One sentence.


The Black Lotus Envoy lurks in Landa Temple.

This matter has been revealed by emptiness. Even the Chaos Society already knows about it, and Landa Temple must also know about it.

This Black Lotus Holy Envoy wants to use this to climb up, but he is not really willing to do anything for Landa Temple and is willing to bear all the infamy.

If Landa Temple didn't know about it, how could anyone understand his painstaking efforts? If they didn't know, they would think that he really colluded with foreign enemies and harmed his own people.

But this matter is known to everyone, but it must be something tacit and cannot be made public.

Whoever handles it?

The choice will be investigated secretly and denied openly.

Landa Temple believes that there is a Black Lotus Holy Envoy lurking. After all, there are many clues that have pointed out everything. But if everything is announced, will the reputation of Landa Temple be ruined?

The Landa Temple is what it is today, thanks to the blood of countless sages.

If people knew that there were evil spirits lurking around, and that he had become a high-ranking official in Landa Temple, it would be a serious blow to the prestige of Landa Temple.

But now Dou Changsheng is stirring up trouble. He doesn't care about the unspoken rules or whether his words offend others.

The two sides belong to different camps, and there is no possibility of merging.

When they have to join forces, they must have encountered a major crisis, but why compromise at that time? For the sake of the overall situation, the other party has to bow his head. As for the other party's unwillingness, then they can just finish it together.

Just like in dramas, movies and TV shows, Dou Changsheng couldn't do it if he had to compromise and be humble in exchange for the other party's help.

After all, the crisis does not differentiate between people, and you will die if you die, so why should you wrong yourself.

This sentence is simple, but it can make everyone unable to do it at once.

The atmosphere suddenly became silent, as if the sounds between heaven and earth had disappeared.

After a brief silence, Kong Wen stretched out his hand to smooth down his fluttering white eyebrows, letting them hang down from his cheeks. He clasped his hands together and said, "Donor Dou is joking."

"Although Landa Temple cannot be called an iron wall, it is impregnable."

"But it's not a place where heretics dare to run wild."

"This temple is full of monks who are devoted to the Buddha."

Kong Wen directly denied it, and his attitude did not exceed Dou Changsheng's expectations. After all, this was related to the reputation of Landuo Temple, and Kong Wen did not dare to agree.

Seeing this, Dou Changsheng did not speak again and continued to accuse. After all, it was still doubtful. Besides, it was slandering Landuo Temple, which could easily cause conflicts and lead to a war between Landuo Temple and Tianshi Sect.

Enemies of the Heavenly Corpse Sect are everywhere, and the relationships between many sects are not good. After all, the Heavenly Corpse Sect has another business, which has always been disdainful.

Robbing graves and digging up corpses.

The Heavenly Corpse Sect needs corpses, and the corpse of a strong person has always been what the Heavenly Corpse Sect is determined to obtain.

And for many powerful people, their burial places are accompanied by grave goods.

The benefits of stealing corpses are not small, and the third generation found that robbing tombs is even more enjoyable.


The founder of the Heavenly Corpse Sect revived, supported the building that was about to collapse, and turned the tide against the fallen three generations of adults.

How did the other party start their business?

Grave robbing.

It was the three generations that carried forward this profession, accumulated tremendous wealth, and had the capital to rise, and finally completed the resurgence of the Heavenly Corpse Sect, sweeping away the shame of their ancestors.

This kind of thing is naturally not welcome.

Especially for Buddhist disciples like Landa Temple, they have relics after their death, which is really great.

Dou Changsheng thought that his question could be called a warning.

If Kong Wen had not prepared at all in advance, he might have been fooled by the lamp of emptiness, and would have been tricked to death without being able to react.

This is intentional and unintentional harm, just like a certain Bateman who has never won a battle or lost a fight.

Just because of the sudden encounter, I didn't know the enemy's details or what methods he had, but after contacting him once, he was well prepared the next time, and he beat the opponent until he cried for his father and mother.

With Kong Wen's rank, if he was alert in his heart, it would be impossible for him to be tricked to death again.

The first of the four halls, no one is easy to mess with.

In particular, this Kong Wen is the head of the Arhat Hall and is known as the Tota Arhat.

This name is not very pleasant, but it is one of the Eighteen Arhats along with Subduing the Dragon and Subduing the Tiger.

In particular, the Luohan Hall is the first of the four major halls, and is the facade, signboard, and force of Landa Temple.

Its status is similar to that of Longhu Taoist in Longhu Mountain, and its status is only lower than the Celestial Master.

After all, Dou Changsheng said so.

It was also arranged very well by Kongxing. This Kongwen was not at Fahua Mountain, so even if he wanted to frame him, he couldn't do it.

So Kongwen had to come.

If the abbot of Landa Temple hadn't been too conspicuous, the possibility of this person being an undercover agent would have been too low. Kongxing might have framed the abbot. 】

Dou Changsheng walked all the way and finally came to the guest room of Fahua Temple. He opened the door directly and sat on the bed. Looking at the monks leaving outside, Dou Changsheng had no intention of doing anything today and began to wait for emptiness. next step.

Dou Changsheng was very curious whether Kongxing would still act according to the original plan after Kongwen became alert.

Continue to come up with something to frame Kong Wen, or give up the plan.

In fact, how to break this game?

Dou Changsheng already knew this.

You can take the simplest approach.


The one who is most anxious is not him, but Kongxing, the Black Lotus Envoy.

He couldn't bear to act because there were too many believers and they left too many traces.

The Black Lotus Holy Envoy is so cautious and has been forced to this step. It is conceivable that developing followers and taking continuous actions is not the Black Lotus Holy Envoy's original intention, but the meaning above.

With the oppression of the Holy Mother above, it is impossible for the Black Lotus Holy Envoy to disappear.

As long as the action is taken, traces will be left, which will eventually lead to the complete exposure of the Black Lotus Holy Envoy. Therefore, the Black Lotus Holy Envoy needs a scapegoat to calm down this matter. Landa Temple will no longer be on high alert, so it will be much safer to act again. .

The Holy Mother above acts as a pig teammate.

This was not a Madonna stupidity, but a mundane thing, of no importance to the Madonna.

As long as the results are achieved, Our Lady does not care about the consequences. For figures like the Five-Color Holy Envoy, Our Lady does not dare to say that they will be mass-cultivated or mass-produced, but it is not too difficult to cultivate them. If they die, someone will naturally replace them.

Ten years, thirty years, you can't become a heavenly being.

But a hundred years will do.

And time is the most useless thing for them who have been watching for a long time.

Mayflies live and die.

Time is so precious, but for people, one day is dispensable.

The gap between immortals and mortals is even greater.

The Holy Mother closed her eyes once and opened them again, and the five-color holy messenger appeared again.

You regard yourself as a treasure, but in the eyes of others, you are just a piece of cake.

Dou Changsheng began to comprehend the [Qinglong Soaring Cloud Technique], and he was able to practice this secret skill to great perfection recently.

Later in the night.

Dou Changsheng was awakened.

The first day after arriving at Fahua Temple.

Fahua Temple lived up to expectations and something happened. ,

I will write a little more today, so please vote for me!

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