Overgeared System

Chapter 18 - Unchosen

"Eeeeeek! I am so sorry! Where am I!? Big b-bro!?" Asura jumps up in the air and gets her crotch off from Drakos' face.

'Hmm, a female hero? What the in the world is going on? First an extra hero without a weapon and now a female hero falling from the skies? This is outrageous and goes against the god's will! I mustn't let these new forbidden heroes survive in my kingdom!' A girl with long-curly royal red hair and bright emerald eyes thinks to herself. 'No matter I have a plan. First I must deal with the pitiful Shield Hero. Fufu.' She has a wicked smile on her face.

"New hero please state your name!" King Aultcray demands, he was getting rathered worked up seeing two completely new summoned heroes coming out of nowhere. He viewed them more as pests rather than actual heroes. It was already known that in the hierarchy of this unfair and secretive kingdom that the King only favored the Spear Hero, Sword Hero, and the Bow Hero. He despised the Shield Hero and now these other two random heroes made him sick to his stomach.

"Uh-ah my name is Asura Dragonstorm!" She gives the king a cute bow and salutes him. She was still wearing her black and gold S.A school uniform, her tiny black skirt showed off her well-toned athletic thick shiny legs, she really took care of her body and herself. Her body was well-built and very busty for a girl of her young age.

"I have never heard of such a hero! This is nonsense! But I will only accept this once! Besides we need more heroes in the battle of the demon waves that will be coming into our gallant kingdom of Melromarc. So new female hero you will be paired up atomically with the so-called 'Hero of the Fist'. The rest of you form your squads." King Aulcray waves them off and then whispers to his priest and knight subordinates who were standing nearby by his golden throne chair made of dragon scales.

By default, most knights, mages, spellcasters, healers, swordsmen, and even warriors chose to pair up with the most powerful of the summoned heroes. Everyone was chosen but the shield hero, Drakos, and Asura.

'Figures mortals only pair up with someone who is the strongest and most powerful of the group. They haven't even seen my powers, but they probably already worship some stupid God Legends. Reminds me of my own unjust and fuċkėd up world. Hierarchy is so messed up and flawed to the core, humanity is beyond saving. I don't fuċkɨnġ care, right now I just need to find out who is the most powerful being here and take their powers for myself. Everyone else can just die.' Drakos spits out blood, he still was slightly injured from his fight with Silver.

'Damn after this is over I need to summon Tsunade to heal me with her healing Jutsu.' Drakos gripped at his stomach in a pissed off way. He wanted so badly to slaughter and torture Silver in front of everyone in his world.

"Brother! What is going on? I was at home and then a multi-verse portal appeared out of nowhere and I was teleport here. But I am glad that I get to be with you!" Asura has a big bright smile as she went to hug her big brother.

"Don't fuċkɨnġ touch me!" Drakos slaps away Asura hands. Everyone in the throne room gasped at such an unholy sight. In this kingdom, the woman were treated as goddesses'. If a male had mistreated and hurt one then such actions would be punishable by banishment or even worse death.

Asura's aqua blue eyes were shaking with shock, she was about to cry, her long golden blonde hair covered her sadden face. All she wanted was to be with her brother that she loved very much.

"It seems the Shield Hero and the Hero Fist have no squad members. Does anyone want to join them?" The king asked.

The remaining squad members were hesitant to join the three reaming heroes.

Except one.

"I will be with the shield hero! Hehe!" The girl with red hair and emerald eyes runs over to Naofumi's side. He begins to smile happily at seeing such a beautiful and busty girl join him by his side.

"Uh, what's your name?" Naofumi asked with a slight blush and awkward smile as he rubbed the back of his head.

"The name is Myne!" She smiles as well and bows in a royal and polite manner.

"Nice to meet you Myne! Now let's go train and protect this kingdom!" Naofumi excitedly says. The thought of being summoned into another world was sinking in with him.

"Then I will be in the squad of the Hero of the Fist!" Calls out a girl with long emerald color hair and sapphire eyes, she looked exactly like Drakos' older sister Emerilla, but with a more slender and younger body. She was wearing a brown and green adventurer gear dress, as well as a black wizard hat.

"Do you accept this woman to be in your squad, Hero of the Fist?" The king adjusted his diamond rings without a care in the world. He didn't really give two shits about Drakos's choice.

"Yeah, whatever. Who is exactly the most powerful being in this world?" Drakos asked as he arranges his god powers in his Overgeared System.

"You are a strange one indeed. The most powerful being is, of course, the True God who has never been seen. This god is the one who created our world and gave us hope by summoning heroes to protect us. Now off you all go." King Aulctray sends all the heroes off with kingly wave.

The Spear Hero, Sword Hero, and Bow Hero all walked out the throne room together and abandoned Naofumi.

"Hey, where are you guys going!?" Naofumi shouts with confusion in his green eyes and voice.

"Ha! Did you think we would pair up with the weakest hero of the group? Nope see ya later." snobbishly said Motoyasu the spear hero with a smug ċȯċky grin as he wrapped his hands around five goregous girls who giggling at Naofumi.

"Ugggh! Blonde-haired bastard! Whatever at least I have someone in my group." Naofumi sighed and looked at his tiny rectangle silver shield weapon with a magical orb in the middle. 'Why does everyone think I am weak!' He gritted his teeth.

"Let's go train Shield Hero! I can't wait to see your amazing powers! Hehehe!" Myne grins with a fake smile as she seductively grabs Naofumi by his arms.

"Wait before I go- Hey, Hero of the Fist. Want to train with us?" Naofumi asked in a monotone voice. He saw that no one had paid any attention to him. The brash people of this kingdom treated both Naofumi and Drakos as weak outcast heroes.

"Sure, I don't care," Drakos responded as he scanned for the True God's power aura with his god system.

"Alright sounds good! Off to our adventure!" Naofumi confidently raises his hands up to the sapphire cloudly skies above.

"Hero of the Fist my name is Selena, it is a pŀėȧsurė to be in your squad. I am a wizard who focuses on elemental magic." Says the girl with green hair who chose to be in his squad.

Drakos shakes her smooth warm hands, 'I guess I can use more pawns until I find the True God or whatever. I can increase the level and powers of my God System by cultivating in this new world.' He cracked his knuckles and walked past Asura without even looking at her.

Drakos and Naofumi both went towards a nearby forest to train.

"Wait! Brother! There is something I need to tell you!" Asura clumsily follows her brother like a little stray kitten.

"I don't listen to fuċkɨnġ traitors." Drakos snarls as he adjusted his Infinity Gear and fully absorbed Silvers remaining powers. A bright white thundering light flashed and sparked out of his Power Stone.

[Unbeatable System integrated into Overgeared System]- You gained 20 new summons and over 100+ powers and skills; [Final Flash] skill is however locked.] Echoes his Overgeared System in an intelligent and deadly tone.

"I hate you!" Asura angrily bites her pink glossy lips and stomps her cute little feet as she points at Drakos, who looked like a true god who could never be beaten or killed. His godly handsome face had made nearby girls swoon over him. They were all in heat, they wanted his seed.

Drakos shook off her his sister's useless words, she now meant nothing to him. 'It seems I have to kill an undead demon army wave to gain respect in this shit hole kingdom. But the old fart king didn't really explain anything? No matter I will just gain as many powers as I can in this new world. Then I will finally travel through the multiverse to find the original Infinity Stones and take over the entire universe!' Drakos clenched his fist. His hatred and power hunger was only growing more by the second. Neither did he know...things were about to change.

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