Outright Favoritism

Chapter 618: The liquidated damages should be doubled

  Chapter 618 Liquidated damages should be doubled

  "Then you pay the penalty." Bai Yan said without embarrassment, "Anyway, you have money."

  Li Qiao held the phone without a word for a while.

Bai Yan seemed to have noticed something, cleared his throat, and found a step for himself, "I'm kidding, you can play with the industries under Yanmeng. Even if you don’t play, we don’t care. The big deal is to return to the old business. If something happens, you Tell me, I will go to the aftermath."

  Li Qiao said ‘um’, “I don’t need the aftermath. Give me a copy of Z’s information.”

   "He?" Bai Yan raised his eyebrows in surprise, and his tone was a little lower. "He provokes you? Tell me what's the matter. I'll teach you a lesson. Don't you want to see other people?"

   "I didn't mess with me." Li Qiao paused, "I'm going to mess with him."

Bai Yan breathed a sigh of relief, "That's OK, I'll send it to you later. But be careful. That guy has developed well in Ida State, and has a good relationship with the Sixth Bureau. You know, the Sixth Bureau, the underground black market network is all affected by them. Give it a monopoly.

  If you really want to clean him up, it won't work. I think of a way to get him to Nanyang. It is more convenient for you to move your hands on your own site. "

  Yan League Z, far away in Aida State: "Ahee——"

  I don’t know what’s going on in the past two days. I always sneeze and my ears keep getting hot. Could it be rhinitis?

  Li Qiao listened to Bai Yan's natural tone, and a smile appeared at the corners of her mouth, "Don't bother, remember to send me the information."

  After finishing the call, Li Qiao received Yanmeng Z’s information soon.

  She looked at the photo and fell into a long thought.


  The next day, Li Qiao began to prepare to go to Ida State.

  At 9:30 in the morning, she was printing out the visa materials, and the phone on the desk rang, it was Jin Rong.

   "I will go back to Wenxi Island in the afternoon and come over at noon to give me practice."

  This is a standard statement.

  Li Qiao glanced at the time, before speaking, Jin Rong said to himself, "The location is sent to you, do you dare to come and we are endless."


  Li Qiao looked inexplicably at the hung up call.

  Who annoys him again, the elders in their thirties are like a grudge every day.

  Li Qiao didn't think much about it. After printing the materials, she returned to the computer and started visiting the Qianmu Group website.

  The presentation held in Ida State this time is aimed at the latest research and development of artificial limbs and autonomous simulation robots.

  Li Qiao looked at the introduction page of the simulation robot, and immediately recalled that Yanhuang’s AI engineer team was mainly responsible for robot development.

  The AI ​​engineers temporarily handed in their resignations, just in time for the presentation in Ida State.

  Time is too coincidental.

  The most important thing about AI intelligence is the core technology. Regardless of whether Shang Yu values ​​it or not, she will not let Thousand Eyes Group share these technologies with Zellman in the form of cooperation.

  Well, the liquidated damages should be doubled.


  At 12 noon, Li Qiao went to the underground casino of Portuguese silver in the west of the city.

  The practice banquet arranged in the casino is also ingenious.

  In the office on the third floor of the casino, Li Qiao heard Jin Rong's murmur when she entered the door: "Do you think she has no heart."

   "No, you wait." He Chen looked at Jin Rong with difficulty, and said sarcastically: "Is Li Qiao promised to be your goddaughter?"

  Jin Rong hadn't answered yet, three words floated in the air, "No promise."

  The enthusiastic old father: "..."

  Jin Rong snorted, looked down at the suitcase at his feet, raised his foot and kicked, the suitcase slid in front of Li Qiao, "For you."

   "What is it?" Li Qiao put her toes against the suitcase, tilted her head to look at Shang Yu, raised her eyebrows and asked with her eyes.

  The man laughed without saying a word, while Jin Rong mysteriously raised his head and said, "You will see when I leave."

  In this practice feast, I ate hot pot.

  Li Qiao didn't say much the whole time, sitting beside Shang Yu and eating the meat in the bowl intently.

  After drinking for three rounds, He Chen bit a cigarette at the corner of his mouth, and stared at Jin Rong, "Have you found your shipment?"

  "Not yet." Jin Rong said as he put vegetables in the copper pot, "It disappeared very cleanly."

  He Chen sneered at him, "The area near Wenxi Island is also considered your site, and your own goods can be swallowed, and you are quite incompetent."

  Li Qiao looked up, "What is it?"

  Jin Rong frowned, "Eat well, don’t ask the kids."

  At this time, Shang Yu gave Li Qiao a piece of mutton, and said in a low voice: "A batch of Tang Sancai."

  Jin Rong: "..."

   "Oh." Li Qiao bit her chopsticks, and said nothing.

  Jin Rong is an antique dealer with countless antique stores all over the world.

  It is normal that the escorted goods are difficult to guarantee and will not leak.

   Then, she heard Jin Rong swearing and saying: "I probably know who moved the hand, but the **** of the dog doesn’t see the end, and stays in Feicheng all day."


  The moment Jin Rong's words fell, He Chen subconsciously looked at Li Qiao.

  Shang Yu refilled her a glass of juice, then patted her on the head, "eat more."

  He Chen's eyes flashed, and his smile didn't mean anything, "Can't you enter Feicheng?"

  Jin Rong shook his head with a look of hatred, "On the entire border is Feicheng, like the independent country of his mother. Without that forced release, I can't get in or out."

  Li Qiao thought to herself, she might know who ‘Nazi’ is.


  After dinner, He Chen arranged for He Ao to send Jin Rong to the airport.

  The three stood in the courtyard and watched him get in the car and leave. Maybe they were too reluctant to **** his daughter. Before leaving, Jin Rong did not forget to remind him, "Remember to look at the suitcase."

  Li Qiao put her hands in her pockets, looked at Jin Rong and asked faintly, "When were the goods lost?"

  Jin Rong glared at her, scowling and demanding: "Don't make any ghosts, those people are not for you to touch."

  He Chen looked at Jin Rong with a faint smile, "Are you **** the sea breeze blowing too much in your mind?!"

  Li Qiao wants to help him get the goods back, can't tell me this? !

  Jin Rong leaned on the door of the car with one hand and glanced at He Chen coldly, "What do you know, go."

   Seeing this, Li Qiao looked up at the man beside her with a helpless expression.

  Shang Yu's thin lips smiled, and his eyes met her, and he whispered in a slightly spoiled tone: "If you want to help, just help. If it's too troublesome, he doesn't need the money."

  Li Qiao touched the tip of her nose, "Okay."

  In this way, He Chen can finally be sure that the once frightening underground organization Yan League is really related to Li Qiao.

  And Bai Yan, the boss of the Yan League generation, is in Feicheng.


  That night, Li Qiao was sitting in the living room of the mansion, looking at a check and a bag of diamonds in the suitcase, and began to think about life.

  The check is thirty million, diamonds... I look familiar.

  Jin Rong has given her many strange gifts, but the diamond is still the first.

  Li Qiao picked up a five-carat diamond and took a closer look. There was a sudden flash of light in her mind, and she carried the small black bag and went to Shang Yu's study.




  (End of this chapter)

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