Overgeared System

Chapter 9 - We Lost One

At the Student Council Throne Room...

"Silver it seems that one of our third rank guardians has been erased from this reality," Lelouch informs Silver who was at the moment making out with Rias and fingering her devilish pussƴ, while Akeno Himejima was rubbing Silvers balls and flawless ċȯċk which was still in his black school pants, even with pants on his ċȯċk was massive, it bulged out of his pants with insane proportions.

"Who was the fools name?" Silver said as he fiercely spanked Akeno's shiny plum shaped fat ȧss, her enormous tɨts bounced all over Rias's face. Both of them were completely nȧkėd and were only wearing black school stockings and high heels

"I believe it was Tsukune Aono..." Lelouch said without a care in his voice, he grew tired of being Silver's best friend.

"Who the fuċk is Tsukune?" Silver puts on his clothes and starts drinking a bottle of 5,000 dollar champagne straight from the golden glass bottle.

"The boy with ghoul and vampire powers. Tier 5 God System. He was very loyal to you..." Lelouch rolled his violet eyes.

"Oh haha! That weakling! I don't even know why I chose him to be my guardian maybe because I wanted to fuċk his hot white-haired vampire girlfriend." Silver sits down on his golden throne and starts to get ready for school.

"Yeah..." Lelouch gritted his teeth he longed to be with someone who actually cared about taking over the world. Someone who was smart and brutal. Someone who was as powerful as himself...

"Who killed that dumbass Tsukun anyway?" Silver starts suċkɨnġ on Rias nɨppŀės and makes out with her in a sloppy drunken way.

"I don't know. Let's get going to combat class. " Lelouch lightly grinned and packed his bags for school.

'Tch. I didn't know there was a new God who joined us." Lelouch looks at his iPhone and saw Drakos slaughtering Tsukune and turning into an Infinity Stone.

'It's about time I push my plans forward at a faster rate,' Lelouch flips up a white king chess piece and then slams it down a wooden chess board and walks away to combat class.

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