Outlaws Start by Climbing to the Top of the Wanted List in the Martial Arts World

Chapter 184 Preparatory Members of the Council of Evil Gods

The evil god from outside the territory, the Thousand-Handed Evil Lord.

This is a famous alien evil god.

No, it should be said that any extraterritorial evil god is famous and famous throughout the ages.

Time cannot bury each other, no matter how many years have passed, there are related legends circulating.

This is the power of the evil gods from outside the realm, and it is also what makes them very different from immortals.

The Thousand-Hand Evil Lord dates very early, and the specific age cannot be verified. We only know that this extraterrestrial evil god was very unlucky and seduced a young monk when he first appeared.

You want the other person to become your believer and become a part of you.

But unfortunately, the young monk chosen was named Nagarjuna.

Throughout his life, he went from Monk Nagarjuna to Dharma King Nagarjuna, until he was called Nagarjuna King Buddha.

Dou Changsheng knew so well because this founder of Landa Temple, one of the Nine Immortals of the Righteous Path, was the most prominent figure in the world, and there were countless related legends.

The Thousand-Hand Evil Lord touched Nagarjuna King Buddha, otherwise how many people would know about him.

This is a crucial figure in the growth of Nagarjuna Buddha, but he cannot be called the lifelong enemy of Nagarjuna Buddha.

Because Nagarjuna King Buddha has encountered countless enemies in his life, among which there are more evil gods and evil gods from outside the realm than he can count on his hands.

This Thousand-Armed Evil Lord just appeared early, otherwise there would be no chance for him to leave so many deeds.

As if feeling Dou Changsheng's gaze, a tentacle kept waving, the mouth on it kept moving, and a dissatisfied voice sounded: "Damn little monk."

"I knew it."

"My entire reputation is gone."

"I can't survive in this world."

Dou Changsheng looked at the Thousand-Armed Evil Lord in front of him with his teeth and claws snarling. Although he was frightened in his heart, it could not be called despair.

Because this person had long been suppressed by King Nagarjuna, and the place of suppression was Landa Temple.

The establishment of Landa Temple was due to Nagarjuna Buddha. Nagarjuna Buddha left a legacy and took the initiative to spread the faith. It was with this power that he suppressed the Thousand-Armed Evil Lord.

The Landa Temple was able to dominate the world and became one of the nine sects of the righteous path. It was also the success of the Landa Temple in the past generations. They not only punched the Thousand-Armed Evil Lord, but also took the initiative to attack and kill all the enemies that Nagarjuna King Buddha had suppressed in the past. Once, I don’t know how many layers of seals were added.

The monks of Landa Temple are the best at sealing, and they also like sealing enemies the most.

Landa Temple likes to seal the enemies during festivals such as Obon Festival and Buddha Bathing Festival.

Other Dharma gatherings also like to be held on the graves of enemies. When they are happy and happy, they can seal the enemies.

Now after so many years, various festivals and rituals have been sealed, and I don’t know how heavy the seal has been. To put it bluntly, even the Landa Temple itself cannot break this seal.

The monks at Landa Temple are really heart-warming.

If the seal of Wangdoushuang was handed over to Landa Temple, there would not be so many bad things.

The Thousand-Hand Evil Lord sighed, and said helplessly: "Life is not easy, the Immortal Lord sighed."

"Thinking back to those days when I dominated the world and swept across the heavens. Who wouldn't call me the Thousand-Handed Immortal?"

"I never thought that I would be reduced to the likes of evil gods and be laughed at by my juniors."

"The young monk bullies people too much. If it weren't for me, where would he be today? He would still be ringing the bell in that shabby temple."

"Now that I'm shaking, I've forgotten the old man."

Fatty Zhu interrupted the self-pitying Thousand-Hand Evil Lord in front and asked directly: "We have arrived at the Black Desert."

"The black storm is blowing so hard that we dare not enter the black soil desert."

"You happen to be in the black soil desert, come out to greet us."

"Save me the trouble of looking for you again and let you know we've arrived."

The tentacles with mouths of the Thousand-Hand Evil Lord have been raised high and are located in the center. The tentacles with eyes are on both sides, like guards.

Thousand-Hand Evil Lord's pure golden vertical pupils stared straight at Fatty Zhu, and finally said dissatisfiedly: "I finally escaped from a will, and I am enjoying myself in the black soil desert."

"Use the remaining power of the Blood Demon to cover my whereabouts and prevent the monks from Landa Temple from coming to my door."

"Why are you here for no reason?"

"You are not a good person."

"Especially when the blood demon was active in the past, you were scared to death. In the end, you turned to mortals in disgrace. It is a shame among immortals."

"Now that the Blood Demon has been sealed, you are no longer afraid, and you still dare to come to the black soil desert."


"No matter what your plans are, you should leave immediately."

"It's okay for us to meet in this place of nothingness, but it's not necessary in reality."

Fatty Zhu said unhappily: "I work hard for everyone's seal."

"I've been running around here and there for the past year, always looking for a solution."

"In the end, we found that we couldn't get out of trouble just by relying on our strength."

"This world hates outsiders. This is also the reason why our strength has declined. We have dropped by half a level. Of course we cannot defeat those bullies. Even half-immortals dare to bully us."

"If I were outside this world, I would win."

The Thousand-Armed Evil Lord waved his tentacles and interrupted the sermon: "Don't talk such nonsense."

"There are new people coming, so just go through the process."

"Automatically become a reserve member of the Council of Evil Gods."

"As long as you perform meritorious service, you can become a formal member. When a vacancy becomes available, you can compete for the position of a member."

"I have no interest in this world anymore, and I plan to leave."

"King Buddha Nagarjuna can suppress me for thousands or ten thousand years, but it is impossible for millions or tens of millions of years. I am destined to escape sooner or later. When the time comes to leave this world, no one can stop me."

Fatty Zhu shook his head and said: "You are also a powerful person, and your name is spread throughout the world. Now you are slandered as an evil god from outside the world. Not to mention, you were skinned and boned by Nagarjuna King Buddha to make Buddhist lamps, cassocks and other utensils. You He actually accepted it calmly instead of taking revenge on King Nagarjuna and letting him taste the pain of being suppressed."

Thousand-Hand Evil Lord said calmly: "I won't talk to you much."

The Thousand-Hand Evil Lord shook his tentacles, and the person began to fade away. He threw out a token and fell into Dou Changsheng's hands.

Fatty Zhu looked at the disappearing Thousand-Armed Evil Lord, sneered and said, "Duplicity."

Finally, he said to Dou Changsheng: "Don't think he doesn't welcome us, but in fact he is extremely happy in his heart."

"With this token, it can be regarded as a guide."

"We can just go directly."

"The Land of Nothingness has recognized you, and you can come here freely in the future."

"Parliament generally does not open. The speaker has disappeared long ago. However, members are also qualified to open parliament."


"I almost forgot to ask."

"Would you like that?"

"The Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance is free to come and go, if you don't agree."

"It's no big deal."

"It's just a curse, imposed by the Speaker himself. It's not a big problem and no one will die."


They are all immortal.

Of course no one will die.

But I'm not!

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