Out of the cage

Chapter 963 Chapter 21.21 Do not live for others, dare to die for yourself

When the space door is closed, Wei Keng is in the center of the secret realm. At this time, he can feel the chaotic spiritual energy around the entire continent shrinking from all directions. Once it shrinks to the center of the secret realm, it will be destroyed.

However, Wei Keng didn't have any regrets at this time, even though there was a spiritual storm like a stormy sea around him. Because "living for others" is worse than "die for yourself".

When Wei Keng collected many innate elixir, he had already begun to assume the possible treatment of returning to Zhu Mingzong.

The treatment may be better, but it is also possible that being restrained by the sect will have different consequences.

Immortal cultivators have a high degree of freedom, and a high degree of freedom also means a high degree of self-interest. Although sects can guarantee some fairness, what if the interests are too great?

The elixir this time can solve the urgent needs of many monks in the alchemy stage. For this kind of opportunity, the alchemy monks can only hit it by chance, and even the clues are willing to spend all their money to find, but now the secret is confirmed. There is an opportunity they want, and this opportunity can only be once in forty years, so the bottom line must be adjusted flexibly.

Key information: Wei Keng's bone age is less than 30 years old now, so, in the eyes of some high-level monks, Wei Keng can forcefully lower his cultivation base, wait another forty years, and enter the secret realm for the second time to collect elixir.

For the Zongmen, it is far more important to let the alchemy period advance to the late stage of the Nascent Soul, or to benefit the Nascent Soul than to delay forty years for a disciple who is practicing Qi.

You know, the evil sect of the devil will even directly select the disciples of Tianlinggen to make their own corpse puppets.

The alchemists of Zhu Mingzong have absolute self-confidence, and use "interests" to promise that a small Qi practice will maintain a state of great perfection in spiritual cultivation and Qi training. Of course, if the lure fails, you can force it.

In short, after determining the opportunity, it is inevitable! No concessions are allowed, as the saying goes, "the way of heaven is ruthless, and the front line is absolutely relentless."

…Wei Keng: In the face of selfish groups, let go of the complex of helping others...

From the general point of view of the world of cultivating immortals: Master Wei's current choice is a dead end, and there are no so-called monks who have survived the so-called secret realm in the entire sect.

What Wei Keng was facing at this time was indeed the same: the endless changes in the aura of heaven and earth would destroy all magic weapons. No trace is left. Ten deaths and one life.

If Chao Xiangxing was here, he would definitely not understand Wei Keng's choice.

Wei Keng: They will dissuade them, and of course they will come up with their own relatively meaningful plan.

Well, that is to ask Wei Keng to lower his level to collect herbs.

In short, it is similar to the ancient times, "Your efforts are not worth it, it's too wasteful to drain your energy, but I can make you work hard for me and create things that are meaningful to me".

This kind of logic, which is similar to a man watching a woman committing suicide and saying "Anyway, you are going to die, why don't you let me have fun" has always existed in various societies.

Wei Keng: I don't know how I came here, but in the memory of my previous life in the 21st century, the values ​​called freedom, but actually "selfishness" and the evil deeds of "dedication" in a crazy consumer society left me with a poor sense of justice. Under the indelible destruction.

Deny the meaning of other people's struggle for great ideals, and use various "realities" to tell others that your great ideals are false.

Those who have successfully ranked in the upper class always emphasize how the young people in society provide surplus value for their part-time jobs, which has the meaning of "struggle". Even if they are fired, they still advocate that this is "graduation after struggle".

As for Master Wei, after experiencing the last flame in his previous life, he has already lived a thorough life.

So as long as you believe in yourself, you are not afraid of death, you are not afraid of being tired, and you will go forward bravely, but you will not set a value for others to prove your ability and significance. Just lie flat.

...Any immortal cultivator will have conflicts of distracting thoughts and inner demons on the road to immortality, but right now, Wei Keng passed by unknowingly. …

Wei Keng turned on the system: "Start recording now, this time to explore the content."

The system responded: "Yes, it has been entered. All the information you upload now will be used as important information for the cluster."

For Wei Keng, the greatest hope is to rely on step-by-step relay cooperation. Now that this secret realm has been explored to the present level, it is absolutely impossible to give up halfway.

When the space link linking Luoyuan Cultivation Realm was broken, the entire secret realm began to slowly leave with the break.

Wei Keng came to the center of the secret realm again. At this time, the storm had engulfed 90% of the area, and there were only a few hundred kilometers away from the center. At this time, the center's spirit seemed to be in chaos.

Wei Keng inspected the terrain area. In the process of collecting the four super-level spirit grasses, Wei Keng found many traces of other spirit beasts in the caves of those accompanying third-level spirit beasts, all of which were traces of some fourth-level spirit beasts. This proves that the millennium spiritual grass is accompanied by generations.

Therefore, Wei Keng speculated that the high-level spiritual grass seemed to have the possibility of stability and protection in the spiritual storm. It can ensure that the monsters can survive the chaotic storm that travels through the void in the secret realm,

Wei Keng summarized the geological survey of the entire secret area he was in, and determined that the monster cave and the root system of the spiritual grass present a circuit along the lines of the growth ground.

Of course, going further, when those monsters were robbed of the spirit grass, they all chased them like crazy. Even if the enemy was extremely powerful, they didn't run away at the first time. But because he couldn't see the situation clearly, he wanted to regain the spirit grass,

Human monks who enter the secret realm always feel that these second-level monsters that consume their mana and vitality have no flexibility at all.

Wei Keng knocked out the perfect circuit of the spirit beast and spirit grass cave and root system with the copper brick, and sighed: That is the key source of dependence (spirit grass) that the monster cave can survive after the secret realm is closed. To come out desperately.

The monster that lost the symbiotic spiritual grass recklessly seeks out the monks desperately, just like a person who has been defrauded of decades of savings, even if he can't get it back, he will have to fight to the death. Because I can't let go!

Wei Keng shook his head and sighed: "So, you laughing spirit beast is not tactful enough, and you don't know how to advance or retreat when you meet a powerful immortal cultivator. We wait for these fish who are born to bite bait. Take a step back and open up the sea and the sky?"

In the last few days, the secret realm finally rose slowly, and the power of the stars and the strong wind from outside the territory slowly suppressed it.

Wei Keng, who had already made up his mind to conduct a perfect observation of the secret realm for the self-swarm, chose a elixir to deploy his formation.

Wei Keng compared his own behavior to building a space station base on the moon that can "enable people to survive".

Selected by Wei Keng, this is a spiritual plant called "Tianwan Willow", which has a growth age of more than 10,000 years. The restoration of the damaged Sea of ​​Consciousness, this kind of strange thing is a little lower than the "Ten Thousand Years Soul Nourishing Wood".

Occupying this spiritual object is a golden pheasant. There is a ray of gold in the beautiful painted flow, and there is a trace of phoenix blood in it.

Tier 4 monster. This is a rare level in the entire central area of ​​the secret realm. According to Wei Keng's spiritual perception, there are no more than one palm in this secret realm. Of course, only such people can occupy the most precious spiritual objects.

When the surrounding aura storm approached like a doomsday fire, Wei Keng stared at the bird outside, and the chicken also stared at Wei Keng under the tree from the top of the tree, and warned the human race not to come looking for death.

Obviously, Wei Keng wanted to occupy the magpie's nest, and this spirit demon seemed to have just been promoted, and he didn't want to do it. He just tried to force Wei Keng into the "poisonous circle" (spiritual energy storm) and suffocate him to death.

So this man and one beast confronted patiently during the final shrinking process. However, as time passed, Wei Keng finally raised his head and looked at the sky.

Wei Keng deployed the geomancy system in the entire secret realm, which in the end played the role of prying the earth's veins and resisting the invasion of the outer world.

The earth veins make the stellar energy shrink in the center of the secret realm. It is no longer the original spherical contraction, but the attack speed on the ground slows down. When the stellar energy shrinks, the dome becomes lower first.

In the final stage, if the aura storm shrinks normally, it shrinks to a hemispherical shape of one kilometer, and the dome is one kilometer.

This flying monster has the advantage of flying, but now when Wei Keng uses the Kanyu array to shrink the aura to maintain a range of 20 kilometers, the aura starts to compress from the top and flattens, and the dome is directly lowered by 500 meters. There is a chaotic aura storm within 100 meters.

This is a problem for flying monsters, at least they can't fly high and launch a dive attack. As a hunter, Wei Keng crawled on the ground waiting for the best opportunity to kick the eagle.

Before that, Wei Keng stood outside the security circle, and the golden pheasant did not take the initiative to attack, so it had already missed the opportunity.

After systematic and objective analysis, in fact, the spiritual power of this huge monster was stronger than that of Wei Keng at the beginning. It would be stronger if it flew like a dive at the beginning.

However, Wei Keng confronted the monsters on the periphery, and did not make a move until the last stick of incense. The battle was settled within fifty breaths.

When the golden pheasant encountered this surprise attack, it still started to fly towards it with the old habit, but after entering the chaotic aura circle in the sky, it realized that it was flying high, and the feathers all over its body scattered the chaotic aura like a conflagration flame. Countless tiny thunders emerged from the void and pierced through it.

Before it could take pain to adjust, Wei Keng's fist hit.

As usual, when this fist hits its feathers, it is like a peck with 80% strength. Although it will lose a little feather, it is not fatal.

But now, this blow hit the roots of its wings, which caused problems in its balance. Originally, it had to adjust its posture to avoid space storms, but now it fell into a more chaotic area, just like a pheasant flying into boiling oil. middle.

The golden pheasant fell and rolled in embarrassment. After landing on the ground, this fourth-level spirit beast with a height of seven meters and a wingspan of 50 meters unfolded its own alchemy spiritual pressure, and violently flapped its wings, setting off a large amount of flying sand and rocks in an attempt to prevent Wei Keng from approaching.

However, due to the limitation of the dome, it cannot fly and has no viewing angle advantage. As a free-range chicken on the ground, it has a ground disadvantage. When it flapped its wings, the smaller Wei Keng shot at its chicken head suddenly With one swipe, a stream of hot blood was released. The blood just covered its eyes.

This golden pheasant flapped its wings and struggled, slipped its last foot, fell from the cliff, and just rolled into the aura storm. The hot wind and chaotic aura made it look like "an old hen fell directly into a boiling water basin" beautiful Feathers start to burn off.

And Wei Keng had already jumped off when the golden pheasant rolled off the cliff, and hid in the willow tree when the aura storm behind him was completely engulfed. Drilled in towards the predetermined spirit pattern area.

Hiding in the center of the big willow tree, after a stick of incense, the aura storm descended completely. Wei Keng found that the huge willow tree began to shrink, and its stable spiritual power was compressed into a space that remained stable inside the light mask, while the inside of the light mask remained stable like a small world. living space.

Wei Keng's spiritual power here is stable, just enough to have an inch of body.

Wei Keng looked at the aura storm outside. This was a scene where everything was withering in the frosty sky. Except for the thousand-year-old spiritual things like spirit grass, which could maintain the circulation and exchange in the earth veins, he couldn't help but be speechless. If this still stays in the stellar qi, all creatures will be finished, oh, at this time the stellar wind is gradually weakening,

Wei Keng paused for a moment, and found that the sky had suddenly brightened. Looking up, the secret realm seemed to have risen out of the influence of the Luoyuan Continent's stellar energy.

At this time, Wei Keng looked up at the dark sky outside the secret, where countless stars shone brilliantly. And that "sun" is radiating endless flames.

By coincidence, Wei Keng stretched out his hand to explore the energy space of Lingliu, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in his hand. Wei Keng felt a lot of spiritual power stripped from his body, as if entering boiling water.

However, Wei Keng was stunned for a moment, and found that although his aura had diffused, the innate qi had not collapsed, and the original trickle of spiritual source in the spirit yuan began to open, and it was constantly pouring into his fingers to activate vitality.

Monster beasts rely on spiritual herbs to co-exist, but Wei Keng suddenly discovered that he has a similar circulatory system in his body, but it is quite weak. At present, it can only maintain short-term stability in Xinggang.

Wei Keng checked it himself, and found that it was the spiritual source in his body. Wei Keng thought for a while, and suddenly stretched out his hand into the spiritual storm. At this time, he felt that most of his arms were melting. But it has formed an optical illusion.

At this time, the system prompts: Gangfeng is not wind, similar to cosmic rays, it is the energy fluctuation of the dense space of stars and universe at this time. When the aura is stripped and washed away, the substance of your body becomes unstable.

Wei Keng nodded, and then asked: "But why do I feel that although my whole body is in severe pain, the source of spiritual energy in my body doesn't seem to be affected."

System: "Spiritual source, similar to kindling, according to the current observation, it is the quasar radiation enriched to a certain extent, in the process of mass-energy transformation, so now you just have this convergence point on your body." This is like icing, phase change A condensation nucleus is required.

But when the system marked Wei Keng, Wei Keng looked at himself, and at the same time at the willow tree behind him.

Wei Keng: "Hey, photosynthesis? I'm a spirit grass!"

System: "To some extent, you are a very precious "big medicine". My friendly suggestion is that you can try to change from the state of absorbing spirits to the state of creating spirits in the stars! Please try to adapt to the evolution here, this data It is of great scientific value."

Although the system says "work" which is pretty outrageous.

But Wei Keng understands that if his cluster wants to enter this "sea of ​​stars" in the future, it must take the first step, that is, to ride a "kayak" like a secret place and cross space, and it must collect life states.

Just when Wei Keng began to think about the situation, there was a thumping movement outside. The golden pheasant, which was burned by the real fire of the sun and the strong wind, crawled out, step by step towards the He climbed over the big willow tree, but his whole body was extremely weak, and the aura in his body was flowing like a leak.

Wei Keng thought for a while and stretched out his hand, picked up a small stone outside and hit the bird, the bird was hit, looked at Wei Keng's outstretched hand, obviously showing hope, wailed, yes Wei Keng lowered his head.

It obviously wants to come in, but its strength is not enough to defeat Wei Keng at this time. Wei Keng thought for a while, and leaned half of his body from Lingliu to check, but half of his waist stretched out, and Wei Keng suddenly felt The real fire of the sun and the wind of the nine heavens are penetrating through his body at the same time.

The whole body was as uncomfortable as being hit by ice water, and even the skin was burned by the intense sun. The spiritual source in the body suddenly erupted and moved to the head, forcing Wei Keng's consciousness to be clear.

Under the intense sunlight, the bird, which was about to mature into a half-cooked roast chicken, saw Wei Keng, just like seeing a bottle of water in the desert, showing hope, but thought of something and took a breath, and then A stream of spiritual blood spit out from the mouth.

This spiritual blood flowed into Wei Keng, and Wei Keng felt the jumping spiritual power in the spiritual blood for a moment.

What Wei Keng thought of: This is a contract signed by the monster to recognize its owner and give half of its vitality to the owner.

Wei Keng thought for a while. Although half of its vitality was in his hands, it still had the risk of turning violent. The safest strategy was to ignore it.

But in the end, Wei Keng sighed and laughed at himself: "Who is not biting bait fish."

As a result, Wei Keng walked out of the barrier, and suddenly felt like his whole body was on fire, as if countless stones were pressing on his body, and he could no longer jump. Wei Keng finally knew why this golden pheasant could not move.

Wei Keng walked a hundred steps, finally came to the golden pheasant, thought for a while, and started dragging its butt hair.

Master Wei didn't dare to point his head at him. However, this bird seemed to feel something, and the tail feathers on the buttocks shrank suddenly, covering the buttocks. Angrily, Wei Keng stuffed a rock and threw it at the chicken's buttocks. Wei Keng: "What are you guarding against? .”

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