Out of the cage

Chapter 627 Chapter 15.08 (Part 2) Emotional human beings, artistic influence

Judging from the situation in the dark plane, Wei Keng's evolution direction is completely different from that of human beings a million years later.

Human beings in this era pay too much attention to emotional evolution. Under the edification of the deep-sea art on the plane of the earth, Wei Keng returned to his own way after a little understanding.

The direction of Wei Keng's self-evolution only killed three items, "mathematics, Chinese, and physical education".

Mathematics: to observe the universe. Underwater fish, sky stars, all beauty, behind it is mathematics.

Sports: It is to lay a good carbon foundation for the self, based on its own stability, in order to face the world.

Language: It is cooperation for social survival.

Note: Regarding stereotyped essays, which were criticized in the early modern era, Wei Keng now believes that this is actually advanced, because the formatting of articles is a necessary requirement for the efficient transmission of official documents, and the stereotyped essays have been changed. "Yi Lin Wenqing" is used for reading comprehension, which is basically equivalent to replacing Hanfu with suits, which is useless.

The mistake of the language in the early twentieth century was that it was not linked to "industrialization", "labor production" and "cutting-edge science", and lost the ability to describe simple progress.

Therefore, Wei Keng's language in the Shenzhou plane is in stereotyped essays, in which key paragraphs are added with clear numbers, objective pros and cons, pros and cons, and image graphics (similar to thesis format), as well as subjective on their own views.

...Wei Keng of the "Zhongren" bit his teeth and rolled to the end. He was very cautious when choosing the track at the beginning, and he didn't change the track afterwards...

Apart from these three disciplines, everything is a servant. Make sure that the group you belong to can always fight back for survival in the face of upheaval.

As for "emotion", every inch of sea water and sky on the earth is filled with the emotion expressed by the carbon-based frequency band.

"The sky is blue, and blue symbolizes a child's kind heart"

"The sea water is clear, representing the hope in the heart"

"The molten salt of the deep sea is hot, and the blood of Mother Earth is flowing"


However, Mr. Wei is boring and doesn't want to talk about love all the time.

Wei Keng: "Except for life and death, we need a relationship to trust each other, but how can there be so much emotional entrustment in daily life? Everything needs emotional dedication. Have you ever thought about the huge emotional trauma after making a wrong payment?"

...In the mind plane, Master Wei is getting more and more axis, starting to get in touch with the mainstream atmosphere of the whole world...

At the age of 38, Wei Keng was independent-minded and gradually began to let go of what he was not good at.

Wei Keng spared no effort in his studies, or perhaps he was using his studies to cover up his shortcomings of not being good at communicating and creating topics.

As for the students, they also noticed Wei Keng, and left some specific technological interactions to Wei Keng.

At the age of 34, Wei Keng got a mission to search for methane gas on the seabed. I have to say that Wei Keng was very moved when his peers talked about how to help him get the task. But it was difficult for Wei Keng to express his emotional response except for words like thank you.

When going into the sea for the first time, Wei Keng heard a concerned greeting from the supervisor on the sea surface.

Squad leader: "Lingyun, you must come back after reaching the predetermined depth."

Wei Keng murmured cautiously in his heart: "Hey, it's like sending off your wife and friends when you are traveling far away."

However, Wei Keng was sure that the feelings of the students were real.

These people of the same age who are still in the early stages of life have not yet developed to the point of exploiting "sensibility", so there is no such thing as the 21st century's approaching and secretly mocking.

But this sensibility evolved utilitarianly.

…Humans are emotional beings, but it does not mean that every human being can hold the "sensibility"...

Also using the analogy of the ancient times, when human beings told stories when they were young, they liked to anthropomorphize "little rabbits", "little snakes" and "little turtles". When they are together, they use too much emotional activity, but in fact these animals have no complex emotional communication at all.

Sometimes "rabbit" and "tortoise" get together by the river and swamp, purely because the two animals in the ecological nature enjoy each other's leisurely way, a certain sense of security. (The tortoise uses the rabbit to determine that there are no predators such as falcons and foxes on the shore, while the rabbit determines through the tortoise that there are no snakes and black fish in the water)

For example, the deer will pass the birds bouncing around to make sure that there are no tigers crawling, and the birds will also use the deer to make sure that there are no foxes or snakes nearby. This sense of security confirmed in evolution is not the "beautiful cross-species relationship" imagined by humans.

In ancient poetry, cold plums, green bamboos, and pines are easily given meanings, and the same is true.

"Anthropomorphic" "things" are prone to appear in human thinking, and that is because of the evolution needed for survival and reproduction between humans. There are benefits to this evolution.

…Wei Keng was influenced by a million years ago, modern people. Although I resist sensibility, I still cannot escape being influenced by sensibility...

When looking for methane for the first time. Fifteen hours later, after coming up from the ocean, Wei Keng couldn't keep the data when faced with his companions who were asking questions. The collected deep-sea data was provided to the companions for "homework copying".

Afterwards, Wei Keng, who was exploring in the blue ocean, spent a lot of effort. But they all linked the names of the students.

…Observing nature is a good way to escape emotional distress, just as fishing is a good way to escape from increasingly complex social interactions. …

Wei Keng recorded with great interest in the deep-sea cabin: contemporary biochemical beasts produced through the giant nautilus gene serve as deep-sea carbon-based communication nerve nodes. As a new human being called "Lingxun", Wei Keng can perceive every inch of organic matter transformation on the seabed mud bed.

Exploration is fascinating, and Wei Keng has built a 10,000-meter-level submersible by himself.

In the deep sea, with the downward release of carbon-based radiation on the sea, the deep-sea seabed seems to have returned to prehistoric times. Molluscs have been attached to human thighs (similar to Quaternary horses attached to humans),

Today, this marine species has become extremely prosperous. Cephalopods with a length of hundreds of meters move leisurely in the deep sea with their artificial ceramic shells on their heads.

In the submersible, did Wei Keng look out the glass window, a large number of mechanical octopuses sucking algae on the seabed like cattle and sheep, Master Wei's incomplete voice wanted to howl again: "The flute is blowing slowly", "The clouds are flying gently", "Riding a cow and wading through the water", "Catching the sunset and returning home"...

As for Wei Keng, he imagined himself as a cowherd in the deep sea.

Because of "love to explore", in the evaluation of the parents of their own ethnic group, they have given the power to proliferate, and of course they cannot stay on the earth, but go to space.

...Wei Keng is very happy to be recognized by the parent group...

Little did he know that such a situation made Bai Linglu feel a little sad.

once Upon a time! She once commented on Long Ximin that "human beings use the nose of a dog to inspect the mountains and forests". But now Wei Keng is limited by his ability to express emotions, so he has no choice but to supply his efforts to others. When he is judged for his achievements, he belongs to the periphery.

Bai Linglu's resentment reminded Wei Keng slightly.

Wei Keng: "There is no need to fight for the credit for the kindergarten children's drawing activities! Linglu, you should be more open-minded."

Bai Linglu wanted to talk back. Wei Keng immediately said: "Look, Qin Xiaohan these years, nothing else, just

'The sea is tolerant to all rivers and rivers, and it is tolerant~'"

Bai Linglu: "You go alone."

Bai Linglu went offline directly, and then the system indicated that he had exited the monitoring space.

It can be understood that she was so angry that she went back to her mother's house.

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