Outright Favoritism

Chapter 966: I'm so afraid that I can't think about it?

  Chapter 966 I'm so scared, can't I think about it?

  The promenade in front of the State Banquet Hall, He Chen, Zong Zhan, and Jin Rong were silent as they looked at the two figures under the front porch.

The master of ceremonies in the    hall was still reciting blessings in Burmese, and the scene was warm and harmonious.

Under the corridor, Shang Yu was holding Li Qiao's back with one hand. The two sat by the lean on the railing, looking at the path ahead. No one spoke.

The scene that took place on the    trail is embarrassing.

  Ming Dailan ran madly, constantly shouting a name: "Azun."

  Wei Lang tried to catch her several times, but because of her identity, she did not dare to go too aggressively.

Mr.    said, take her back to Parma, send her to the mental hospital, and notify the Ming family to treat her aftermath.

Although Wei Lang doesn't seem to Wei Ang to follow Shang Zonghai all the year round, he also understands that such an arrangement undoubtedly gave up Ming Dailan.

  Walking around for half a lifetime, the former Pama’s first beauty will eventually return to her homeland.

  Unfortunately, everything has long since been wrong.

  At this time, Li Qiao’s fingers passed through Shang Yu’s fingers and interlocked with his ten fingers. She turned her eyes, and fixed his eyes on his profile, “This is actually quite good.”

  Regardless of whether Ming Dailan pretends to be crazy or is really stimulated, she does not deserve sympathy, but this ending may be her best home.

  Shang Yu lowered his eyes to look at the palms they were holding each other, and pursed his thin lips, "Well, it's good."

  Li Qiao heard the irony and obscurity implied in his tone, squeezed the man’s fingers, and patiently calmed down, “Regardless of right or wrong, she will live very easily in the future, and you should let it go.”

  Shang Yu looked faintly, his dark eyebrows flowed with a different kind of sentiment, "I'm so afraid I can't think about it?"

  Li Qiao looked at Ming Dailan who was going away, raising her eyebrows lightly, "I'm afraid you will be kind."

  With Shang Yu's character of emphasizing affection and righteousness, he would not forgive Ming Dailan, but he might not be able to watch her drift away.

  Not only him, but also Shang Zonghai.

  The father and son only look cold-blooded and domineering, but in fact they are more affectionate than anyone else.

Shang Yu smiled vigorously, bowed his head and kissed Li Qiao's ear, "No, you think of me too well."

  Li Qiao did not hide, but leaned close to his chest, "I mean... don't heal her either."

  The man didn't speak, he fixed his eyes to face her, and a shadow flicked across his eyes.

  Li Qiao rubbed the back of his hand and whispered: "If I were Ming Dailan, instead of living in so many lies, it would be better to live in my own world like I am now and let everything disappear."

  Only when you are crazy can you escape all your faults.

  Since then, living in a world with only her and Ataru is also a fulfillment.

  Shang Yu closed his eyes, moved his palm to the top of her head and stroked it, "Okay, then it's up to you."

  He did have a thought, and wanted to heal Ming Dailan.

  In the early stages of insanity, if properly treated, she might be able to regain consciousness.

  Although Ming Dailan's crimes are unforgivable, she is still Shanglu's beloved mother.

  Fortunately, Shang Yu has Li Qiao, and all his willpower will be transferred because of her.

  Finally, he still listened to Li Qiao’s advice, whether he was crazy, he could make everything disappear completely.


  On the other side of the promenade, He Chen changed from the frivolousness and dissoluteness of the past, and his expression of silence seemed very worried.

  The calmest thing is Zong Zhan. With a cigarette dangling from his mouth, his awe-inspiring temperament is perfectly compatible with Yupi's posture. "My younger brother and sister made me admire again. It is really awesome to be able to retreat in the hands of Xiao Hongdao."

  Jin Rong has a habit of cleanliness. At the moment, he was bowing his head and stomping, trying to kick off the soot from the upper. He suddenly heard Zong Zhan's emotion, he raised his head and curled his lips, "It's rare and weird.

  Hearing this, He Chen glanced at him inexplicably, "Your family Qiqi is a survivor today, don’t use idioms if you don’t understand them."

   "He Xiaosi, do you want to find it unhappy?" Jin Rong scowled and made a fist, "I don't mind letting you know what the real aftermath is."

  Zong Zhan spit out smoke on Jin Rong’s face, “You can’t beat the fourth, so be safe.”

  Jin Rongang sneered under his chin, and then took a step back cleverly. It can be said that he is very aware of current affairs.

  He Chen didn’t bother to care about him, took out the cigarette case from Zong Zhan’s suit pocket, took out a cigarette and lit it to his lips, “Xiao Hongdao will easily let Li Qiao come out, I’m afraid there is a back hand.”

  Compared with Jin Rong’s unprincipled, He Chen, as a military officer of the Black Hawk, naturally has a more active mind.

  While talking, he looked at Li Qiao, and said vaguely: "Unless the younger brothers and sisters also have it, it will be impossible to guard against."

  At this time, Jin Rong regained some sense of reason, and was amazed, "If Xiao Hongdao is really that powerful, and Xiao Yeyan is taken away, why is he indifferent?"

  Zong Zhan didn't participate in the discussion, instead he looked thoughtful in a trance.

  He Chen dusted the ashes, staring at the cigarette butts that were clearly extinct, "Because of being indifferent, there is a problem."

  Jin Rong has never liked brainstorming. He prefers to shoot with a gun, and he does not bother to test each other with someone like Xiao Hongdao who is skilled in strategy.

Not long after, Shang Yu and Li Qiao walked hand in hand. He Chen finished his last cigarette, and his handsome eyebrows returned to their original form.

   "The wedding is almost over. If you don't go in again, I think Wu Minmin will be unable to sit still."

  He Chen joked frivolously, his eyes fell on Li Qiao's face, but there was a hint of playfulness.

  Li Qiao left halfway through the wedding, and within three minutes, all the other four sons were gone.

  He Chen faintly felt that Li Qiao probably knew something in advance, after all, the people at the border all thought of her as her head.

  At this moment, Li Qiao and He Chen collided with each other, and then they turned away, "Well, let's go."


  Back to the state banquet hall, the wedding has reached the last link, and the couple exchange vows.

  Li Qiao looked for a more conspicuous place and raised her eyebrows towards Wu Minmin, who was tight on the stage.

  People’s big weddings are always full of joy, and when you look at Wu Minmin, it seems that he has been forced into the marriage.

  When she saw the returning figure of Li Qiao, the anger between her eyebrows gradually faded, and she was relieved as if she was relieved.

  If Li Qiao does not come again, she may have to block the full search of the Cabinet Office.

  A few minutes later, Su Moshi and Wu Minmin ended the exchange of vows. The two had been married for a long time, and the wedding was successfully concluded.

  The guests were invited to the banquet hall next door to have a meal, and Shen Qingye, Song Liao and others also appeared in the crowd in due course.

  A few people passed through the crowd and rubbed in front of Li Qiao. Song Liaozhuo looked at her, "Cub, isn't that cup of tea poisonous?"

  They were all hiding near the back garden at the time, but they were far away, and they didn't hear clearly what she and Xiao Hongdao were talking about.

  Li Qiao bends her lips, "No."

  Shen Qingye moved with the crowd while looking around, "Where is the second son of Yoon?"

  Xia Siyu and Song Liao looked at each other and shook their heads inexplicably, "Didn’t she act with you?"

  Shen Qingye pointed his nose back, "Why don't I know?"

  (End of this chapter)

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