Chapter 188

There was a rush of people on the street, and both men, women and children, all rushing forward and shouting loudly.

“Little Zi Tai Fu! Little Zi Tai Fu! Look here!” (*Note 1)

“Wow, so dazzling!”

“Peerless beauty… this is the most beautiful woman in the world!”

With a melon-like look, Heather grabbed a man who was running by and asked, “Brother, are you going to chase stars?”

“It’s okay to say it’s a star chaser, brother, this is a rare [Oiran parade]!” The man who was dragged was not angry, and said with a smile.

“Oiran? Isn’t it…the kind…you know?” Heather gestured.

“Brother, don’t you even understand what the oiran means to Wanokuni? Which mountain came out of it…”

The man looked at Heather suspiciously, but still answered Heather’s question, and his tone became more and more eager:

“The oiran is not only the top wandering girl, but also Wanokuni’s number one idol, SuperStar! Little Zitaifu is the goddess in the minds of men, and the role model in women’s minds, with extremely high cultivation, and her beauty is alluring her country! With the extraordinary temperament that does not lose to the gods, it can be described as the’perfect body’ of a woman, that is the oiran-Xiao Zi!”

Seeing the increasingly enthusiastic man in front of him, Heather was sure that this guy was a big fan of Xiao Zi.

At this time, the crowd in front of Heather screamed fierce cheers, and the man shouted excitedly: “Come! It must be the little Zi Taifu here! I’m going to see!”

As he said, he didn’t know where he could get away from Heather’s hand, and squeezed into the crowd in a few strokes.

Heather raised his eyebrows, dived into the crowd cleverly, and slipped to the front of the crowd like a slippery loach.

I saw a gorgeous guard of honor walking here along the street.

Dozens of burly men are armed with spears and halberds as their guards. A woman wearing a gorgeous kimono stepped on a one-meter-high clogs and slowly moved the clogs forward with her hands on the shoulders of the umbrella guards, with a graceful posture.

This woman has long jade-like hair twisted into a butterfly-wing-like horizontal Hyogo hairstyle. Her dignified and beautiful face is hard to find in the world. She wears a wide Yamato dress embroidered with peacock gold patterns and gorgeous hair accessories. The two contradictory temperaments of [Charm] and [Holy] are perfectly blended together.

She is Wanokuni’s first oiran, Xiao Zi.

With the dumpling string in his mouth, Heather watched the guard of honor pass by with his arms on his chest, his indifferent attitude was incompatible with the frenetic atmosphere around him.

It seemed to be a coincidence that Xiao Zi paused slightly on Heather when she swept her gaze, and then continued to move forward without any reaction.

With the departure of the guard of honor, a large number of people moved with one of them, leaving only dozens of men and women lying on the ground muttering to themselves unable to move.

“Quickly, the ambulance team! Need forty stretchers!”

“It’s all caused by the passage of the little Zi Taifu [absence], [bleeding], and [visual impairment]!”


The ‘Samurai Patrol Team’ responsible for maintaining order immediately dispatched an ambulance team to treat these people.

At this moment, Heather’s surroundings became deserted and deserted, and he curled his black hair together and fell into thought.

This little purple is the princess of Wanokuni, a descendant of the Kozuki family. Because his father Kozuki Oden was killed by Kaido and Kurozumi, he stayed incognito and waited for his revenge twenty years later.

Do you want to expose it?

Heather bit the bald dumpling bamboo stick, thinking and thinking, or shook his head and rejected the idea of ​​exposing its true colors. On the one hand, it is because if you disrupt the plot in advance, you don’t know if it will affect your first-stage mission settlement and the second-stage mission issuance. On the other hand, it is because there is no benefit.

No matter what you do, there must be [positive feedback], which is the so-called ‘self-satisfaction’. Debunking Xiaozi can neither bring himself the spiritual satisfaction of occupying a high moral position, nor does it have any material feedback, but will disrupt his own plans. So why do such a completely thankless thing?

Thinking of this, Heather put his hands in, Kabuto turned and left the street.

Hey, after thinking about it, it’s because Xiao Zi’s hair color and makeup are not her own dishes, and Japanese geisha can’t accept it… I’m really a pragmatic person.

The drama of [Young Young Master] lasted for three full months, and when Heather was really bored, he finally came to live.

“Heather, there is a task for you.”

In the hall of Ghost Island, Kaido put down the wine gourd in his hand and looked at Heather under the throne:

“I need you to go to Dressrosa to meet with the Beasts Pirates alliance and retrieve the goods by the way.”

With both hands in Kabuto, Heather yawned, “Oh? Dressrosa is JOKER’s domain, right?”

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! That kid is very ambitious and has enough ability.”

Kaido wiped the wine stains from the corners of his mouth and laughed: “Go, meet JOKER and hit him by the way. It’s time to let the world know that Beasts Pirates has a new [big sign board].”

“no problem.”

Heatherbar did not go to the sea, and his bones were about to rust when he stayed in Wanokuni and Ghost Island.

The most important thing is that one’s own [Beasts Pirates big board] identity has not been known to the outside world, and that [big man] task is naturally impossible to talk about.

“Heather, how many manpower needs to be deployed?” Jack asked. Most of the work of going out was originally entrusted to him, so it’s rare to be leisurely.

“Come and look at the pleasing and obedient ones to give the giver and the true fight, and you will be fine with two more ships.”

Heather is not picky about the strength of his subordinates, as long as he is pleasing to the eye. ferry? Which ship is comparable to its own fully automatic Nautilus?

Quinn, who has been immersed in debugging his left arm mechanical armor, raised his head: “Don’t you need to bring [Flying Six Cells]? These guys are also very idle, just like you.”

“…It’s okay to bring two, just Peggy Wan and Ulti, take them out and go around, and if you have the opportunity, find a few criminals with a reward of over 100 million yuan to practice their hands.”

Except for Fozver and Drake, everyone else has been getting along well with Heather in the past few months. It just so happened that Ulti complained to Heather a while ago that his life was too boring, so let’s take the brothers and sisters out for a round of fun.

Speaking of Ulti, I have to mention [Yamato], that is, Kaido’s unlucky ‘son’.

She said she was a son, but she was actually a beautiful woman who looked like a jade, barely regarded as Ulti’s best friend, who turned her face ruthlessly at any time. The exquisite appearance of the white hair and the red pupil, plus the hot body with the lordosis and back curl, originally hit Heather’s strike zone, but his brain was very problematic.This guy especially admired Kozuki Oden, who had left eternal scars on his father Kaido, and struggled with the goal of becoming a “man” like Kozuki Oden. In the end, Kaido could only call Yamato his “son”. Also knowingly call Yamato the “Young Master”.

A month ago, Kaido, the old guy, specially let Heather and Yamato meet once, and Heather could guess that old man’s thoughts. It was nothing more than letting his future heirs get in touch with Heather, and by the way, see if he can use it. Heather’s prosperous beauty that killed all women brought back Yamato’s stray brain.

But I don’t know why, Heather was very uncomfortable when he met Yamato. Yamato thought Heather was Kaido’s new run dog and ridiculed him, while Heather thought Yamato was a disfigured and unfilial girl who was full of Japanese slavishness. , The more they quarreled, the more fierce they got, and they started directly and almost demolished the small half of the ghost island palace.

Yamato learned a lot of powerful moves from Kaido. His advanced Armament Haki and extremely rare Zoan fruit abilities are also amazing, but he still loses to Heather. When he was finally pressed by the huge wolf claws on the ground, he was still struggling desperately even though his body was wounded. Just when Heather was considering whether to slap this guy to death, Kaido sighed and stopped Heather.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up a mace and beaten his father so fat, he directly beat Yamato half to death, and then buckled her seastone collar around her neck and threw it into a black jail. This set of skillful operations made Heather sweat his forehead. How many times has he beaten him to become so skilled? No wonder your girl is going to oppose you. Old man Kaido, your way of raising a girl is too rude.

Hearing that’girlfriend’ was beaten up violently, Ulti was not only not sad, but happy, saying that people usually tolerate his cerebral palsy remarks because of Yamato’s identity, thanks to Heather, who is not a son but a son, is not afraid of power and ruthlessness. It frustrated Yamato’s spirit, and suggested that Heather should beat Yamato once a week in the future. Maybe the guy who beats more often can change his mind.

Hearing these words made Heather pouted. Are you two really good friends? It’s the enemy! Or is it that the friendship between women is something that straight men like yourself cannot understand?

In short, on the second day after receiving the mission from Kaido, the two warships carrying a small amount of Gaijin and Jinshi, followed Heather’s Nautilus and set off towards the ‘New World’.

“Heather, your boat is so beautiful, Gong Su~”

Ulti ran up and down on the Nautilus deck, trying to find the crew manipulating the sails and ropes: “What about people? Why can’t I see the sailors manipulating the sail ropes?”

Heather, who was lying on the deck with his hands behind his head, was so quarreled that he couldn’t sleep, so he had to sit up and say, “Don’t look for it. This ship is fully automatic and does not require sailors.”

“Huh? Is there such a technique?” Peggy Wan asked curiously.

“I have a scimitar that’eats’ the fruit of Paramecia, which can control the ships I touch.”

As the water swirled, the blue and translucent ceremonial machete [Prince Mermaid] appeared in Heather’s hand and showed it to Peggy Wan and Ulti who came to watch.

This is also within Heather’s plan. After all, the Nautilus and the Mermaid Prince are extremely powerful in this One Piece world, and they must use them frequently. At this time, we must find a suitable reason for their strangeness, and Dudu Fruit is a good excuse.

If necessary, there can also be gold coins of stone insects and corpse fruits that eat the fruit of life. Anyway, Devil Fruit can explain the variety of it.


Note 1: [Taifu] refers to the highest-ranking wandering girl in Japanese verandas. The Taifu has the highest status among the female travellers. Not only must he be beautiful, but he must also have intellectual and education. Not only can he sing, but he can also play piano, chant Japanese songs, play chess, tea ceremony, ikebana, incense, etc. The most important thing is to have The charm of’sex’ is commonly known as [Oiran].

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