Out of the cage

Chapter 92 3.13 History of being selected

In the spring of 2216 in the Qin Tongli calendar, the economic war in Shenzhou spanned a year and a half from the beginning of the scolding war to the end of the trial.

In the public trial court in Xijing, which can accommodate a jury team of 2,000 people and hundreds of live cameras, the public trial began. In the jury seats, the people sitting are not the upper class in high crowns and long gowns, but representatives of all walks of life in uniform. These are organized by Western Economic Union. Therefore, the atmosphere of this trial is less "unattainable", but has a sense of procedure "facing the whole society".

At the beginning of the trial, Xu Gen stood in the fenced dock, facing the prosecution from the judge's seat and the prosecutor's seat, without saying a word, as if his face was paralyzed.

Because of this behavior of not confessing and not cooperating, Western Economic Union read out the information in the cabinet file box page by page, and carried out a detailed analysis of Xu's cabinet's economic decisions in the past three years and the evidence of private letters from the East. Lie, in the live broadcast, reveals item by item how it uses those interest groups to plunder the people's property and commodity transactions.

And on the Internet platform, I found a lot of eloquent video commentators, using more popular words to describe how the upper class carried out various ugly behaviors to make money, and how to use beautiful words on various occasions to express their actions Portrayed as high-end, elegant.

Onlookers are a cultural characteristic of China, for celebrities who were once aloof! How to fall, and why? The general public has a strong desire to find out, so as long as discussions are allowed, it will be more profound than any previous education.

Be lenient when confessing, be strict when resisting, try to quibble, and dig to the bottom.

As a participant in the economic war, since the alliance in the east was defeated, in order to ensure that it will not be liquidated, each family has disclosed a large amount of information to each other. After sorting out the information of Western Economic Union, it has more control over the Golden World than any previous cabinet. There are a lot of black materials.

With the great discussion of the peoples, there are more and more such gossips. Even though in the current reconciliation between the east and the west, the Western Economic Union "generously" stated that it would not pursue it, but in the next administration, the people in the temple Everyone here is on fire.

The new cabinet: "The prodigal Keng is famous for only lighting fires, not extinguishing them."

During several visits to the prison through the glass windows, the personnel sent by the cabinet (actually the royal family) successfully made Xu Gen and others change their stubborn attitudes, showing an active confession (that is, taking all the blame on themselves. )

When Wei Keng learned of this, his heart sank: "The conservative forces have the ability to suddenly turn stubborn old men into outcasts voluntarily. It is really a centipede who is dead but not stiff." "It's a pity that I can't completely format it."


The consequences of the economic war are far-reaching. The once-expensive billboards on many skyscrapers in the east are now turned off and empty, and the amount of garbage on the streets is increasing. What used to be cleaned every day has become once a week.

The end of the thermal war will bring ruins, and the end of the economic war will also bring ruins.

The industries that were once highly praised and not linked to the real economy are now like sandcastles by the sea—collapsing suddenly.

Taking clothing and sneakers as an example, in the economically active period defined by commercial and private companies, there is often a large premium. In addition to the manual work of laborers, there are also necessary after-sales protection labor service fees. Most of the pricing is divided into 30-70%, 30% is divided by the shoe-making workers and sales personnel who guarantee product quality, and 70% belongs to the owners who put up the brand.

Except for the clothing industry. There are also various cosmetic industries,

In terms of raw materials, these are the finished products of the chemical industry. Strictly speaking, the chemical industry does need to withdraw huge sums of money from the market for research and development. But how much of this huge sum of money is invested in research and development?

The film and television industry has always been an important economic indicator. When the economy is booming, its expansion rate is very fast. The reason is nothing more than one, with the help of this beauty and talent brand, a huge amount of money has been transformed into legal wealth through a "transaction process".

So, sometimes, there are more and more bad movies. The word-of-mouth of the public is not important, what is important is that the "dividend" can be used as a pool of muddy water, allowing some big fish to swim freely in it.

But as the big money holders in the eastern part of China began to withdraw funds to keep their core industries, the pond dried up and the fish disappeared.

And these old-fashioned businesses reflect the artistic conception in Song Ci: "The twenty-four bridges are still there, the heart is turbulent, and the cold moon is silent. Read the red medicine beside the bridge, and you will know who is born every year."

In Zijin Mountain, the most famous Quyuan film circle in Southern Metropolis is now closed like a ghost town.

There are so many entertainers on the bustling subway in Nandu.

On the small stage in the street, the simple-dressed horns sang in the street, sadly singing on the street: the people on the stage sang a heartbreaking farewell song without seeing the old color.


Contrary to the Qingming and rainy atmosphere in the east, it is the bold and unrestrained artistic conception of the Northwest's victory in this economic war.

In the Xijing Industrial Zone, the employment rate has increased by 30%. Twenty years ago, talents from the west flooded into the east. Now due to the reduction of various prices, housing, medical education and other living costs, the "Yellow River The scene of carp going up against the direction'.

After the collapse of the business and private sector, the big data of the light industry of the Western Economic Union has matched the manufacturers in the east one by one. After all the backlog of goods are purchased, they will be stored in different categories.

The big data evaluation center of the western economic chain will report to the commodity management department according to the quality measurement in the industry, and then the banking industry will inject a timely capital chain into the eastern manufacturers.

Of course, 80% of this capital chain injection is credits, the credits for purchasing raw materials to continue production, and the remaining treasure funds are used to make up for wages.

Regardless of whether the top management of Shenzhou is willing to allow Western Economic Union to reorganize the Baochao Bureau, big data is still advancing like a steamroller.


Therefore, on April 23, before the general meeting of Western Economic Union on May 1, which is preparing to further devour the core assets of the East.

Guan Yiyan, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Military Affairs, found Wei Keng for a conversation. The two sides discussed the possibility of transferring personnel in the plateau area in multiple stages within five years.

After the Ministry of War finalized the plan, Shenjing announced on the second day that it would build a general data center and invited personnel from all over China to participate in the construction. This is the official article. In fact!

Let Western Economic Union swallow it as a local force, and the basin of water in Shenzhou will be overturned.

Although the new bosses in Shenjing do not understand economics, they also know that the production technology of strategic materials such as trucks and steel in the east has begun to be transferred substantially. These are all industrial potentials necessary for war.

During the restructuring of Baochao Bureau, Wei Keng's conditions were very tough: "Western Economic Union must occupy more than 70% of the seats, and have the absolute right to appoint and remove personnel within six years."


In the dimension shuttle system.

In the space bubble, the space-time management department is judging Wei Keng's current progress.

As a mission to the plane of the first plane at the beginning of the 27th century, when the first plane war started. According to the standards of the time, Wei Keng's mission was completed perfectly, but there are some "easy to make up" problems

Wei Keng is rare, and he can get the mission line of all the technologies of Shenzhou in this plane.

Although the microscopic physical level is different from the main world, the technical system of mechanical materials is very valuable for reference. If it was back then, Wei Keng had done a great job in accomplishing such an achievement.

However, the shortcoming of Wei Keng's task is: after completing such a historical development, it has lost the continuity that can be used again.

In other words, Wei Keng demolished Wei's house, what he did was too fair.

If the main world wants to send personnel again in the subsequent timeline, it will lose the base point on which it can easily mobilize a large amount of power.

Wei Keng is advanced in accordance with the goal of opening up the future of civilization, but sometimes he is not suitable for performing plane tasks.


The main world plans to use Wei Keng's downstream timeline in the Shenzhou plane in the future!

The reason is simple. During the technical measurement, Wei Keng stayed on this timeline, and the time flow downstream suddenly slowed down. This kind of timeline suddenly slowed down. In the early days, it was thought that the traversers of the main world traveled too much, which caused a large number of disturbances in the mission timeline. However, after collecting more data, it was found that there were other conditions.

In the time-shock space-time area (Command and Conquer time-space group), if the technology is still developing and prosperous, the flow of time will definitely slow down for all the historical lines that have been disturbed by the traversers, and if the plane is blown to pieces Soil, if you can't reply for a long time, then the speed of time will be fast.

The current theory of the main world is "there may be a special physical constant that determines the flow rate of time, and this physical constant may be the parameter of consciousness."

Now Wei Keng's timeline will drop significantly in the next few decades, and at the worst, the flow rate has dropped to only three times that of the main world! (It turned out to be almost ten times that).

According to the statistics experts of the Space-Time Management Bureau, just like Wei Keng's time, it seemed that a "big group" was suddenly blocked, and the time suddenly slowed down.

[Several days in the sky, thousands of years in the world, but if the "timeline is fixed like a sky" is transformed into the world, it will be easier said than done]

Such a phenomenon, according to past experience, Wei Keng, the downstream history of the Shenzhou plane, will experience a period of rapid development of science and technology, thus creating a very valuable timeline.

Now that the Second Plane War is showing signs of breaking out, the contradictions are now concentrated on these timeline planes that have developed for hundreds of years after the intervention of the Space-Time Administration last time, and have shown high value.


In the space bubble, the task that Wei Keng is still in progress has been proposed by the person in charge of the Mount Tai Space-Time Center.

In the Space Group, fourteen Shangqings demonstrated Wei Keng's timeline.

Sun Xiang (Shangqing): I think there is no problem with ability at all. The three most important items on the plane, organization ability, risk judgment, and tenacity, are all there. It's okay to put him on hold for a while, I mean pause for a while. As for the last step, if he can't make the turn, don't turn it for now.

Su Sheng (Shangqing): "No one told him to retire. The carbon-based wave space-time (Pandora plane) is still waiting for him to compare and verify. I mean, we must arrange an 'adjustment task' quickly, and it won't turn around. The bend is the problem. Sending people to complete the local anchor point, isn’t it sending people?”

Luo Hongxing: "Okay, stop arguing, and determine the candidate for the plane adjustment."

He clicked on the interface and pulled out a list of twenty non-commissioned officers. These non-commissioned officers were all related to Wei Keng and Wei Qiang. Of course, the most important person is actually only one.


At this time, in the space-time shuttle field, Wei Qixian, who was returning to the shuttle, paused for a moment. He received a message from his father.

After accepting the message, he quickly went to Taishan Station, his last known timeline was about to be completed.

Wei Qixian has a very well-proportioned physique, which was cultivated in some individual force planes. The outline of the bridge of the nose is inherited from his father. Of course, it is more of a maternal gene. On the earth hundreds of years ago, he is destined to be a school grass class.

For male idols in the 21st century, the light in front of the stage is often produced by the combination of makeup and lighting. His youthful face is really adjusted physiologically. The anime-like face exudes youthful vigor from the inside out.

After arriving at Taishan Station, the space-time system reported to him about the current situation of the original plane where he was born. Wei Qixian, who was insane on the timeline, couldn't help but laugh.

"What year is this? The Second Plane War has been fought, and there are still people who are angry about the historical twists and turns in the plane?" This is the thinking of most contemporary time travelers. As for Wei Qixian, although he doesn't care about history at all, he can't agree with his uncle's excessive force.

However, from the perspective of the family, Wei Qixian felt that it was not good for him to change the result of his uncle's task.

Wei Qixian could feel that Wei Keng was very concerned about changing history, and if he wanted to intervene, no matter how small he did it, it might go against Wei Keng's will.


Wei Qixian: "Excuse me, according to our current technology, we have been able to complete the bloodline (genetic material) positioning. This plane should also have a conscious attachment system (superpower), can it?"

Shangqing: "The ability system of this time-shock time-space zone is too harsh. According to the bloodline positioning, the traversers who are downstream hundreds of years later have only slight superpowers at the beginning (the destructive power is not enough to surpass a pistol). The remaining supernatural talents , is not enough to serve as an anchor point for the future influence of this plane."

The Space-Time Administration issued a mission: an influence node similar to the "Guardian" must be preserved.

Wei Qixian gritted his teeth: "I can do this task, but after I finish it, I have to let my uncle shuttle again for acceptance."


Divine Plane.

At this time, Wei Qixian on the plateau was sitting in an electric car, checking and accepting the pasture fields on the plateau. Since Wei's family dispersed, he allocated a large sum of money. Combined with his current work in Exploration City No. 3, his annual income is sufficient.

He had mixed feelings about that uncle.

16 years ago, the family business left by his father was lightly distributed to others. This feeling that something that should belong to him flew away made him feel a dark fire in his heart.

But later, after a burst of twitching of the belt, after being driven to earn a living, the grievances subconsciously disappeared.

Wei Qixian: Maybe the vast plateau can allow people to reopen. Perhaps it was after the frivolity of the youth was washed away that he matured.

With a buzz, his vehicle rolled directly into a tunnel. When he fell into the tunnel, he saw a ball of light appear above him.

When he woke up again, he saw a person beside him who couldn't see his face clearly. He was as tall as himself and had a similar body shape. Of course, he was a little more well-proportioned.

This is very strange, because once you see his face, the pupil vision is covered like a dark spot left by looking directly at the sun.

Wei Qixian froze for a moment: "Oops, it's not radiation, is it?"

The person in front of him who couldn't see his face spoke up: "Wei Qixian, born in 2184 in Qin Tongli, is now unmarried. Before the age of twenty, he thought about how to inherit the family business, and after the age of twenty, his mind was full of thinking about making a lot of money."

Wei Qixian: "Who are you, I have a gun in my hand?" In fact, he only had a mobile phone in his pocket.

The Faceless Man kicked Wei Qixian over. Wei Qixian wanted to turn over, but a burst of Taoist qi came directly from the Tianling Cap, making Wei Qixian tremble all over.

Faceless Man: "Don't worry, I'm not a foreign spy, nor a member of other forces in China. Don't mention your uncle. You can treat me as someone outside the world, now—" Wei Qixian turned his head and was greeted He hammered his forehead, and stared at his eyes.

Faceless Man: "It's really weak, you should train well. Otherwise, you don't deserve to surpass."

[The Faceless Man, Wei Qixian in another time and space, is now beginning to restrain his last self. 】

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