Outright Favoritism

Chapter 809: You look at me so you are not afraid of him being jealous?

   Chapter 809 You look at me so, are you afraid that he will be jealous?

  The parking lot is silent.

  Ms. Xiao thought for a moment, and said meaningfully: "Yin Mo, come with me."

  Yin Mo followed her to the corner. They didn’t know what they said. Within five minutes, Yin Mo followed He Chen into the car.

   And Mrs. Xiao and Xiao Yeyan returned again without success, but they did not return to the manor, but went to the House of Commons in the capital.


  The living room of the bungalow, Li Qiao calmly closed her laptop.

  Su Moshi also took out the phone and called the assistant, asking him to send a bottle of swelling ointment.

  Xia Siyu pursed the corner of her mouth worriedly, "Second Sister’s situation... is too difficult."

  Several of them once blamed Yin Mo, blamed her for being irrelevant, blamed her for being indistinguishable.

  And everything that happened in the parking lot just now is clear at a glance through real-time monitoring.

  How can Yin Mo have a choice?

  Li Qiao got up and walked to the window, with a sense of hostility hidden deep under her eyes, "Luoyu, send the prescription to Shanglu."

  Luo Yu nodded, carrying the small hand box and went out.

At this time, Li Qiao heard the sound of the sports car turning back in the distance, and she said sideways: "I said hello to Song Laoliu. The small town of Mies will be listed as the protection jurisdiction of Interpol. After we leave, the medical The alliance is closed to the outside world. Until the matter is resolved, it will not be opened for the time being."

"You don't have to worry about the medical alliance." Su Moshi picked up the small wine glass at the bar and smiled mysteriously: "The town of Mies has a political protection order from the Burmese Embassy. And... your family Yan Ye yesterday In the name of the archbishop, the small town of Mies was included in his diocese. Who would dare to act rashly."

  Li Qiao said ‘um’ and said nothing.

  Xia Siyu was still upset about Yin Mo's situation. Hearing their conversation, she suddenly thought of something, "Qiaoqiao, can I go to Parma with Brother Li?"

  Li Qiao and Su Moshi looked at her in unison.

  Xia Siyu pretended to be calm, met their sight, and explained with confidence, "My dad wants to open a branch in Parma and let me do market research."

  Li Qiao narrowed her eyes and raised her eyebrows pretentiously.

  Su Moshi bantered solemnly, "Huanxia Pharmaceutical's business is really blooming everywhere."

  Xia Siyu: "..."

After a while, He Chen took Yin Mo into the living room.

   "Second sister, is your face okay?" Xia Siyu took out the ice pack from the refrigerator and put it on her face, both pitying and distressed.

  He Chen's thin lips pursed his lips, a gloomy gleam between his eyebrows, "Where is Shao Yan?"

  Li Qiao spoke upstairs, "Have a video conference in the study."

  He Chen smacked the tip of his tongue and tilted his head. "Go up and have a chat?"

"it is good."


  In the study room, He Chen leaned lazily on the sofa, with his left leg resting on his knees, "When are you leaving?"

  Shang Yu turned the boss chair, leaned back, and looked sideways at Li Qiao on the window sill, "Tomorrow?"

  Li Qiao answered, looking down at her toes, "Tomorrow night."

"So soon?" He Chen raised his eyebrows in surprise, shaking his toes, and said playfully: "Sister, in order to save your second sister, I promised Xiao Yeyan to send the child back to him. You didn't kill you, right? ?"

  Li Qiao glanced at him quietly, not wanting to answer this question.

  He Chen didn’t care, spread his arms on the back of the sofa, slightly raised his head and stretched his muscles and bones, “Just leave, isn’t it too cheap for the Xiao family?”

  Shang Yu propped his forehead with one hand, raised his eyes to meet Li Qiao’s four eyes, and a deep smile appeared on his lips, “I have to go back to Nanyang to do some things.”

  Hearing this, He Chen understood this, and closed his eyebrows, and reminded him pointedly, “Before you leave, don’t leave any hidden dangers.”

  Li Qiao did not speak, Shang Yu slowly unbuttoned the cufflinks and gave him a glance, “I’m so worried, why don’t you stay and deal with it.”

  He Chen squinted at him, "Will it be worth my stay?"

   "Think for yourself."

  The two chatted a few words unclearly, but Li Qiao didn't talk to each other, but looked at He Chen thoughtfully.

  Probably because her eyes are too straightforward, the two men who provoke can't help but look sideways.

  He Chen joked frivolously, "Brother sister, you look at me so, are you afraid that he will be jealous?"

  Shang Yu gave him an indifferent look, hooked Li Qiao's waist and dragged her to the front, raised his head, his eyes looked like the deep sea, "Look at what he does?"

  He Chen: "..."

  I've never seen such a stingy man!

  Li Qiao turned around and naturally embraced the man’s shoulders, staring at He Chen, smiling and admiring, “It’s nothing, I just think that Chen Ge said something very right today.”

   "What are you talking about?"

   "Which sentence?"

  The two men spoke in unison.

  Li Qiao flicked her fingertips, and the smile on her lips was a bit mocking.

  ——Your mother lost her heart?

  He Chen's satire of Mrs. Xiao's remarks can be called the most plausible saying.


  At six o'clock in the evening, the living room of the bungalow was very lively, and Xi Luo, Gu Chen and Feng Yi, who had not seen him for many days, also came.

  Everyone gathered together, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious, except that it was not good. The living room of the bungalows started to be non-smoking for no reason.

  At this moment, Gu Chen didn’t sit properly, with one leg hanging on the armrest of the sofa, and toasting to Li Qiao, he said, “If there are no other arrangements, I’ll go back to Aida first tomorrow morning.”

  Li Qiao looked down at the phone, and nodded perfunctorily when she heard the sound, "Yeah."

  Gu Chen felt that he was left out. He curled his mouth angrily. After drinking a glass of wine, he turned to look for Huang Cuiying's figure, "Cuiying~"

  Luoyu who is calling in the distance: "..."

   Suddenly, the phone vibrated twice. Gu Chen took a look and thought he was dazzled. He put down the wine glass and counted it carefully before daring to confirm that the Qianmu Group’s account had received one billion yuan.

  Which big guy made the wrong transfer?

  At this time, Li Qiao put down her phone, raised her eyes and looked at Gu Chen who was sluggish, “The Thousand Eyes Group’s reserve fund is not enough to tell me again.”

  Gu Chen blinked, then looked at the text message page, rubbing his hands with a smile, "It's all my own, you are too far-sighted, so I will give you less in the future."

  Luo Yu, who had just walked over, looked at Gu Chen with indescribable words, raised his foot and kicked him, "You come out."

   Gu Chen's calf bones hurt, frowning dissatisfied, "What are you doing? Want to fight?"

  Luo Yu licked her cheeks and raised her chin provocatively, "Can you fight?"

   "Come, hit and hit, and I will be with you."

   Then, Gu Chen and Luo Yu ran to the parking lot of the Medical Alliance to fight.

  On the other side, Shang Yu, Feng Yi, and He Chen sat at the bar and chatted.

  Feng Yi took a sip of wine and sighed melancholy: "I'm going to the U.S. next week, for half a year."

  Shang Yu raised his eyebrows darkly, with profound meaning, "It will not take half a year."

  "What are you going to do?" He Chen also asked.

  Feng Yi shook the wine glass, “It is clear that I was asked to contact the family business in the United States. In fact...it’s to avoid suspicion.”

  His father, Earl William, had a great friendship with the Ducal Palace. This time his father sent him to the United States, which was also a form of protection.

   6000, ask for a monthly ticket, and strive for the end of the month or the May Day holiday.



  (End of this chapter)

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