Out of the cage

Chapter 95 Chapter 3.16

Sheng Yang is scheming in using spies.

Eastern military strategists pay attention to the combination of orthodox and odd. But when it was passed to Shengyang, Tao was discarded by the side of the road, and art was picked up to be enshrined in the high hall. In these war thaumaturgy, they will use extraordinary effort, which is amazing. As their opponents, when encountering them for the first time, they are often in a hurry because they are unprepared for these thaumaturgy.

This plane of Shenzhou did not really regard Shengyang as an opponent worthy of confrontation, and did not pay attention to these small tricks for the time being.

But Wei Keng came from the sovereign world, and in his last life, he was still at the end of the East Asian championship. He was more thoughtful about how to deal with these "overly ingenious" tactics than people in this world.

Wei Keng tapped his head with his fingers and asked himself, "As for how to trick devils, I should have some skill points in this area, right?"


War pays attention to comprehensiveness and deceitful tactics, so it can only be regarded as an idle game with a probability of success. But if you regard it as a nirvana, and you are too confident in this trick. Sooner or later it will be reversed.

For example now,

On the Central South Subcontinent, after determining the possible strategic direction of Sunrise. On how to accurately lock the position, Wei Keng changed his Japanese thinking.

Wei Keng thought: "First of all, they will measure minerals, roads, or energy. The maps they make will definitely be quite detailed. Even a water tower on the top of the mountain will not be spared."

Wei Keng marked all the strategic locations in the southeast subcontinent, and then spent several hundred million yuan to start catering business in the southeast subcontinent. This is operating at a loss.

at the intelligence division meeting

Wei Keng: "Devil, uh, the people of Shengyang have obsessive-compulsive disorder in many sections," Wei Keng emphasized this information to the intelligence investigators in the plateau area.

According to Mr. Wei's stereotype, before eating a meal, Japanese people put their hands together and say "Die Masai". Many inherent social nooses go deep in the bones.

Wei Keng's judgment is judgment. In actual operation, Wei Keng directly extracted the consumption data of the Ri Islands from the main world.


So, in the spring of this year, a company called "Food Taste" in Southeast Asian sales stores automatically put the best rice and packaged seaweed in the sales cabinet. There is even a freezer with some frozen salmon. Of course, it also comes with a small bag of wasabi. In another type of ramen, the dashi stock is served hot. Pork belly is rolled into columns, then cut into three pieces and placed on top of a bowl.

Well, these vending machines all have a face recognition system. Of course, in order to prevent people from vandalizing in areas with poor security, police drones will also be sent out to lock on, see who buys them, and track and identify them in multiple towns.

Good guy, after ten days of launch, he has completed a major judgment on many situations in Southeast Asia.

Especially in the aspect of marble soda, it has brought unimaginable gains.

The wave of marbles released by Wei Keng is divided into red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple, ordinary version, double-color painted version, and copper-iron double-layer version. A set of colorful marbles can be exchanged for a bottle of soda, a set of double-color marbles can be exchanged for six bottles, and three copper and iron versions can be exchanged for one bottle. Of course, the pachinko machine was turned on so that it could be exchanged for steel balls.

As a result, the group of Sunshine people in Southeast Asia were quickly targeted. Maybe they were too bored during the scouting process and needed to relax, so they all sat by the pinball machine.

This made Wei Keng laugh like a pig.

On July 9th, before the Southeast Asian incident, marble consumption experienced a wave of increase, and then dropped suddenly (this was indulgence before the war, and then busy). Wei Keng confirmed in advance that Shengyang would act soon.


In a certain base within the barrier of the Himalayas, military officers are conducting final discussions on the upcoming military conflict in Southeast Asia.

All participants are now in a state of first-level confidentiality, and the communication equipment is all internal communication, including all entertainment and relaxation in the near future using the base's intranet, and private servers are installed in the base.

In this military staff meeting, Zhao Luochi was holding a report and was narrating: "The upcoming conflict in Southeast Asia in intelligence."

This bastard who used to be in the Battle of Talas, after years of tempering, can no longer see his original appearance. Grandpa Wei Keng didn't train him much, but this place is a big melting pot. Such a smart person is sure. After following the rules around, he quickly found his way of life.

Zhao Luochi: "Preliminary statistics show that the opponent's force should be a large number of mechanized infantry regiments, mainly light mechanization, which may quickly cut off our multiple main roads into Southeast Asia and expand."

There are two possibilities for Shengyang. First, support the puppet regime and increase its influence in the region. This is the strategy that Shengyang adopted in the last global battle for hegemony. The General Staff believes that this possibility is very high. But the High Command believes that it should be considered from a more serious direction.

Zhao Luochi clicked on some information collected by the Western Economic Union.

The photo shows some heavy-duty trucks that were taken many times on some road sections. They passed some road sections in Southeast Asia very strangely. When passing through, it was like going through a maze, but the people at the conference table quickly proposed their own Opinion: "This is exploring the way."

Zhao Luochi: "Yes, the command also thinks so," and then opened the parameters of the Ghost King Mecha:

With a height of eighteen meters (the height of a six-story building) and a tonnage of one hundred and forty tons, it is a super-heavy unit.

Binocular death beam cannon, (each attack lasts for two seconds, has a range of one kilometer, and has an armor-piercing effect of about 350mm. Compared with the Allied spectral weapons, the output is much lower, and Sunrise is also deficient in rare earths , so it can't do better than the Allies, but it can still melt the armor of a first-level main battle tank in a few seconds.

The front is composite armor of ceramic and high-strength alloy steel. (On the Ghost King mecha, Sunrise abandoned their immature nano-steel on the tsunami, and adopted high-tech regardless of cost to enhance the resilience of their powerful unit.)

The rotatable torso and fully articulated limbs make the huge mech very flexible.

Unmanned, at least in theory, is possible, but the interior retains the cockpit.

The ghost king mecha is huge in size and has obvious tremors when walking, but it is more successful in maneuvering than other types of heavy armor, faster than the Soviet Russian Apocalypse and the Allied Phantom. More importantly, it also has extremely incredible charge skills.

The internal anti-gravity mechanism reduces the gravity to one-tenth and lasts for a full forty to eighty seconds. It will eventually hit the target at a speed of 70 meters per second, which is 220 kilometers per hour. Such kinetic energy is greater than that of large-caliber shells.

The ghost king has a buffer structure inside, which can withstand impacts, and large buildings and even other light armors hit by it will be completely destroyed by the impact.

The projected data about the Sun Armor has been released on the battle instrument.

Zhao Luochi: "The command department believes that in the war, we will encounter such units with a high probability."

He opened the road checkpoint, marking the possible marching route of the armor group where the ghost king mecha is located.

At the same time, it also describes the method of dealing with it: "Mine mines, catapulting spider mines with a charge of 50 kilograms." The armor of some Zhurong tanks was reduced, and the artillery was changed to a long-armor-piercing type to ensure that it could penetrate the Ghost King mecha.

At the end of the meeting, someone suddenly asked: "May I ask if we can strike first?" Everyone can see that all operations are based on strikes later.

Zhao Luochi glanced at Wei Keng in the first seat (projection)

Wei Keng: "From the perspective of my situation in China, I am not allowed to do this. For some reasons, I reported the information, but the above is still considering its authenticity"

As soon as the words came out, the non-commissioned officers whispered. Someone said angrily: "We are trying to stabilize the frontier,"

There was a sound of "pop", and it suddenly became quiet.

Wei Keng said: "Since it is for the sake of the country and the frontier, don't complain now. Solve the immediate problems now and solve the future problems in the future. At each stage, talk less and do more."

Wei Keng's voice was not loud, but Zhao Luochi beside him was as quiet as a piece of wood. Shenjing sent him over to watch if there was any abnormality here, but for so many years, it was Wei Keng who taught him how to do things.


Wei Keng's consistent philosophy is to make full preparations for reorganization before any war. For example, the current cutting-edge power station equipment is not enough, but he also tacitly admits that in reality, objective development cannot give you complete preparations.

The Western Economic Union system has always been lacking in blood and fire in the process of growing. This owed course has not been made up yet!

[In the main world, in the second half of the last century of the double millennium, the global labor movement was in full swing. For a while, the Red Banner and the old emperor forces fought against each other. However, after just a few decades, with the disbandment of Big Brother, the vitality of these Red Banner forces It dissipated quickly, and as for the red organization that took the path of parliamentary struggle, Feila was even more unbearable. 】

Only when the strength grows in the overall battle, the personnel of the whole structure will have spontaneous unity and pragmatic seriousness. The liveliness of the dogma against the old forces, and the tension with the organizational tasks.


Wei Keng's real body is now in Guizhou, Bozhou.

In the southwest of China, Guizhou has the most mountains and inconvenient transportation, so it is a prefecture with the lowest sense of existence in China.

Western Economic Union has been investing a lot of money to widen roads and improve transportation. At the same time, all the staff who are in charge of the work in Sichuan must also exercise here.

But this time, a large number of backbones were urgently dispatched to enter here. Since August of this year, large trucks have been flowing here, and on the docks of several rivers, automated unloaders have also stuffed entire containers onto rail vehicles and entered the mountain tunnel. Stored in the combat readiness warehouse in the mountains

Now Wei Keng stopped in front of a mountain base and opened the deployment map on the electronic system. On the image, the terrain of Guizhou and the multiple cities in the mountain were clear at a glance.

In terms of general logistics: "everything is arranged" (especially the power station system, which has increased its installed capacity by more than ten times this year.)

Now Wei Keng's corps can go forward to the Indochina Peninsula to interrupt the Sunrise operation, and retreat to have a large rear to maintain the strength of the protracted war.

As long as Qiandi maintains its main combat readiness support force, Shengyang's military power will certainly not be able to threaten Shudi, the largest economic belt in southwest China.

So now, Wei Keng looked back at Shenjing with a test in his eyes!

What is the test? Of course, it is a test of Shenjing's courage-whether the overall situation is the most important thing, or continue to fight with the same party and fight against differences.

If the country is the most important thing, then naturally when the southwestern frontier disaster occurs, a large number of corps weapons will be immediately deployed to support the area where you are located.

However, if you feel that this happens to be a good opportunity to treat internal problems with external poisons? hehe.

There are already a series of production and transportation organizations in Guizhou.

If Guizhou has always been the rear, then it is only the logistics organization. And once the war drags on for a long time, the Shenzhou Frontier Corps will be deployed within the border for second-line defense. However, the combat organization on the Guizhou ground and the local management organization merged, and began and eventually inherited a set of ideas. So?

Wei Keng turned his face north and said in a low voice: "Then such a powerful existence will knock your teeth more than me as a reckless warrior, right?" Speaking of this, Wei Keng smiled and dug a hole Finally, waiting for the smirk of the wolves to fall.

After clicking on the system, I made sure that I was ready for the final plan on the plane of China.

Wei Keng looked at the sun in Xizhen, and pulled out the Qingfeng from his waist. This space sword, which can cut through thick armor, slashed straight up against the dazzling sunlight.

Twenty-one hours later. Wei Keng sent power to Shenjing for the last time before the war, but nothing happened.

The previous economic war caused hidden damage to the Shenzhou cabinet! The new group of royalists who seized power made the work efficiency of many institutions inefficient.

And now the civil servants united around the royalists were formerly the forces of the old cabinet. They were determined to let the center doubt the motives of someone or something, even if it might be anti-intellectual, they must remain correct.


So, look south.

The South-Central Subcontinent, as the earliest territorial expansion of China in modern times, was not within the scope of the main battlefield of the last global battle for supremacy.

Therefore, the land armament management here has not been so vigilant.

When other military regions in Shenzhou have completed the update of the Longyan individual combat system, as a second-rate existence in the Shenzhou military system, the individual mecha rate here is even only 10%.

Oh, the plateau area, which is also a second-rate military force, has an armor coverage rate of 70%, and there are a lot of forward combat equipment and individual armor with backup. Those who are left without armor wear information helmets, or are technicians lying directly in the information compartment of the engineering vehicle.

The purchase of individual equipment in the plateau area is different from other military areas. The mechanical skeletons of road infrastructure workers are purchased and modified, taking into account cost and performance (and less rebates).

In the South-Central Subcontinent, stock trading was harvested a few years ago, and a large amount of military expenditure evaporated inexplicably. ——It can be seen from this how far the armament is relaxed.


An elephant carries cargo on a dirt road in Siam. Since it is still in the rainy season, there are many muddy puddles on the simple cross road, and the elephant's pace is slowly stepping on the road.

With traffic lights flashing from behind, the elephant driver pulls the elephant aside,

As batches of buses passed by, the elephant rolled up its nose and looked curiously at the passing iron guys. In the elephant's sense of smell, it smelled something different. But these buses pass quickly

It's just that a few hundred meters away, when a pit was crushed, the outer shell that should have been a hard frame seemed to vibrate like waves, which was really strange.

Inside the shell of these "buses" are batches of semi-suspended tracked vehicles. The names of these vehicles are Thunder Assault Vehicles.

Five years ago, when Shengyang's tank department was testing the nano-deflector technology of the "Shen Jing", a researcher mischievously coded the nano-defense system that originally belonged to the Tsunami tank, so that it could form any carrier within a short period of time. tool shell.

The changing camouflage produced by this coded nanorobot is completely different from the camouflage principle of the Mirage project being tested in France. The latter is to directly complete the light refraction.

The biggest disadvantage of the Xunlei Vehicle is that because the Magic Mirror Nanosystem uses programmed nanorobots as a camouflage, it occasionally emits a smell of a printer, which can be easily identified by military dogs and war bears. But now, in this tropical country of palm leaves, even if some people occasionally have doubts, they will not delve into the secrets behind these "civilian vehicles".

These armed spies just went deep into some traffic arteries.

In the Thunder vehicle, the warriors checked their weapons, and the laser soldiers (tank killers) in lithium battery armor, as well as the archers in light armor and holding the "air kill" type II giant bow, under the captain's threat Depressed, silently checking accumulators and launchers, ready for the imminent kill.

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