Outright Favoritism

Chapter 547: Come to the secretariat for a meal with me

Chapter 547 Come to the Secretariat to accompany me for a meal

Zong Yue looked at Li Qiao hesitantly, "I haven't thought about it yet, and I don't know what I can do..."

She has no work experience, and apart from her past military career, she doesn't even know what she is good at.

At this time, Li Qiao looked down and thought, "I remember your university major is political science?"

Zong Yue nodded, "At that time, my grandfather asked me to choose this major. He wanted me to work in an organization, but... I still wanted to be a soldier later, so I went to register without telling him."

A smile flashed across Li Qiao's eyes, and she understood Zong Yue a little deeper.

Her sister-in-law, as expected, only looks gentle and virtuous, but in fact she is stubborn than anyone else.

Li Qiao thought about it for a while, and then raised a key question, "Big Brother, what advice?"

Zong Yue bulged her cheeks, her eyes flickered a few times, "I haven't told him yet."

Li Qiao: "..."

She looked at Zong Yue in time, and said narrowly, "Do you want to cut first and then play?"

"It doesn't count." Zong Yue grabbed the hair on the top of his head, "The main reason is that I don't know what I can do, so I want to listen to your suggestions first."

Li Qiao raised her eyebrows, "Then I suggest you talk to your eldest brother first. If he agrees, I can help you find a job."

"Really?" Zong Yue smiled happily, and suddenly couldn't sit still, "Then I'll call and ask him now..."

Li Qiao didn't even have time to speak, so she watched her pick up the phone and hurried to the garden outside the house.

Not long after, Duan Shuyuan returned to the living room with fruit, and looked around, "Xiao Yue is gone?"

"No, I went out to make a call." Li Qiao murmured outside the window.

Duan Shuyuan took a look and sat down on the sofa, picked up a sliced ​​orange and handed it over.

Li Qiao took it with her left hand, while her right hand was always hidden in her trouser pocket, and pointedly asked, "Mom, how is Grandpa?"

Duan Shuyuan wiped her hands with a tissue, "It's good, I asked the housekeeper several times and said that he is very happy every day."

Li Qiao was chewing on the orange, bending her lips, turning her face away and looking out the window.

Sure enough, Grandpa didn't tell his parents about the lawyer.


Outside the garden, Zong Yue held his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Li Jun.

It was nearly five o'clock, and she wasn't sure if he was still busy.

After the WeChat message was sent, Li Jun quickly called back.

Zong Yue smiled and sat under the garden chair. As soon as he answered the answer, he heard his low voice, "What's wrong, what's wrong with me?"

"It's nothing big, are you free now?"

In fact, Zong Yue seldom called Li Jun when he was at work. First, he was afraid of disturbing him, and second... also worried that he was too clingy and annoyed him.

At this moment, Li Jun squeezed his eyebrows and did not answer Zong Yue the first time, but instead called his secretary while holding the receiver.

Half a minute later, he waved his hand to let the secretary go out, then held the phone to his ear again, "I'm free, come over."

"Huh?" Zong Yue didn't react, and even took a few beats with his heartbeat. Wouldn't he let her go to the secretariat to find him?

She has never been to his office since they met.

Li Jun’s lips overflowed with laughter, “Isn’t that something to discuss with me? I am free now, you come to the secretariat to accompany me for a meal, and discuss your business by the way.

Zong Yue's eyebrows brightened, and the corners of her mouth could not stop rising, "Okay, then I will go over now."

"Well, don't worry, drive safely."

After hanging up the phone, Zong Yue still felt a little floating.

Especially Li Jun's seemingly gentle exhortation made her heart excited.

Even though... that might just be his casual remark.

In less than five minutes, Zong Yue greeted her in a hurry, and drove out the door in her small sports car.

In the living room, Duan Shuyuan smiled and shook her head, "This child looks quite quiet, but he does things very well. She came over in the afternoon and told me that she wanted to learn how to cook. It is really blessed for your eldest brother to marry her."

A daughter of a noble birth, but willing to put down her body to wash his hands and make soup for her man.

Duan Shuyuan, as a person who came by, looked in her eyes and smiled in her heart.

Such a good wife is indeed much better than Ye Yun back then.


Nanyang Secretariat.

Zong Yue got out of the car and came to the steps, looked up at the solemn national emblem, and tightened his handbag a little nervously.

This was the first time she came to Li Jun's place of work, and when she was nervous, she hid expectations in her heart.

She adjusted her breathing, trimmed the tips of her haircut, and lifted her feet up.

In the hall, there happened to be a woman in a black dress walking out on high heels, and when she saw Zong Yue, she nodded forward, "Hello, Miss Zong, I am the assistant of Secretary-General Li, and he asked me to pick you up."

"Thank you, trouble."

The woman was about 30 years old, and politely stretched her arms to the front, "You are polite, please come with me."

In a blink of an eye, the assistant led Zong Yue into the secretary-general's office.

Everyone in the office area outside the door is working at the desk, and the atmosphere is rigorous and quiet.

At this moment, Li Jun was sitting in front of the dark red boss's desk and flipping through the report in his hand.

Hearing the assistant knock on the door, he said please come in and put the report aside.

When Zong Yue walked in, what he saw was Li Jun leaning his head on the back of the chair, holding his forehead with a tired expression.

She held the purse in both hands and stood at the door looking at him, "Have you just finished?"

Li Jun beckoned to her, his tight silhouette relaxed a little, "Well, what do you want to eat tonight?"

Zong Yue walked up to him, put the leather bag on the table, and naturally walked around the back of the chair, and gently massaged his shoulders, "I can do it, listen to you."

Li Jun sighed comfortably, closing his eyes to enjoy her thoughtfulness, "You liked the sushi restaurant last time, do you want to eat it?"

"Yes." Zong Yue looked at the top of the man's head from behind, with undisguised joy and love in his eyes.

He still remembered that she loved sushi.

A few minutes later, Li Jun held Zong Yue's palm from his shoulder, "Are your hands sore?"

"It's not sour." She followed the man's movements and came to his side, watching her hand being squeezed by him, pursing the corners of her mouth, and her heart throbbed.

Although it is difficult to see the passionate love in him, this kind of long and flowing relationship is even more exciting.

Half an hour later, the two came to the sushi restaurant near Jingwan Villa. After taking their seats, Li Jun ordered Zong Yue a glass of juice she liked, "What do you want to discuss with me?"

Zong Yue looked at the handsome and upright man opposite, his eyes were deep, straightforward and invisible.

She took a sip of the barley tea, tilted her head and said, "I want to go out and find a job, what do you think...?"

look for a job?

Li Jun's originally stretched eyebrows frowned without a trace, but soon returned to normal.

He sat on the opposite side with his hands on his knees, "Why do you suddenly want to find a job?"

(End of this chapter)

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