Outright Favoritism

Chapter 990: Uncle Yin is the inner answer

  Chapter 990 Uncle Yin is an internal response

  At this time, Li Qiao struggled slightly to get to the ground, but the man’s arms were strong and powerful, and he didn't move anything.

  Shang Zonghai came at the right time, patted Shang Yu on the shoulder, and sighed, "Shao Yan, let the girl down."

  Shang Yu is as steady as Mount Tai, his handsome face is unusually indifferent, "You, leave it alone."

  Shang Zonghai frowned and increased the strength in his hand, "Everyone is dead, give them a chance to say goodbye."

   "Everyone is dead, what else is necessary to say goodbye."

  The man bends his lips coldly, holding Li Qiao and walking towards the predator.

  He Chen and Jin Rong stood in front of him. He Chen said: "Shao Yan, we are all here, let the younger brothers and sisters come down, nothing will happen."

  "Get out of the way." Shang Yu's eyes were like a cold pool, with no temperature at all.

  He Chen pressed his thin lips tightly. Before speaking, Li Qiao raised his hand to caress the handsome face of the man.

  Her voice is very weak, as if a gust of wind can blow away, "Let me give him a ride, I will listen to everything you say in the future, okay."

  Shang Yu looked down at the girl in his arms. She hadn't cried, but she looked sad.

  As strong as Li Qiao, no matter how hard the heart is, there is no way to ignore Xiao Yehui's death.

   However, Shang Yu faintly bowed his head, said paranoidly and domineeringly: "Qiaoqiao, I don't believe you anymore."

  Li Qiao closed her eyes, but she was sad without tears.

  At this time, the five frontiers stepped forward again, Su Moshi pursed his lips, nodded, "Yan Ye, please, let her down."

  Shen Qingye and several people also said in unison, "Yan Ye, please."

  There are countless kinds of feelings in the world, but the friendship of the Seven Frontiers is the most moving.

  Li Qiao touched his handsome face, pressed his forehead to the man’s cheek, "please..."

  She asked Shangyu for the first time, not for Xiao Yehui, but for the other five sons.

  They are still waiting for her.

  After all, the man couldn’t listen to her request for a long-distance twist. He bent her arms and tightened her tightly. It took a long time before he said coldly, "Three minutes."


  Li Qiao agreed softly, got out of his arms, but almost couldn't stand firmly because of the numbness of his legs.

  She calmed down and slowly turned to look at the five sons on the border. She stepped forward, the five sons scattered on both sides and followed her.

  The six people headed by Li Qiao came to Xiao Yehui again.

  Six people, bowing their heads in unison, said the sentence they had said three years ago: "Huizi, see you in the next life."

  Huizai, after the reunion, they never called him that way again.

  The six border sons still recognize the identity of Xiao Yehui's eldest brother.

  The difference that has been performed a long time ago, in the end, it happened again.

  The entanglement between Xiao Yehui and the six sons, perhaps he hesitated and regretted, but in the end he chose to go alone.

  He has never been involuntarily involuntarily, and contradictory, is the enemy of everyone.

  Perhaps a long time ago, he had set a destination for himself.

  All thoughts are ashamed, but body death can be broken.

  This scene shocked everyone's hearts.

  Take Xiao Hongdao as the best.

  He looked at Xiao Yehui, who smiled and closed his eyes for an instant, the son he was once most proud of, never looked at him again until he died.

  Xiao Hongdao has never known how to write the word failure in this life.

But Xiao Yehui gave him a resounding slap.

  That should have been his most perfect masterpiece, the most outstanding son, the heir carefully cultivated since childhood, but was driven to death by these things.

  Xiao Hongdao stared at Shang Zonghai angrily, and stood up from his wheelchair, "the old fox is really well-deserved, and under the siege of so many people, he can escape from his birth. You made me admire again."

  Shang Zonghai stood with his hands under his shoulders, staring at him peacefully, "It's not that you are the only one who screams, Old Xiao, we have been fighting for a lifetime, are you tired?"

   "Tired, but I enjoy it." Xiao Hongdao paced forward slowly, his eyes suddenly shot out with the look of evil birds, "Do you think the overall situation is settled now?"

   He said while looking at Li Qiao, his eyes wandering around her lower abdomen, "You can only save your life if you can afford it, but unfortunately you don't know what is good or bad."

  Li Qiao ignored him, and instead wiped the blood stains on Xiao Yehui's forehead with Su Moshi little by little.

  The person is dead, and the dignity that should be left to this former elder brother.

  Xiao Hongdao sneered, and then walked to Shang Zonghai a few steps later, his eyes were mad, "Junior, even if you catch me, you won’t be able to save Li Qiao, hahaha—"

  Shang Yu suddenly squinted his eyes, and just about to step forward, he heard Xiao Hongdao speak again, “The Mu family back then could hardly escape their death. Since Li Qiao is a descendant of the Mu family, it’s time to reunite with them.”

Shang Zonghai looked sideways at Li Qiao, "Girl?"

Without waiting for Li Qiao's answer, Shang Yu strode to her side, and took the person into his arms, with a murderous tone, "You are too much nonsense."

  Xiao Hongdao raised his head and laughed, "Even if I die, I have to pull a few people to support me."

  As soon as the words fell, he suddenly opened the corner of his clothes, took out a pistol that had been hidden for a long time from his side waist, and aimed at Shang Zonghai's eyebrows and squeezed the trigger.

  He hadn't made any shots before, so he waited for this moment.

  Xiao Hongdao knows that he is already a trapped beast, and if he rushes to shoot, not only will it not succeed, but it will cause trouble to the upper body.

  At this time, Shang Zonghai was three steps away from him, and even if the Black Hawk Party and the special police took action, it was in vain.

  All he wants is one shot to kill.

  Xiao Hongdao’s eyes were filled with delightful madness, even if he didn’t die well, Shang Zonghai wouldn’t want to survive.

  In the electric light flint, something unexpected happened.

  Xiao Hongdao was 90% sure that he could kill Shang Zonghai, but... he missed one thing.

  The moment he pulled the trigger, someone from behind suddenly rushed over and threw him to the ground. The bullet that was shot grazed the corner of Shang Zonghai's clothes, and finally hit Xiao Yeyan's shoulder.

  Unexpected changes made Xiao Hongdao unbelievable for a long time.

  He looked at the person who threw himself down, furious, "Yin Zhihong——"

   Immediately, Xiao Hongdao's muzzle was aimed at Yin Zhihong's chest, and he fired several shots until the bullets emptied.

   "Dad!" Yin Mo screamed.

  Everything happened too fast, and no one would have thought that Yin Zhihong betrayed Xiao Hongdao at the last minute.

  Xiao Hongdao stretched out his hand to push Yin Zhihong away, and staggered up from the ground. He raised his eyes and found that his confidant had been surrounded by the SWAT team with guns.

   was defeated, he was completely defeated.

  Xiao Hongdao pretends to be strategizing, but he did not expect Yin Zhihong to be the biggest variable.

  When the SWAT team brought the arrest documents of the Commonwealth Government to Xiao Hongdao, he sneered in a low voice, "Li Qiao, come with me on the road."

  Shang Yu’s throat kept sliding, holding Li Qiao’s face with one hand, and holding her tightly with the other hand, "Where is it uncomfortable? Huh?"

  Xiao Hongdao will not speak arrogantly when he is about to die. He is also from a family of Chinese medicine practitioners, and he must have done something to Li Qiao before saying this.

  Li Qiao looked at the man deeply, tilted her head and kissed him in his palm, "I'm fine, Uncle Yin is the insider."

   6000, ask for monthly ticket.



  (End of this chapter)

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