Out of the cage

Chapter 678 Chapter 16.09 The industrial godhead that no one has picked up!

Wei Keng is vigilant: there is no absolute mystery, it is just an information barrier.

Enma knew in his heart that it was not impossible for his "broken things" to be found out by interested people, as long as the opponent was willing to pay the price. It must be found.

For example, in the main world, when the government is willing to spend a huge amount of money and manpower to pave the road and camera facilities, petty crimes such as theft can be completely eliminated. Moreover, criminal investigation technology can also identify suspects through dander. All because the price (the amount involved) is not big.

The amount of money involved in the case of Enma stealing a dog is very small, and Wei Keng himself has a very large background, so it is obviously not worth the price for this amateur mystic to use a little "divination" to search.

Enma here, leaning against the solar furnace, issued a "sunshine forehead" (based on the concept of photosynthesis to gain energy for plants), directly "bribing" the divination flower.

This bribe only allows the divination flower to confirm that those pets that disappeared have entered the natural reincarnation, and there is no abnormal spiritual power sacrifice phenomenon (quantum information field extraction phenomenon), and everything is in line with the positive life cycle.

Even if the sufferer came to the door, Enma still didn't hesitate: Oh, that's right, I, Enma, ate the meat of those pets, because I grew up, in order to cure diseases and save people when I grow up, so that life information can be further developed. Isn't it positive? I'm not doing dark witchcraft curses. Why do you check me? "

Adhering to such experience, in the workshop, Enma had the blessing of "Wei Guangzheng" on his body, and had a "fight" with Mikael in the mysterious cabin.

In this confrontation, the "rogue" won the "noble lady".

Enma also tapped the divination flower to feed back the information of the sun spirit, which approached the upper limit of the divination flower's ability to receive sunlight, and if it was more than one point, it would be roasted withered.

Enma gave the fortune-telling flower a "both kindness and power": "How can I eat what I eat? If I look for it again, I will burn you and make it into a cold dish."

In this way, "thunder, rain and dew are all the grace of the king", the divination flower can only be ambiguous, and can only take advantage of the energy given by Enma to start "brilliant and fruitful".

...and Mikael, the next move is curiosity killed the cat...

For the next detection, Enma was sure it was a magic book, so he was not polite at all.

This magic book belongs to evil! It itself has a lot of loopholes, and now it dares to investigate Wei Keng's affairs. ——Oh, this is totally a surrender.

Enma immediately punctured his own "karma" balance, and his entire book suffered "absolute reduction".

After all this was done, Enma yawned. Then glance at the "concept" of the whole city. He raised his hand, pinched his fingers to check the calculation, and suddenly let out a "huh".

As for Mikael, the unlucky girl, she no longer cares about the book anymore. When she woke up the next morning, she looked at herself in the mirror with a sad face and was "ghost shaved" (a lot of hair fell off the top of her head) .

Such backlash made her grit her teeth and directly locked the "taboo" cabinet. Never use this thing again.

In the study, after she put on a foreign cap, she went directly to the industrial laboratory to find "special hair growth medicine". This kind of little curse is nothing to her, and she belongs to the upper class of the city.

Daily necessities such as skin care products under the blessing of the "strong information concept" of the industrial furnace are all special "magic items", and their utility is several times higher than that of ordinary people.

...Girls may have love for cats and dogs, but this love is definitely no more than their hair and acne on their faces...

"Old refrigerator, replace the water heater, refill the pot, refill the bowl, refill the thermos bottle!" Enma's hawking voice yelled along the electric horn in the streets and alleys. This simple voice echoed on the street as the shop workers stared at their tricycles.

In the two years of life, the city has undergone many symbolic changes because of Enma's arrival.

For example, rows of solar water heaters with black pipes are placed on the roof of many residential buildings.

This does not require electricity, as long as there is sunlight, it can be used, and many middle-class families happily pocket it. They don't even use tap water, but instead use standing rainwater to feed water heaters.

When Enma installed more than a thousand solar water heaters and learned the technology from other colleagues in the city.

In the streets and alleys, a concept of information appears. And the seed that Wei Keng had condensed to intercept the energy from the sun began to grow stronger.

...The "spiritual power" collection of today's professionals far exceeds the previous personal practice model...

In today's era, all industrial products will instill concepts in the audience due to dissemination (creation of faith)

In terms of the city that draws the most energy from the sun, it must be the industrial-grade solar harvesting furnace on the mountains around the city.

But for the public, water heaters may be the most direct industrial product to "contact solar energy".

Now Enma has quickly spread the business, recruited dozens of apprentices, and began to install rainwater collectors for each residential building. The impurities in the rainwater can be purified with alum, and after the dirt settles to the bottom, the remaining The clear liquid then passes through the activated carbon purifier in the pipeline and enters the solar heater, which finally turns into a hot bath for everyone. Of course, everyone's consumption will be recorded by the water meter.

This water meter is very important, because Enma is in the middle and lower-class market, and the water heater is bought by many middle-class people in a residential building. If there is no water meter for this collective to "measure" and "calculate", everyone will lack distribution, and the contradictions caused by the lack of distribution will also affect the long-term effectiveness of this industrial product.

Concepts are formed when millions of households use solar-heated water and start discussing it in their daily lives.

When tens of thousands of people start discussing around a concept, it is far better than the meditation of one brain.

Such a scale of "spiritual power" generated by many people is definitely not something that a single person can challenge!

How to put it, it's like a person who is exhausted and working ten jobs is not worth a person's live broadcast on the Internet. Hundreds of thousands of spectators each tipped a penny, and the total scale is huge.

After Enma installed water heaters in the residential buildings, everyone in the entire building started to line up with buckets on time every day when the sun came out, discussing things like "You have taken too much water" and "Today's water is not hot enough". , chattering from the mouths of the women in the corridor.

These discussions are accompanied by "thinking" about the distribution of sunlight today, and this "thinking" is equal to "prayer".

The mysterious seed "Sun Emblem" condensed when En Ma was just born came from the power provided by the old ruler, and Wei Keng has a character of borrowing and repaying.

ENMA turns this badge into a trademark and engraves it on every solar water heater. I and the ancient old day ruler are now divided into 9:1. 9 is Uncle Wei Keng, and 1 is the old ruler who can't make a sound in the cemetery at dusk.

In the sub-supervisor's space, Yan Beixiang said to Hongzhen: Actually, that's it, "Xi Luoer" (the old ruler) took advantage, because Wei Keng is the only candidate for the high-ranking godhood of "Industry". Once it rises, there are at least dozens of gods. The old ruler is already a weak god who cannot be awakened. It lacks faith, and it will only become a weak demigod again when it is awakened. This 10% "solar power of belief" is the thickest thigh he can hold.

Closer to home, Enma is now developing towards a "professional" model. Please note that although it is not a professional, the "mode" is advanced. It is a level stronger than those "mysterious people" who rely on meditation.

Enma is now the kind of ghosts who have to avoid three points when walking at night.

And it happens to be a teenager, the yang energy is getting stronger and stronger, not leaking, and the charm value is increasing day by day.

...in the Pantheon, in the Temple of Destiny. …

On the Throne of Destiny, the invisible existence in the holy light was flipping through the information from the time-space system of the main world.

Although Bai Linglu defended Wei Keng very closely against the data of Wei Keng's time travel, as a veteran traveler like Wei Keng, Mijia, the god of destiny with multiple planes, had several "lines" for Wei Keng. Always know.

After the birth of the "Industrial Godhead", it has been unresolved. How many Shangqing-level traversers continued to follow the original concept created by Wei Keng, and turned into other gods under the industrial concept.

"Industry" can only be recaptured by Wei Keng.

This made the subsequent transmigrators who became gods very depressed: What kind of flavor is Wei Keng, so that many latecomers can't learn it?

The God of Destiny put his finger on the plane of Enma and stopped, staring at it and sighing: Maybe it has something to do with Wei Keng's "indifferent" attribute.

Wei Keng's "desire" is quite different from the goal pursued by almost most traversers.

It would be wrong to say that Wei Keng didn't pay much attention to strength.

The plane of Shenzhou, the plane of Pandora, and the plane of darkness are all "deciding not only the superiority, but also life and death" when they start their hands.

The difference is that when most traversers are mortals, their pursuit of power is mixed with the goal of "aggressiveness", while Wei Keng's pursuit of power when he is a "mortal" is only related to "survival and death". Prepare a margin.

In ordinary life, Wei Keng never thought of using superhuman strength to solve the problem.

This makes Wei Keng very "lying" in his daily life, without "aggressiveness".

In the Temple of Destiny, Mijia sighed, fiddled with the button on the armrest of the seat, and sent a message to the "informant" under Bai Linglu's command: "Continue to observe and try to ensure that he (Wei Keng) returns quickly "Such instructions.

…The original nature determines the future course, just like the arrow of the bow, if it deviates a little, the goal will be completely different...

In daily life, Enma, who is too "peaceful", touches this ordinary world with his palms for a long time, and the "industry" he can describe is naturally different from the "industry" that those who go to high places prematurely think of. .

In the year 3226 of the Fire Emblem Calendar, Enma was sixteen years old and began to buy a piece of land fifty kilometers outside York City to expand his own processing plant.

This workshop-style processing plant has only two brick buildings, surrounded by four or five shack-like recycling bins.

Workers of the same age employed by Enma rode tricycles to collect items from various households and piled them up here for classification.

Then refurbish the old ones and put them back on the shelves. The price of these shelves is ten cents and two cents, which is only one third of the price of new ones. It is a sought-after item in the city.

In this era: Due to the lack of materials, door-to-door repairs are very cheap, and a lot of labor is free.

The reason why labor is free is that the war brought a large amount of materials to the front line, and there was a shortage of various light industrial products, so people revolved around the goods. Instead of overcapacity in light industry after the 21st century, commodities revolve around people. Microwaves, TVs, and refrigerators don't work and you throw them away and buy new ones, which is not an option in these war years.

Enma's request for maintenance is that the customer buys a box lunch for his workers.

Enma's workshop does not make money, so it is not considered an "industrial industry", but it belongs to an "industrial industry".

The industry is based on "assets". A large industry is a good industry with a large revenue, and a bad industry with a small revenue. The "industry" is people-oriented. A large industry has a large number of employees, and a small industry with a small number of employees.

All that Enma does is obviously the latter. This industry is to ensure that the young people who come with him can gain a foothold in the city. Let's learn a craft together and get through the days.

As the leader of the workshop, Enma eats a meal with everyone. Just read more books.

Only when one is truly brought into this class can one know the life of this class.

Those who can mingle with the lower Liba people are often only the lower Liba people, discussing things about millet and wheat together. Only then did I know the concept of "one point, two points" for the most grassroots people.

Compared with other traversers, the most special thing about Wei Keng is that he has the idea of ​​staying in the "basic level" for a long time.

If it wasn't from the superstructure, the pressure was getting worse and worse, so that Wei Xianyu had to turn over and shout: "Although I am unwell, you are not worthy", Wei Keng likes to be in the soil.

Wei Keng created "Industrial Godhead" which is universally applicable to the daily needs of most people.

The "needs" here must be the core needs of human beings, such as food, housing, and medical care first, followed by education and reproduction.

In the hundreds of years since Wei Keng left the multi-dimensional world, so many "excellent" traversers have been summoned from the main world, trying to recast their godheads. Perhaps at the beginning, because they were influenced by modern civilization, they were able to walk in a regular manner, but later they all failed It is a deviation from the "basic". Become the electronic god, the gear god, these partial gods.

They wanted to seize "this industrial godhead left by Wei Keng", but in the end, unknowingly, they evolved into other godheads along with their best technology and proud talents.

..."Industry" does not need good leaders, but a benchmark for "workers"...

Therefore, Wei Keng's "industrial godhead" has a style of farm tools facing the loess and back to the sky. Of course, it is the well-deserved "central" godhead among many modern gods on the multi-dimensional plane.

But any attempt to embellish the so-called "industrial" with the strongest and best will eventually backfire.

Wei Keng's path cannot be copied. As a second-generation wearer, Wei Keng brought himself into the "middleman's posture" and did not intend to achieve extraordinary achievements. It's just that after going through several twists and turns, I have accumulated steadily and reached today's step.

Wei Keng knew that his success was not so much a personal success, but a success in the "pastoral era". Looking at the entire main world, only the pastoral era will allow "middlemen" like myself to have the opportunity to develop.

If you want to copy Wei Keng's road, you must first copy the environment of the pastoral era. This is gone forever for the Overworld.

…Wei Keng can pick up the Industrial Godhead now, but he has to think about whether it is necessary to pick it up, because today’s industry carries too many things and is too heavy...

Enma is in the shed, accumulating pennies and pennies.

Strands of heterotopic rules are condensed in between, such as broken metal chains, how to disassemble the valuable parts, leather is dismantled to make buckles, and iron wires are turned into needles on the grinder.

It seems to be penny-pinching, wanting to make money, but in fact, this is morality.

All the most profitable businesses are in areas prohibited by the law, and all methods of making huge profits are somewhat against Wei Keng's moral heart.

Enma is actually not bold, even those of the same age who have solved their food and clothing because of this work shed are commenting: Enma is stingy and cares about every penny.

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