Outright Favoritism

Chapter 157: Is she so kind?

Chapter 157 Is she so kind?

That night, Li Qiao sat on the balcony of the bedroom, looking at the typical case report on the phone.

Paranoid personality disorder, stubborn opinion for a long time, unprovoked paranoia, oversensitive...

Judging from the content of the overall report, some of Shang Yu's manifestations are indeed in line with paranoid symptoms.

However, it is not serious.

At least for now, it cannot reach the level of severe clinical diagnosis.

At the end of the ten-page report, Li Qiao was a little relieved.

She put down her phone and looked at the dark night, her thoughts deep.


The next day, Monday, and evening get off work.

Li Qiao left the company and drove to the Tongzilou block next to the Jiangjing mansion.

She parked the car on the side of the road and called Guan Mingyu.

In less than five minutes, a round figure trot out of the tube building.

At this time, Guan Mingyu's hair was wet, and there were still a few pieces of unwashed foam hanging on the hairline. Obviously, he ran out before taking a shower.

She came to Li Qiao, breathing a little, and asked carefully: "Li, Miss Li, are you looking for me?"

At this time, Li Qiao was leaning against the car door, looking at her calmly, and then handed out a business card, "You take the time to go there and find Academician Jiang Hande."

Guan Mingyu took the white business card with both hands and looked at it carefully, "This is..."

"Academician Jiang knows about your situation. Go ahead and do a check, and the rest will be discussed later." Li Qiao briefly explained, turning around and planning to get in the car.

Guan Mingyu stepped forward anxiously, and said: "Miss Li, may I ask if this inspection... is it expensive?"

She knew that Li Qiao was kind, but there were too many poor people who could not help themselves.

Sometimes it is possible that one inspection fee is enough to crush a family.

Li Qiao paused and looked back at Guan Mingyu, "It's free, you arrange the time and go there as soon as possible."

Guan Mingyu stood there looking at the taillights disappearing on the corner of the street, looking down at the business card in his hand, eyes a little red.

"Mingyu, what are you doing here?" At this moment, a concerned question came from behind.

It's her brother, Guan Mingchen.

He seemed to have just returned from the construction site, his camouflage uniform was covered with dust, and his hair was covered with gray.

Guan Mingyu took the business card and handed it to Guan Mingchen, and briefly summarized the situation. Guan Mingchen frowned, "Renhe Medical Laboratory? Is she so kind?"

The simple-minded Guan Mingchen never believed that Li Qiao would help them selflessly.

Guan Mingyu thought about the past, scratching her hairline, "Brother, no matter what Miss Li thinks, I want to try it. Anyway, it's just a check. It shouldn't be too long."

Guan Mingyu's mind is more delicate.

The medical laboratory sounds like a higher-end place than the hospital.

Guan Mingchen wiped the dust off his body, his piercing eyes were still suspicious, "Then I will be with you."


Half an hour later, Nanyang Entertainment City.

Li Qiao parked the car and went directly to the tea restaurant on the seventh floor.

At the peak of dining, there are many people in the restaurant.

Tang Yiting was sitting next to the window, and seeing Li Qiao's figure, she immediately stretched her neck and beckoned, "Qiaoqiao, here!"

Tonight, the two girlfriends made an appointment to have dinner together.

Li Qiao took the seat, Tang Yiting poured her a glass of water, holding her chin proudly: "Why are you free today?"

Tang Yiting had made appointments with her several times before, but she was ruthlessly rejected.

Today is strange.

Li Qiao took a sip from the water glass and glanced at her lightly, "Xiang."

 An explanation: Li Qiao is holding a typical [case] report.

  Case: The record and description of a certain disease, the report of clinical disease manifestation, mostly used for research.

   Medical record: This is the personal record of the patient's admission to the hospital.

   Kids, distinguish the difference between the two~~



(End of this chapter)

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