Outright Favoritism

Chapter 948: Stepped on thunder

   Chapter 948

  Here, He Chen was still looking at Yin Mo, and Zuo Xuan's voice came from the phone, "Madam, I found the remote control."

  The moment the voice settled, Zuo Xuan pressed the red button according to Li Qiao's instructions.

   A faint sound came from the earpiece, and Li Qiao faintly breathed a sigh of relief, "The trunk bounced off?"

   "Yes, Madam." Zuo Xuan's tone was still calm, turned back to the back of the car, and asked, "What do I need to do next?"

   Li Qiao looked at the dark black night, and said faintly: "The locker on the right side of the trunk is open."

  Zuo Xuan held the phone on his shoulder, opened the door of the cabinet, and saw a small black box inside.

   Immediately, he heard Li Qiao's order, "Bring up the box."

  Three minutes later, Zuo Xuan quickly climbed up the ladder by the cliff. There was a black box hung around his waist, and his pants pockets were also stuffed with things.

  Zuo Xuan crossed the guardrail, patted the grass clippings and dirt on his body, and hurried to Li Qiao’s front, "Madam, what you want."

  Li Qiao put the hand box on the hood of the car, and He Chen, Yin Mo and others also surrounded him.

The black skin of the   hand box is very ordinary in appearance, and it is hard to tell.

  Yin Mo glanced carefully, then pointed to an inconspicuous place on the front of the hand box, "This seems to be a fingerprint reader."

  And Li Qiao has also stretched out her index finger and pressed it on the small panel.

  Shang Yu curled his thin lips and looked at Li Qiao beside him intently.

  He Chen and others also waited with bated breath, wondering what exactly was in this hand box.

  It can't be an antique.

  Three seconds later, the fingerprint recognition panel turned on a red light and a low alarm sounded.

  Li Qiao's eyebrows frowned slightly, and she changed her fingers again, but she still couldn't open it.

  She didn't have much patience, she couldn't help but punched her fist on the panel.

   Upon seeing this, Shang Yu's throat overflowed with laughter, rubbed her head, his voice magnetically soothed, "Take it slowly."

  He Chen sat lazily on the side above the headlights, licked his cheeks, and watched this scene in his spare time.

  At this moment, the phone in his pocket rang.

  As soon as Li Qiao saw the caller ID, she turned on the hands-free and said, "Have you ever moved the mine clearance toolbox?"

  He Chen raised his eyebrows steeply, mine clearance toolbox?

  Wu Minmin at the other end hummed feebly, "I upgraded last year, and I received an alarm alert. Are you unpacking?"

   "It's me, out of the box." Li Qiao's eyebrows were heavy, "Why didn't you enter my fingerprint?"

  At this moment, the panel of the hand box also happened to light up the green light.

  Wu Minmin was silent for two seconds, and then he paused, "Did you forget that the hand box is a voice control system? You don’t know how lazy you are? I asked you to enter your fingerprints. You said it’s troublesome, Li Qiao, I see you..."

   "Beep toot——"

  Li Qiao forcibly ends the call.

  The embarrassment is only temporary.

  Li Qiao scratched the tip of her nose, looked down at the slowly opening cover of the hand box, ignoring the jokes around her, took out the mine clearance robot from the inside and handed it to Zuo Xuan, "Put this at the entrance to the jungle."

   Zuo Xuan took the robot and looked up, Li Qiao already had an extra remote control panel in her hand.

  He turned around, stood still again, and nodded: "Madam, there are other things in the trunk, I just took them out."

  Zuo Xuan held the robot with one hand and took out a bunch of small things from his trouser pocket.

  Infrared night vision device, shotgun, walkie-talkie, small signal light and exquisite first aid kit.

  He Chen thoughtfully picked up the shotgun, and looked at Li Qiao obliquely, “My brother and sister, calling the bulletproof car is humble, I think it’s almost the same as calling the armored car.”

  Whose armored vehicle will be equipped with mine clearance toolbox and infrared night vision equipment?

  Her past in Myanmar is worth studying.

  Li Qiao glanced at He Chen, but said nothing.

  She picked up the infrared night vision device and fiddled with it twice, then handed it to Zuo Xuan, “You take someone to the jungle entrance to take a look. The effective distance of the night vision device is two hundred meters. If you can see the target, report it in time.”

   Zuo Xuan Sui held the shotgun in He Chen's hand, hesitated slightly, as if he had something to say.

  Li Qiao raised his eyes, followed his line of sight, and shook his head, "Liao Shan is the military training camp stationed, and firing shotguns will attract assault teams."

  The shotgun can indeed be seen by Xia Siyu and the others, but it will also be accompanied by crisis.

  At this time, He Chen walked to the clearing aside, took out a cigarette from his pocket, and asked in a vague voice when it was lit, “You are so sure that they are in the jungle and not caught?”

  Yin Mo glanced at Li Qiao, deliberately said, "The fifth one is not stupid, he should have entered the jungle."

  He Chen blew a mouthful of smoke on her face, "She has entered an uninhabited minefield, isn’t she stupid?"

  Yin Mo saw that Li Qiao had no intention of opening his mouth, so he cast his eyebrows and stared at He Chen, “In this special situation, Lao Fifth would rather be bombed to death than let himself become a threat Qiao Qiao bargaining chip.”

  He Chen raised his eyebrows in surprise, "You know so well?"

   Yin Mo nodded, "Seven sons will do this."

  He Chen stopped talking, and even Zuo Xuan again supported the demining robot, and walked to the guardrail to get off the rope.

  Li Qiao turned on the remote control screen, Yu Guang glanced at Shang Yu, "Shall we go down and take a look?"

  The man replied in silence, and his thick, ink-like eyes looked at her for an instant.

   Li Qiao lip, and he said in a nonchalant manner: "I'll just say it casually."

  Climbing the ladder is easy for her.

   But her current physical condition, if she rushes down, I am afraid that Shang Yu will be overly worried.

After a while, Zuo Xuan's figure had disappeared beside the cliff guardrail, and soon the screen in Li Qiao's hand lit up with a red anchor point.

  Zuo Xuan adjusted the channel of the walkie-talkie before leaving. After a rustle, he reported in real time: "Madam, the robot has entered the mountain."

   Immediately, Li Qiao stepped back and sat in the front of the car and began to skillfully control the robot remotely.

  Time passed, Li Qiao’s nose burst into fine sweat, and the robot only moved forward a distance of 50 meters, and the sensor had already sent detection results.

  In the area of ​​fifty meters, two mines have been discovered.

  Zuo Xuan's voice came from the walkie-talkie again, "Madam, the night vision device can't observe the situation in the forest. Miss Xia and Luo Yu may have already walked out of the effective distance."

  Li Qiao did not speak for a while, as the number of mines displayed on the screen increased, her face became more tense and solemn.

  Yin Mo sat beside him quietly, while He Chen and Shang Yu were smoking cigarettes a few meters away.

  No one spoke, only the night wind broke the surrounding silence.

  Due to too many mines buried in the jungle, the demining robot moves slowly.

  After another half an hour, the night became thicker and darker.

  Li Qiao's fingers sliding the screen suddenly stopped, and her voice sighed dumbly, "I still stepped on thunder."

   Yin Mo's eyes trembled, "Anything?"

  Li Qiao looked at the scan results of the robot, and pointed to one of the symbols that kept emitting ripples, “This one, the insurance pin has been touched, and it may detonate at any time.”

  (End of this chapter)

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