Out of the cage

Chapter 77 Chapter 2.34 Peaceful settlement, convincing people with reason

When Zeng Lin got off the station, he looked curiously at this open city without walls.

The city isn't super big, but there are plenty of equally open town spots to be seen along the train's journey. This is a city without defense, a city that needs no defense.

After getting off the station, Zeng Lin found an armored combat vehicle nearby. On the other side of the train track, there was another armored train with a turret welded on it. The inadvertent display of iron and steel in this city made Zeng Lin understand that he should not take the initiative to initiate provocations here.


"If you fall behind, you will be beaten." "If you have steel in your hand, you will meet reasonable people."

Zeng Lin didn't show any malice, and Wei Keng gave him a warm welcome. ——Wei Keng reported to the organization: At present, Ji'an City has brought these mechanical war beasts, which shows that they still have the sincerity to communicate.

In 140 years, on Yuanhua's giant ship, the fluorescent lamps on the ship were basically broken in sevens and eighties, and now the new arc lamps are somewhat dazzling.

Huang Yuhua, a hot-tempered person, asked Wei Keng: "Could it be, do you have a way to get him to sell those mechanical-biological combinations?"

Wei Keng explained patiently: "It's someone's favorite, how could it be sold. Unilateralism is not a good thing."

Sun Xiangyang asked with some incomprehension: "Then what do you mean..."

Wei Keng: "We can process the parts of his machine war beast, and we can help them."

Lao Li asked: "Why do you want to help them?!" At this time, his tone was a little rushed.

Wei Keng: "The gang has conditions. We help him maintain the biological combat machinery, and he should also cooperate with our reform of the old human settlements."

"Isn't it possible to beat it?" Someone in the corner of the venue said in a low voice.

Wei Keng took a deep breath: "It can be knocked down, and after it is knocked down, the external sweep may be more thorough. But! What about our interior?

Comrades, we are here to transform the world, not bandits who come to grab territory. Our principle is to do everything we can to solve the problem peacefully, but we will never give up force on the bottom line! And if we tend to use force when solving problems, our original intentions will be corrected step by step. "

Huang Yuhua: "I think you are procrastinating, Comrade Wei Keng."

Wei Keng let out a sigh of relief and said, "I respect your opinion, so everyone makes a list, and I will talk to him about the problems that you think can't be delayed! Indeed, the problem can't be delayed. If it can't be solved within the time limit, then call .”


After the meeting, the crew members found the relevant Wei Keng of their own department for further detailed discussions.

Captain Sun Xiangyang also had a secret talk with Wei Keng: "Comrade Wei Keng, it's hard for you. The young people below are too aggressive."

Wei Keng looked at the national map hanging on the captain's cabin: "It's nothing, it's work, it's right to accept the opinions of comrades."

Sun Xiangyang: "Actually, everyone knows that you are the most steadfast proletarian. It's not that they doubt you, it's just that everyone wants to fight for the day."

Wei Keng paused, shook his head and said, "No one is the most steadfast, and external things can easily change a person. If you want to maintain your attitude towards society, you cannot separate yourself from the masses. It is right to be suspicious of me, even if But I also often doubt whether my intentions are unknowingly mixed with selfishness (Standing in the position of interfering with this place in the main world, Wei Keng really doubts himself)

I've just seen a little bit more, now some comrades have paid a lot in their hard work, so they want a fast pace, and some comrades? Due to work reasons, I have been sticking to my post for a long time, and my understanding of the overall situation is not yet clear. And we have to coordinate the cognition of all parties. "


Pandora 6 June 141.

Wei Keng and others met with Zeng Lin, and at Wei Keng's plea, Zeng Lin watched his ability to modify mechanical war beasts. It took Wei Keng a night to construct the relevant mechanical sketches.

For Zeng Lin's mechanical beast, Wei Keng proposed some new plug-ins. Such plug-ins contain a high-sugar high-fat energy block, mounted on both ribs. In addition, a generator is added to make the structure of the mechanical device ejected from the muscles easier. As for the bazooka device and bullets, they are also prepared for him.

After completing these modifications, Zeng Lin found it very interesting, so he took the residence train and quickly arrived at the west line, which is the area east of Zhanjiang.

Regarding Zhanjiang, Master Wei Keng has always been thinking about this place. Before the Great Destruction, this was a large-scale industrial area with a steel output exceeding 100 million tons, and the special steel in it was quite good. But the biomes here are tricky.

Every time Wei Keng approached, the general node creature of the community immediately crossed the Qiongzhou Strait and went directly to Hainan Island, and it would come back after Master Wei's combat troops left. Unless Master Wei Keng sent a team of 1,000 people to station in Zhanjiang for a long time. And this is impossible.

Of course, there is another main reason for staying here, which is to leave a whetstone for the team of new speakers in Zhujing District after the popularization of spiritual language.


After entering the jungle, Zeng Lin quickly discovered the large creatures here.

The 40-meter-long super giant snake came out from behind the waterfall with a large amount of moss and barnacles on it. The three mechanical war wolves belonging to Zeng Lin were quickly suppressed by fire because they were loaded with metal bullet chains. Explode the entire head. This creature can only grow countless tiny tentacles on its head to replace the destroyed head for perception.

However, the metal wolf painted black at the rear is aimed at the tentacle wound on the head. This black metal wolf does not have heavy firepower, but the destructive output of the electric cold weapon it is equipped with is no less than that of bullets in close combat. .

After the three electric drills drilled into the wound, the helical blades popped out, and the inside of it was twisted to pieces immediately, and the amount of bleeding was comparable to that of a pipe spraying mud. Since the diesel consumed by the gasoline engine is not much less than the energy emitted by the burning of bullets and gunpowder, the lethality is also at the modern industrial level.

Regarding the design of this drill bit, Wei Keng strongly recommends Zeng Lin to add it, which is the nemesis of dry large animals.

After the drill smashed the giant snake's body by seven or eight meters, the giant snake lost most of its vitality. All that's left is to stuff the bombs and blast them. The bloody smell of the killings in the air galvanized the beasts of the jungle.

October 4th.

After the bullets and diesel oil were shot, Zeng Lin and Wei Keng's team packed fifty tons of steel and immediately withdrew from the area.

5:00pm to 7:00pm on the 6th.

During the evacuation, the only threat encountered was the attack of three waves of flying scorpions and bat swarms. The mechanical war beasts carrying oil tanks on the periphery sprayed in a scattered pattern, forming a raging wall of fire within 20 seconds to stop these creatures from chasing soldiers.

at 8:33 p.m.,

While sleeping in the open, I encountered a surprise attack by flying winged creatures that swooped down from the sky. But the vigilante kangaroo-like war beasts fought back. After the flying monster fell, these mechanical kangaroos sprayed smoke bombs immediately, and the flying winged creature fell down in the smoke unexpectedly, without waiting for its fracture to repair. The mechanical war beast responsible for guarding. A spike directly penetrated the head of the four-winged flying beast.

On the 8th, all personnel and supplies returned to their residences by train. Wei Keng and Zeng Lin started to distribute the rewards of this adventure.


At the railway station, Wei Keng: "Three to seven, I give you three to seven." Under the distribution of interests that does not involve principles, there are always not many contradictions.

Zeng Lin looked at Wei Keng in front of him, then at those Wei Keng who were replacing the weapons for the mechanical beasts, and said with a deep breath, "What's the condition?"

Wei Keng looked at Zeng Lin: "I hope you can abide by the law."

Zeng Lin stared at Wei Keng and suddenly smiled. He said slowly, "The law has not been obeyed for a long time in this era."

Wei Keng: "I have many individuals, and when dealing with you, there are often only a few. But I want to treat each of them as an equal with you."

Zeng Lin: "Then besides you?" He was obviously talking about the lower class people who were originally city-states. The problem gradually became serious.

Wei Keng pinched his nose and asked back: "Then, except you?" Wei Keng around raised his head and looked in the direction of Ji'an City. Zeng Lin also has people to depend on, such as his father and cousin. Wei Keng made the topic more serious.

After a while, it seems that I can't bear the price behind the silence,

Zeng Lin nodded and said, "I can accept most of what you said, but in Ji'an City, in the private fortress, I want absolute power."

Wei Keng shook his head: "You are free to identify the intruder and shoot after the three warnings are ineffective. You can expel anyone, but you still cannot deprive others of their lives or detain them arbitrarily. In our case, there is nothing' The wind can enter, the rain can enter, and the king cannot enter'" Wei Keng pointed to the sky: "The universe is bright, no one can cover the sky with one hand."

Zeng Lin remained silent.

Wei Keng chased after him again: "As long as it is reasonable, in the future, I will not break into you through the wall."

At the last sentence, Wei Keng's body seemed to make the mechanical beast who obeyed Zeng Lin feel threatened, and bared his teeth at Wei Keng.

And Wei Keng glared at these beasts, and then took a step forward: "Large combat beasts must have full safety measures on public roads."

Zeng Lin: "You have too many conditions, let me think about it."

Wei Keng didn't care about it at this time, and Xinxin showed his cards: "Since we said it today, we can't delay it for too long. I am now representing the 250,000 people in the entire New Pearl River. To tell you the truth, the war has already begun on our side. The upper-level plan is in the works. And I said these words today, just to set an example of a peaceful solution for you (leave a life-saving door)."

In November, Wei Keng took Zeng Lin to visit the steel factory and chemical factory. Of course, there was no mechanical beast to accompany him at this time.

When the red metal flows out of the groove reserved by the slag, it flows into the forging groove to be shaped, and then is hoisted and forged by a machine to become a standard metal object, becoming a part of the railway, construction steel pipe, and shipbuilding system At that time, Zeng Lin completely let go of his last obsession.

This kind of productivity is the production of human cities before the Great Destruction that was recorded in his family's books. If you want to fight head-on with such a force, you will end up hitting a stone with an egg, and you will be overwhelmed.

In the end, Zeng Lin signed the regulations on the table on behalf of Ji'an City and Sun Xiangyang, the representative of the southern control forces. The two sides reached a memorandum, the upper echelons of Ji'an City gave up their privileges, and the Pearl River region also respected its old economic accumulation.

Regarding the ransacking of the house and the redistribution of the land, the crew of Yuanhua did not forcefully pursue it. Because in the process of trade, these old forces have completely lost capital. The existing industries in the civilized era were second- and third-tier county towns. Now, with the large population migration, these areas in Ji'an City will soon become empty nests.

Since then, there have been cases of peaceful settlement in Guangdong city-states, and this case can be extended to other old city-states as a reference. Of course, there will be no situation where the Pearl River region will continue to passively bargain. This case will be sent to the upper echelons of other city-states, ordering them to give a reply within a time limit.

And this doesn't need to be reminded by passionate members like Huang Yuhua. Wei Keng is already mobilizing the war machine.

Wei Keng's understanding of history: The replacement of the old forces by the new forces, even if the conditions are well negotiated, most of them are acquiesced, but there are still a few nail households with strong self-sustaining strength. Only by killing them can there be a complete change, and if they are defeated, other old forces will not submit.


When Zeng Lin returned home with the negotiating documents, he received a cold face from Zeng Longmu. He yelled at his son for being so lacking in fighting spirit.

And Zeng Lin is also sure that his father is old. He has been in the concrete fortress of Ji'an City all year round, thinking that the defense is still indestructible, and he has no idea that the times outside have changed.

Zeng Longmu's stubbornness will not affect the final attitude of the upper echelons of Ji'an City.

On November 12, the unified expeditionary army began to attack the northern city-state that resisted recovery, Shaoguang City.

Shaoguang City seemed to feel that it was at the northernmost point, separated from the Pearl River area by a large urban area, especially Ji'an City, and it was impossible for the Conqueror Army to stay close or far away.

However, they were wrong. The logistics system of the entire Pearl River has been greatly improved in the past few years. The packaged food, ammunition, and various residential camp steel pipes have all been planned and packed according to standard shipping boxes. Good, and set up multiple transfer stations on the way for transfer. The whole shipment looks complicated at first glance, but it is all clear on the form. Mathematics overall planning to maximize the output of capacity.

Wei Keng's logistical preparations were almost superfluous and wasteful, which surprised the leaders of Jue Ming plane: "This kid, he looks more and more like the American style." If it wasn't for seeing Wei Keng producing He was still hard and simple in life, so he doubted Wei Keng's identity.

Arrived near Shaoguang City on the 12th, led by four God of War tanks, and took Wei Keng's self-made armored vehicles to attack all the checkpoints.

The tracked tanks from the Desperate Plane encountered the earth wall obstacles on the road and crushed without any resistance. The entire Shaoguang City became an isolated city in one day.

6:23 pm on the 12th.

At this moment, the city-state leader of Shaoguang City, still not giving up, set up machine guns and artillery on the city wall, and mechanical beasts were also patrolling the wall, trying to rely on the solid city wall to hold on. And he uttered wild words, declaring that Wei Keng, a monster, would bleed like a river under the impregnable city wall.

This behavior of rejecting the reunification by force is ridiculous. The military generation gap between the two sides has widened a huge gap, and the rebel army simply ignored the people here.

A five-ton mortar with a caliber of 300 mm was directly deployed to a high ground at an altitude of 200 meters on the front line. After completing the fixing of the artillery all morning on the 13th, the winch of the diesel engine was started to load the 200 kg warhead into the raised muzzle.

Everyone hid in the anti-shock wave area to stand by according to the regulations, and the artillery chief pulled the wire to ignite.

With the roar of firing, the commanding army closed their ears with their hands from a long distance away, still trembling from the shock, while the people in Shaoguang City heard the scream of the bullet falling.

"Throw~~~~" The bullet landed on the city wall, followed by an unbearable sound and light effect on the city wall, and the fifteen-meter-high watchtower disappeared instantly. A large number of bricks flew out, covering the surviving humans within a few hundred meters with dust and blood.

Immediately after the first shot was over, the barrel was cooled with a mop dipped in water. Five minutes later, the second shell was loaded, this time to blow up the city gate. This magnificent metal gate was then reduced to shattered steel fragments.

Then, according to the artillery regulations, the third warhead can be fired. This is followed by cooling. Wait for the hot air in the barrel to dissipate.

After the three shells ended, it was obvious that there was a huge gap in the castle, and some of the mechanical beasts that hadn't escaped in time also followed the shock wave and turned into wreckage mixed in the bricks and tiles.

During this cool-down period, while Wei Keng mobilized his tank troops to prevent the enemy from raiding the artillery positions, he was also thinking about the remaining 24 shells in his hand and which important targets to hit.

However, Shaoguang City surrendered at this time, and a group of people ran out holding the white flag while the artillery was intermittent.

In fact, Wei Keng's first shot blew up their morale. It would have been fine if the commanding army had persuaded them to surrender.

But Wei Keng couldn't believe that he could convince people with a single shot. I feel that the yelling on the other side is so ruthless, it is not so pusty, maybe it should be two more rounds, meaning.

As a result, the next two shells did not give Shaoguang City the opportunity to organize a surrender, and the sheets for the white flag were not found in time.

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