Out of the cage

Chapter 630 Chapter 15.10 Long voyage, meeting white light.

In the fifty-third year after coming to the Yichang plane, Wei Keng began to adjust the genetic form behind his carbon-based base,

The carbon-based base was locked by Wei Keng one million years ago, so it was inherited by all human supereyes one million years later.

This is the most critical and stable method of "renewal iteration" to ensure that the human species does not become a swarm of star sea bugs. Human beings, as intelligent life, want to live forever, they can only evolve and stack new stages on the original natural person stage,

These stages seem inhuman, but it's okay, you have gone through the primitive hundred years of natural people.

At present, after the age of 40 or 50, human beings can freely select tens of thousands of genetic models to build their own clusters of industrial assets.

Because Wei Keng is accumulating gene system.

Therefore, in the comprehensive score, Wei Keng can only enter space.

In the ancient and sacred planet Earth, only the outstanding ones who have been passed down can continue to master it.

It needs to be emphasized that Wei Keng is the one who accumulates the slowest! It doesn't mean Wei Keng is lazy. Because the society is very complicated, earnest digging and research does not mean a lot of accumulation.

accumulation! The background of the times must be considered.

Just like in the ancient industrial age, ordinary people are the most serious. This does not mean that wealth grows the fastest. In the capital age, it is often the financial exchange center that accumulates wealth the fastest. In the era of knowledge exchange in the mind field, those with the strongest "leadership" communicate the fastest.

...In the new era of interaction of spiritual language, the waters of society are very deep...

People at this stage who are the same age as Wei Keng, the cluster center of the new generation also stands out like a sharp cone in a cloth bag, when this new generation names itself. Without any accident, Shan Zhun started to stand in the leadership position.

It was collectively determined that she was a royal. Nearly 10% of the people have fully accepted her leadership in the sharing of thoughts and have become her absolute inner defenders.

According to past assessment records, the royal families of all dynasties have performed very well. The middleman Wei Keng didn't object too much. The amount of knowledge she has accumulated is indeed deeper than her own. (Of course she didn't actually work)

And Wei Keng himself, under the indoctrination of the carbon-based frequency band, conducted a profound "reflection", faced up to his own gap, and also faced up to the essence left over from the era of race.

In the era of race, there must be a preference. In the final stage of the Pandora plane, Wei Keng also admitted that he prefers the "Tongfu District" and "Xinghan", two of his direct blood in the Pandora field.

Only the swarm will treat the initial worms equally, and then according to the loaded genetic code and the scale of supplies, there will be "closeness and distance". preference.

...Shang Yang acted to kill himself, and Master Wei also recognized his own species. …

54-year-old Wei Keng, after confirming that he was assigned to the barren space, also calmly faced the fact that he was not favored. Because this is the cause and effect of staying.

In space, Wei Keng boarded the space station. After looking at the high-energy luminous bodies, he turned into a high-energy light beam and swooped towards the space station near the star!

These high-energy relay stations are several generations higher than the wreckage left by themselves in the "Venus orbit" a million years ago, but some functions are the same.

Even the gap between the two is like the clay pottery and bone flute unearthed ten thousand years ago. And modern space thermos cup, plastic flute.

There is a huge difference in material technology, and atomic arrangement, and functional strength. But the goals are the same, to facilitate human carbon-based life to obtain energy from the stars, and to change the planetary reformers of Venus and Mars.

Of course, the material is good enough, and it also has new functions. In the 21st century, the gas tank can be used as an energy storage device, or as a projectile projectile.

This light cluster floating in space is also a facility for interstellar voyages.

...Wei Keng really wanted to leave. It's time for rebellion...

In the 21st century, children have been controlled by their parents for a long time, and the school they choose to go to should be as far away as possible.

After Wei Keng entered the star facility, he was immediately poured into a large amount of star knowledge system. In this energy temple, an old man from three thousand years ago, after listening to Wei Keng's needs for a long-distance voyage, asked: "Are you really doing a good job?" Are you ready?"

Wei Keng, who is also an energy form, felt the empty space, and after a moment of contemplation, he replied: "I have made a decision. My footprints should reach the starry sky, even if they are gone forever."

The seniors of Xingxing Zhonghaiqi did not persuade him much, but gave Wei Keng the requirement for admission.

…to enter the stars of the universe is to learn higher disciplines. …

Navigate in cosmic space.

The "Steel Ball Sliding Theorem" must be used: the steel ball can often reach the target faster when it slides down from the arc than on the slope.

The first to reach the speed state, the less time in the crossing space.

Most of the universe on the mind plane is smooth, so it needs an artificial "concave surface", that is, a "vacuum area with a lower energy level". Normal matter like the earth belongs to "high energy" here, and matter does not obey Newton's second law. Direct quantum tunneling.

The function of the space relay station for human beings on the mind plane is to make the energy level of the large vacuum area of ​​the universe concave, so that the ordinary matter and energy that are originally carbon-based in daily life can travel through space in a special phase state in the concave space

For Wei Keng to go to other stars, he must transform his physical body into a "carbon-based matter wave" and glide in the space between stars.

This method of directly "ascending the physical body and breaking the void" is impossible under normal physics, but in the "high-density Pandora field", carbon-based organisms can switch themselves into an energy state at any time.

Note: In fact, the main world is also using the "steel ball sliding theory", and is also trying to create a "concave surface" for human beings to tunnel quickly. At present, the most promising thing in physics is the "planar film" to find concave surfaces. The current core technical difficulty is that it is difficult to establish a system that can tunnel towards the main world on a large scale on the alien plane. The current mainstream "multiple "Universe" is a plane and cannot be found. Obviously caught in the wrong exploration route.

…On the stars of the plane of consciousness, Wei Keng spent ten years and completed the discipline’s hard work…

Before entering school, Wei Keng entered the sun and saw the various carbon-based operating rooms of this pure energy star. Wei Keng looked back at the starry sky and whispered: "It seems that we are going to start a new life here."

He hummed softly: "Ah, goodbye my friend, oh goodbye my friend, goodbye my friend, goodbye my friend."

Wei Keng turned on the system and said to Su Yue'e, "Well, you don't have to accompany me from now on."

Su Yue'e was in the monitoring space, sorting out the files, and paused when she heard this: "Huh?"

Wei Keng: "Anyway, so far I have not made any progress here, and there is no danger. You don't need to spend it in vain here. This is not in line with your personality."

Su Yue'e pouted and said, "If you take me so lightly, the supervisor's responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai."

Master Wei rolled his eyes and muttered in his heart: "Through your flat chest, touch your conscience. The responsibility of the supervisor?" Over the years, she complained more than once that "I followed the wrong mission", but in Wei Keng In front of her, she kept smiling professionally, thinking that she was hiding well.

Wei Keng understood that Su Yue'e was already bored, and he had to find a step for her to get off.

Wei Keng continued to persuade calmly: "Twenty years later, come again. I can't let go of you here."

Su Yue'e: "I'm leaving, you must stay here well."

Wei Keng: "Okay, I will work hard here" (Wei Keng does not have such high requirements for this new supervisor, and he can accompany him for hundreds of years, that is the woman of Qin Xiaohan's era tenderness.)

After thinking about it, Su Yue'e added: "At present, the mind plane is completely stable. You can't do anything. But~"

Desperately wanting to be free, Wei Keng asked, "What's wrong?"

Su Yue'e: "They (Bai Linglu and Qin Xiaohan) said that you may have problems yourself."

Wei Keng knew that this was provocation: "I'm not a woman, am I so weak?"

At this time, it was Su Yuee's turn to ridicule in her heart: "You say the same thing with your mouth, but in your heart, are you really so generous? Heh~"

But Su Yue'e thought about it carefully, and said: "Since I am here, destroying your only little freedom, then I will leave temporarily, and pay attention to writing letters."

Wei Keng: "Eh huh."

Ever since, on the mind plane, when Wei Keng was 58 years old, the system inspector went offline, and Wei Keng was here alone. In the following ten years, Wei Keng rose and set at sunrise and rested at sunset,

Living in a mediocre way, accumulating knowledge about stars very slowly, mastering the high energy level of stars step by step,

During this process, among Wei Keng's generation of solar system peers, the original gap gradually began to become a bigger gap. Shanzhun has gradually promoted the "standard of thinking" among her contemporary peers.

This kind of thinking standard is to grasp interest and enthusiasm in communication, and then grasp the direction of everyone's efforts.

Just like in the 21st century, when Microsoft and Apple can control the trend of the Internet, mobile phones and computers have become the mainstream direction of global breakthroughs. ——Most people are unknowingly included in this thinking standard, "concept".

The language of the mind is too powerful.

If adults are allowed to communicate unilaterally in the immature period when the thinking of the next generation of human beings has not yet developed, the spiritual language of adults can directly turn human beings into swarms. (Terrorist organizations in the 21st century can brainwash children into scouts who do not respect life)

For example, in the one-million-year "Yucheng" model, the daughters under the command of the mistress are all young in their thinking.

When Wei Keng stuck the carbon-based base, every human being had the opportunity to form his own worldview and values ​​at an early age.

But even so, the evolutionary breakthrough made a million years ago is still weak today, just like human teenagers in modern times were only twenty years old, which was enough in ancient times, but not enough in the modern age of technology.

After the age of 50, human thinking cannot cope with the information exchange of human beings on the current plane of consciousness, and then begins to be gradually affected!

For example, under the current leadership of Shan Zhun, she assigns each of her thoughts to the inner guards for coordinated thinking.

According to the normal trend of this world, after a hundred years, the entire cluster will gradually center on her. This is conquest, but without blood, just as Jesus conquered the world with his mind,

…However, no matter how effective the communication of information is, there are limits. …

Wei Keng has not been affected by the process of learning energy and physics step by step on the sun, and he still maintains an independent thinking process.

Perhaps it can be said that Wei Keng's emotional development is flawed, and Shan Zhun is just putting Wei Keng's thinking at the end.

Or maybe it can be said that Wei Keng's accumulated knowledge system is too slow and of low value during the communication, making himself the last of Shan Zhun's conquest sequence, and it is this last that gives Wei Keng the opportunity to, before her attention comes, escaped.

As for whether it is too "shaky", Wei Keng: "I am very peaceful now, so I should, maybe, not be so shy."

Concerned about the plane of attention, although Wei Keng is very grateful for the emotional exchange here, there is a faint panic in his heart that "you must stand on your own".

…Wei Keng tried his best to dig out the rebellious nature of his own carbon-based body in this plane...

At the age of 59, Wei Keng entered the inner energy field of a star, harvested the light of the star, and consciously avoided Shan Zhun's thinking opportunities. With scientific help, Wei Keng still forgot about "preventing spoilers".

"Forget", this is what Wei Keng rediscovered from his own genes.

"Nature is cold and thin", the era of caring about the plane has almost degenerated. Wei Keng: "I only remember what I have done."

Cheapskate Wei Keng: "There's no girl waiting for me on earth, so I'll stay and do it? Do I stay and lick it?"

Because Wei Keng didn't match his spouse when he was a teenager, and he didn't form a protein frequency band of attraction, Wei Keng, who has become a light bulb in the ethnic group, now feels that the long legs of other members of the opposite sex in his own ethnic group are sour.


At the age of 68, Wei Keng decided to go on a long-distance voyage and enter the distant Proxima Centauri. Oh, this is a situation that has been stabilized in the star seas. Such a long-distance voyage is similar to exile. His companions in the solar system persuaded Wei Keng not to do this emotionally. Do.

There are many reasons for this, for example, in the outer universe, human beings fight each other with super purpose. As such, the future is uncertain, and there is no mutual care of the native gene partners. very dangerous.

But Wei Keng vaguely felt that staying here was impossible. Maybe the outside world would be bad, but finding a star that belonged to him to continue research and thinking would help him.

In this way, Wei Keng stepped into the center field of "Speed ​​of Light", and was in the process of entering such a sea of ​​stars. light, in very soft light,

...Entering the special physical state, Wei Keng felt the "stars" around him were very skinny...

After sailing for an unknown amount of time, it was like lying sleepily in the warm and dry clouds. At the same time, a huge center of light can be felt.

During the first voyage, Wei Keng was not clear about everything, but in his own memory after consulting the earth, it was an abnormal situation. This blob of light is unknown.

Wei Keng, who was also in an energy state, paused. "From, the explorer of the Prosperity Time Pan area, glad to meet you." Wei Keng was shocked when this existence came out, and immediately became alert. However, this existence immediately said: "We are not enemies, and there are no elements of conflict. Of course, it is difficult for your current technological level to understand our situation."

Wei Keng thought for a while, and concluded his words: "It's an honor to meet you, and of course I'm also very nervous. Meeting you this time is the first time in the known records of our civilization to see someone who can join our civilization's star sea shuttle system." civilization."

Bai Guang: "It's not the first time in known records. Your civilization is just a branch of the civilization cluster. According to your civilization cluster's public announcement, it is a consciousness-breaker with insufficient authority. It cannot be contacted unless it is necessary."

Wei Keng: "???" He couldn't understand what he was saying, and then remained silent. (Wei Keng now firmly insists that he is a civilization of the mind field, and will not disclose the affairs of the main world.)

Wei Keng dosed this in his heart: "time and space" is in the words of this group of light, what identity is it using to talk to itself! In his eyes, is he a "human being on the plane of consciousness" or a "traveler from the main world"?

...Bai Guang explained the universe beyond Wei Keng's cognition. Big time plate…

This light cluster opens up a physical model, which is a space-time model centered on the earth, "thin" in the middle, and "thick" around the sea of ​​stars. The parallel timelines of civilization in the "thin layer" in the middle are cohesive in space, while the "thickness" of the surrounding distant star seas are timelines scattered in space.

That is to say, if dozens of spaceships travel tens of thousands of light-years away, if they have different voyage space trajectories and different departure times, and arrive at the same interstellar space, they may not be able to meet each other because they will arrive at other timelines. This is also the cosmic space-time model of this plane, referred to as the "big time disk" physical system.

This is the first time Wei Keng has heard of the mind plane, the space-time theory on a cosmic scale,

Just when Wei Keng was relieved, he began to think that this white light regarded himself as the civilization of Earth on the mind plane, rather than the identity of a "plane traveler".

As a result, the white light turned around and jumped repeatedly.

Bai Guang: "The history of the planet you are familiar with is just one of many timelines that have developed to different timelines. These timelines have different histories. This is the civilization cluster. Your civilization cluster has already contacted the multidimensional civilization of the universe on the space-time system. Due to the multi-dimensional civilization of the universe Due to the uneven physical conditions, your exploration can use the tunneling law, while our exploration is based on the time-disk system, but the core areas of both sides are difficult to unilaterally establish channels, so there is no possibility of invasion.”

Here, after crackling a lot of words. Although Wei Keng was not clearly identified as the "plane traveler", the words were too coincidental.

Wei Keng breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I'm just a newcomer to the earth's civilization. I have problems with emotional development, so I'm in exile. Also, time and space, yes, and tunneling are very strange to me."

A white light circled Wei Keng. Wei Keng had the illusion that this guy was like a little tiger, after circling him. Stopped, akimbo.

Bai Guang: "Well, you feel strange, so forget it, but you said you have problems with emotional development? I feel very happy to communicate with you."

Wei Keng: "Excuse me, what is your name?"

Bai Guang: "You speak first." In his tone, he wanted to take the initiative, but it was not annoying, but full of vitality.

Wei Keng: "I, Lingyun"

Bai Guang: "I, Bolun Keith"

Wei Keng paused, because this guy blurted out his words so indifferently, it seemed a bit like he was reciting someone else's name.

Wei Keng said silently in his heart: Yes, that is, he did it on purpose. And it seems that he (Bo Lun) also understands that his (Wei Keng) real name of the main world is useless! So, sincerely.

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