Outright Favoritism

Chapter 721: The truth is revealed, the murderer is someone else

   Chapter 721 The truth is revealed, the murderer is someone else

  Mu Aoxian.

  Li Qiao read this name silently, and it is difficult to connect him with Mu's family.

  Mu Aoxian is Mu Aofan’s younger brother, and he is indeed on the list of the dead.

  Perhaps as Xiao Dingshan said, Mu Aoxian is another person who knows the truth back then.

  Li Qiao rolled her throat, and all that came to mind were the scenes of living with her teacher in the poor kiln.

   Be meticulous and caring, just because they belong to the same line?

  Li Qiao turned around and sat down, her movements were slightly stiff. She leaned her head back on the chair, her arms covering her eyes, "You know who I am from the beginning?"

   "Almost." Mu Aoxian replied in a low voice. Thanks to his magnanimity, many things gradually became clear in his explanation.

  On the night of the accident in Mu’s family, the reason why he survived was not because of his fate, but because he had a cold and fever and had been sleeping in the room. He should be the only person in the whole family who did not eat.

  He hadn't eaten all day, the fever was not going away, and he simply lay on the bed under the covers.

  So that when he heard the gunshot that night, he staggered to the window and saw that countless mercenaries broke in and killed the Mu family with their guns.

  Mu Aoxian said: “That day, all the meals, condiments, and drinks in the back kitchen of Mu’s family were given a large dose of sleeping pills, which was impossible to prevent.”

  Li Qiao nodded clearly.

  It’s no wonder that so many people in the Mu family failed to escape. The other party had been prepared, stunned everyone, and committed the crime directly.

   Twenty years ago, Parma was far less developed than it is now. Mu's family could not even call for help, and quietly became dead souls.


  Li Qiao squinted her eyes and asked, "How do you know that you are a mercenary?"

Mu Aoxian sighed and sighed, and it took a long time to answer ardently: "Because my sister-in-law provokes someone who shouldn't be offended, it is inevitable that the Mu family will have trouble, but no one thought that they were so ruthless, they would kill the Mu family and Jing family. ."

  The sister-in-law in his mouth should be Jing Yilan.

  Li Qiao recalled what Xiao Dingshan said, Jing Yifeng was killed by his sister.

  She guessed right, the Mu family and Jing family had accidents one after another, and it was indeed related to Jing Yilan.

  Li Qiaoshou rubbed her painful temples, “Mu’s family was the first blue blood of the year at any rate, didn’t he defend himself in advance?”

  Mu Aoxian seemed to laugh, "Even if he does more defense, he can't resist the secret collusion between the menacing mercenaries and other families.

  On the night of the accident, all passages at the entrance and exit of Mu’s house were all locked, telephone lines were cut, and even the escape passage underneath the main house was lit with gasoline.

  Do you know that all the collateral family members attended the clan meeting in the old house that night, otherwise no one would be spared. "

   "Then how did you escape?"

Mu Aoxian’s voice gradually began to tremble, “Jing Yifeng was living next door to me. I took advantage of the mercenary before he went upstairs, and carried him...to my room, and I hid in the storage box under the bed. Until dawn, before the police came, I left Mu's house from the escape route where the fire was reduced..."

  Li Qiao didn’t speak. You don’t need to imagine how tragic the scene was. She breathed slightly and changed the subject. “Why do you arrange for me to see Xiao Dingshan?”

  Want me to avenge the Mu family?

  In the last sentence, Li Qiao did not ask.

  She can choose at will in front of Shang Zonghai, but in the face of Mu Aoxian, the teacher who taught her all the skills, the second uncle of blood, she can’t.

   And then Mu Aoxian's words made her feel sad for a while.

"I read the news and I also know what you did in Parma..." Mu Aoxian's voice changed slightly, even a little hurriedly, "But pretty, you can't be impulsive, this is not what it used to be, don't take your own life. joke.

  Pama’s families are just accomplices, not real murderers. You will only put yourself in danger if you fight against them, understand?

  Mu’s family is gone, I can’t watch you get hurt again, pretty cute, I teach you kung fu to let you protect yourself, not to make you repeat the same mistakes for the Mu family, don’t you understand? "


   is her heart of a villain.

  Mu Aoxian gave a short cough, drank saliva, and sighed heavily, "Back then, your grandparents knew that your sister-in-law got into trouble with someone who shouldn't be offended, but our main family worked together and chose to advance and retreat together.

  Even if the Mu's family suffers misfortune, that is our choice. What is the point of seeking revenge? If the Mu's family can't come back, everyone can't make it through.

  Qiao Qiao, I changed my face and hid in the poor kiln, not to revive the Mu's family, but...to find something hidden by my sister-in-law and bring the real murderer to justice. "

  It turned out that Mu Aoxian always thought that everything she did in Parma was to seek revenge.

  Li Qiao lowered her eyes, her eyelids were reddish, and the grumpy old gentleman at the end of the phone was a familiar teacher from beginning to end.

  Now, there is more blood and affection.

  Li Qiao slowly opened her eyes, and said every word, "Who is the real culprit?"

   "The former Parma Xiao family, now the British Emperor Childman."

  Mu Aoxian’s tone finally revealed a deep hatred.

  And Li Qiao's pupils suddenly tightened, and her cheeks that had always been calm showed a trace of a sudden.

Mu Aoxian was emotionally unstable and dumbly said: "Qiao Qiao, my sister-in-law studied in the British Emperor. She was a rare intellectual woman in that era. I don't know what evidence she has. She just revealed that once the information The appearance will not only shake the position of the Childman family, but even the British royal family will not be spared."

   "The Xiao family is from Parma?"

  No one had ever mentioned this to her.

Mu Aoxian calmed down and said in a warm voice after a few seconds: "Yes, but I haven't seen them either. I heard that their family moved to the British Emperor in Xiao Hongdao's father's generation, and they changed their lives within a few years. It’s strange to say that the Duke’s status is second only to the royal family and passed on from generation to generation, but the Xiao family has become the only Asian Duke.”


  The long-term confusion, in Mu Aoxian’s explanation, all found the answer.

  The joint action against the Mu family was nothing but the chief ambassador behind Zellman.

  The He family and the Ming family are at most conspiring accomplices together.

  Her mother Jing Yilan, who had never met before, had something that could overthrow the Zellman family in her hands.

  The Mu family and Jing family really died because of her.

  The best way for Childman and the royal family to cover up certain truths is to silence them.

  One is not enough. Only by destroying the whole clan can the future troubles be eliminated.

  Regardless of how she got it, Jing Yilan must know better than anyone. Since those things can shake the royal family and the duke's family, even if they are announced, they will not escape death.

  It is the royal family and noble duke of a country. In the era when the Internet was underdeveloped, the state media of various countries controlled the news channels. If she dared to announce it, the news would be blocked the first time, which was tantamount to death.

  Only hide it, maybe it can make the opponent throw a rat.

  Unfortunately, it is still in vain.

Before hanging up the phone, Mu Aoxian solemnly exhorted: "Qiaoqiao, listen to me, don't be arrogant. Fighting and killing can't solve the problem. Mu's family is not your responsibility, as long as you can find the sister-in-law to hide it. Things, the Mu's grudges will naturally be reported."

   6000. Ask for a monthly pass...



  (End of this chapter)

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