Out of the cage

Chapter 62 Chapter 2.19

In 2198 of Qin Tongli, which is the original timeline of 2202, the conflict between the Shenzhou and Soviet troops in Talas was two anxious behemoths colliding their pustules with each other. After the impact, part of the pus flowed out. Although the outer skin seemed to be smashed, the hidden danger inside was eliminated a little.

In early 2199, Wei Keng's army withdrew from the Western Regions. Temporarily return to Mobei to wait for his appointment.

There is already a general in Mobei, so it is impossible for Wei Keng to grab the position.

As for the Western Regions? Those bosses in Shenjing are not fools, and it is absolutely impossible for Wei Keng, a "dominant" guy, to stay here just because Wei Keng won a battle. In addition, Wei Keng, as a general, made some remarks on the national policy that were inconsistent with his status, so he had to call them out.

As for such a transfer! As a general of the frontier fortress, he obviously cannot be transferred to the east coast area for appointment. The position of the general army in the Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian and Fujian areas has been saturated. As for sending them to the Guanzhong area? The reason why Wei Keng was not allowed to stay in the Western Regions was because he was worried that he would not be restrained. If he stayed in Guanzhong, the hidden danger would be even worse. After all, China is not a feudal system.

As for the transfer to the northern Liaoning area? Yan and Ji's palm gold greeted in advance! Support Wei Keng's promotion and fortune, but don't come here! Everyone keeps a distance and is still a good partner. If they lean on each other, they will be irreconcilable.

So the Ministry of War has a headache about this matter, but in the end Wei Keng "understands" the Ministry of War. Wei Keng is willing to serve as the commander-in-chief in the plateau area.

The plateau area has always been a place of bitter cold, and there is no military exploits to gain. There is no Ah San on this plane who volunteers to send it to the south of the Himalayas. It has always been the place where Shenzhou deals with relegated military officials. However, Wei Keng didn't intend to go further in the martial arts system.

"The commander-in-chief is already very tall, and if he is higher up, he is the real general." Wei Keng: "Besides, I still think that the team tempered on the snowy grassland is more pure."

Those subordinates in the Battle of Yilie will not follow Wei Keng to the plateau area, but arrange to be promoted elsewhere. The cabinet scholars are also relieved by this. Originally, they were thinking about how to split Wei Keng. Only troops, now Wei Keng cooperates himself.

For example, in the Western Regions, after the Talas Incident, many military officers had to indict cold storage, so there were a lot of military vacancies. These old subordinates of Wei Keng are outstanding in this battle, and they will be employed here

The Wei Family Army can be dismantled, but the Luoshui civilian industry, which has demonstrated paramilitary logistics quality in this war, cannot be dismantled, let alone plundered as a country.

When the military officers who fought with Wei Keng took office in the Western Regions, Luoshui's influence in the Western Regions was not weak but strong.

Moreover, Wei Keng made so many concessions! In other places it is necessary to make up for it.

After the war, Shenzhou experienced a financial crisis. Some resource mining rights needed to be transferred, and a large number of minerals were directly bid by Luoshui.

In addition, in the entire plateau area, the highest civil officer here is temporarily vacant, and the appointment of follow-up personnel is tentative. Wei Keng can raise opinions in this regard.

[The national system of China is the separation of civil and military affairs, even in remote areas. Therefore, it is impossible for Wei Keng to also be in charge of civil affairs, but if he wants the investment and construction of the civil industry under his command to be free from local constraints, the upper echelons of Shenzhou can play side-by-side. 】

After a war is over, a large amount of dividends will be shared by the victorious forces, but if you only focus on dividends, it is no different from the business groups in this world. Therefore, some rotten sores inside should be gouged out, otherwise, if it sucks enough blood, it will turn into new pustules.


Big data will record everything.

Fortunately, the world's big data has not been monopolized by individuals after its birth.

Wei Keng's authority setting for big data is directly managed by a committee composed of 219 members of the Luoshui public management department. These committee members must abide by strict confidentiality regulations and maintain a decent style of work, not just personal promotion and income, but also There are even evaluations on life ethics.

Every five years, the committee completes a rotation. The data processing of the past five years will be open to a more open big data review meeting. There are currently 8,778 members in this meeting, who are the chief controllers of the data centers of the Luoshui Chamber of Commerce. They will participate in the review of whether the highest membership meeting violates the rules. All examiners are under the age of thirty-five.

And every ten years, except for technical exchange data involving important technology industries, most of the public data will be made public! If there is an error in the data reviewed during the disclosure, since the above-mentioned personnel have not retired, they will be responsible according to the severity of the situation. The idea of ​​some people wanting to land safely is absolutely eliminated.

A new kind of public resource has been left unattended from the very beginning to allow a few people to take advantage. In the future, the unfairness of this minority advantage will continue to magnify, that is, to hand the knife to anti-progressive and conservative groups in future major conflicts .

And this newly emerging data right is controlled by the system at the beginning of its development, so technological innovation is simultaneously squeezing the old advantages of the old rulers, and it is also an innovation of social relations!

"It's just to control a new thing that is developing in everyone's life. It is often scolded. Because the majority of people who eat melons in the early days cannot perceive that this thing has developed into a tool for the minority to oppress the majority. It has good intentions and caters to the speeches of the few who control the thing. There will be a lot of upper-class smart people and middle-class smart people who think they have new knowledge and will unite to deny the 'control' proposal."

After Wei Keng finished recording in the system, he said with emotion: "That is the real history!"


In China, the first cut of the cold light brought out by big data is now on the rotten sores of his own family.

Guan Zhongwei's house! That is, the family created by Wei Keng's father. When Wei Keng mobilized his forces on a large scale to carry out the battle of the Western Regions.

There are such a large group of people in Luoshui who are trying to cooperate with the outside world to suppress Wei Keng's various new projects (about people's livelihood) over the years and file for bankruptcy.

They were indeed almost successful. They almost shorted the stock prices of these livelihood projects, just waiting for Wei Keng to directly rebel and take down the position of the top director after his failure in the Western Region Stud.

Among them, the people in the third room jumped the most fiercely.

But in fact, in the big data records, the operation of the second room is the most violent! He even tied up a room with his younger brother Wei Qiang's son (that silly boy named Wei Qixian) to do it together, and even bought the insurance after the car crashed!

Later, when the people in the second room found out that Wei Keng had won the fight and stood up, they immediately turned around and donated a lot of money to the first room.

Such a shrewd guy, if placed in normal history, as long as the power he belongs to is not completely emptied, he will not fall at all. Even Wei Keng just saw them, didn't think about it carefully, saw that they were very sensible later, and subconsciously thought whether to let them go and just catch the typical ones! That is, people with three bedrooms.

But ah, after Wei Keng completely finished the war, there was such a resentment: the main plane had a comfortable life of eating fried chicken and drinking soda, but he was sent to the corona plane, and then fought a battle. You risk your life? I can live on fifty yuan a day by myself, and I am worried about "a war worth trillions" and then fatten you? Such a home is not worth mentioning.

Based on the "prodigal concept\

,"Wei Keng felt that it must be done well, and the gang of Sanfang's idiots would rub against the ground, and the gang of Erfang would have to hammer it hard.

As for my own nephew, I must also educate him to know that he is not a money-making genius in this world, and all the good money has a price behind it.


In March 2199, Wei Keng, who temporarily returned to Guanzhong, received a warm welcome.

However, Wei Keng met with representatives of Gewu students, craftsmen, and road construction workers in the Dao Discussion Hall, and proposed the establishment of the Western United Development Association in front of these broad audiences.

Wei Keng defined this association in his speech: "The main task of this association is not to discuss with the high-ranking dignitaries how much benefits should be obtained for the small group. This kind of 'begging' is not good for your backbone, and you should participate To govern the world! Governing the world requires unity, law and order, and must face "resistance", and face "the most intense conflict" as you can imagine!

This is not a new high-end tea banquet (salon) for gentle and refined gentlemen, there must be warriors who dare to shout and fight, and hammer the world with their fists! And behind the warriors, we must unite as one, maintain justice, and always stand in front of those who have their feet in the mud, iron filings in their hands, and engine oil! "

Wei Keng was very devoted. After describing the definition, it also cited the current example of uniting the front and back in this battle. This is to sow condensation nuclei for the next "downpour".

During the Battle of Talas, many reliable backbones emerged in the entire logistics maintenance and transportation, and now they are thrown into this vast ocean, and a large area will soon be formed.

The world where Shenzhou is located is becoming more and more turbulent, and Wei Keng thinks that he does not have the IQ to balance left and right. Then you might as well take the initiative to draw some lines, draw clearly and clearly, so that you can be a good person with peace of mind, and don't let "smart people" harm you like in the previous life.


In this way, at the beginning of Qin Tongli 2199, when Wei Keng entered Guanzhong, it sounded like spring thunder.

During the Battle of Talas, Luoshui's capable civilian forces merged with Guanzhong's talents and people's hearts. After hundreds of thousands of people began to move closer together, they gathered into a stormy wave.

With such a disturbance, the temples in Shenzhou are highly tense.

Although the courtiers were fighting with each other, they were also paying attention to who Wei Keng was going to deal with.

The reason why they think so is because this is how they have used public opinion over the years. In Shenjing, even the Ministry of Economics and Strategy has already prepared relevant post-conflict response plans.

The giants in the DPRK and China tried to persuade Wei Keng not to be impulsive by writing letters from some people in the military and business circles. But then, they realized they were wrong.

Wei Keng really wanted to target some people, but not against other forces, but to raid his own home.

Overnight, part of the data reviewed by the big data was exposed, and a large number of people in the upper reaches of Luoshui were lost? The positions associated with it were immediately handed over to the newly formed West Meridian Connection.

As for the middle level, after the big data screening, it was determined that the family's economic activities were normal, and they were directly absorbed into the management committee without even changing positions. And those who record the most documents and data on the communication software (often also those who handle the most errands) directly fill the vacancies in the management positions of their departments.

In the event of a wrong investigation, the respondent directly publishes the specific information, sacrificing the privacy of the Internet, and then let it go.

As for what can still be concealed, Wei Keng said, "Such forces are not my enemy. Commercialism is connected and corroded between the middle and lower classes, but there is no such strict law and discipline."

A bear-style cleanup? It was a rough execution that occurred because of incomplete data. Sometimes ten out of ten people were wrongly killed without letting one go. As a result, the entire management team was paralyzed.

But now, the Luoshui Group's big cleanup has restored the Skynet, and it's not leaking.

People who can find loopholes by exploiting loopholes must always communicate, and there must always be information to send! Now the traditional telephone has been eliminated for a few years, and all communication through the Internet is now available.

The amount of data, the data sending address, these sickles used by business and private groups to harvest leeks after the second millennium of the main world can also be turned into a hammer to educate them.


In one of Wei's mansions, inspectors wearing blue uniforms and red armbands entered the interior to conduct property inspections, while another group of people who were drawn from the armed forces to maintain order carried The gun stood in a fixed position, staring at the respondents.

In the middle of the courtyard, Wei Keng was sitting on a yellow rosewood chair, which was obviously just moved out of the mansion, and in front of the chair was a five-meter-long Lingbi stone carved stone table, and beside it were many Tables, and people in the third and second rooms.

Wei Keng knocked on the table with a pen, and the stone made a beautiful golden sound: "They are all from my family, what are you doing standing there?"

The two heads of the second room and the third room looked at Wei Keng with ugly expressions. As for Wei Keng, he used a knife to open a box of mineral water under his feet, took a few bottles, and threw it over.

These people have always been drinking tea from expensive tea ceremony, and it may be a new experience for Wei Keng to throw mineral water so casually.

The head of the second room, Wei Zhong, and Wei Qing of the third room are all fifty years old.

Now facing Wei Keng, the elder brother who looks to be only in his twenties, his complexion is complicated.

The second room had already started begging for mercy, Wei Zhong smiled in agreement, twisted open the mineral water bottle, took a sip and said with an apologetic smile, "Brother is right, they are all from my own family."

As for Wei Qing at the side, with a cold snort, he pushed the bottle of water aside, pulled the chair a little farther, and sat down alone.

Seeing Wei Qing like this, Wei Keng couldn't help laughing, because this awkward look of refusing to admit defeat was a bit like Wei Qiang. But thinking of this, he looked at Wei Zhong again, he was so tactful and quick to admit defeat, well, maybe he has a little bit of it.

Thinking of this, Wei Keng sighed, then stood up, took the chair, came to Wei Qing's side and sat down, and then motioned Wei Zhong to sit down.

After both of them sat down, Wei Keng said, "It's enough to be depressed. I'm the one who ransacked the house, and I'm not an outsider. There is no place to die without a burial, and there is no such thing as a stick and never get up."

Wei Zhong and Wei Qing raised their heads slightly when they heard this.

Wei Keng moved his chair again, and sat in a triangle with them. Wei Keng said, "I'm using family law now. I didn't use national law to suppress you.

What you did to me, um, because you are my younger brother, so I admit it, it is my brother who is holding me back, if it is someone else, hehe.

But you also have to reflect on yourself, if it wasn't for me leading the army, it wasn't for me being able to hold you both down, and it wasn't a big mistake, it was someone else! How will this end. "

Wei Zhong's complexion didn't know whether it was true or false, guilt appeared.

As for Wei Qing, he didn't say a word.

Wei Keng smiled: "By the way, I was wrong. If it was someone else (leading the army), you wouldn't be fooled like this, because the consequences would be too serious. What about me? ——This is not familiar to you, so I came directly from the frozen It’s inexplicable that the big brother who thawed out of the warehouse, and also robbed your family property, deserves your displeasure, go to such a trap.”

Wei Zhong: "Brother, this, I never mean that. You will always be my big brother."

"Pfft, hahaha..." Wei Keng burst out laughing, and after hammering his chest to calm himself down, he said to him: "Don't dare to be, dare not be, Wei Qiang never called my big brother, when he was young, When encountering a toy, they would punch me directly and snatch it away."

Speaking of this, Wei Keng saw other people's eyes, and suddenly realized that he had made a slip of the tongue. In this plane, he and Wei Qiang had no chance to meet in childhood.

Now that he said it, it made everyone present feel weird, especially Wei Qiang's son who was standing far away.

Wei Keng coughed and continued the topic: "I will come back after all the money is gone. After this matter is over, you old people, women, I will arrange residences and houses. By the way, if you want to plant land and vegetables, I will also give you money." Arrange it, just be an ordinary person and enjoy the happiness, as for money, you don’t have to touch power, as for the young ones, go to the plateau with me.”

Wei Keng glanced at the young men of the clan standing around, and said coldly: "When you are young, you have to do something for the boundless righteousness of the world, so that you won't feel panicked when you are old and frail, unable to move or walk. , pray to God and worship Buddha!" ​​Master Wei added in his heart: "Lie down if you feel tired. Don't be a demon."

After finishing speaking, Wei Keng saw that the expressions of these young men from the Wei family were stiff, like the scumbags in math class.

Wei Keng felt that he had to catch a model now, yes, it was Wei Qiang's son, he never educated that younger brother when he was a child, but now, he can beat his son!

So, he pulled out the armed belt around his waist, and walked towards Wei Qixian, who looked silly and pale, but he couldn't run away. Wei Keng grabbed his ears and came to the stone table, and he put his foot on the table and crawled. Then, the belt fried meat started.

Wei Keng has high demands on Wei Qiang's descendants! Just put the mineral water bottle in his mouth and let him bite it, don't bark.

Wei Keng recorded and explained in the system: My brother is so stubborn, my nephew can't be a pustule, right?

At this moment, Wei Zhong and Wei Qing stretched out their hands to try to persuade them, but the belt was pulled very fast, and the two of them watched Wei Keng opening and closing, with embarrassment on their faces, so they couldn't intervene.

On the other hand, the next generation of the Wei clan, seeing their young uncle so fierce for the first time, were so frightened that they dared not move or breathe loudly.

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