Outrageous! What's Going On With You Gangster, You Gangster?

Chapter 86 Have You Ever Heard Of Rabbit Hugging?

Chapter 86: Have you heard of Rabbit Rabbit?

Looking at Chen Ming who passed the two of them in a flash and ran towards the warehouse without stopping,

Both Gao Qiang and Li Mo were stunned,

Gao Qiang looked dull,

"No.... Didn't you let me go on an infiltration mission?"

"Am I delusional or am I hallucinating?"

Li Mo solemnly shook his head,

"No, you read and heard right."

"He just brought back the boss of the drug dealer ~ here he comes!"

"He... the boss of the horse-riding drug dealer has brought him back!"

How much shock would it take for a captain of the poison brigade to repeat it twice in succession?

Really opened my eyes tonight!

It was good to find a monitor in someone's drug dealer's lair!

This shit.....and brought the boss back?

Are you carrying a person?

You are clearly carrying a thunderbolt!

"I was wrong! I was really wrong!"

"I shouldn't have given him that little bit of autonomy in the first place!"

"It turns out that his little bit is a billion bit!"

Li Mo reflected deeply,

In more than ten years of anti-drug career, he has never seen such outrageous seriousness!

He finally knew why Chen Ming had specially brought a bottle of anesthesia,

I just ran to stun the boss of the drug dealer!

So brave․ .

How can this young man be so brave?

What if the drug dealer boss finds out?

What if the boss of the drug dealer wakes up halfway?

What if it is discovered by other drug dealers in the lair?


Is this the crux of the matter?


The crux of the matter is,

As long as the brain is a normal person, there will be no idea of ​​​​implanting monitors on the back molars of the boss of other drug dealers!

Seeing that there has been no movement here.

Chen Ming was in a hurry and shouted,

"What are you talking about, hurry up!"

"I will send it back to someone in a while!"

Li Mo took several long and deep breaths,

Now that I have done it, it is meaningless to think about these things, I can only do it to the end!

So he yelled,

"Technical department! Hurry up and prepare for implantation!!!"

"Hurry up! Not a second is wasted!"

"Monitoring team! Keep an eye out for any unusual movements in the lair, and report to me immediately if you find any!"

Following Li Mo's instructions,

The people in the headquarters are all busy,

Especially those people in the technical department, they are going crazy!

Because the pressure is all on their side!

People in the technical department never thought of death,

One day, they will personally drill a hole in the back molar of a drug dealer boss,

Then implant a nano-listener into it.

and it has to be perfect,

The boss of the drug dealer must not feel anything after waking up.

At most, I can only think that my teeth hurt a little because I got angry recently!

In the rear warehouse, a workbench has been urgently cleared out,

The unconscious drug dealer boss was lying on the workbench, his mouth was gently pried open,

It was the technician who took Chen Ming to choose equipment in the afternoon who was fully in charge of the "surgery".

At this time, looking at the other party's pale face and unstoppable sweat,

Chen Ming kindly comforted,

"It's okay, don't be nervous, there are still four hours before dawn."

This comfort does not matter,

On the contrary, it made the technician even more nervous, and almost drilled into the wrong position with a trembling hand.

"Brother, can you not speak..."

The technician glanced at Chen Ming dumbfounded,

Damn, it's dawn in four hours?

It would take at least an hour or two to get to the drug dealer's lair from here!

Damn! Time is too tight!

not only him,

Except for Chen Ming,

Everyone including Li Mo and Gao Qiang,

My heart is pounding,

Can't wait to see the time for a second!

Li Mo couldn't help but look at his watch again,

Anxiously but calmly urged,

"Hurry up!"

"The implantation must be completed within two hours!"

"Otherwise, it will be too late!"

"I have to send it back later!"

I have to send it back later...

When it came to the last sentence,

Even he has an inexplicable sense of absurdity!

Carry them over and beat them back after the operation.

Why does it feel a bit out of line just thinking about it?



As time goes by every second,

The entire room was almost extremely tense and depressed,

"it is done!"


A voice broke the oppressive atmosphere.

The technician slumped directly on the ground,

His hands and feet were trembling uncontrollably.

"Implant complete! No problems!"

Hear from the technician,

Everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief.


"Give you a Like!"

Chen Ming praised,

Picking up the boss of the drug dealer on the workbench, he ran outside with his legs wide open.

"I go first!"

When the people in the room are chasing them out,

Chen Ming ran out of the factory a long time ago,

Looking at his back in the dark night carrying a person still jumping flexibly,

Everyone was silent.

It wasn't until Chen Ming's figure completely disappeared that Gao Qiang and Li Mo looked at each other.

Then unanimously opened their mouths,

"Today's matter, don't write it in the report..."

how to write?

Write that they stunned the boss of the drug dealer, brought him back for an operation, and sent him back?

After getting nervous, Gao Qiang, the captain of the Armed Police Corps, couldn't help but smile in admiration,

"It's no wonder he's the guy who can turn northern Myanmar upside down!"

"Dare to do it, and the whole Dragon Kingdom will not be able to find a second one who can do this today!"

In this regard, Li Mo can only express deep agreement, but also refuted one sentence.

"No, there is no second one in the whole world!"

Chen Ming here,

All the way to the lair of drug dealers,

Under the guidance of [Guild Perception], bypass the drug dealers who are on vigil in front,

Jump from the courtyard wall to the roof, then jump down and return to the house through the window,

Then he gently placed the drug dealer boss on the bed, and finally jumped out without a sound.

Chen Ming has searched before,

The large quantity of goods in the hands of the drug traffickers is not in this lair,

Most of the real hiding place, only the drug dealer boss knows.

So before, Chen Ming always had an impulse,

I really want to slap this drug dealer boss straight away,

Then direct violent interrogation!

But worried that this would destroy Li Mo's original plan, so they held back.

"Then how can we find the hidden drugs before the drug demolition home arrives?"

"Only by monitoring?"

Chen Ming felt unrealistic,

too slow!

And as for the location of the drugs, the drug dealer boss felt that he would not disclose them easily.

So after coming out of the drug dealer's lair,

He stopped suddenly, and actively used the communicator on his body to call the headquarters.

"Command! I'm Chen Ming!"

"I've put it back, the boss of the drug dealer, there is no abnormality!"

Li Mo, who has been standing in front of the data center control, quickly responded in a low voice,

"This is the headquarters, received!"

"Return as soon as possible!"

Hearing Chen Ming say that the boss of the drug dealer has put it back,

Only then did Li Mo completely relax in his heart, and in turn felt a little bit of joy.

It's okay, it's okay! It's safe and sound!

Now the drug boss has a monitor in his mouth,

As long as he reveals a little news, he can be monitored at any time!

This is as effective as placing a thousand other listeners!

have to say,

Tonight's wild thoughts and actions

It's really useful when it's finally implemented!

But in the communicator, Chen Ming quickly said again,

"According to my guess, the stash of drugs may be elsewhere!"

"And only this drug dealer boss knows!"

"If you wait any longer, the result is too uncertain."

"So, I am going to use the 100,000,000 bits of autonomy I have to make on-the-spot responses!"

"I'll steal a drug dealer and bring it back!"

God damn billions of dots of autonomy!

After Li Mo heard it, he immediately regretted not taking back the 100 million dots of autonomy just now!

But when a drug dealer in Jin Daoyang brought back these words,

His face changed in an instant!

"No! You will startle the snake like this!"

Chen Ming's response came from the communicator,

"What I want is to scare the snake away."

Li Mo was taken aback,

It seems faintly aware of the meaning Chen Ming wants to express,

but still hold on,

"It's too dangerous to do this! What if I startle Wozi?"

"You come back first, this plan will be discussed long ago!"

this time,

The communicator was silent for a while,

Then came Chen Ming's slightly panting voice, as if he was running.

"There is not so much time to discuss!"

"Also, I've knocked out a drug dealer, and I'm carrying it on my shoulders..."

hear this,

Li Mo was stunned.

on the other side of the connector,

Chen Ming took the initiative to turn off the signal,

He carried another person on his shoulders,

This time it's not the boss of a drug dealer, but an ordinary drug dealer,

Before this drug dealer went out to pee, he happened to bump into him,

Then he knocked out and carried it on his body, ready to take it back.

Since the possibility of taking the initiative to obtain information on drug hiding places from the boss of drug dealers is too low,

Then just passively let the boss of the drug dealer "speak".

The monitor on the teeth not only has the monitoring function, but also the positioning function!

...asking for flowers...

As long as the boss of the drug dealer checks the drugs, the headquarters will know the location of the drugs in an instant!

what to do now,

That's how the drug dealer boss is willing to check those hidden drugs!

This question is well understood,

Let's say you have a chest of gold hidden somewhere,

You feel like only you know where the stash is.

So under what circumstances would you take another look?

If someone tells you at this time, your gold has been stolen!

Even if you think it is impossible, will you definitely check it out before you can rest assured?

This is, fear!

That's all Chen Ming has to do now!

Let the drug dealer boss be afraid!

Let him check the safety of the drugs again within three days!


Chen Ming

The drug dealer on his shoulders was destined to be the first one he knocked out and took away!

in the headquarters,

Gao Qiang looked at the red dot on the screen that was rapidly approaching the factory building,

Said to Li Mo on the side,

"So, does it really work?"

Li Mo was silent for a while, having thought about it countless times in his mind,

In the end, I could only smile wryly,

"It works........."

"Team Gao, you must have heard of the saying "wrapping grass and beating rabbits."

Gao Qiang, who was born in the countryside, nodded a bit. Of course, he has heard of this.

And when I was young, I participated with the old people in the village.

"When you catch a rabbit, the rabbit hides in the deep grass and cannot come out."

"Usually someone beats the grass hard with a stick, so that the rabbits will run away when they are frightened."

"Then those who stand by will be caught."


Li Mo continued with some helplessness,

"Chen Ming is using this trick now."

"Deliberately scaring the boss of the drug dealer, and then taking the initiative to check the drugs.

"In this way we can find the location of the drug through positioning."

Having said that, Li Mo looked at Gao Qiang strangely,

"Captain Gao, believe it or not, the drug dealer who was knocked out by Chen Ming today is only number one!"

"There will be a second, a third, a fourth..."

"Maybe even, that guy can finally knock out all the other drug dealers except the boss of the drug dealer and bring them back!"

Gao Qiang suddenly voted,

Able to reach the rank of major general, he is naturally sophisticated,

Quickly figured out the key points!

In the end, the same helpless expression as Li Mo appeared on his face,


"I guess only this kid can come up with this idea!"

Li Mo also sighed slightly,

"Isn't it..."

Not long after Chen Ming returned to the headquarters with the drug dealer on his back,

The sky finally lit up.

In the lair of drug dealers,

The middle one of the three private houses,

The boss of the drug dealer slowly opened his eyes,

a little dazed,


I was drunk last night as if I had a dream,


He seemed to be carried on the shoulders by someone and flew all the way?


"I dreamed of being carried by a man! What a damn bad luck!"

The boss of the drug dealer slapped himself hard,



Covering his face, he took a half breath of cold air,

The back molars feel a little sore,

It's not serious, but it's still a bit painful.

"Damn, it seems that I have been a little angry recently in the mountains."

"When the matter is over, let's vent the fire!"

The boss of the drug dealer talked to himself, and walked outside,

It's just that along the way, I still feel that something is wrong with me,

Why does your waist hurt a little?

Head still a little dizzy?

Butt hurts a bit too.

Finally pondered for a long time,

The boss of the drug dealer didn't notice anything unusual,

It can only be attributed to drinking too much last night,

Otherwise, I wouldn't have slept so dead, and had such an unlucky dream!

As he walked out the door,

One of his subordinates came up to report in a strange way,

"Boss! The six sons are gone."

The boss of the drug dealer was taken aback when he heard that,


"What do you mean?"

With a puzzled look on his face, he replied,

"I do not know!"

"Last night, I kept vigil with my six sons, and he said he was going to put some water."

"Then it disappeared, and I can't find it anywhere!"

"Could it have been taken away by wild beasts in the mountains..."

The drug dealer boss slapped him across the face,

"Fart, Liu Zi has a gun in his hand, can he be eaten by wolves?"

"Go to a farther place to look for it, maybe it has turned into a ditch!"

The drug dealer boss didn't take it seriously.

but slowly,

not only him,

and other men,

I feel that things are starting to get a little weird... big...

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