Outright Favoritism

Chapter 972: Human cub without a name

  Chapter 972 Human Cub without a Name

  At eleven o'clock in the night, all cruise ships docked.

The yacht brought by Xiao Yehui was also forced to retreat to the riverside by Zuo Xuan and others.

  Except for Xiao Yehui, who was seriously injured and unconscious, all the other injured royal knights disarmed and squatted by the lake like a bereaved dog awaiting trial.

  Because all the surviving knights recognized Shang Yu.

  The House of Lords, Archbishop.

  Beside the lake, a medical vehicle has been waiting in place for a long time.

  He Chen leaned against the front of the car, smoking a cigarette with a handsome face, while Yin Mo sat in the co-pilot, peering through the half-down car window.

  Not long after, He Chen moved his body, dropped his cigarette **** and ground it with his heel, and walked towards the lake with his foot up.

   Yin Mo was anxious, wanted to get off the car but didn't dare to act rashly.

  Beside the lake, Li Qiao was wearing a men's suit, and Shang Yu embraced him and hugged the cruise ship.

   Both of them are full of damp water vapor, especially the man's body is still spreading a strong and alienated aura.

  He Chen stood still slowly, his eyes skipped Li Qiao, and finally settled on Shang Yu’s face, "Something happened?"

  "Medical car?" The man didn't answer the rhetorical question, his tone of voice was extremely low and cold.

  He Chen pursed his lower lip and raised his chin toward the rear. "Fifteen meters away, you use it first."

  The medical vehicle was originally used to treat Yin Mo’s mother.

  Shang Yu led Li Qiao to the medical vehicle, He Chen looked back, his eyes slowly narrowed.

   "Little Four, when did you come?"

  Zong Zhan and Jin Rong walked up wearing bath towels, both of them were also wet and slightly embarrassed.

  He Chen retracted his gaze and saw them dressed in bath towels, his eyebrows frowned, "Did you jump into the lake?"

   "It's a long story." Zong Zhan lifted off the towel on his shoulders and flicked his hair again, "Come on."

  On the other side, Shang Yu surrounded Li Qiao and boarded the carriage of the medical vehicle. Yin Mo in the front row quickly turned around, "Qiao Qiao, my mother..."

   "Go out." The man gave a solemn order, and the simple two words were not warm.

   Yin Mo's eyes flashed, he looked at Li Qiao, and nodded in recognition, "Okay, I'm waiting outside the car, call me if I have anything."

  She thought that something might have happened, otherwise Yan Ye would not suddenly become so indifferent and repellent.

  At this moment, only Li Qiao was in his eyes.

  Yin Mo pushed the door and got out of the car, took out the black mask from his pocket, walked three meters away and stood quietly.

  In the carriage, Shang Yujun's face was tense, he swiftly pulled up all the curtains and privacy curtains, and opened the inspection equipment on the medical vehicle, "Take off your clothes, huh?"

  Li Qiao lowered her head and tugged the corners of her mouth, raised her head to face the man, "Aunt Yin is injured, it's better than us..." went back to the other hospital for inspection.

   "She was injured, what does it have to do with us?" Shang Yu's words were cold and ruthless and cruel.

   After that, the man leaned forward, his cold fingers clamped Li Qiao’s jaw, and he paused every word, “Look at her for life and death.”

  Li Qiao was locked by Shang Yu's dark eyes, and the obviously very spacious medical vehicle seemed small and suffocating at the moment.

  The low air pressure covered by the man's body, his pupils are as deep as the sea, and he doesn't compromise at all.

  Li Qiao licked the corners of her mouth, got up and kissed his lips, "The training suit is a bit tight, please help me take it off."

  Shang Yu’s tight outline softened a bit, his palms pressed against the back of her head, and he sucked hard with her lips, "good..."

  The man immediately removed his fierce aura. Probably only Li Qiao could calm him down in an instant.

  The light of the medical car top light is very bright. Li Qiao observes Shang Yu without blinking, from eyebrows to breathing, except that his expression is a bit cold, and his emotions are still calm.

  In just a few seconds, Li Qiao, who was too imaginary, suddenly felt a cold shoulder. After returning to her senses, she realized that the top of the training uniform had been pulled under her shoulder.

  At this time, Shang Yu's lips pressed tightly with a thin smile, and his fingertips rubbed the cloth on the inner side of her shoulders, "Body armor?"

   "Well, just in case." Li Qiaoyun nodded lightly, then narrowed her eyes, "You didn't wear it?"

  She stretched out her hand as she spoke, and put her soft fingers into the man’s open neckline.

  On the same day, Li Qiao deliberately took a few sets of newly developed ultra-thin body armor from the heavy industry manufacturing plant. The intention was to let everyone wear it on the spot.

  No matter how strict the security check of the Cabinet Office is, it is hard to guarantee that there will be no negligence.

  Furthermore, relying on the virtues of the Xiao family and his sons, I have to guard against it.

  Li Qiao naturally reached into Shang Yu's collar, her tentacles were warm, and she could not feel the traces of her body armor.

  She raised her eyebrows and glanced at the man, hooked her fingers, and unbuttoned his shirt in the blink of an eye.

  In front of me, the honey-colored chest is still damp, and the well-proportioned texture exudes the smell of hormones.

  Li Qiao's eyes flickered, and before she could speak, Shang Yu squeezed her arms and dragged the person into her arms.

  The skin of the two of them touched each other, and the atmosphere became very hot.

  The man put Li Qiao on his lap, buried his head on her neck, gently stroked her lower abdomen with his palm, and asked in a dumb voice: "Is there anything wrong with him?"

  He, a human cub who doesn't even have a name.

  Li Qiao wrapped Shang Yu's shoulders and shook her head lightly, "No, he is fine."

  It is true that pregnant women are not suitable for strenuous exercise, but there must be a break between her and Xiao Yehui.

  Tonight, it can be regarded as mutual fulfillment.

  Shang Yu’s thin lips lingered around Li Qiao’s neck, and his fingers got into the corners of her clothes, making his movements more and more uncontrollable.

   "Boom boom boom——"

  The knock on the door sounded, alarming the ambiguous surging airflow in the carriage.

  Shang Yu picked up the suit on the side and wrapped Li Qiao around, then opened the diagonally rear window, his voice was low, "Get the car here."

   Standing still outside the window, Luo Yu immediately nodded and replied, "Boss, the car is nearby."

   Soon, Shang Yu took Li Qiao and got out of the medical vehicle. The two did not make a stop, and they changed to the bulletproof vehicle and left the Maine River first.


  At the same time, Zuo Xuan and others are still finishing work by the lake.

  Yin's mother was secretly escorted to the medical vehicle for a second treatment.

  And Xia Siyu and others, sitting on the ground like a rest of their lives, everyone holding cigarettes in their hands, swallowing clouds and fog, calming their moods.

  It’s hard to imagine what they would do if something happened to Li Qiao tonight.

  Xia Siyu stretched out her palms towards Shen Qingye with lingering fear, "Give me one."

  Sometimes, tobacco smells bad, but sometimes, bitter nicotine can really soothe people's hearts.

   Hearing the sound, Shen Qingye gave Xia Siyu a piece without thinking about it, "Men’s cigarette, strong, take it easy."

  Xia Siyu is not addicted to cigarettes, but it does not prevent her from smoking.

  A cigarette was delivered to her lips skillfully, and when she took the lighter and lowered her head to light the cigarette, the flame went out.

  She pressed the lighter again, and just leaned in to light the cigarette, the fire went out again.

  This time, Xia Siyu saw clearly that the flame was blown out.

  She dangled her cigarette and turned her head. Before she could see the other person’s cheeks, the cigarette at the corner of her mouth was taken away. “Don’t smoke if you can’t smoke.”

  (End of this chapter)

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