Outright Favoritism

Chapter 629: Stupid and disgusting

  Chapter 629 Stupid and disgusting

  Three o'clock in the afternoon, Qianmu Group headquarters.

  A red Ferrari stopped downstairs.

  Li Qiao got off the car, looked up at the tall building, carrying a small suitcase in her hand, and walked in without squinting.

  In the independent meeting room on the top floor, Li Qiao sat down peacefully.

  She put the suitcase on the corner of the table, folded her legs and took out the phone to start playing the game.

  At the same time, a number of security guards poured out from the lobby downstairs of the group, standing guard at each entrance and exit.

  In the boss’s room, Gu Chen’s legs are on the table, with a toothpick in the corner of his mouth, watching the real-time monitoring screen on the phone, sneered: "She is shameless? What mask does she wear during the day?"

   Liu Zinan pinched the wrist of his left hand with his right hand, his face was pale.

  The preaching session in the morning came to an end with the ridicule of countless people.

   Thousand Eyes Group, this time it suffered heavy losses.

  All smart prosthetic parts that have been put into production have been stopped.

  The governor of Aida State also called to ask the reason, and said that if the impact of this incident cannot be quelled, it will not rule out that the Qianmu Group’s local industries will be expelled.

  Until this time, Yin Mo, the head of Xiao's Technology, was still locked in the basement of the conference center by them.

  Listening to Mr. Gu, it is very likely that she will be operated on to kill chickens and monkeys.

  Xiao Yehui is the monkey.

  Liu Zinan took a step forward and whispered: “Gu, Mr. Xiao’s technology is behind the Childman family. If we really do something to Director Yin, the consequences...”

  Gu Chen stared at him, and spit out the toothpick in his mouth onto the ground, "Do you think I'm afraid?"

  "This...she is from the Xiao family. If there is a long and two shortcomings, I worry that the Zellman family will probably try their best to expel us. After all, they are backed by the royal family and have a close friendship with the Aida state government."

  Gu Chen put down his long legs from the table, and gave Liu Zinan a slanted look, "That's right, go back to the old job."

   Liu Zinan: "..."

  Oh, selling fried rice, right?

  Gu Chen squinted his eyes, "The people on Black Eagle haven't responded yet?"

  Liu Zinan's face was cold, and he shook his head, "I asked Mr. Meng's assistant, only to tell me to wait for news."


   Gu Chen cursed, his expression getting more and more ugly, "Go, you take a few people to the conference room to chat with the woman, see how she is, if you refuse to tell the inside story, teach her a lesson."


  On the other side, in the basement of the conference center, a dim floor lamp emits a dim light, and particles of dust floating in the air can be vaguely seen.

  Yin Mo sat on the wooden crate and looked in front of him. The phone was turned on and the handsfree was turned on. Xiao Yehui’s gentle and gentle voice came from inside, "How do you feel when you see her?"

   "No feeling." Yin Mo replied simply, with no fluctuation in his expression calmly.

  Xiao Yehui smiled softly, but his tone was extremely cool, "Since there is no feeling, why did you smash the monitor? Yin Mo, you always disagree, stupid and disgusting."

Yin Mo looked down at her toes, facing such a mean irony, she was still very calm, "You sent me to Ida, don’t you want to test my loyalty to you? If I don’t crush the monitor, then How to make Qi...she believe me."

   "Then do you think you have gained her trust?"

   Yin Mo was quiet for a moment, and said calmly, "No."

  Hearing this, Xiao Yehui sighed in disappointment, "I really don't know how my father cultivated you to become my right arm.

  You will find a way to deal with this presentation. If you can survive, come back and report as soon as possible. "

   Yin Mo tilted his head to look at the phone beside his leg, his eyes were full of irony, "What if I can't survive?"

   angered Gu Chen, and then evacuated all the fellows around her.

  Xiao Yehui put her alone under Gu Chen's nose and made it clear that she could clean up the mess.

  At this time, an old and respectful voice came from the earpiece, "Master, afternoon tea is ready."

   Yin Mo curled up her fingertips instantly, it was her mother's voice.

  Xiao Yehui put the phone on the table and looked at the woman in the maid’s clothes in front of him, “Yin Ma, you have worked hard.”

"Lord, you are too polite, it's all I should do." Mother Yin smiled kindly, still holding the silver tray in her hand, and walked forward and chattered: "During these days, you will leave early and come back late, Mrs. and Mrs. In my eyes, I feel very distressed. This afternoon tea is a medicinal cake specially made by the lady for you. You can eat more."

  Xiao Yehui took the tray from Yin's mother and nodded guiltily, "Yin's mother, there is something...maybe I want to say sorry to you."

   "What's wrong? Isn't it... Momo made a mistake again?"

  Xiao Yehui shook his head lightly, and said in a dazed tone: "She's right, it's just my negligence that put her in a dangerous situation. Now...I can't get out."

  Yin's mother was startled for a second, "Is in a dangerous situation, is it very, very dangerous?"

   "It's not good at the moment, but Yin's mother can rest assured, I will try my best to save her."

  This conversation made Yin Mo stiff and shivering with cold.

After a rustling sound, Xiao Yehui raised the phone again and brought it to his ear, "I heard it all? If I can't survive, I will accompany Yin's mother to bury you."


  Qianmu Group meeting room, Li Qiaoduan sat on the head, watching Liu Zinan and others, raising his eyebrows slightly, "Where is Gu Chen?"

  Liu Zinan grinned, folded his hands on the table, "This lady, Mr. Gu is very busy, and you told me the same. As long as you tell me the inside story of the presentation, we will never embarrass you."

  Li Qiao curled his lips impatiently, exited the mobile game page, and dialed Gu Chen directly.

No one answered the phone.

   Seeing this, Liu Zinan laughed wildly and knocked on the table with the joints, “Little girl, don’t make fearless struggles. If you don’t tell the inside story today, don’t want to leave our Thousand Eyes Group.”

  Li Qiao ran out of patience, did not speak, and got up and walked outside with the small box.

   Liu Zinan has never seen such an arrogant little girl.

  He waved his hand, and several staff members behind him immediately surrounded her, "Little girl, do you toast and drink fine wine..."

  Three minutes later, Li Qiao opened the door and walked out.

  She went straight to the elevator to the boss's room on the top floor.

  In the meeting room, Liu Zinan and five other staff members lay on the floor with a swollen nose.

  At this time, Gu Chen was encircling his chest with his hands around his chest, leaning on the boss chair and closing his eyes to fall asleep.

  The door opened, he didn't open his eyes, twisted his neck, and asked in a low voice, "Did she say?"

   There was a quiet sound of footsteps, and Gu Chen frowned. Before opening his eyes, he heard a ‘clam,’ and something was thrown on his desk.

   Gu Chen's eyelids twitched, and the moment he opened his eyes, he saw Li Qiao sitting on the opposite side of the boss desk.

  He frowned, his eyes sharp: "Who let you in?"

  (End of this chapter)

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