Outright Favoritism

Chapter 941: The only privileged car

   Chapter 941 The Only Privileged Car

  Li Qiao tilted her body, leaned on Shang Yu’s shoulder, and repeated, "Go ahead."

   Liuyun hesitantly looked at the rearview mirror, as if asking for the man’s opinion.

  The first officer's rain stretched his legs and urged impatiently, "You are driving."

   Liuyun slammed the accelerator, and the car speeded up to the main road.

After half a minute, the vehicle was intercepted by a roadblock.

   Liu Yun didn't dare to turn his head, she could only turn her head to look at Luo Yu, with a slightly provocative expression in her eyes, as if she was saying, ‘how about you?

  At this time, Shang Yu closed his cuffs, looked at Li Qiao in a moment, and joked in a deep voice, "Come over?"

  Li Qiao pulled his lips, and just reached out to lower the window, a black bulletproof car drove from far and near.

  The bulletproof car stopped abruptly in front, and a short horn sounded. The police officers responsible for the road closure came from the side of the road and moved away the roadblock without saying a word.

  As the three vehicles passed by in turn, the police officer made a fist with his right hand to his chest and bent over to salute the country.

  With the bulletproof car in front of the road, all the blocked roads will be unimpeded.

   Liuyun secretly looked at the rear-view mirror, wondering but dared not ask more.

  Honor Tan Sri has such a high status in Myanmar?

   is not subject to road closures, and even allows police members to bow to each other. Isn’t this treatment comparable to the royal family? !

  Moreover, that bulletproof car is obviously a symbolic car, license plate number: K312.


   On the other side, leaving Li Qiao and Shang Yu away, Su Moshi dragged Wu Minmin back to the living room, "Are you brave enough?"

   "What courage?" Wu Minmin thought he was talking about a bullet-proof car, and retorted, "That car is pretty cute. I asked Ada to send it back to her to make it easy for her to travel here."

  She paused, curled her lips and added, “It’s the only privileged car in Myanmar, so you don’t need it for nothing.”

  Su Moshi shook his head, rubbing Wu Minmin’s head, with a helpless expression, "I'm talking about Master Yan."

  Wu Minmin frowned suspiciously, "What happened to him?"

  Su Moshi said: "You are the first person to see him directly called brother-in-law."

   "Can't you call it?" Wu Minmin asked, thinking of something in the next second, kicking off the leg of the coffee table, "Do you want me to call him brother-in-law? Don't even think about it, I'm my sister."

  Su Moshi sighed and explained a few words softly. Finally, he patiently told, "Next time you see him, remember to be polite."

When the words were over, Wu Minmin pouted and looked indifferent, "If it wasn't for Qiaoqiao, what does he have to do with me as the overlord of the world? Besides, Qiaoqiao selected man, if his mind is so narrow, I suggest She is divorced."

  Su Moshi: "..."

   talked about loneliness.

Wu Minmin touched her stomach and squinted at Su Mo, "Well, I won’t bark. Anyway, it’s the pretty husband who is not mine. In addition to looking better than you, he is a little taller than you. Nothing special."

  Su Moshi stood up, patted her head with a smile, and said, "Tomorrow night you will also sleep by yourself."

  Wu Minmin has a hairy hair, and she followed him behind her pregnant belly and muttered: "You are so stingy, I am not wrong, he is at least one eighty-eight, and you are only one eighty-three..."


  Time is hurried, and another day has passed.

  Three days before Su Moshi and Wu Minmin’s New Year’s Day wedding, more and more private jets are landing at Myanmar’s domestic and international airports.

  At noon this day, a large private jet with the Zellman logo arrived as scheduled.

   Martial law is imposed on all sides of the airport, including other flights at the same time.

  The guard of honor and the deputy commander of the military lined up to greet them.

  The gangway was laid with a red carpet. As the cabin door opened, Xiao Yehui stepped out of the cabin first in a suit and leather shoes.

  This kind of welcoming ceremony is comparable to an interview with important leaders.

  At this time, Xiao Yehui was following a blond woman with blue eyes. The two had no communication during the whole process, and they were in a very distant state.

  The deputy commander came hurriedly, stood in front of Xiao Yehui, shook hands and greeted, "The Duke, Princess Margaret, come from afar, welcome."

  Xiao Yehui had a polite smile on his mouth, "You have Deputy Commander Lao."

  "The hotel has been arranged, the Duke, please get in the car."

  Xiao Yehui glanced at Marguerite, and looked at her, and the two of them walked to the team first.

  The deputy commander was only ordered to greet him, and he did not know how many relatives the Childman family had.

  Several people got on the car one by one. Before the deputy commander spoke, a few people walked out from the far door slowly.

  The old man in the middle is holding a cane, a middle-aged woman is holding his arm, and the two of them are also accompanied by a few behind.

   "Duke, who are..."

  Xiao Yehui lowered his head to adjust the white glove on his left hand, and said faintly, "Don't worry, let's go."

  The deputy commander's eyes flickered slightly, and he gave the driver a look, and the convoy and the military vehicles of the military drove out of the apron.

  Not long after, several black commercial vehicles drove slowly, and when everyone got on the car, they headed straight for the residence of the Supreme Commander Bai Mingyin.

   In the carriage, Xiao Hongdao knocked on his knees, looked at the scenery outside the window, and said with emotion: "The changes in Naybi are really not small over the years."

  The Ming Dailan beside him curled her mouth, "Why don't I remember that you were in Naybi?"

   "It's been many years, then..." Xiao Hongdao's voice was low and ridiculed, "You should be still in Parma, forced to marry by Shang Zonghai."

  Ming Dailan suffocated, and tilted her head to look out the window.

  She did not speak, but kept swallowing her throat, her mood fluctuated slightly.

   Yin Zhihong, the co-pilot, answered at the right time, “I remember that Bai Mingyin got the order from his husband to become the current supreme commander. He was in Myanmar back then, and he must have been a man calling for rain.”

   "It's not as good as before." Xiao Hongdao rubbed his knees, and slowly stretched his eyebrows, "Old Yin, during this time, keep your eyes on Xiaoyan and don't let him do anything unusual."

  Yin Zhihong responded, Ming Dailan had already restored her dignified posture, and asked, "What happened to Xiaoyan?"

  Xiao Hongdao leaned on the back of his chair, closed his eyes and slumbered, waved his hand, “Your good son, you still don’t know.

   Ming Dailan watched the wrinkles in the corners of his eyes, and the vicissitudes of life were covered with old-fashioned cheeks, she could no longer find the vigor of the year.

  She lowered her eyes, self-deprecating under her eyes.

  Life is really one step wrong, wrong step.


  In the other courtyard, the first time Xiao Hongdao arrived in Myanmar, Shang Zonghai got the news.

  He flipped through the medical book in his hand and said without looking up: "Go tell the girl and Shaoyan, and let them be more careful."

  Wei Ang bowed his head, "Patriarch, do you want to send someone..."

  Shang Zonghai raised his hand and interrupted him, “Don’t make a fuss, Xiao Hongdao dare not mess around in Burma.”

    In the past few days, we are striving to start to make up the change, ask for a monthly ticket~



  (End of this chapter)

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