Out of the cage

Chapter 651 Chapter 15.20 (Part 1) Star Cannon Detour

Four hundred years passed in the blink of an eye. On the edge of the vast sea of ​​stars, Wei Keng has already observed his opponent.

Right at the center of the Milky Way, massive black holes that cannot be observed normally began to emit light, and at the same time, neutron stars also began to adjust their angles.

When looking at the string of "artillery" positions in the center of the Milky Way, Wei Keng confirmed that the opponents were far richer than he thought.

In the joint observation of tens of billions of space stations within the 600 light-year range under his own control, Wei Keng has observed hundreds of thousands of light beams that can be radiated to him. This is still within the observation azimuth, within the observation range Besides, what is aiming at him two hundred light years away? Don't know at all.

In the existing super eyes of human beings, there are only 23 suzerains of each star, including Wang Jiu, and they all observed this terrifying scene. They obviously didn't intend to either.

In the void, the stellar controllers held a small meeting.

The four controllers of Ursa Major Tianjin: "From the various situations we have known so far, we can't stop the "Holy Gun"."

The controller of Spica: "It is indeed a huge gap to fight with it, but~" She glanced at Wangjiu.

The god of the solar system, Wang Jiu synthesized the information, and said with some guilt: "That one, you won't go with us."

… A hundred years ago, Wei Keng’s description of being “clumsy” has now become a reality…

In fact, the top-level superhuman beings in the entire human race have long accepted the signal from the super civilization "Porunculus".

Therefore, Wei Keng was not the only one who received the signal of the destruction of civilization, but Wei Keng was the only one who had been preparing to deal with this super war.

For the only 23 stellar controllers remaining in the entire human race, Holy Lance's advice is: you enter the central black hole, project into another universe, and make this civilization relic disappear.

For such a request, the surviving stellar intelligences of human beings are hesitant. Their attitude at this time is: on the one hand, they will arrange the funeral affairs, and on the other hand, they will seriously think about the feasibility of war.

They also prepared a large number of star array plans, but after they finally determined that the enemy was invincible, they converged into their own star.

... Wei Keng, the axis man: As a weak person, "war" and "peace", there is no chance to choose, you must decide early...

In the solar system, Wei Keng did not participate in this meeting, not because he was unqualified, but because he did not want to participate in this "wavering" war.

Two hundred years after Wei Keng returned to the solar system, Wang Jiu had already informed the reality, and Wei Keng was not angry when faced with "the last peak of the human super-eye, which has been persuaded to leave by the holy gun". After four hundred years of "same bed and different dreams" with the ethnic group, Wei Keng's endurance has long become extremely strong, and a little deception has become more than lice.

...Without a firm reason to fight, even if it is powerful, it cannot mobilize 10 to 20%...

"There is no reason to fight, and you are unwilling to retreat. This is a mediocre person."

Wei Keng: "Once upon a time, I looked up to the high-ranking class and made such a request to the superior. When I stayed in the position, I had to keep my integrity. Now it's my turn. The world has righteousness, mixed with manifolds."

When the last star controller of the human super eye proposed a plan to turn off the lights, Wei Keng worked hard to adjust the hundreds of thousands of stars he had won in the past few hundred years, and responded leisurely: "Okay, I see, you go first, I will Stay and turn off the lights."

Wei Keng asked for all their observation data. ——However, I didn't say a single "thank you".

It was a pity to receive such a clear answer from Wei Keng at the last meeting of the Human Transcendent Eye.

As the last stellar controller of human civilization, Wei Keng has traveled an unusual number of paths, but he is undoubtedly the most amazing genius in 400,000 years. Even in the era when the stars flickered 600,000 years ago, it still belongs to the level of first-class bright stars.

However, it was born at an untimely time. As the pinnacle of human beings in the existing universe, he was dragged down by his race. Today's human super purpose is indeed far less variable than it was 800,000 years ago. Generations of stellar controllers have accumulated the "excellent talents" left in their genes in the super-order of human beings, which has formed a heavy burden.

...the fourth arm of the galaxy, the confrontation front has been formed...

34 years countdown to the Great War. Wei Keng met Bai Guang again at the edge of the war zone three hundred light years away. This is the last meeting before the battle.

Bo Lun faced Wei Keng who was determined to be stubborn to the end: "Very good, with you here, it is still a civilization at this stage, and of course there is only you."

Wei Keng: "Guess that you will come to persuade me to surrender in the final stage, and you should be able to guess my choice."

Bolun: "Yes, according to the programming, I still have to ask the last question, after five hundred years, has the civilization you tried to change gained hope?"

Wei Keng: "No, so far, I hate all human super eyes in this era, but—I will not abandon my responsibility because I hate it. What pleases me is not necessarily right, and what I hate is not necessarily right. Wrong, they should be given the last bit of space."

Bo Lun paused: "Understood, that's good, let's accept the final battle."

Wei Keng nodded.

However, Bo Lun gave another sentence: "Actually, that meeting was a joke with you. You don't have to force yourself to stay in this time and space, you can take a step back, and I promise not to invade your time and space."

Wei Keng shook his head. Then give an answer: "Here, what I hate the most is "moving". I'm sorry, I don't believe in any guarantee. There are too many emotions, which is a burden. What human beings need now is the bottom line, and stick to the moral bottom line to give emotion as a skeleton. .”

This is the end of the last conversation.

In the next 34 years, Bolun also carried out the state of being under the city as promised.

On Wei Keng's side, in the past thirty-four years, gamma ray beams have begun to be released, traveling in a curve in space, increasing the length of stay, and entering a standby state.

Wei Keng was sure of his strength and could almost block the first wave, but things backfired.

The moment the war started, the 500 important large stars directly in front of Wei Keng lost news silently. The last thing that came from the observation post was the penetrating light, which hit all the stars in an instant.

All of Wei Keng's stellar ray groups failed to reach the theater in time.

Wei Keng reviewed the battle afterwards and found that in order to keep the stellar ray group on standby in space, the curve he walked, the curve made the energy "volatilize" to form a detectable sign, which just exposed the military operation.

On the other hand, the wave wheel is really "last come, first come" as fast as thunder.

In the area of ​​the star region in the direction of Wei Keng's front line, there are very few that can send out signals.

Wei Keng could only judge the data of this beam strike from a few details.

Wei Keng: The opponent is also hit by a star beam. However, the opponent's technique of mastering precision is that the light beams of dozens of stars can arrive at every second, just like two chopsticks clamping the upper arming points of each star.

The generation gap has exceeded Wei Keng's imagination. Wei Keng: "It turns out that technology can reach this level."

…Wartime only started to follow up in one direction, it may have been too late…

Wei Keng thought for a while, and slightly revised his combat thinking. It is absolutely impossible to resist the opponent head-on.

Wei Keng determined that he still had to study on the "beam bending" technology, and began to continuously reduce the energy volatilization loss, and at the same time set up multiple false targets with "high volatilization" beams that actually had less energy.

Wei Keng wants to win!

Yes, maybe all the existing consciousness of the super-eye of human beings did not think that Wei Keng was still thinking about "victory" at this time.

However, for the "geniuses", the "earthy" who wants to win is the real trouble.

In the sea of ​​stars, the light beams of the stars on Wei Keng's side began to bend, and this bending was more than a straight line piercing through, requiring billions of times the starlight correction procedure. Wei Keng didn't think it was troublesome.

In Wei Keng's logic: "The front is just right, so don't dislike the "detour""

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