head leisurely, saying that he could bear it, and the price was worth it.

worth what? Reproduction is worth it.

When helping the newcomers to suffer casualties, along with the process of self-ignition, the gene radiation radiated a major damage to the nervous system of the surrounding alien life, and at the same time, it also performed a gene injection on the surviving newcomers.

Gene injection is not a rare thing in Pandora field. Now as long as you stand next to Wei Keng, you will generally encounter the effects of genetic radiation. Some couples in the unified logging area are pregnant. If Wei Keng clusters get closer, some genetic traits will be inserted.

Most of the time Wei Keng avoided these passive gene injections as much as possible. Reproduction is not a replica, and reproduction requires stable diversity changes.

As the will of independent development, offspring individuals can accurately accept their own inheritance only under certain experiences.

"Necessary experience" is an indispensable "developmental process"-for example, in the process of clarifying life and death choices.

In the process of striving and surviving, the brain and body are in a unique state. During the "choice of being human", these young people have thrown off all crutches of thinking, and they are highly autonomous and do not follow the trend.

When the newcomer is in a state of going with the flow! Injection can not achieve the effect.

This is like: drinking milk while jumping and jumping at the age of thirteen or fourteen will make you grow taller, but if you miss the age, supplementing nutrition will only make you fat.

The same is true for the injection of thinking. Could it be that under a big decision, you can't take over the will to pay the torch!

And looking at it this way, Wei Keng now has higher and higher requirements for the receptors for reproduction! And such a high requirement requires higher-end "nurturing", so it becomes the responsibility of the elders to replace the newcomer and be robbed in the accompanying adventure.

Wei Keng now regards reproduction as more important than his own individuality, in order to insist on a truth: he still belongs to the "species".

Although in the cluster state, the life span may be greatly extended, but the life span is still limited! This is a side effect of guaranteeing the evolution of thinking under the condition of great oxidation and high energy.

longevity! wisdom! There are two routes. Although they do not conflict with each other at the beginning, if one is dedicated to one, the perfection of the other cannot be taken into account.

Now, the successors of the unified logging area followed him in a ignorant way, walking towards this path of wisdom evolution. And once they know that this path cannot take into account longevity, then there may be another way to try.

Wei Keng: "I will die in this world anyway. But my inheritance will continue."

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