Out of the cage

Chapter 911 Chapter 20.21 (Part 1) The Weak Are Pretended

When Wei Keng scanned the entire Behemoth Nebula with carbon-based quantum, the seventh-level dark energy users of the Behemoth Genome headed by Yayu didn't feel it. In this star field, only Chang Hengxi noticed it.

Chang Hengxi, who was shocked, contacted Taxi Qiduo to ask him to clarify his attitude, and at the same time flashed back from the star gate to his own shadow escape tunnel. At the same time, she communicated with the Ark-class battleship that was handed over to her at a light speed 65 light-years away, and quickly integrated into the core of the rotating light wheel with a thickness of 30 kilometers, a width of 30 kilometers, and a diameter of 100 kilometers.

Chang Hengxi's movements were swift, like a little rabbit seeing a goshawk, quickly retreating into the cave.

After Chang Hengxi merged into the energy center, her clothes melted instantly, and her slender body radiated light.

Zhen Xun, who followed closely behind, could see all of this, and commented on his figure, Zhen Xun: Long legs, thick frame, a bit strong.

…Zhen Xun was about to bully someone, but when he sensed another guy was coming, he immediately withdrew…

Chang Hengxi's dark energy field is upper-middle-class in this universe, and it is accurate.

It can be said that with her strength and the equipment that should belong to her, she can walk sideways in the star sea as long as she does not encounter the real "transmutation" and "time and space" high-level dark energy. Even if she encounters these two top-level dark energies, she won't be at a loss like today. (Mostly ignorant and fearless)

Her dark energy is in "life", which she has always believed to be her dominant field, and she can understand how "overriding" her is when "emergence" is truly released with all its strength.

After returning to the battleship, Chang Hengxi immediately adjusted the high-energy light wheel around her body,

The light wheel quickly reflected the model of the Milky Way. On the corner of the galaxy-like light wheel, that is, the area of ​​a black hole, a light cone ejected, and light speed also appeared.

Qingsu also turned his head from the original direction facing the Milky Way. Without waiting for Chang Hengxi to explain, he comforted him: "He has reached the seventh level, and the dark energy field is very special. It is another advanced configuration, specializing in life."

Chang Hengxi was silent, apparently Qingsuyi knew this fact a long time ago, and made some complaints.

Quickly and lazily asked: "Didn't you say hello to him?"

Chang Hengxi didn't answer directly: "A large amount of evidence shows that he has already completed all the backhands in this area, and there is no need for me to mediate there."

Before she fled, she was surprised by another woman (Zhen Xun) beside Taxi Qiduo.

The light speed of Lolita also tapped her palm, and said in a brisk tone: "I, I should have thought about what this guy would do here, daring guy!" (She acted like she just knew)

When we were in the same boat on Wentie Planet, Qingsu told Wei Keng about the cruelty of the Behemoth Nebula War.

Well, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, I prefer to go to the mountains of tigers. For Wei Keng's promising future, Qingsu also now finally doesn't hide his preference.

Chang Hengxi looked at the giant beast nebula that was completely shielded now, and to her it was already a cloud of turbid deep water, and could not help but narrate with some deep-sea phobia: "But he has been exposed in this area now, and other forces are also mobilizing fleets, Enter the area. Do we need to stop?"

Chang Hengxi clearly knew the answer, but still asked this question in order to test Qing Suyi's attitude.

Qingsu also obviously knew what Chang Hengxi was thinking, and waved his hand: "No, don't be in such a hurry, you don't have to do it if you find out. By the way, you can remind him in the name of building a caravan."

Chang Hengxi tested her loneliness, Qingsu still didn't intend to intervene, but "don't be in such a hurry" seemed to be ready to intervene. Finally, the task of "contacting the source faction" was assigned to Chang Hengxi again. This made Chang Hengxi's plan to jump out of the circle and jump back into the light and fast "Five Fingers Mountain".

They are all old monsters who have lived for thousands of years, playing tricks, and language skills are not much worse than earth bureaucrats.

Chang Hengxi: "??" She wanted to move Nebula Projector's arm, but was held aside.

Qingsu couldn't help smiling, and took a bite of the jujube on his subordinate's chest: "That guy should also want to know the information from the outside world. Sell him a favor." Qingsu also asked Chang Hengxi to change her identity and become Taxi's rudder intelligence agent.

Chang Hengxi's face was embarrassed, and after finally restraining the strangeness on his chest, he immediately retorted: "But, if he is now a public enemy of multiple Star Sea forces, if I do this, will it be deliberately concealing it?" Chang Hengxi also resisted. Xiqiduo is too close.

Light speed also floated over, and patted Chang Hengxi's bare shoulder in the energy field: "Don't you think you can do a lot of interesting things with your current status, for example, Jiu Lanxing is eager for his information, and you can provide some Information for them to "judgment"." (Whether this information is true or false, it can confuse the water)

Qingsu raised his finger to instigate: "What about you, you are secretly collecting the illegal evidence of this bad guy (Tasi Qiruo)." Speaking of this, Qingsu has already changed Chang Hengxi into the disguise of an investigator.

Qingsu pushed Chang Hengxi into the fire pit with such cheerfulness, and then did ideological work (pua): "Also, many forces in Xinghai are now hostile to him, what does it have to do with you, maybe one day they will change their strategy (Tasi starts the rudder), but you stand silently behind him today, you can be remembered by him, a drop of water in a drought is better than a spring in a rain. - You are very young, if it is me, this one is from the hand The slippery titmouse (a gorgeous, bright yellow male) is trying to get hold of his tail feathers."

Chang Hengxi was fooled by Qingsu. She wanted to think, but she was stared at by Qing Suyi who turned her face coquettishly. In the halo of starlight pupils, Chang Hengxi lost the ability to think

The surrounding stars flickered for a round, and Chang Hengxi realized from the situation in the painting cake: this is not a matchmaking for herself, it is obviously a void painting cake, forcing her to continue to draw chestnuts from the fire at this time.

But there is one fact that Chang Hengxi admits, now that he has seen the brand-new dark energy in the Behemoth Nebula. It is impossible for Tasi Qirudder to be suppressed.

"Emergence" as a top-level dark energy is a blessing, and it can be used as a new category of dark energy inheritance system.

So Chang Hengxi thought (self-hypnosis) for a while, and responded solemnly: "Yes, now! We found a good young man in the Behemoth Nebula, who is developing an area of ​​​​genetic chaos. The initial judgment attitude is to give the necessary Support. But because the origin is uncertain, we have been investigating."

She had to respectfully ask the white-haired loli (Qingsuyi) who was hugging her neck: "Master, you should let me go. Ah!"

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