Out of the cage

Chapter 685 Chapter 16.12 Essence

In York City, Mikael was wearing a light blue dress. Stepping on crystal high-heeled shoes and wearing a white striped top hat, she got out of the black car, and she arrived at the office of Neinma in the city with a book in her arms.

As for Enma, when the car door was opened, his eyes were sweeping. He glanced at the silver silk stockings that were exposed when the girl got out of the car and lifted her skirt, and commented: "This nylon technology is really good."

Mikael made an invitation: "Sir, are you free to spend an afternoon with me?"

Enma thought about it carefully, and complained to himself against his will: I still think the excavator being assembled a few kilometers away is more attractive.

Wei Keng was resisting the temptation of this lady's charm. The headgear that Mikael wears and the perfume he sprays are luxury items made by mysterious techniques, with a special effect of "cutting men".

So on the surface, En Ma seriously took out a pen and wrote down his contact information on a notepad, and said to her: "Miss, my schedule is a bit tight today, we still~."

Wei Keng wanted to refuse but to welcome. When he didn't know what kind of trouble the beauty would bring him, he deliberately set up anxiety in his words.

But Mikael, a young girl, still looks a little green when facing Wei Keng, an old fritter.

Mikael smiled slightly: "Oh, next time we meet, I'm worried that you might just show up in the cell."

Mikael dumped a document titled "Imperial Military Emergency Recruitment Order", which was stamped with the seal of the Frontier Operations Department. More importantly, this call-up order showed that Enma's asylum had "expired". However, Enma never accepted the call-up.

En Ma looked at the stamp of the call-up order, which belonged to the Ministry of Military Affairs in York City. frowned. This is indeed a bit troublesome. But it's just troublesome, the girl obviously didn't know that she was already serving as a reserve on the other side.

If Enma hadn't stood in front of Nurat in advance, Mikael could rely on the "Military Ministry Recruitment Order" to make endless demands on himself. But now, I have the ability to refuse.

Of course, Enma's refusal is not "endless", because I don't know how deep Mikael's connection with the imperial military is. If she is willing to pay enough, even if Enma is in the reserve, she can be "transferred" to the front line of.

…both sides are judging each other’s information…

Since Enma did not show panic, Mikael judged that Enma also had a hole card, so she showed off.

Mikael took out a pen from the chest, oh, and tickled the date slightly. The lines of the handwriting moved like a living thing, and then the date changed to today.

Enma understood: This seems to be a naughty "reminder", but it is actually a warning.

In Enma's rational memo: The girl in front of me has the ability to change military documents at will. Demonstrated her ability to mobilize the "military machine" to sentence herself to prison

Enma sighed, then squeezed out a smile and said, "Miss, are you free today?".

Mikael paused for a moment. When the cold young man suddenly felt windy and drizzled, a feeling called "vanity" surged in her heart. She twisted up her skirt and said in a ladylike way: "Of course."

Enma stretched out his hand and tried to take the document in Mikael's hand: "What about the call-up order?"

Mikael folded up the documents, stuffed them back into his chest, spread his hands, and smiled playfully at Enma who had taken an empty one: "There is no call-up order, where did you see it?" Then Xiao Yingying looked at Enma's reaction, and deliberately puffed out her chest.

En Ma avoided looking, and cursed inwardly, "Damn."

…In the moss on the roadside industrial fence, a flower blooms, and all kinds of insects gather here. …

The car drove to the wealthy area of ​​York City.

In the pre-industrial era of the Wanlun Continent, industrial lords hoped that their Governor’s Mansion could see the chimneys of the industrial center, so the rich area was the center of the entire city.

But in the post-industrial era, industry has magnified countless times. The upper-level system is no longer new to industry.

They avoided the crowded factories, and then isolated an area with few people near the industrial production area, and then specially built an underground tunnel to connect the core industrial furnace of the factory.

The situation in the wealthy area is different from that of the outside world. There is always power supply here. Fountains in the streets are always spraying. Strictly speaking, the empire did not lack energy, just like the red empire in ancient times before the disintegration, there was no shortage of oil, coal mines, and fertilizer production. It's just a lack of manpower to integrate resources.

In front of a garden bar with floor-to-ceiling windows, Enma waits for Mikael. She went to change clothes, and Eun-ma sat in front of the sofa, watching the city outside the window. The heavy artillery airship in the sky is cruising towards the area with a beam of light.

...The empire divided multiple worlds with iron fences and armed forces...

When En Ma was in contact with Mikael, he simultaneously used the "wireless communication device" to contact his superior officer.

Nurat said: It's all small things, and it's only natural for (Enma) to provide supplies to some of the empire's rear garrison troops. And everyone knows this.

He tells Eun-ma not to worry.

When the communication was over, Enma muttered, "Let me not worry, but it's actually you who have to worry."

...Enma knew very well what kind of things he was spreading that was harmful to the empire. …

Many cities, including York City, are rest points for the frontier troops of the empire.

When the troops were resting, they brought some things back to the front line, and after they were circulated in the trenches, a "worldview" that the high-ranking officers of the empire would not care about spread.

In the second half of this year, Enma's Youth Labor Union, after large-scale integration of idle labor around various big cities, has now exploded with fairly objective productivity.

This wave of power comes from women. This is precisely what the Empire has neglected in the past.

For biological reasons, women are more empathetic but consistently weaker than men.

Before the industrial revolution, in the rural environment, women rarely worked together, at most they only washed clothes together, but this was more social, without collaboration and division of labor. So much so that in the feudal era, a family attached great importance to the birth of a man, because there are some things that only men can do outside.

Due to the lack of independent "collaboration and division of labor" ability, women have always lagged behind men in economic status, and the economy determines everything.

Therefore, Enma believes that the fundamental condition for the liberation of women is to organize their labor cooperation. Instead of using social networks for empathy. Labor organization needs reasoning, principles, right and wrong.

...New things often take root where the old strength feels most barren...

The youth group sent by En Ma started to raise fish and chickens. These tasks seem simple, but in fact they require cooperation.

Supplying oxygen, checking feed, vaccinating, and regularly ventilating, keeping warm, these complicated tasks, even a big man can't do it all 24 hours a day, it's exhausting and crazy. There must be a division of labor.

The war of the empire transferred all the men from the farms. This is tantamount to transferring away the "collaboration force" without providing a supplement for the rural society, and women are unable to organize themselves.

Women have two innate disadvantages in labor production organizations. These disadvantages come from "physiology" and thousands of years of social cognition.

Let me talk about social traditional cognition first: everyone, including women, looks down on their own social organization ability.

Men in their twenties are able to speak out, and people listen to their words, but in rural areas, the women who take the lead are older, and the most powerful women in their teens and twenties are not listened to because of lack of qualifications.

This is like a child claiming to build an airplane, but no one wants to believe and follow. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen women's education, so that educated women can become the backbone of the work.

Speaking of "physiology", I have to admit one thing, in the countryside, only those with fists have a voice. If you want to organize, you must have deterrent power, and men have a certain deterrent power.

When a family is accumulating "initial wealth accumulation", it must be considered that at this level of ecology, there are hooligans who come up to take advantage, and if there are men in this family, these most primitive "disease organizations" will fear the power behind them.

Wei Keng’s summary of the village: In the traditional cognition of agricultural society: there must be males in the family, and the more males, the more prosperous. Males are equal to productivity. It is better to say that “cooperation” is equal to productivity.

...The economic base determines the superstructure. If you want to change the superstructure, you must understand the basic economy...

The most important work of the Youth Labor Association is women's work.

Originally, rural women could only do some needlework or wash clothes from the landlord's house. These scattered, difficult economic decisions.

Now that the working group has been dispatched, it has suddenly started to change. The women's mutual aid associations in the countryside are getting bigger and bigger, and soon reached a scale of more than half a million people.

At present, the monthly supply of agricultural and sideline products, some herbal plasters to stop bleeding, and other materials has reached 10,000 to 20,000 tons.

Enma now gets all kinds of goods in big cities, a large part of which is rubbed out by rural women.

For the empire, this is simply magic! Large tracts of rural areas have been expropriated and almost emptied. In some places, only straw and cow dung are left. Where did this "meat and egg products" come from?

Compost grows worms, and pressed wood chips form a medium that produces mushrooms. Herbs can be grown on hills.

If the soil is insufficient, pastures can be planted and meat rabbits can be raised.

The female workers in some small workshops also provided shoes and clothes to these impoverished places in the past.

Of course, the shoes are very simple shoes, lack of materials, the main structure is even "straw sandals" made of bamboo. Only a few pieces of rubber are left at the bottom to make the bottom wear-resistant, and a plastic sheet is added around it for waterproofing. In the 21st century, it belongs to the cheap goods of more than ten yuan that have been eliminated by the market.

But now, during the Great War, production is king. And these cheap items, in the past, the villages themselves could not afford it.

Urban industrial products only guarantee the front line, making it impossible for the countryside to wear shoes. Although this kind of shoe is not very good, it can make people run while working without fear of being pinched on land.

Enma carefully calculated his current "expansion speed", and whispered: "Let's not talk about armed struggle, according to the current form, armed construction is needed."

Although the output value of the Youth Labor Association is not high, it is a rare "food, fuel, and medicine" that has all three items. And there are many people.

...Of course, Wei Keng's middle-of-the-road strategy is not to grab the first place, but to follow the crowd in rebellion...

"I kept you waiting." Mikael came out of the locker room, changed into a handsome black military uniform, and sat in front of Enma holding a teacup.

On Ma's side, he just secretly emptied the sugar cubes in the sugar bowl, and now he hastily covered the small white porcelain lid of the sugar bowl, and then kept smiling without embarrassment, asking: "Let's get straight to the point, is it business, or is it an order?" . to prepare me mentally,"

Mikael smiled and said, "What if it's about love?"

Enma laughed loudly: "Impossible, I'm not free."

Mikael put down his coffee cup and said, "You are a mystic, right?"

Enma: "Yeah" I looked up and saw a blue butterfly landed on her shoulder.

half an hour later

Enma never expected such a development.

I originally worried that I would be involved in many crimes such as "subversion of the empire", "reselling materials", "illegal organization", but the purpose of the lady who interviewed me in the name of the imperial military in front of me turned out to be "occultism".

And still, discuss how to prevent "hair loss", "insomnia" and "acne".

Enma prescribed several medicines for internal and external use. After explaining the dosage, there was nothing to do, so I left.

Follow Enma down the stairs. After getting into the car, Mikael on the mansion fiddled with flowers and stared at Enma's back.

In the conversation just now, she was quite amazed at Enma's attainments in the "Arcania Field". She carefully constructed her own secrets, solved many strange things, and became well-known in the mysterious world. When I saw Enma, I found that the information curtain on his body was thicker.

Since Enma has never dealt with any weird events in the city, Mikael can't figure out how Enma accumulated these tents of information.

Mikael, as an aristocrat in the industrial center, has instilled the concept of industrial furnace industry, but she actually doesn't understand what is called "mystery".

Wei Keng's body is not an information tent, but a "concept".

The concept of "circulation" was born from "the study and analysis of newspapers in prisons", Wei Keng then pulled "the apprentices in York City followed suit", and then Enma expanded to other cities, and now it is the idea of ​​​​change , sowing seeds towards the vast countryside.

Enma: There are many ways to use the "circulate" ability.

For example, in a short period of time (about three or four days), you can instill a whole set of thick books into the minds of your followers.

These books can be about "medicine", "law", "agricultural production", "steel smelting", and "tactics". The faster the personal "common sense" is poured in.

If this ability is used in the wrong place, such as "Chuan Xiao", it will be extremely harmful.

In the multiple planes, Wei Keng has always put an end to temptation, strictly abides by the rules, and constantly promotes the positive development of this concept. It is only to use the dissemination ability to spread "advanced production knowledge and management" to the countryside.

The knowledge scholars in the imperial prisons didn't know that the sparks of the collision of various ideas when they talked did not spread in the city, but developed a new school in the rural and rural areas.

Nowadays, the effect of the entire "Nongqing Association" in the countryside of the empire is "well-fed and well-clothed", expanding like a single spark and starting a prairie fire. This further makes the "circulation" effect stronger.

This made the rural and rural youths who felt "vulnerable" to the powerful suppression in the big cities of the empire suddenly feel the possibility of a challenge!

There is an "industrial furnace" in this core metropolis of the world, and industrial products can be strengthened in concept. But now it seems that rural thinking and teaching can also be strengthened.

...and the source of the fire, En Ma, has now appeared the seeds of the "hero" profession. …

In the car, En Ma glanced at Mikael who saw him off on the balcony,

That seemingly innocent face is an appearance, this is a witch-like guy, and Enma knows that if he doesn't reveal some real tricks, it will be difficult for him to get rid of.

Inside the car, Enma stretched out his hand, spread out his palm, and pressed it down slightly. A faint light cluster condensed in his palm. This is substantial light. A large number of photons bind the air medium within the palm area. Then an optical sand table map of the entire area was directly projected on the desktop.

The sand table shows all the high-rise buildings and even the vehicles on the street. These vehicles appear in real time, and even the spray of the fountain can be simulated.

When this localized high-definition map appears,

Mikael, who was remotely monitoring everything in the car, had a sudden change in her innocent expression, and at this moment a hint of fierceness appeared. She immediately stood up and looked up at the sky. In her conception, the sky already had eyes looking down at this moment.

However, in her eyes: there is nothing in the sky except the sun.

However, she came back to her senses and suddenly found that Enma had disappeared in the carriage.

At this time, Enma appeared behind her, and said leisurely, "The ancient arcane system and the current scientific system, although the way of casting spells, um, the way of prying rules is quite different, the essence has not changed."

Enma started the big flicker mode. Of course, it's not completely fooling around, just throwing some technologies that I think are outdated to her, just like throwing a bone to a dog blocking the way, so that I can get away.

Mikael regained her girlish appearance, determined that it was just an illusion in front of her, and asked sweetly, "Then what is the essence?"

Enma: "Oh, this is too complicated. The essence cannot be explained clearly at a glance. Moreover, everyone sees it from a different angle and has a different concept of essence."

Before Mikael was ready to threaten.

En Ma confided: "In ancient times, spiritual power was the essence. Because all the rules were pried to be activated by spiritual power. At that time, the level of spiritual power of arcanists was like the strength of peasants and knights. , the bigger the better. But just as machines replaced human muscle warfare.

The spiritual power of the ancient arcane method has also been "replaced" after the industry.

With the development of industrial society, it affects all aspects of people,

In the ether world, the default concepts of the world are "parts", and professionals use these "parts" to benefit their own structures, and they themselves are located in the center of this structure. Can lead the operation of this "conceptual machine" to display contemporary arcane arts, that is, skills in military and industrial production. And the fuel consumed by this machine is "the desire of the world".

And today's "heroes" drive such "machines in the etheric world" to cast spells in reality! Keep the temperature of the machine constant, and the nature of the energy changes. Ten thousand years ago, the traditional arcane mode is irresistible! "

Michelle paused, and she thought of what her father, General Sugemat, said: "In this era, the competition of national will, in this competition, only "heroes" are superior, and other forces are Weak power."

All of what Enma said was immediately connected with what her father said. But no one explained the details as thoroughly as Wei Keng.

Even though she was born in an aristocratic family, her understanding of industrial furnaces is only the "only way" to become a hero. But those orthodox knowledge is too boring, not as interesting as the mysticism she came into contact with when she was eleven years old.

However, muscle strength can never stand against a machine, and the tiger will be driven away by the brute force of the excavator. But just like an eleven or twelve-year-old boy is obsessed with the increase in body muscle strength when the body's metabolism is the strongest. But they don't realize how overbearing the rules of society are.


Enma: "I'm done."

Mikael: "Ah" the girl suddenly came back to her senses from the listening state, and the hair next to her ear was shaking, which was inexplicably cute.

Looking at the shrinking and fading Enma's shadow, she suddenly thought of something, and asked weakly, "Could it be? You, you want to be a professional?"

Enma's shadow condensed again, and began to "see the poor".

He bent slightly and proposed to Mikael. Miss, can you marry me? Started shameless output: "I was born in poverty, now I am a high climber, but I will definitely achieve something in the future."

Mikael was stunned for a while, but smiled when he saw such a brazen speech. After Wei Keng explained the essence of occultism, he made her understand her class, and when she just understood her status, this low-class person began to try to get married.

Narrator: Generally, poor boys lie to noble ladies to make noble ladies forget about their class, and then start to rush in a moment of dizziness. But Master Wei did the opposite. After waking up the girl, he proposed marriage suddenly.

On the supervisor platform, Hongzhen: "He didn't even think about it, did he?" The new supervisor saw that Wei Keng had finally aroused the girl's interest in him and destroyed it, and he wanted to end up teaching him directly.

Yan Beixiang's expression twitched, she pinched the Jingming acupoint on the bridge of her nose, and after she stabilized her emotions, she nodded and sighed, "Yes, he's not interested in himself, it's a more effective way to say no than, "I'm sorry I can't climb up." plan."

Yan cursed in her heart: First, she praised the girl highly, and then acted like she was pursuing her, and put herself in a low position. This would make the girl feel arrogant from the very beginning, not caring, and ignoring the relationship between the two of them. Then, he left with the trend.

Yan Beixiang squeezed Hongzhen's hand tightly: "The god of love came to tie the strings in person, and he couldn't even hang on to you!"

Wei Keng's luck value is very high at this time, and all the gods have stared at him. Wei Keng's splits in all aspects are the fate of the protagonist. With the various attentions of the gods, encountering all kinds of women will cause "" "Love" is a normal plot, but! These splits of Wei Keng all poked out the possibility of "beautiful women" below.

As a veteran traveler, he has a unique method of avoiding the "bone-eroding beauty".

A few minutes later, Enma replied to the question of the monitor space: "I don't like it, pick up girls, superior."

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