Out of the cage

Chapter 948 Chapter 21.11 (Part 1) Everyone Says Cultivating Immortals is Good

Luotian City, this is the capital of the Luo Kingdom, and the lineage of the ruler here is the twenty-fifth generation, which has been passed down for thousands of years.

In the capital city, Wei Keng, holding a sword, walked slowly like a young knight. Of course, this is loose on the outside and tight on the inside. Even in the mortal world, Wei Keng is always on guard for trouble.

Most of the princes and generals in such a mortal country had old friends with the immortal cultivators back then. The immortal cultivators helped him establish a country, and then took care of him in selecting disciples. For a long time, among the disciples of these thousands of years old families, many of them were short-sighted. When Wei Keng was walking on the street and heard horseshoes, it was like hearing a motorcycle behind him on a pedestrian street, so he had to avoid it.

For those high-ranking monks who want to have a clear conscience, the easiest way to repay favors to mortals is to use this kind of care to repay them. As for returning favors like this, what impact will it have on others. The frivolous monks don't want to care.

In the capital city of Luo Kingdom, next to the most prosperous waterway, there is a "Taihe Tower" occupied by literati, with a total of twenty-three floors. Wei Keng is now on the eaves, looking up at the stars. Because it is the tallest here, other buildings, Shengdou small people's houses, like matchboxes, are discharged on the ground.

"Twinkle and twinkle, the sky is full of small stars." Wei Keng couldn't help humming after recording the observation of the starry sky here with the system.

Wei Keng traveled to these mortal areas in order to obtain a biography of local ghosts.

The information here in the system is also being improved bit by bit. Wei Keng is now sure that there are many of himself living at the same time in this big world. Although he didn't know the status of the others, Wei Keng, who was separated, was still cooperating spontaneously, relying on starry sky observation for cooperation.

Wei Keng gestured towards the galaxy, as if it was a rolling river, and the self here, and the self in other areas of cultivating immortals, were all tiny river rulers on this long river.

Wei Keng was lying on the tiles on the roof at this time, and it was extremely difficult for the visitors downstairs to notice. Of course, Wei Keng also knows the more advanced invisibility technique, but it is just right for Wei Keng who can sit, not stand, use less aura and never use more.

As for the people in the Taihe Tower, they are reciting poems and prose to silk and bamboo vocal music. The tall man on the roof at this time is completely unaware.

A few feet below the glazed tiles, in the high-rise of the Taihe Tower, a noble young man leaned on the delicate body of Qingguan, holding the red fruit sent by the beauty's jade finger, and sang: "I advise you to drink a glass of wine."

Wei Keng curled his lips: The carnival of these vulgar aristocratic young masters is more like elementary school students who "the final exam is over, and the results are not yet available".

Wei Keng on the top of the building knew clearly that they were going to participate in today's opening ceremony of the King of Sendai. That is, the martial arts event that allows people to advance to innate. Of course, the biggest gimmick is that there is a chance to be able to ascend to immortality.

Regarding the "Worshiping the Immortals Association" in the Luo Kingdom, Wei Keng's previous judgment on its "evil sect sacrifice" was one-sided. The entire Dazong dynasty is still in the sphere of influence of the "righteous sect", and it still protects mortals.

As for the Fairy Asking Society in Luo Country, Wei Keng also gradually understood how the generation of "spiritual roots" was during the information exchange of casual cultivators in Sanyou Fairy.

But even the "poor haha" casual cultivators sneered at mortals' pursuit of immortality.

...Wei Keng: Anything under the watchful eyes of the public has already been allocated, there is no adventure...

In the past two years, Wei Keng also met many immortal friends when making talismans. But most of the so-called "friends" want a discounted price.

Since Wei Keng has a large volume of shipments here, and he is willing to use the blood of monsters as collateral for materials, these fairy friends also talked to Wei Keng about common sense that they are accustomed to, and they are close to Wei Keng.

Wei Keng also enjoyed it: because some information can be obtained free of charge for chatting, but if you come to ask directly, you have to take out Lingshi as a consulting fee.

In any of these markets, there are always a few gray-haired monks in the Qi training period who claim to know everything. These hopeless old men spend their whole lives gossiping about those immortals. In Master Wei's opinion, these old men are the same as those who discussed state-level officialdom in his previous life unit. While sighing, he told the so-called conflict and conflict between Yuan Ying and Jie Dan as a storyteller.

Under the three bottles of spiritual wine provided by Wei Keng, they directly recounted all the anecdotes of thousands of kilometers around them, which can be called a living encyclopedia in the world of cultivating immortals.

Coming back to the topic, this Wenxiantai in the Luo Kingdom is a royal garden surrounded by a circular stone wall with a diameter of tens of kilometers. The vegetation inside is lush, but after digging for three meters, you can find that there are Qingming stones underneath.

But looking from the air, good guy, this is actually an ancient fairy workshop.

This ancient immortal workshop was originally sunk in the ground, but due to changes in the earth's veins over the past few thousand years, it has slowly risen from the ground. Judging from its texture, it was left over from the ancient times, and it sank under the action of some kind of magic (quicksand).

The entire Xianfang is said to have been searched by powerful people, and it is determined that this is just a relic, nothing special.

It's just that the buildings arranged here have a special spirit-gathering effect on the spirit veins. Every ten years, there will be a faint spiritual shock here. This kind of aura shock is a cleansing for mortals. But for practitioners, little is better than nothing.

In addition, the entire Immortal Square has been filled with people who have been coming and going for thousands of years, and the mortals have long been infected with chaotic red dust, and the aura gathered in this situation has no effect at all.

As for mortals generating spiritual roots here, there are indeed, very rare, but the spiritual roots are extremely heterogeneous and unusable.

No matter how bad the normal natural spiritual root is, it is still a small sapling, but these spiritual roots generated by mortal warriors under this opportunity are weeds. They have five elements, and they conflict with each other. It is basically impossible to practice. Impossible to produce "air feeling". Those immortal cultivators who have not been able to build a foundation for decades have long since returned home to reproduce. The only function of this kind of miscellaneous spiritual roots is to increase the probability of the descendants to have spiritual roots.

That's why the immortal cultivators delegated this place to the mortals here, so that some children with the aptitude of cultivating immortals will appear in the reproduction of the mortals here.

Wei Keng once asked curiously: Are those big sects not interested?

The "Encyclopedia of Cultivation of Immortals" sneered and said, "Do you think those great sects don't understand?" In super-large sects, the combination of immortal cultivators and mortals will also produce a large number of offspring without spiritual roots. These descendants, if they could not be driven away, were placed outside the mountain gate, gradually forming a town, and the probability of producing spiritual roots in these towns was much higher than that of the outside world, about one or two percent.

And those high-level cultivators also pay attention to this point. Setting up spirit gathering arrays in these square cities will also promote the emergence of more spiritual roots in the gathering places of mortals in nearby square cities.

The "Association of Immortals" in Luo Kingdom is nothing more than mortals who picked up some rags left by the cultivators, became ecstatic, and began to brag a lot. But in fact, the real sect of cultivating immortals doesn't care about it at all.

It's like American soldiers who don't care about the "instant noodles and luncheon meat" thrown into the garbage dump.

When Wei Keng learned about the selection of disciples in the Immortal Cultivation School, he couldn't help feeling: No wonder the mortal fate is so rare in the world. Many princely and noble families cannot enter the path, and the Cultivation School recruits internally. The parents of ordinary people in the nearby Fangshi of those sects wanted the real volume of "school district housing"

Indeed, from an economic point of view, the matter of selecting cultivation seedlings from mortals is the same as mining "minerals", the grade is low, and too many human resources are consumed, so there is no need for industrial screening. For example, in most of the mortal world, in the mortal world where the aura is thin, there are so many mortals, and there is not one spiritual root in a million. Immortal cultivators are all fighting for their lives with the sky. How can it be possible to waste time and select disciples from mortals one by one. ?

At most, high-level immortal cultivators leave a little cause and effect in some mountains and rivers in human dynasties, and then let their disciples run over to search every once in a while to see if there is a spiritual root in the family after the deceased.

The real selection of successors by the various sects depends on the gathering places of mortals around the Xiuxian sect.

The probability of the children there producing spiritual roots is one percent, and for some cultivating families, it can even reach one tenth. This is equivalent to "high-grade" minerals, and the limited management energy of ordinary people in the sect party is used on this.

And for the Martial Arts, this kind of mortal child disciples selected from the mortal villages and towns next to them is more reliable.

Wei Keng vaguely remembered that when those experienced and a little drunk at the time said this, they began to cry.

Because in their hearts, loose cultivation is suffering. Which of the casual cultivators in Fangshi is not born in the mortal world, and embarked on the road of cultivation, but it turned out to be very bumpy from the beginning. Looking back now, I always think, "If I live near the sect of cultivating immortals, will my cultivation be smoother?"

Wei Keng was also silent. Regarding this kind of "born in the wrong place", in ancient times, it was almost a complaint of "no house in the school district" and "no inheritance at home". Wei Keng understood this kind of complaint. Thinking about this is a bad start. But Wei Keng himself did not have such negative emotions.

Of course, compared with them, Wei Keng has no obsession with longevity. Perhaps, Wei Keng can calmly accept his death after a hundred or a thousand years. But the premise is whether what you want to do is almost done, or whether someone has continued it.

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