Out of the cage

Chapter 492 Chapter 12.06

Half a year later, the school ushered in a new season. Under the pillars of the corridor of the snow-white building, a group of students leaned against the wall, gossiping about the latest news.

"Have you heard, the guy who spit on the holy fish is back to school now."

"Tch, I just found out that I was punished with a holiday."

"Hehe, I almost got hanged by the machine when I escaped outside."

"How did you know."

"I have footage from the Outer District Pipeline Surveillance System showing where that guy is hiding.


A hundred meters away, Wei Keng leisurely listened to the gossip of these people about him. The dark energy structure deployed by Wei Keng can keenly monitor the sound of multiple areas. He muttered, "Tsk tsk, Xu Xingren are really social animals. They don't play games, they like to discuss others like girls."

Facing the broken mouths of his "peers" at this time, Wei Keng had a calm expression, just like a sloppy king listening to the surrounding publicity of his great achievements. Wei Keng: "As long as I am shameless enough, there will be no social death."

Verbal violence?

Wei Keng recalled the state of Tassie Qiduo's youth, when he would blush, get scared, and cry when he was scolded, and shook his head. That's been a long time!

Now, through adjustments, Master Wei is constantly self-introducing the thinking habits of this body and dividing up the past memories.

"Vigorous exercise" and "complicated thinking" are both manifestations of Wei Keng's attempt to subjectively adjust his carbon-based body.

At the moment, I am an old fried dough stick rolled in a frying pan, the melting point of shame is very high, just this kind of gossip? The little flames, at most, could only blacken Wei Keng's heart.

Wei Keng commented on himself: "Hey, bad social education. If I was young and impulsive, you might have trouble."

Due to the difference in racial personality, Wei Keng couldn't talk to his peers on this plane.

As a male consciousness on earth, I feel that people of the same age should go crazy together. Boys from this plane are very shy.

The next class is Physiology class, and Master Wei ran away—the reason for running away, Master Wei: "I have read countless films, so I still need to take your class?" There will be no weakness in front of unfamiliar monitors.

Skipping class - going out to play is punishable. However, there are many kinds of sanctions. Wei Keng is equivalent to junior high school in Earth Elementary School, skipping art classes and handicraft classes to train in basic courses such as mathematics and Chinese. The teacher will basically ask a few words orally. Of course, in the face of poor students, there will be no inquiries.

Wei Keng: In this dark plane, attention should also be focused on basic lessons.

The most important subjects in primary education are mathematics and Chinese.

In the intermediate education stage, subjects are added to the curriculum, such as physics, chemistry, biology, and astronomy.

At the stage of advanced education, electives under the mechanical, energy, and material systems should be taken.

In addition to the above-mentioned cultural classes, Wei Keng also added "physical education" training to replace the "temperament" and "sculpture" classes of the noble school he was in now.

After the education was optimized and unnecessary supplementary courses were deleted, Wei Keng had more time to grasp the basics.

As a "middleman" in the involution environment of the earth's great river system civilization, Wei Keng knows what to learn under the condition of "limited qualifications", which is the most cost-effective.

Mr. Wei summed it up from a high-level view: "Melody, sculpture, painting, etc.? It's not a talent, there is no need to start from a baby. Art has to be an adult and has spare time, no financial pressure, and it is driven by interest. Art is not about money. Yes. When I was a teenager, what I want is to create a guy who will eat in the future."

To describe it in another unruly mood: "It is useful to learn this thing? You say to cultivate sentiment, but outsiders are chattering, but I still need to cultivate sentiment? Art is only useful if you enter the highest palace. A half-baked one is useful."

In Wen Tiexing's hall of consciousness, Wei Keng put on his helmet, and his consciousness was uploaded in the dark energy field.

When the perception of dark matter gradually became clear, it began to capture the mathematical laws in the void.

Since Wei Keng's self-awareness has only been born in this world for less than a year, and he is still in the process of distinguishing dark energy, this process will take at least a full year. Now Wei Keng is immersed in the perception system left by Taxi, conducting dark energy training.

48 of the 34 kinds of dark energy elements of Tassie Qiduo have been added.

Wei Keng tried 12944 basic combinations. Compared with the system accepted by most of the contemporary Tiexing peers, it pays more attention to the basics.

This kind of basic research is superfluous from the perspective of short-term "upgrade and promotion" utilitarianism, but it is necessary from a long-term perspective.

This is like, to build a motorcycle (promoted to level 4 dark energy), then the proportion of materials may only need to achieve a one percent error, and the metal processing steps may only need dozens of steps.

If the material ratio reaches one ten thousandth and the process reaches thousands of steps, then it is unnecessary.

Adding steps rashly will not necessarily make this motorcycle (level 4 dark energy) look more durable, and increasing or decreasing the proportion of materials by one-thousandth will not get effective feedback. Because the driver of the motorcycle will not operate strictly according to the specification, it is impossible to return the best information.

The fourth-level dark energy is too simple, and the refinement of basic details has no time to play a role.

But to manufacture fighter jets (level 6 dark energy) and spaceships (level 7 dark energy), this kind of use is completely in accordance with the specifications, and the maintenance process will go deep into every screw and large-scale equipment such as welds. The basics are quite important, but this seems to be quite slow, and there is nothing outstanding in the short term.

Therefore, Wei Keng is not preparing to show a young genius in the dark energy test at the age of 16, but to complete the foundation for long-term development.

Wei Keng: Sometimes, the topic that the outside world is keen to talk about in a moment of enthusiasm is only because of the result of "temporarily popular" that the outside world has in-depth discussions. The outside world rarely analyzes the "cause" at the beginning. But to really do great things, we must start from the "cause".

Wei Keng: "Wait until you really hold a lot of 'starting', and finally stand out from the ordinary, and after the successful result. Those guys who haven't accumulated 'starting' will have the illusion that you can do it as well as others."

After master Wei completed the "atomic level space leap" in his consciousness, he added to his new partner in the system: "Don't worry, you need to work hard for development, and you must have strategic determination in anticipating the results."

Jing Guyu opened up Wei Keng's current dark energy system. From the perspective of function, it is currently used for "reconnaissance".

Wei Keng can project hundreds of thousands of atoms into a kilometer, anywhere from 50 cubic centimeters to 100 cubic meters.

There is no killing effect, but it can accurately detect the biological conditions and chemical components in the room. This is already a very practical secondary dark energy function, and the core is the most difficult dark energy mode of the 'space system'.

At the same time, it also means that the dark energy of Wei Keng's "detection" function is generally effective at present, but compared with the simple detection of dark energy such as "sound waves" and "optical", it is more difficult to interfere.

Jing Guyu: "Your progress is not slow."

A year later, Tassie's rumors finally subsided, after all, no one would stare at the "defeated target" all the time and continue to consume energy.

The disappearance of the popularity of "Tasi·Kaiduo" among people of the same age is because the label of Taxi has been fixed. If Taci wants to change this label, it will impact the inherent settings that have been formed in everyone's thinking. Then it will definitely rekindle the rhetoric.

Well, if Wei Keng is outstanding now, of course the external comments are not praise, but the people around him, in order to defend his right to continue to belittle, and continue to criticize him—for example, he will say: "Just him? Ha ha." Speech!

[You can refer to the changes in public opinion in the world of Zhongguo in modern times. At the end of the first industrial revolution, the East was still in the late Qing Dynasty. When it still had capital, it was constantly belittled by Western propaganda, and then it fell to the bottom during the Republic of China, and it completely became the West. Controlled 'allies' are included in the civilized state. Later, if Zhongguo was only willing to become a third world that truly lagged behind the West, like India, then Western public opinion would be 'tolerant', but the subsequent development tore off the label of "backward and poor", It shocked their superiority and attracted a new round of depreciation. 】

History lessons infuse culture with DNA. Master Wei's forbearance is not tolerating any individual opponent, but to be able to tolerate a certain status quo of the whole society.

The school's results are announced on the tower.

On the big screen, Wei Keng looked at his mid-level exam results and shook his head helplessly. This lower-middle grade is the score that Wei Keng dragged down from all the blank papers in many art courses and social courses. Furthermore, Wei Keng was hiding his clumsiness in choosing the topic.

The Xu Xingren exam is not a percentage system, but a topic selection system. If you choose simple questions, you will pass if you are correct. And if you want to get an excellent grade in the exam, you have to choose difficult questions! ——Master Wei didn't choose difficult questions, so he didn't show his extraordinary ability in the exam. However, puzzles will do.

Wei Keng didn't care about such a quiz.

The most fundamental "big test" in Wentie Star was the construction of dark energy between the ages of fourteen and sixteen.

When the dark energy is awakened at that time, mathematics, natural science, and experimental analysis thinking mode are the top priorities when grasping the law of conscious perception of dark energy.

When Wei Keng left the school gate gracefully.

Some girls couldn't help looking at Wei Keng. In his eyes, he expressed regret for "Tasi · Kaiduo, not seeking to make progress".


This year, Wei Keng's height has gradually increased, and his figure is slender but not thin.

Let's put it this way, when he stretched his waist, his ribs showed ribs, which meant he was thin, and when Wei Keng stretched his body, he could see the marble-like vest line.

A young boy, good at sports, in good health, has already grown up.

It is different from the selection mode of the earth human society. In this long-term human matriarchal society in this world, before entering the interstellar technology, before the equipment corrects the appearance and develops, the males have become quite beautiful in the selection process.

Before the age of technology, the ratio of rough skin to bucket waist of women in this world was much higher than that in the ancient times on the earth. After the interstellar era, most of these beautiful women now come from acquired corrections.

Human aesthetic tends to choose healthy individuals who are good at sports and running, and have a slender and light body.

Therefore, after the era of technology, all the upper-class ladies have used nanoparticles to regulate body growth. And after entering the interstellar era, it will be the same as the twenty-sixth century, with handsome men and beautiful women.

However, compared to the differences in evolutionary routes and historical values, the males of the Promised Stars retain more characteristics of "peacocks with their tails open", and may tend to be strong and handsome in front of women throughout their lives.

Males on Earth are more active in evolution, and there are many "violent mate selection", "sweet talk and coaxing" and "violent control" in their genes.

Jing Guyu's original partner: Xu Xingmen, although males can also fight violently, they tend to find a guardian to pledge their allegiance to. Licking dogs, spare tires come out in large numbers.

This situation is the lack of war on the Promised Planet. In an extremely stable society, women have the upper hand in calculation and overall planning, and then firmly hold the dominance.

Because repression always succeeds. Men have the advantage of being physically strong, but they can only be used as tools in domination. So even when individual strength has the upper hand, facing the pressure of rules, they are not as impulsive as men on earth.


After the exam, Wei Keng came to the communicator. According to the rules, today is to report the grades to the mistress to determine the pocket money he can receive.

Master Wei was full of complaints about Tuxi Qiduo's family.

When Mr. Wei knew that he had sixteen brothers and sisters, Wei Keng's feeling came from a daze. He really didn't know how that slender mother-in-law could give birth to such a cub. Of course, it was even more difficult for him to accept when he learned of the origin of Tacit Qiduo.

Among the sixteen brothers and sisters including myself and sixteen, only four have a clear paternal lineage. As for the others, well, they are the seeds left by the adult during the casual play!

When determining the word "Mian Shou", Mr. Wei was very impressed with this "Wu Zetian" mother.

And this is still a common situation in the upper class, the chastity archway and so on, do not exist here in the promise star. Although there are also moral concepts of one-to-one marriage between men and women. But men die before women, and it is common for women to remarry.

Tassie Qiduo's old mother is not married, and after determining the heir of the direct line, she can play directly.

As a child without a father, Tacit Qiduo is still a member with inheritance rights in legal theory. But in reality, the conservative family wealth of this kind of large group is still based on the theory of direct line inheritance, and the concubines are naturally the preparations for those direct line sisters and brothers.

Of course, if the bastard wants to awaken a dark energy, that's another matter.

Note: Tassie Qiduo's family is a very conservative family, but Master Wei is a very conservative earthling, so from mutual perspectives, they all feel that the other party is a different kind.

After Mr. Wei's results scrolled quickly on the interface, the mistress was obviously dissatisfied with the results, and immediately hung up after "coldly snorting".

A few minutes later, a sum of living expenses was credited into Tassie Qiduo's account.

Wei Keng looked at the well-regulated figures and said with emotion: "It's just a salary."——This mother has no interest in encouraging or reprimanding a concubine.

This indifference to Tarcy Kaidow had been painful in the past. Like an abandoned pet, rootless duckweed floats around. But now Master Wei raised his card and nodded in satisfaction. Of course, counting the card numbers.

Wei Keng thought of Han Xin's allusion, and said solemnly: "The kindness of a meal will be repaid with a thousand pieces of gold in the future."

In the supervisor's space, Jing Guyu laughed and said, "You are so ordinary now, but you are very confident!"

Wei Keng: "That's right! If you have the ability to make troubles, you have the capital to owe money. In the future, whether Wentiexing will be chaotic or not is up to me."


However, reality then taught Wei Keng a lesson. Just as Wei Keng got the money and jumped back happily, he was blocked.

Facing the schoolmate who was asking for money, Wei Keng looked at the guy who was a head taller than him with a strange expression, and then took the initiative to strike an elbow, and then was knocked down to the ground by the striker.

A few minutes later, Wei Keng, who had a broken rib, also killed the leading tooth. When Wei Keng's cheek was torn, Wei Keng snapped off the guy's finger. Wei Keng didn't howl, this guy started howling.

When the four cowards fled, the limping and sneering Master Wei scolded, "Come on, have the eggs been cut?"

On Earth, it is normal for males to fight back against power. In Xu Xing's culture, it's like a lunatic.

That's right, in Xuxing culture, Wei Keng used extremely irrational behavior to fight against illegal infringement.

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