Outright Favoritism

Chapter 811: You never knew your own son

   Chapter 811 You Never Know Your Son

  London Port International Airport.

  Five cars drove into the apron one after another.

  Li Qiao’s phone happened to ring, she looked at the caller ID and swiped to answer.

On the    side, Xiao Yehui’s gentle voice came over, "Are you going to leave?"

  Li Qiao squinted in the reverse mirror, smiling but not smiling: "Why don't you do it on the road?"

On the way    came, three vans and two Bentleys followed them all the time.

  At this time, those cars were blocked at the entrance of the apron.

  On the phone, Xiao Yehui smiled shortly, "They just want to bring back Ningning, it doesn't make sense to do it."

  "It's not meaningless." Li Qiao put his arms on the car window and coldly exposed: "You just don't dare to stop the royal team."

  Xiao Yehui's breath took a few minutes and closed his eyes, "Xiao Qi, you said that it would harm your family, I believe you can understand my intentions."

   "Really?" Li Qiaoyu said two words inexplicably, without giving him a chance to continue speaking, and hung up the phone decisively.

  Shang Yu sat like a mountain with his legs folded beside her. After a short silence, Li Qiao told Wei Ang in the front row: "Let Yin Mo and Xiao Yening get out of the car."

   Wei Ang responded by pushing the car door and walking out.

  Not long after, Yin Mo left the apron with Xiao Yening, who was full of doubts. The little girl turned her head as she walked, saying something to Yin Mo from time to time.

  At the same time, Mrs. Xiao at the entrance of the apron also leaned out and got out of the car, while Xiao Yeyan was standing by the door with no expression of joy or anger.

  The moment I saw Xiao Yening, the horror and fear that had come from the past few days turned into a rejoicing like the rest of my life.


  Xiao Yening turned her head to look, and immediately waved, "Mummy—"

  Ms. Xiao walked quickly towards Xiao Yening, and many bodyguards followed her.

There was joy on her haggard faces. When the mother and daughter met, she took Xiao Yening with one hand, and carefully checked her whole body, "Lingning, is there anything wrong? Where is it hurting, tell Mommy."

Xiao Yening shook her head blankly, "I'm fine, it doesn't hurt anywhere, mommy, why are you crying?"

  Although the little girl felt that something was wrong, she quickly hugged her when she saw Madam Xiao’s red eyes

  Ms. Xiao's tight expression slightly eased, "Really all right?"

  Xiao Yening nodded, "No, I have been with Brother Shaoheng, what can I do?"

  Ms. Xiao’s expression changed rapidly. She raised her eyes to look at the convoy ahead. Before speaking, a scooter came from behind.

  The car stopped, and the rear-seat window slowly dropped, revealing Shang Zonghai's unangry face.

  Mrs. Xiao dragged Xiao Yening behind her, looking down at Shang Zonghai in the car with a trace of alertness in her eyes.

  The driver pulled the car door, and Shang Zonghai stepped out.

  He rubbed the Buddha beads, glanced at Mrs. Xiao, shook his head and said: "Go back and ask your daughter if she has been wronged."

Without waiting for Madam Xiao to speak, Shang Zonghai walked forward with his hands in his hands. After a short distance, he stood still, tilted his head and dropped a sentence, "Ming Dailan, you never know your own son. "

   "Shang..." Madam Xiao tried to call him, but Xiao Yeyan interrupted behind her: "Ning Ning, come here and let Second Brother take a look."

  At this moment, Mrs. Xiao's words were interrupted, and Shang Zonghai also drifted away.

  Until a long, long time later, she would always think of this day, if she could read the deep disappointment in Shang Zonghai's eyes, how good it would be.

  After a while, Xiao Yeyan asked Yin Mo to accompany Xiao Yening in the car. He walked behind Mrs. Xiao and asked in a low voice, "Should you do it now?"

  Mrs. Xiao did not speak, she could faintly see Shanglu's vague profile through the rear window of the last car.

  She hesitated, because Shang Lu was there, and even more because of what Shang Zonghai said.

  And in the three vans behind them, Xiao Yeyan hired a group of desperadoes at a high price.

  As long as they get off the car, the apron is bound to cause a melee.

  Seeing Mrs. Xiao’s delay in making a decision, Xiao Yeyan patiently ran out. He glanced back at the van, and just winked, the phone in his pocket buzzed.

  Xiao Yeyan looked at the phone, staring slightly, "Father."

  Ms. Xiao also looked sideways, Xiao Hongdao on the other end didn’t know what he said, Xiao Yeyan’s expression changed slightly, and his tone was serious and he replied, “Okay, we will go back soon.

"What's the matter?" Mrs. Xiao looked at him suspiciously, Xiao Yeyan pursed her lips, and whispered: "Father didn't say much, just let us go back immediately."

  Mrs. Xiao wondered, what happened to call them back to the manor so anxiously?


  While Mrs. Xiao’s convoy left the tarmac, Li Qiao and others got off the car unhurriedly.

  That night, two planes took off one after another, their destinations were Nanyang and Parma.

  In the cabin, Shang Lu sat upright opposite Shang Zonghai, and asked tentatively: "Dad, what did you say to my mother just now?"

  Shang Zonghai held a medical book in his hand and turned a page casually, "Do you still have red ganoderma and night vine in your medicine garden?"

  Shanglu was asked, and it took several seconds to respond, "It seems there is."

  "Go back and find out, according to the 32nd prescription of the "Medical Materia Medica", give Yunli boy medicine."

  Shang Lu kicked his leg and nodded slyly, "I see."

  Every time, I don’t say anything. It’s not enough to give him a chance to share his worries and solve problems!

  Shang Zonghai ignored Shang Lu’s small actions. He turned two more pages and asked unintentionally, “What were you doing on the day your mother had an accident in Pama?”

  That year, Shanglu was fourteen years old.

  He thought about it for a moment, and then replied confidently: "Go to school."

  Shang Zonghai raised his eyelids, and Shang Lu suddenly pulled his head, and said honestly: "I went out racing..."

   "Do you still remember who performed the operation on her?"

  Shang Lu thought hard for a while, propped his forehead and muttered, "It seems to be the family doctor she brought by herself. I went home that night and just saw him come out with a tray..."

  On the tray, there is a **** fetus and her uterus.

  Because it is too bloody, Shanglu's memory is still fresh.

  But why she had an accident in the old house, both dad and eldest brother were silent.

  It’s just that they don’t tell, it doesn’t mean that Mrs. Xiao will not tell him.

  To this day, even though Mrs. Xiao has repeatedly stated that her elder brother deliberately killed her child, Shang Lu still does not believe it.

  The eldest brother in his eyes stood upright, what's he dare not admit when he killed a small half-female embryo? !


  Nanyang time, at 4:30 in the morning, the Yanhuang special plane landed at the international airport.

  Li Qiao was still sleeping in the lounge, Shang Yu leaned over and touched her cheek, calling her with a mellow voice, "Hey, I'm home."

  In the engine room, Shi Luo dropped the Pai Gow in his hand and stretched out, "I'm not playing anymore, I'm finally back."

  He Chen changed from the frivolousness of the past, leaning on the high chair, took a gulp from the wine glass.

  He did not stay in the British Emperor, but followed back to Nanyang.

  According to his current interest in Yin Mo, it is not enough for him to stay recklessly.

  Take help too many times and it will become cheap.

  If Yin Mo is unable to escape, he will always be burdened.

  (End of this chapter)

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