Out of the cage

Chapter 914 Chapter 20.22 (Part 2) Social Synchronization

In the 69th year of tracing back to the origin, after fierce competition for starfish, all the underground organic matter space in the cooling mantle area has been occupied by traceability.

The new weapons and new combat systems, which have been sharpened for 20 years, made the original controversial area quiet as soon as it appeared.

Summary of the war: The firepower of the latest generation of light giants is often seven or eight times that of these biomechanically transformed giant beasts. And the firepower reaction speed is dozens of times.

This is similar to light cruisers in the early twentieth century, trying to challenge the fate of battleships. When these mechanical transformations turned into cultivators, they encountered warriors who had also transformed into huge mechanical bodies in the large tunnels. The firepower of both sides was like an old-fashioned ironclad ship meeting a missile warship, and sparks were overflowing from the bombing.

For the Behemoth Genome faction, the technological self-rescue movement of "learn from outsiders to master skills from outsiders" has completely failed.

The fused flesh and blood of the Behemoth faction was blasted abruptly, and the flesh and blood covered with tissues exploded directly. The scene was too bloody. As for the giant of light, the outer steel shell may be blown out of potholes, but the inner cockpit is still intact.

This battle was also completely shattered, relying on the gene faction's determination to load up mechanical technology and compete with the pure technology route.

This seems to be the martial arts of the ancient times in the main world, that is, wearing modern armor, still can't hold a fully automatic rifle.

After getting tired of starfish, on another warring planet, Junker.

In this planet full of craters, in the third and fourth tunnels, the genetic behemoth on the planet launched an atomic jet, and the shock wave of the nuclear explosion penetrated the entire interior of the planet.

In terms of traceability, the commanders determined that small units below 1,000 tons cannot break through the barrier of high-heat particles.

Must rely on, quality soldiers assault. This is one million tons of space to store the deformed mecha structure, large equipment! This kind of armament is the kind that can resist nuclear bombs hard. Of course, the requirements for the driver are very high.

The specific requirements are very complicated. Basically, everyone is one of the tens of thousands of people who crawled out of the second-level source tracing awakening.

The "Quality Soldiers" behemoth, 8,000 individuals have been produced on Nebula Planet. But there are only sixty-seven members who can successfully control the quality warriors.

The traveler, Yan Ming rushed to this battlefield again.

In the repaired battleship, Yan Ming was wearing a single-soldier uniform, looked at the team members of different heights in front of him, and said: "Nuclear weapons are the first weapons of super-mass destruction that human civilization has entered the energy age. Any metal tool forged in the normal state of human existence, now, those who are not psychologically prepared can withdraw."

Yan Ming is not a second-order source tracing, but the scale of consciousness has reached this level.

The members of this team are all genetically locked humans. This made Yan Ming feel quite a headache. He had to be a nanny and lead this group of "rabble" with different personalities to complete team training.

...During training, fights of "what are you worried about" are commonplace, and what's more, there are female players chasing Yan Ming and being jealous...

Due to political issues, the top level of the traceability faction (Wei Keng) still implemented a "additional admission" system for the giant beast gene humans.

Wei Keng personally used the planet-level negative entropy checking technology to check some genetically human beings who worked hard to excel.

All "additional points" people understand that this kind of extra points is a waste of resources, not some excellent bloodlines,

In the future, they may strive for extra points, but they will definitely not specialize these inserted genes, but will strengthen the "gene lock" to lock these unstable genes.

At present, Yan Ming can't see anything in front of the natural form of everyone in such a team.

Sixty meters behind these substitute trainers, fully deployed large mechs with a height of fifty meters lined up. In front of super giant machines, everyone is small. But between everyone and the mecha, there are all kinds of auxiliary mechas,

Among them, Yan Ming's auxiliary armor is the smallest, just like a suit of clothes, while the novice auxiliary is designed according to their original genetic monster form. The reason why the appearance of each metal battle suit is very different, among them, the short ones are 2.3 meters, the highest height is 3.5 meters,

Even the visual systems of individual mechs are different, some have compound eyes on the arms and knees, and some have one eye between the brows.

No, the tall goddess Yan Ming is closest to, her personal auxiliary mech is in Naga form, with multiple arms,

These personal combat equipment are all equipped to match the genes of the awakened fragments of one's own genes.

In front of these people wearing auxiliary mechas, Yan Ming was like a human being standing in front of tall orcs, treants, and mountain giants.

Although Yan Ming's human body is very small in front of these native "similars", he has not received any contempt, and even has a kind of envy!

Behind this war is the confrontation of ideology. The original form of human beings represented by Wei Keng's carbon-based body completely tore up the traditional concept of human weakness on these planets.

The current war is engineering planning and production, using the brain to calculate the details of each step. Well, it turned out that everyone found that the original form, even without developed sensory organs, has a large number of tentacle input organs, which still has an unrivaled advantage.

That is "stability".

From birth to sixty years old, this period is called the human base period, this period is as weak as a baby, but it can carry a very high level. The most important thing is to be able to synchronize with the society!

In the original form of human beings, the daily routine is regular, and there will be no uncertain dormancy and excitement periods.

Natural people work at sunrise and rest at sunset, can work together when they should work hard, and think together when they should think, which is in sync with society.

Because in the past, natural people took it for granted, and did not realize that this kind of ability to integrate into the public is an ability.

Oh, for the original human beings in the Behemoth Nebula, this unstable period is hundreds of times more similar to the influence of the female relatives.

For example, during a long-distance voyage, if the food starts to change, the genetic lock here will be affected.

Similar to "ship sickness", the situation of having to adjust the hibernation chamber three times a month is more than four times that of native humans. As long as native humans sleep normally and maintain a group of 60 people to work and communicate, they are not acclimatized and the probability of emotional loss is much smaller.

If the Behemoth humans cannot adjust in time during the voyage, they may become irritable, and sometimes they will completely sink. So many physically disadvantaged vacations.

[In Hollywood movies, spaceships, closed bases, those team brain-dead operations, facing aliens, inexplicable quarrels and separation, or going crazy under pressure, it seems that the audience does not understand, but in fact it is affected by the narrow entropy environment . 】

The monster genes need a negative entropy to stabilize the environment in order to maintain their sanity. Otherwise, it will be difficult to maintain social production.

You know, even a natural person will be irritable if he works twelve hours a day for a month.

Because of the lineage of humans in the Behemoth Nebula, thousands of years of random gene modification have left evil results that are close to "innate mental illness".

Nowadays, the traceability school has observed dozens of mainstream giant beast lineage inheritance in the Giant Behemoth Nebula, all of which will innately leave inheritance memories for future generations. This so-called inheritance memory is now "sick"

Humans in the Behemoth Nebula tend to be aloof, or outliers. Their "innate personality" allows them to participate in many large-scale project work situations, and there are often "insufficient cooperation".

It's like: After work, boys will make less and less appointments to play games together, because today it's not your business, it's my business the day after tomorrow, so it's impossible to make appointments for this kind of game activities.

The Traceability School is now fighting not for physique, but for social leadership.

Able to rest and work stably, shift shifts, and seamlessly connect online! It is the unit of social organization standardization!

Being gregarious is a kind of ability, if you can get along with everyone, then you can bond the divided teams. this is leadership

in a campaign phase. No matter how strong an individual's individual ability is, he must obey the overall plan made by the leadership team.

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