Outright Favoritism

Chapter 979: You have too many weaknesses

   Chapter 979 You have too many weaknesses

For a while, He Chen pulled Yin Mo and left the ward.

  Li Qiao walked slowly to the window, looking at Xiao Yehui with a faint expression, "Bitterness, not like your style."

  At this time, Xiao Yehui looked a little horrible.

   Yin Mo did not show mercy, and swollen his handsome face with a bruised nose.

  Xiao Yehui touched the red cheekbones and smiled softly, "Do you think I have ulterior motives no matter what I do?"

  Li Qiao did not open her face, and looked at her toes indifferently, "Even if your leg is injured, you will not have the strength to fight back."

  Xiao Yehui was still sitting in the wheelchair with his chest straight, his movements showing stiffness and rigidity.

  His Adam’s apple slid, the corners of his mouth tightened and loosened, and he wanted to speak for several times, but he was strangely silent.

  I don’t know how long it took, and the two of them were speechless.

  Xiao Yehui grasped the armrest of the wheelchair, closed his eyes, "Do you want to do it?"

   "It's not the time yet." Li Qiao replied flatly, leaning over and picking up the tissue box from the coffee table, and threw it on his lap, "wipe it, so that your dad will not see it and think I have abused you."

  Xiao Yehui slowly moved the palm of his hand, gently picking his fingertips, and the tissue box fell to the ground, "He will not come."

  Li Qiao raised his eyebrows, looked at him sideways, and said nothing.

  Xiao Yehui looked out of the window, his brows dimmed, "He is never threatened by others. Xiao Qi, a heartless person, you have no chance of winning against him."

   "Really?" Li Qiao touched her chin, curling her lips disapprovingly, "If she had no intentions, things would be better."

   "You are wrong." Xiao Yehui slowly closed his eyes, "He can give up everyone, can you also? Your parents, teachers, friends, lovers, any one, is his weapon."

Li Qiao pursed his lips. Before he could speak, Xiao Yehui opened his eyes and said again: "Xiao Qi, you have too many weaknesses and your heart is not hard enough. You think you can force him to submit if you catch me, but it turns out that you It was wrong."

  Li Qiao put her arms around her chest, shook her head and smiled, "You are too arrogant."

  Who caused Xiao Yehui to misunderstand him? He actually thought that Xiao Hongdao could easily abandon him.

  At this time, Xiao Yehui touched the empty left arm, and sighed in dismay, "Probably only you will think of me as important. You said, if I didn't go back to succeed the duke, wouldn't the Seventh Son become what it is today?"

   "Even if you don't go back, the blood debt owed by the Childman family will be repaid in full."

  Xiao Yehui flashed his eyes, his quiet mood clearly fluctuated, "What do you mean?"

  Five minutes later, Li Qiao walked out of the experimental ward.

  She hasn't had such a peaceful conversation with Xiao Yehui for a long time.

  Between them, there is a deep sea of ​​blood that cannot be crossed.

   Regardless of whether Xiao Yehui knew it or not, the Childman family had to pay the price.

  In the room, Xiao Yehui sat silently for a long time.

  He kept touching his left shoulder with the palm of his hand, his mutilated limbs and the only remaining reason kept reminding him of a fact.

  His left arm was blown out by his father.

  Pama’s first blue blood family was destroyed, a joint action led by his father.

  And Li Qiao is a descendant of the Mu family.

  Xiao Yehui's eyes were messy, too much information made him unsustainable, and he leaned back heavily on the back of his chair.

  For a moment, he breathed, and the severe pain made him tremble uncontrollably.

  Xiao Yehui smiled with red eyes, and after smiling, he covered his eyes and realized everything by himself.

  His life under the mercy of his life is really useless.


  On the other side, Li Qiao passed by the nurse's desk in the laboratory ward and stopped quickly.

  She recalled Xiao Yehui's uncoordinated body movements, and asked the nurse for his diagnosis and medical records.

  The moment the medical record was opened, Li Qiao couldn't help frowning.

  Back burns, spine damage and foreign body remaining...

  Li Qiao rolled her throat, put the medical record on the nurse's desk, turned and walked into the elevator.

  In the water that night, the explosion happened suddenly. The moment she jumped into the sea, the firelight vaguely felt that someone was blocking her diagonally behind.

  The situation was urgent at the time, and she began to sink when she entered the water to prevent accidental injury by the explosion fragments.

  Xiao Yehui...what a contradiction.

  In the elevator, Li Qiao had mixed feelings in his heart. He hated the six sons, but he was merciful everywhere.

  Obviously, mother Yin could be killed by a single shot, but only hit the back of her instep, giving mother Yin a chance to escape.

  On the eve of the bomb detonation on the yacht, he could do nothing and drag them to death together.

  But Xiao Yehui still made a gesture, which was the retreat signal that Qizi was most familiar with.


   Another day passed, Xiao Hongdao was unusually quiet.

  The economic summit of politicians from various countries has come to an end. With the departure of politicians from various countries, Naybi, the capital of Myanmar, has restored its former peace.

  This evening, the main road has not been unblocked.

  Shang Yu received a phone call accidentally on his way to the hospital.

  After listening to the report inside, the man narrowed his eyes coldly, resting on the back of his chair and whispering to Liu Yun, "Go to Liaoshan."

   Liu Yun quickly said yes, forcibly turned the front of the car, and headed towards Liaoshan at the other end of the city.

  At the same time, Li Qiao was lying in the hospital with her eyes closed and rested. Suddenly, the phone rang an unusual beep.

  She opened her eyes, fumbled for the phone from under her pillow, and opened the watch's built-in program, and she saw that Shang Yu's physical signs had changed.

  Heartbeat, too fast.

  Li Qiao condenses her eyebrows and her face is cold. This is the first time that the watch program has issued an alarm signal.

  She was silent for a few seconds, bent over and took out the laptop hidden under her clothes from the bedside table, and at the same time she turned on the phone, she dialed out.

  "Shaoyan's car, give me real-time road monitoring."

  Wu Minmin seemed to be eating, he noticed Li Qiao’s tight tone, swallowed the food like a jujube, and rushed to the study with his pregnant belly in both hands.

  Li Qiao turned on the watch's tracker, and while observing the position of the car, she opened the mailbox.

  Wu Minmin moved quickly, cut into the road monitoring and shared it with Li Qiao in real time, “Have you seen? Three cars, just driving past Oukan Road, the speed is not low.”

  Li Qiao glanced at the surveillance picture that popped up on the screen, and then tapped the keyboard and continued: "Can you capture the perspective of the car?"

   "Your husband's car window film is too dark, I'll try it first." Although Wu Minmin has a perverse personality, he is never ambiguous in business.

  She moved quickly to launch the wide-angle image capture program, and she was still muttering, "This road has a speed limit of 60, and your husband's speed is almost 120. Is something serious?"

  Li Qiao did not speak. After sending out the group-sent encrypted emails, he tapped the edge of the computer with his fingers once, and waited impatiently for a reply.

   Soon, Wu Minmin cut to a picture and immediately sent it to Li Qiao, “Your husband answered the phone in two minutes and forty-three seconds, and then suddenly changed the trajectory of the car.”

  (End of this chapter)

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