Out of the cage

Chapter 674 Chapter 16.06 The dog eater, the cake ghost

In another corner of the city, Enma looked at the fragrant wolf dog roasting on the fire. This dog belonged to the factory compound. It has been grinning at himself for the past few months, but now, it is always grinning on the fire. up.

Enma: "Although you bark fiercely, the meat is delicious." Enma picked two front legs, and then divided and wrapped the dog meat.

Don't blame Enma for eating alone. After staying in this world for enough time, Enma is worried about the class brothers around him. Maybe he gave a piece of meat before, and later went to the city to file a complaint in exchange for rewards.

In terms of stealing, Enma has become a habitual offender since he came to this world. As the saying goes, a half-grown boy eats a poor old man. This body is in the development stage, with the highest metabolism, capable of producing two catties of meat a day. How can capitalists get enough food from child labor?

What's more, Enma still needs to do some physical training to assist in development. Not only to grow tall, but also to grow tendons.

Enma not only steals dogs, but also cats.

Every day, they step on the plates in the rich area, and when the time is ripe, they take advantage of the night to throw a stone on the back of these beasts, pack them up and take them away. There is no monitoring in this era. Get rid of it as soon as the cloth is covered.

As for moral restraint? Morality must be in accordance with the social and economic environment. If the economic conditions cannot be met, imposing morality in a hurry to try to establish a so-called "civilization" is just whitewashing peace by the upper class.

Let's put it this way, after the end of the nuclear war in the 24th century, when the new moral system was established.

Hundreds of years later, the criticism of modern culture is that "humans and animals are regardless of severity."

Among the more than one billion people in the Eastern homeland, 600 million people have a monthly income of less than one thousand. Millions of teenagers under the age of 10 in mountainous areas regard eating instant noodles as a luxury, and children over the age of 10 regard child labor as an opportunity to earn a living.

In the big cities along the eastern coast, some people began to make movies to promote the value of treating pets well, so that the monthly consumption of family pets is often 2,000 yuan per month.

When there are still poor people eating dirt, it is so unfair that such a morality of "treating pets kindly" appears!

...poor people only need to observe the morality related to people...

Enma plucked the parrot raised by the young lady and roasted it, which is called righteousness.

As for En Ma, he also knows that once he is discovered, he will be denounced as a "psychopath". Even if he claims to be "poor and hungry", he will be refuted, "You are poor, and you are justified? If you are poor, you can break the law?"

For the party who has the right to speak, Enma is saddened by such a logical collision. (On the other side of the multidimensional plane, Wei Keng's rationality is synchronously colliding with the human super-eye's emotional logic that breaks away from people-oriented)

Under the night, Enma held up his barbecued dog leg, pointed at the starry sky and whispered:

Under the industrial order, the focus of the concept of law created is to maintain fairness and make up for the increasingly narrow living space of vulnerable groups. And once it turns to safeguarding the "inherent property of a few people", this is contrary to the original intention, even though this minority has a thousand moral reasons. For a troublemaker, "I have my own hostility and injustice."

In Wei Keng's system, Bai Linglu noted: Dark plane defender Keng goes all out to pursue possibilities, and sometimes forms a logic that seems very "unreasonable" to the outside world in peaceful times.

Bai Linglu, who had accompanied Wei Keng through hundreds of years, looked at Enma, who was gradually shedding his "moderation", and whispered in his heart: The reason is that Wei Keng has never lived in peace after experiencing so many planes. It's just the interval between the next outbreak of accumulated conflicts.

...The dog leg fell down and was quickly eaten clean by Enma. …

"Where there is oppression, there is resistance" was a familiar saying in the early days of modern times.

In the late modern times, in order to "reduce self-risk", the "public relations people" in the world became popular: let the weak find no clear targets for oppression in the unfairness.

The oppressed are common in any era, but they disappeared in that era and became a large number of "troublemakers".

The situation in this plane makes Wei Keng seem to have returned to the ancient industrial era. As the grassroots of society, I don’t know when it started, and the raging public opinion guided from top to bottom has instilled a lot of principles and rules. Click acquiescence, and then more and more injustices are covered up. .

PR person: "As long as the lower level can't find a reasonable channel to target, all venting is unreasonable, and it's all hostility that goes against positive energy."

Wei Keng, a super villain: Find out what is unfair? Find out if it makes sense! It's not that I'm a troublemaker and I have to pay attention all the time, it's your responsibility as an adult. You can't solve it, if you just hurt me, I think I'm unlucky,

In fact, you have taken advantage of this many times to take advantage of it and take it easy, so I will make a fuss. If the unfairness created by top to bottom exceeds a degree, then I will establish the authority of the system!

Wei Keng is not Ah Q, maybe he may not be able to kill Zhen Guanxi with three punches? Blood splashed on the mandarin duck building.

But when digging a pit, it will lie on the edge of the pit and stretch its legs to trip it when it comes over.

…The reason why Enma eats dog meat is not because he lacks love, but because his wages cannot afford meat. …

In the past few months, wages have been deducted more and more, but Enma is not interested in using "correct" channels, such as legal orders, to solve the problem.

There are plenty of lawyers in Majack, but not in the poor.

Enma: I'm so human, what virtue and ability do I have, to be able to counterattack Pizza Hut at home in Nanshan (ancient industrial era: Nanshan must win, which has become a four-character idiom in history.)

The salary of Enma and his group in the plastic molding factory is not high, but even such a small amount of money will still be deducted.

Please note that in the era of commercial and private interests, there is a phenomenon in sociology: people will be exploited more in disaster years than in good years.

Because, after the middle-level exploiters determine their own losses, in order to make up for the losses, they will further recover the losses from the weaker ones.

The specific case is that when Great Britain was colonizing Tianzhu, every disaster year, it was not disaster relief, it was sending more tax collection departments, in short, it was sending more troops.

Because the smart people of the East India Company knew that disasters would make it easier for low-level people to be organized to resist taxes, so they had to strike hard.

Wei Keng realizes: People at the top know when conflicts will come earlier than people at the bottom, they will push the conflicts to the bottom in advance, and then teach the bottom not to confront...

No, in the factory where Enma works, those "guild leaders" have blocked each work shed, requiring everyone to pay "mutual aid food expenses".

This "mutual aid food expenses" is a good phrase, similar to "flexible career choice".

The hooligans invited by the factory took all the money from each worker, and then bought some potatoes and vegetable leaves that were about to rot to make up for it.

In this way, it can be ensured that Ma Jack, the factory director, will reduce everyone's salary and reduce the operating costs of the enterprise.

These gang members can continue to eat meat and drink wine at the same time to ensure their morale.

It has been six months, and 10% of the teenagers who came to York City to work with Enma at the beginning have been invisible.

Some were ill and unfit for work.

Some are delicious and lazy. Taking two more pickles was deemed theft, and he was considered to be of bad character. Anyway, he was dismissed.

Now, at the gate of the work shed, the ruffian who started walking from a distance spat at Enma, "Well, rat, why are you here?"

Enma couldn't help complaining in his heart: "Actually, I want to be a good person!"

The system commented (encouragement): "You are actually a good person!"

Ever since, Enma went up to meet him, pulled out four short sticks from behind, clicked them, and combined them into a long stick of 1.7 meters, and then started a strange fight.

As a "big sword fairy", Enma sticks also make very good. And this stick had a knife stuck in it.

As they began to rush up to give Enma a slap in the face, Enma shot out like a dragon, hitting their thumbs on the soles of their feet very accurately!

The pig butcher screamed, and Enma immediately started to run away after he succeeded in one blow.

A group of people with sticks behind started chasing them, but their physical fitness was not as good as Master Wei, and they were not as flexible as Enma. Enma walked through the alley like an elf, using various trash cans and abandoned pipes around to make the pursuers out of touch back.

Enma ran fifty meters and began to return to the carbine, continued, and poked on the sole of the front foot. The so-called one inch is longer and one inch is stronger. The stick is longer than the knife. After the poke, the stick continued to escape.

As for the victim, it was a fingernail cut in half by the sharp point of a stick.

Enma doesn't need to be pierced, just insert one centimeter, and the toes can still be kept. But the victim was absolutely unable to walk because of the severe pain.

This move, Enma titled it the "cripple" skill, cripples the target, reducing its movement speed by -70%, and lasts for 15 days. Skills do not consume mana. And the opponent was "slightly injured".

The public security office has no time to deal with such non-fatal matters in Yuete City.

After an hour of flying around, the group of ruffians were all knocked down by En Ma with a pointed stick.

As for Enma, out of breath, he began to return the same way, one by one, with a stick, with a flushed face, a strong physique and a windy walk. This battle "raised the name" in the entire employment area, but it was completely unable to gain a foothold.

…Master Majack is kind. The factory of this great philanthropist does not allow such undisciplined fighters to exist. …

Two days later, Enma squatted in the sheltered area under the bridge pier, leisurely packing his luggage.

After tidying up, Enma swished, and as if by magic, he took out the "dog legs". This was already the fifteenth dog that Enma had killed, and they were all breed dogs.

At this time, a mysterious power appeared on the knife of Enmaqie dog meat, and the system explained the tool of Enmaqie dog meat as "the blade of weeping blood".

System: Many hairy children living in the arms of the noble lady were cut to pieces by this knife. The opposite of "love" is "indifference". E-level magic item has a soul-killing effect on pet dogs, and has a positive effect. Poor people can speed up physical recovery by eating it.

Enma, who was full of oil, watched the "appraisal commentary" jump out of this thing, paused, swallowed it and said: "I just eat meat, why do I still generate "props"?"

System: Because you have crossed multiple planes, you have connected to the source of multiple planes, and your every move will bring "definition" to the objects around you. You, who constantly challenge the existing order, are now chaotic neutral! "

Enma: "What? Why not chaotic good?"

System: "You are not philanthropic, you slaughter small animals without blinking an eye."

Hearing this, Enma smiled and said: "Oh, let this world decide, it's none of my business, I'm rich, so I won't eat dog meat, I can make cakes, um, egg-filled pancakes, soup dumplings, Claypot rice, remember, don't care what the world judges, you define neutral kindness for me!"

System: "Oh, if you are stubborn, I won't argue with you. However, your persecution of small animals has caused quite a disturbance in this city. I suggest you stop."

En Ma sniffed and asked: Reason?

The system's electronic tone was withdrawn, and Hong Zhen sighed provocatively: "Keng stop, the whole city is full of detectives, and your reward is already higher than that of the murderer."

The dog-stealing legend is now being circulated in high society, and the curses and disgust are quite loud.

The dogs that died under Enma's hands included "Yuanyuan" raised by a famous lady from the chamber of commerce in the city.

Because the nobles feed all kinds of pets with dog food that is a hundred times better than ordinary black bread.

Master Wei's mouth is very tricky, and he eats the most delicate skin and tender meat.

This has already aroused heated discussions among the wealthy people in this city, so they joined forces to search for the "prisoner" through the detective agency.

But on Enma's side, he doesn't care.

While eating the meat, the young Enma conveniently exiled the souls of these pets to the fish and birds.

...everything happens for a reason...

The pets that Master Wei eats are all problematic, especially dogs that look down on people.

These pets have an air of arrogance towards those who dress poorly. For example, barking at the poor, or going on a rampage regardless, directly biting people of low status.

How could Human Emperor Wei Keng, who ended up in the plane of Pandora, allow such an arrogant animal in his perspective.

So they must be transcended.

Of course, causing public outrage is public outrage, and Enma will be fine.

Hongzhen is just a little helpless towards Enma, who is "sneaky". It's not that she feels that the dog died innocently, but that Enma's identity is really devalued because of this matter.

Detectives can't find Enma at all. Even if it uses mysticism. It can only be drawn to "those mice" and "crows", which are exiled to replace the perspective of animals.

Enma's identity, is it also possible for these mystic scholars to find out?

The crystal balls in those mysterious things, the reflections in the pelvis: the fire of the barbecue is the sun flame of the ancient gods. It’s okay if you can’t find it, but if you find it, it’s a pit.

...Wine and meat pass through the intestines, but Dao stays in his heart. …

After eating the dog meat, Enma raised his finger and wiped his mouth. All the oil on his mouth was stained on his finger, leaving nothing behind.

This is a simple way to adjust "viscosity". Enma is so proficient in using it, on the one hand, he wants to eat potato chips so that he doesn't want to be stained with dross, and on the other hand, he doesn't want to rub his clothes.

As long as the clothes are placed in the water, adjust the viscosity to the maximum, and all the dirt will be stained, and then adjust it to the minimum, and the water will fall directly, and even dry directly like a raincoat. Very convenient.

Enma's clothes were plain, but clean and tidy. Live from the world, not greedy, not stained with "dirty oil".

Enma looked at the factory where he worked for the first time in the distance, his eyes flashed with hostility.

Enma: "Sampling of the spiritual double has been completed. The 'spiritual chain' has been identified" (Note: This spiritual chain is the involution phenomenon of everyone in the factory)

A "spiritual substitute" is to virtualize a spiritual self to bear the "spiritual influence" of the outside world instead of oneself.

Narrator: This "spiritual substitute" can directly replace the owner to bear various low-level negative effects.

In Majek's factory, all the workers and managers are in a negative state. It was as if he had pledged three parts of his spirit to the factory. "

In this world where everything has information storage, this kind of substitute is very useful, not to mention, those ghosts, curses and other sources of mental pollution above grade A, using a substitute can avoid negative damage.

Majack's factory is full of "mental oppression". This oppression engulfed everyone like a chain.

Once locked by the mental chain, the feeling is similar: just like teenagers doing their homework on the desk in class, and the door behind the room is not closed tightly, and it always feels like the teacher is watching through the crack of the door behind.

...it's a weird world...

While working in this factory, Enma felt that something was wrong. Almost all the workers worked hard, even if the money was deducted, it was all self-reflection. I am very grateful to the boss who gave the job.

Enma wondered: 'Is this the culture here, or is everyone mentally masochistic? '

En Ma carefully studied the direction of the spiritual chains. All ordinary workers were suppressed by a few foremen with spiritual chains, but these foremen were tied with thicker spiritual chains.

And every time they leave the boss, sometimes the chains are deepened, or loosened, the ones strengthened with trepidation, and the ones loosened with joy. So that these workers don't care about their other interests.

Therefore, Enma can judge that the source of these spiritual chains comes from the boss.

In the existing data, military units also have similar spiritual chains, and the subordinates are absolutely loyal to the superiors, forming a pattern in which heroic units lead ordinary units. But this is definitely not the leadership of the "hero unit".

In Enma, the upper management circle of the factory, there are often executives who work overtime every day and die suddenly.

Enma's comment: This should be a pie drawn by the boss, and eventually died of exhaustion.

On the earth, the cake cannot be drawn forever, and it will be shattered one day, but it is very strange here, and it can be drawn forever. This is obviously a ghost created by a "mysterious" force!

...In the Eastern worldview, using Taoism to satisfy self-greed, that is heresy...

In the past few months, Enma has infiltrated the cleaning team, applied to clean the boss's villa, and obtained a trace of Ma Jack's hair as a detection medium.

After the current measurement, Enma determined that the mental pollution of the entire factory e-level was ultimately caused by this boss.

En Ma has even determined the location of the source of pollution. It came from that private building, on the sixth floor, in Room 66. Room No. 77 on the seventh floor, Room No. 33 on the third floor of the basement.

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