Out of the cage

Chapter 484 Chapter 11.40 Release

The residents of the energy umbrella raised their heads and saw this strange aircraft, showing curious and vigilant eyes.

During the almost two hundred years of the Great Destruction, the remaining mecha aircraft in the entire energy umbrella were destroyed by the air groups. There are only some modified biplane aircraft left in existence, and the residents of the energy umbrella who have been closed in the concept of "the only survivor of human civilization" all the year round are hard to understand the new existence in the sky.

At this time, in the belly of Wei Keng's bomber, a preheated Rogia was thrown down from the belly of the aircraft. The folded streamlined body had neat wings on both sides, turning into a mechanical wing.

Now Rogia, which is directly under Wei Keng, is already 70% aluminum alloy, which looks like a small missile. After disengaging from the plane, the tail began to spray flames, straight like a combat missile, galloping towards the alien biome.

The local Australian biotide has never seen such a speed level. In a few breaths, a supersonic Rogia passed over its head, just like a falcon quickly opening a duck's head. Knock off the dragon's head!

In the shooting of the ultra-clear high-speed camera: when approaching the alien beast in the air fifteen meters away, a five-meter-long tube hangs down from the abdomen, with a textbook-sized knife at the end of the tube. Under the control of speed and precision, the three Rogia perfectly sliced ​​through the head of the sky giant. This system is an air wingman system that specializes in hunting large creatures. Rely on the method of "cutting the skull" to attack large air and ground units.

While the fighter plane was circling in the sky, the elders in the group of energy umbrellas on the earth also stood on the observation platform, silently watching other civilizations that suddenly appeared in the past two hundred years.

Originally, the No. 7 Energy Umbrella encountered a biological invasion, and they all lay in their own safe areas and planned strategies.

This is not the first "energy umbrella" that has been lost these years, and it basically has a bad attitude. However, the mechanical arming of this unknown force made them feel that in addition to "re-understanding the current civilization on the earth", "their own culture and economy will also be severely impacted".

The young Pope, who was holding a religious ceremony in the city, had an idea, pointed to the plane hovering in the sky and said, "This is a revelation from the Lord, praise my Lord." The people who lined up to pray in the church also responded like followers. praised.

As for the consul in District 7, he stared at the half-metal and half-biological weapons hovering in the sky, still looking very calm, and the adjutant standing on the side with his hands behind his back said: "Get the energy cannon ready, and send a communication to ask if they Landing needs to be arranged."

At this time in the sky, I saw the turrets around these large buildings with a diameter of 800 meters and a height of 500 meters slowly rising in the protective cover, aiming at the sky, and sending the standard code before the Great Destruction.

Wei Keng looked at the 300-meter runway full of sundries on the platform, and shook his head.

The 300-meter-long runway is longer than the runway of the aircraft carrier. Although the runway of the aircraft carrier can take off and land bombers, it has arresting wires. The runway for this aircraft to land needs at least 500 meters.

Wei Keng said to Lu Min: "Why don't you go down and say hello to them, and let them not panic when they come down with a large-scale attack."

When Lu Min looked at the fort below through the visual perspective of the colony, his expression was serious. He could also see that the local forces seemed to be enthusiastic, but in fact they had other careful thoughts.

But when he heard Master Wei's plain but meaningful arrangement, Lu Min paused: "Well, yes, I have to go down and talk to them, so as not to pee my pants."


Wei Keng sent a message to the energy umbrella: "We are the Earth Humanity United Development Organization, and we are dispatched to the Australian Survivors Search Department. Exchange'principle. I hope you can ensure that, when docking diplomacy, mutual respect and other due etiquette."

Wei Keng communicated in Chinese first, and then sent an English communication five minutes later. Regardless of whether others could understand it or not, at least he wanted to remind the other party that "centrism" is not acceptable in today's era.

Master Wei's series of official words stunned them.

The amount of information in the words "United Earth", "Human Development" and "Expatriate Australia" has a great impact on the power of Australian survivors.

The platform operator in the entire "Energy Umbrella" saw this communication and murmured: "Isn't the Energy Umbrella the last surviving organization of human beings? There are still humans in the outside world?"

This is like comparing yourself to a lighthouse, but when you find that the sky outside is already red in the east, your faith is shattered.

Walker, who was wearing a combat mecha on the ground, picked up the communicator and said to the sky: "Are you humans from the outside world? We are being attacked by a herd of genetic beasts here. Can you stand on the moral of human beings and help us suppress the front?" herd."

Right now in front of him was a black herd of beasts. Although he was now distracted by the aircraft in the sky, it was still a huge threat.

In the sky, Master Wei, who looked at the position in front of him, made a judgment, responded and asked: "Can you find the bunker, especially the unarmored personnel (pollutants), please take shelter in trenches and buildings, and the rest of the personnel are counting down When it's over, turn around and close your eyes, facing away from the nuclear strike."

Walker paused: "Okay, huh? - (surprised) What nuclear strike!"

At this time, a countdown came: "60, 59,..."

Walker: "Nuclear strike--the energy shield cannot withstand the magnetic pulse." But the countdown cannot end.

Walker said in amazement: "Everyone dodge, dodge."

At this time, the strategic bomber in the commanding area of ​​the sky had already raised its altitude, and the radar monitoring of the core facility of the "Energy Umbrella" in the Australian survivor camp locked the aircraft. Bell made it.

In this way, everyone saw that the bomber in the sky launched a glider bomb, and the glider bomb fell straight into the center of the earth herd. Sixteen kilometers away from the entire place where the umbrella lived, a strong light flashed from the ground, and immediately after this moment, a mushroom cloud rose into the sky. This is a nuclear bomb with a yield of 1,000 tons.

The shock wave spread slowly from the ground at first, and after ten seconds, it swept away all the beasts on the ground, and of course, the defense line. When everyone ate a lot of ashes, Walker turned his head to look at the energy umbrella in the rear area, and a large number of nano shields were all extinguished!

Walker looked at the sky and cursed: "Damn it, these people. Don't they understand strange beasts at all?"

[Wei Keng's current operating standard is to cut the "tumor" nodes with cloud bombs or nuclear strikes, and then undergo chemotherapy with dead waves. The biological tide here is almost in front of the living area. It is obviously too slow to mobilize the cloud bombs, so the neutron bombs are directly loaded. 】

At this time, under the city wall, a large number of creatures and beasts slowly stood up after the initial light radiation and shock waves. Facing the hordes of beasts that are about to "resurrect from the dead" one by one from the sand, the experienced fighters shouted: "Get ready to fight!"

But at this moment, there was a roar in the distant sky, and chubby transport planes approached the sky after the nuclear explosion, and more metal Rogia escorted them.

The red indicator lights under the two large fighter planes in the commanding area flashed, and they immediately adjusted their posture and began to dive down. Bunches of translucent light beams that twisted the air radiated from the bottom of the plane. The picture of twisting the air was like an alcohol blowtorch Colorless flame.

This is two hundred times the oxidation beam, which is the ionized radiation beam of potassium permanganate and sulfur peroxide.

This beam of light was projected at a height of 1,000 meters, sweeping the beasts under the entire city wall. These beasts must have died on the spot. And only a dozen meters away, the people on the defensive position could clearly hear the crackling sound and the obvious burning heat wave after the strafing. Although this heat wave is not strong.

They raised their heads and stared in amazement at the hexagonal mesh emitters on the belly of these gray-white fighters in the sky, which made them realize that they no longer understood the outside world.

After the nano-shield that they were waiting to protect, after it was shattered, it seemed that it was unnecessary.


When the nuclear explosion flashes on.

Just when the high-level members of the energy umbrella saw the failure of the protective film and were panicking about how to fight against the frenzy of creatures, strange planes in the sky emitted beams of light, which made the tide of creatures withdraw from the city wall like a shock, and began to focus on Aim for the sky.

Just as they were thinking about what to do when a plane ended circling in the sky, they saw a replacement plane appearing in the sky, and fifteen minutes later, there was a large cloud of dust on the skyline.

The supreme consul stood on the fifth floor of the refuge, looking at the crawler combat vehicles and the beasts with multi-legged mechanical cannons rushing in the dust, and murmured: 'Armored cluster! '

This is quite contrary to common sense. In the unscrupulous rampage of alien beasts, the team collecting supplies can only explore with a convoy of light pickup trucks. Facing the beast horde, they could only dodge in a flexible way of quick retreat.

Fighting the beast tide head-on with a wide armored formation, this is the "ambition" of humans in the early days of the Great Destruction, or naivety.

The perspective came to the ground attack sequence of the Wei Keng cluster.

On the vehicle-mounted carbon frequency band monitoring tower, Wei Keng was judging the new status quo of the beast crowd in front of him.

Right now, it only takes a wave of death to turn them all into bones, but due to the need for more information, Wei Keng did not kill them in the first wave. The biomes in Australia are very old (more than one hundred years ago).

In other regions of the earth, after Master Wei passed the ten thousand mark, none of the apostles dared to gather nodes and do it head-on. Right now, Wei Keng is a heavy-duty group, carrying as many as 200 tons of "destructive" organic substances on his body, enough to make his "dead corpses fill the field" in an instant.

The reason why dead waves are not used is that they still want to collect the protein population of this strange continent to test the "digestion" ability of the immune species.

The first round of bombardment began. This round of bombardment was not intensive, and it was even a ridiculous "provocation" in the eyes of the big figures of the energy umbrella force, but after the ballistics in the sky landed one by one, their smiles froze.

In the first wave of Wei Keng's shelling, more than a dozen umbrellas descended from the sky, emitting red light markers floating in the sky, and the hit rate of the subsequent shells reached 97%.

Every time a shell was aimed at the head of a beast, it was like a brawl in ancient times, when a brick was thrown two meters away to open it.

These artillery shells seldom raised dust on the ground, but they all directly hit the giant beast's body and sprayed blood mist and flesh shards. The accuracy is terribly high.

And fighter planes in the sky fired with oxidized light beams, and after forcing the beast tide away from the human city-state, they did not let the beast tide go away, but forced them to gather in one direction. When these beast hordes gathered to the point where they began to squeeze each other, cloud bombs were thrown one after another, but they landed on top of the beast herd at the same time. Then, in just one second, the combustible gas covered the entire area, and a loud noise no less than a nuclear explosion exploded from five kilometers away, shaking the ears of many people.

As for the energy umbrella, the soldiers looked at the scene that shook the three views, and stared at the distorted beast in the fire. Although they knew that the vitality of the alien species was extremely strong and could regenerate from various injuries, traditional strikes could not destroy this thing at all. But now I feel uneasy, and I can't guess the methods of the outlanders.

After fighting for half an hour, when the light armored forces surrounded Roshan where the tide of creatures gathered.

A vehicle that looked larger than before drove over. This tracked vehicle with a load of 100 tons unfolded a pot cover with a diameter of 20 meters. The three enlarged pot lids, which are facing away from the energy umbrella building. (The dead wave is a directional weapon with a clear fan-shaped killing line, but for safety reasons, it is best to face the human area. ——Master Wei’s operation manual does not allow surprises.)

When the lid of the pot was aimed at the biological tide, the biological tide seemed to be burning. In the hot air waves, strips of flesh and blood were gathering to form a giant salamander.

Everyone stared, at this moment, in the flames, the eighty-ton horned salamander gradually stood up. A super node was generated, and issued a soul-stirring roar (life radiation), which caused echoes in the surrounding desert.

Behemoths are often a Clan's ultimate weapon.

Before Wei Keng arrived in Australia, every once in a while, the group of creatures in the area would naturally fly out to make a circle when they needed to reproduce on a large scale or encountered a crisis. There was quite a legend of a dragon. And the cycle of the evil dragon coming out of its lair has become a nightmare for the people in this area.

For the place where human beings live in the energy umbrella, they are most unwilling to see the formation of such giant beasts.

However, this time, they were terrified and began to order to activate the S defense, and sent troops to directly use the spare diesel power to drop the gate of the base.

This fierce dragon looked at the three machines that unfolded the lid of the pot in front of him very energetically, as well as the group of villains who operated the machines. It sensed that the frequency band of life behind the series of horrible changes on the earth these years has come.

Right now, the apostle seemed to be roaring ferociously, but he was actually baring his teeth at Wei Keng, looking for an opportunity to retreat.

But now, the bombers in the sky and the surrounding tanks are blocking its escape route, leaving it to fight in a desperate situation.

Finally it moved, and then it was gone!

A beam of light without any color was emitted from the sky and earth, and could turn everything into off-white—yes, it was black and white! Because visually, this chemical wave absorbs all visible light bands, and can only see black and white!

Under the frontal strike of this black and white light beam, the muscles of the giant beast melted like plasticine, and less than a second after the skeleton was exposed, it seemed to be burnt to pieces. What's more, any life, including humans, has a visceral fear when glancing at such a beam. This kind of fear is like walking a tightrope in the crater to the center of fear.

After the black and white light beam swept away the giant beast, the aftermath spread far away. Outside the viewing angle of several kilometers away, none of them dissipated. A large tide of creatures fell like a sickle harvest.

The people in the energy umbrella finally understood why they had to turn their backs to them. If this black and white light beam hit them, the entire city would undoubtedly be a dead zone.

After the consul saw that everything was over, the first order he issued was: "Remove the fire lock."

Judging the situation is the ability that the ancestors of the energy tower were best at two hundred years ago. That wandering nation migrates from one place to another, does not have its own land, and always maintains independence in the face of various national cultures. There is a set of principles.

At the moment, the United Human Development Organization has indeed released enough "goodwill".

For the 'Energy Umbrella', the so-called goodwill of the commanding area does not lie in how much help you have given, but that you have enough force but did not beat him. ——Be fearful and not virtuous.


Half an hour later, the dust from the nuclear explosion hit the ground.

Lu Min and the contacts of the Southward Legion in the commanding area came to this "energy umbrella" construction platform.

The radiation tower of the nanoshield that has been open for a hundred and forty years is now a rubbery smell of aging circuits.

In this context, Lu Min and the governor of the region looked at each other.

The mecha equipped with chemical energy batteries on one side of the unified cutting area, and the "pure inorganic electronic warehouse" mecha of the energy umbrella before the catastrophe, are the touch of two eras.

Lu Min stretched out his hand and made friendly contact with the combat captain here.

On the communication map of the contemporary earth survivor camps represented by the unified logging area, the last human gathering place is assembled.

This is the desire of the promised "predecessors before the catastrophe hope that the earth and mankind will rejuvenate and unite". Inheriting the will means that you can confidently represent human civilization.

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