Out of the cage

Chapter 53 Chapter 2.10 It's okay, let's be presumptuous

After modern times, as the blue star space became smaller and smaller, the east and the west were connected, and information was exchanged, it was impossible for both sides to complete the formatting. Because the ideological space vacated by either civilization during the formatting process will be invaded by the other side, interrupting the self-metabolism of civilization.

Suburbs of Xijing. Looking at the fusion power generation towers in the distance, on the top of the tower, one and another Sky Eye probe hovered on the top of the tower. Measuring the intensity of the sun's light waves, the way of flying cautiously is very similar to someone's current state of mind.

Wei Keng, who only dared to improve now, couldn't help but read a poem: In the old days, the swallows in front of Wang Xietang flew into the homes of ordinary people. The Zhongming Dingshi of the famous family is destined to be disqualified, and it is time to lose everything to the poor family.


In 2195 of the Qin Dynasty, as the global market continued to shrink, the constant production rate continued to decline, and the internal conflicts of various powers in the world have been squeezed to the limit. Europe has stepped up plundering of Yanzhou (Africa), exporting concepts to replace agents, and when new agents come to power, they will sell a lot of accumulation of old agents.

On the continent of Europe, militants would often attack convoys with weapons imported from the Soviet Union.

For example, in the news newspaper, a case was broadcast. In the central part of Yanzhou, hundreds of local tribal militants defeated the security forces in the area and directly marched into the presidential palace in the colonial area. Important people in this region have always been settled in the embassy of Gaul. But this time, he directly found the Shenzhou non-commissioned officer.

The troops dispatched from China to Africa have just completed the full mecha modification. The six Longyan troops used the bunkers to form crossfire, and a 2.5-meter-tall armor-piercing iron guard with a metal body was shocked by the magistrates in the area. Under his gaze, the portable energy shield was deployed, the bullets designed by hundreds of people, and the large number of bullet traces on the iron guard system after the incident proved the defense of the armed forces in low-intensity conflicts.

This incident made the people of China hold their heads up for a while. Demonstrate your might from thousands of miles away!

However, martial arts cannot conceal the same shortcomings in China's economic strategy.

In May, according to the latest data from China's National Banknote Bureau, the production loss rate in the east has risen to 15%! This is very scary in a big country with 800 million people. The administrative departments of counties, roads, and prefectures in the east are already doing their best to carry out work relief to ease conflicts.

In Gansu-Shaanxi and even Sichuan, the situation looks better.

Because Luoshui Group has fully withdrawn its investment from restaurants, residential gardens, and high-end vans in prosperous areas, it has turned to the middle and low-rise and broader markets. Withstood this fluctuation. When the eastern provinces and roads have fallen into a large-scale depression, all kinds of production in the western part of China still continue, and the retail industry has also increased.

The calculation of the scale of the retail industry has caused the Shenzhou Banknote Bureau a terrible headache, because it can't be counted at all. It operates with points.

For example, after a certain glass factory produces a large number of commodities, they put them on the market at a cost price of 1.1, and then they can get 20% points, which can be directly exchanged for electricity during low-peak periods of electricity consumption! How to calculate the economic activity of this point exchange? There is no circulation process of precious banknotes, and it is indeed a commodity exchange activity in textbooks.

Now in the new western economic chain, all factories and enterprises have points, which can only be used in the upstream and downstream transactions of their industries!

Points are a kind of capital, but they are firmly bound to the exchange of manufacturing.

Traditional financial means have no way to extract this part of the "water".

This part of business and economic data is also out of the statistical capabilities of the Shenzhou Banknote Bureau.

Now the only company that can make statistics on this kind of exchange process is a subsidiary of Luoshui Group that is engaged in the IT industry.


The subsidiary's current trademark is a scarf-tied, smiling Antarctic goose showing its teeth.

In order to control this subsidiary, Wei Keng, the head of the Luoshui Group, built five data centers from the beginning, directly controlled four of them physically, and firmly grasped the authority of the remaining one.

First of all, this fat goose must be cultivated! Because Wei Keng wanted to protect the industries in the Guanzhong area.

In finance, many evaluations are too subjective. For example, in the earliest financial crisis, the valuation of tulips was once higher than that of a house.

But if the financial bigwigs need it, they will depress the value of certain assets in the market for a long time.

For example, after the second millennium in the main world, various capital rating agencies in the West have long overestimated their own assets, such as those piggies that are about to go bankrupt, and their treasury bonds and other assets are also assessed to be less risky than the manufacturing powers.

These rating agencies have underestimated the assets of the largest industrial country in the East for a long time in order to make the East lack of financing, so that they can easily concentrate capital to attack the upstream and downstream supply chains and attempt vicious acquisitions. This is true regardless of the golden crocodile on any timeline.


On the Martial Arts Field, the sky-eye sentinel controlled by one hand searches the terrain for ambushes.

Wei Keng opened the financial newspaper, and was very sure that the few ticket offices in the east had severely underestimated the output value of his work relief industry.

Wei Keng tapped his temples and complained, "Isn't this bullying honest people?"

For example, those solar thermal power stations cannot maintain stable electricity around the clock, so the output value is set to be very low. But in fact, all the electricity from these solar power plants is traded out! In the big data network, all the credits are distributed to various rural industrial enterprises.

These industrial enterprises also convert electrical energy into output value. But those gold masters in the east don't care about this, they just lower the output value.

However, Wei Keng is not an honest person in the eyes of the East Palm Group.

Luoshui has firmly controlled the IT industry and big data that integrate economic activities in order to prevent the high-quality assets of Xidi from being acquired hostilely by external "pure businessmen who cannot be measured by morality".

[The IT company here in Luoshui has set up an evil point membership system in Xiaominye. Those Xiaominye who transfer their shares without authorization will directly downgrade their membership level. Oh, if they transfer all of them, the upstream of the entire big data network The supply chain and downstream markets start from scratch. Well, if you want to restore the level, come, come, buy some coins, add a yellow diamond, and make up for the missing part of your estimated production value. 】

Therefore, although the prominent families in the east are greedy for the emerging market cultivated by Luoshui, they have always been a mess and unable to get in! This messy thread is the Antarctic goose.

Before the goose became fat, Wei Keng strangled the goose's neck tightly, covering up the possibility of its indulgence.

If such a group with big data is completely privatized, its greedy attributes will be brought to the limit.

The detailed data of "industrial chain, market, and raw materials" is the basis of this fat goose, and if this fat goose has no restrictions, it can be hooked into the cash flow system based on this, and can raise a large amount of funds by its ability. Then it will find that it can raise more money by putting the debt it borrowed into the market again! This is addictive, and after being addicted, it will go crazy towards expansion and finally perish.

Wei Keng will never allow the IT industry to become something like the rubber stamps used in China 60 years ago.

For the sake of Wufu Minfeng in Western China, the IT industry has implemented unlimited liability.

After Wei Keng finished the military exercise, he suddenly felt that his ability to do things as a general was limited, and he had to deploy more useful things.


In the second half of 2195 of Qin Tongli, at the financial meeting in Luoshui, Wei Keng, who was already very plainly dressed, arrived at the meeting place.

Compared with the fancy clothes and high crowns that he had to wear when he first came to this world, Wei Keng gradually began to accumulate prestige, and in this respect he has the ability to control the style of his forces.

The front seats of the meeting are the old people from Luoshui, but the back seats are the young people from Guanzhong. Their clothes are very plain, but Wei Keng's clothes are the same.

These poor families were selected during this large personnel transfer, and participated in the meeting of Luoshui's general development plan.

During the entire meeting process, the data of these young talents were cited many times for relevant major issues. This made the front seat feel that "this meeting is a little less solemn", but made the back seat feel that this high-level discussion "is not so high and depressing."

During the mid-day lunch, the dining car was pushed directly in front of the square chairs. A portion of shredded potatoes, a portion of cabbage, and a portion of braised chicken legs, as well as a simple meal for migrant workers on the street, were placed in front of everyone. And Wei Keng also ordered a portion, and he ate it in three mouthfuls with a calm demeanor. After separating the bones and plates, he waited for others to finish the meal!

The old Luoshui people in the front seat, who are used to delicacies from mountains and seas, felt that the atmosphere was not good, but they didn't say anything.

It is difficult to be extravagant and frugal, but there is the virtue of "thriftiness" in Eastern culture, if the upper class is like this, the lower class has nothing to be hypocritical.

However, when Wei Keng saw the old people in the front seat shaking their beards sullenly, chewing the food in the bowl, as if what they were eating was not food, and the debts owed to them by others, he couldn't help laughing at it in his eyes.

Wei Keng: "This group of old antiques, cut the old and create the new. You need up-and-coming talents to do things enthusiastically. You are not even willing to paint the cake on the bright side! How can you win people's hearts?"


Now Master Wei Keng is setting an example by selling the unused mansions under his command, sending a large number of servants out of private houses and arranging them for public canteens, health and education projects.

And de-specialize in various things in Luoshui.

Example 1: Drinking tea in the office is not allowed. These people in China drink tea, not by storing some tea in a small jar in the office, and then pouring it into a thermos. It's a whole set of coffee tables, all kinds of purple clay wares.

Example 2: Precious flowers and plants are not allowed. People want to pursue artistic conception when they are in a high position, and there are exquisite bonsai in the blue and white flower pots in the official living room.

Example 3: Hanging calligraphy and paintings are not allowed.

Mr. Wei removed all those high-class things that young people from poor families had no financial means and no energy to study, showing that "the upper and lower have the same desire".

Duke Mu of Qin's horse died, and the savages in Qixia got it and ate it together. Three hundred people did not harm them, but gave them wine.

It's been more than two thousand years, what are the princes of the Qin land pretending to be.


During the first Western Union meeting, Wei Keng's purpose was to raise a flag, and this flag should be shining to attract people.

After most of the council phases are complete,

Behind Wei Keng, the map of Xiguang area in Shenzhou was lit up by the stars of each project.

Wei Keng knew in his heart that in the end, only 10% of these projects could be fully completed, and other areas could only achieve preliminary results.

This is a super investment project designated as the "Big Three Section" construction, which involves large-scale investment in the traffic arterial roads of seven states including Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, and Qinghai, and strengthens the network of its surrounding affiliated cities Communication is included in the New Economic Network at one time.

Take a point near Yipinfu and Erpinfu in these areas as a model to update the smart communication tower and power system. This requires the organization of work relief for 3 million households, as well as the life education and medical care system for their wives and children.

The total cost is 600 billion, and of course the more important thing is! Hundreds of thousands of "classmates and teenagers are here to reprimand Fang Qiu" are needed.

After the three-day plan came to an end, in the lecture hall, Wei Keng once again stood on the front desk, facing the fellows present.

"You can come back when all the gold is gone," Wei Keng pointed to the east. "For decades, the poor, exhausted, weak, and humiliated people over there have been devastated. And what we are going to create in the past five years It is: Wealth can be hidden in the people, but the permanent wealth of the people depends on the state.”

"Good!" Thousands of people on the field uttered such praises. (This is similar to clapping in the Overworld.)

The Eastern Confucianism makes the poor scholars always have such a kind of arrogance and power, and the kingly vision of flattening the world. Now Wei Keng, a prominent family in Guanzhong, is doing everything right now, which is very suitable for them, so when he said such words, it aroused the shouts of these young aspirants.


However, not all young talents are completely convinced of Wei Keng.

In the audience, amidst the echoes of mountains and seas, a certain young scholar repeated in a thoughtful tone: "Wealth can be hidden in the whole people~~ The permanent wealth of the whole people depends on the country, is this?!"

Having read some theories banned by Ou Lu, he looked at Wei Keng on the stage.

Now he would like to ask: "If some people have a lot of permanent income, and some people have a small amount of permanent income, what should we do? But those who have more permanent income will have more, and the permanent income of the widow will inevitably be taken away, so what should we do?"

It's just that he didn't know that Wei Keng really wanted to answer his question openly!

Wei Keng: "There are three things to do here, fairness, fairness, and fairness!

Now is the first stage. It is necessary to ensure that everyone has something to earn and fairness in basic necessities of life.

Then there is the second stage, which is education, medical care and fairness.

The final third stage is to completely promote the fairness among the common people and the promotion of national scholars.

At each stage, we must cultivate corresponding fighting forces.

If the leaders must always maintain a formatted state during these three stages, they will come from the peoples and go to the peoples. Don't unpack yourself into something special, and that thing will get done! "

Wei Keng can't say the above words now, and he can't show off in the future, because there are always "regrets" in time and space.

When he walked out of Guangsha, Wei Keng raised his hand, and a large number of nano-robots floated beside him. In front of the aisle, the space-time fluctuation from the future was wiped out before it was activated.

After the space-time fluctuations calmed down, Wei Keng opened his arms and said, "Then let's make a fuss!"

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