The effect of the treatment Mr. Mimino had was even worse. The wounds on the woman who had been pierced through her stomach were blocked —— apparently. Apparently, once a man, I'm "Be looking behind you" and "Yes, you are, boy." It's still early, "Mimino and Zelli told me," I haven't seen anywhere to treat a "golden brigade" woman.

"Helpful, thank you..."

As I looked back, the woman's body was finished with bandages and her clothes were fixed. She had a blue face and was surprised by the sweat on her forehead, so I also helped her recover with [restorative magic]. I won't be returning the blood I shed though, so I'll have to rest for a while.

"Reggie, hey"

I was called a little while back in the aisle with Mimino. [M]

"Uh, Kohon. Even if it was an emergency evacuation earlier..."


When I snap my neck, Mr. Mimino dyes his cheeks and says-- oh, this angry guy?

He said, "You can't hold me!

"Shh, excuse me. I was in a hurry..."

"Yes. That's nothing, yeah, well, it can't be sudden, and I mean, it's not because I don't like it or anything. You don't mind if I deal with him? Anytime, huh? But, hey, you can't do that to those women."

"... Mr. Mimino?

Hmm? You're mad...? No? Tell me, [Mori Luo Wan]!

Your blood circulation is improving, your heart rate is high, and your temperature is rising —— I guess that means you're angry?

"Anyway, what I'm trying to say--"

Jeez, Mimino stared at me.

"... Reggie, I was rather used to (...) be?

"Really? That's not true."

"I really don't know. I doubt what's happened in the last four years."

"Hey, there's nothing!

I was wondering how to convince Mr. Mimino to take a good look.

"--Boy, Minotaur, I don't think you can afford to stay long, but hey."

Mr. Zelly threw up an honest argument on me by that Mr. Zelly.

Me and Mr. Mimino looked at each other —— oh, Mr. Mimino's a totally unconvinced face —— and went back to the woman who helped him.

She was waking up her upper body with Mr. Jelly's hand.

"So what happened to Leon?

"... I got caught in a trap and I got stuck."

According to her, the "Golden Brigade" and the Leffs of the Chamber of Commerce who hired them made it to the big room. Unlike previous killer landscape dungeons, it was said that nine colorfully painted "rocks" had been placed there.

In the center of the floor is "before God. Sacrifice your fear," he said, examining the rock without knowing what it meant —— and Leon said away, "There's a gem buried in the rock! shouted." If I did look closely, I could see a large garnet of cobwebs, dispersed in the paint applied.

But before she could get it, the floor disappeared.

On the verge of falling, looking around, he said half of them were swarmed by rocks and sucked into the floor, and the rest were stunned in the center of the room.

"... I was ready to die, but the hole led to a different passage, with injuries to the point of striking my body and all I had to do was lose my weapon. The hole that was supposed to have fallen was blocked or invisible, but I recognised that the passage was close to the entrance to the labyrinth, so I first tried to go back (...) to call for help."

"So here you are, attacked by a stone statue, right?

"Yes...... I was alarmed when I came in because there was nothing there."

"... strange"

I noticed.

"We came back with Labyrinth Attack Section 4, but then the statue didn't move, did it?

"If you say so, you are. Ah, he came back as a foe, but it didn't feel like he was moving."

"Reggie, it says something over there BE"

Letters were written near the ceiling of the place leading from this passage to the passage of the stone statue. It's just so far away that the lights on the Magic Guide lamp are hard to reach, too, that I've never noticed it before.

"Fear your solitude."

You mean all the time?

"You mean when you go through here alone, the trap activates...... I guess the stone statue moves.... No, wait. Right!"

"What's up, Reggie?

"This is the liaison Mr. Lulusha should have sent! If we just let them contact us, we'll send one faster than two or three, right? If that person comes here without knowing--"

"Ah. The stone statue moves!

"The liaison officer was attacked by a stone statue here. And they... all seven must have died"

That was a hard prediction. But we have to find out.

"... boy. Then where's the body?

"It's hidden somewhere, or it's taken in by the labyrinth...... you need to find out. Before that, you first —— uh"

"I'm Pollina. He is a member of the Golden Brigade…"

She took off the hood we were wearing.

What was there was beautiful golden hair and long ears that just popped out.

"Of the elf race, he's a bowman."

Although the elves say they are full of beautiful men and beauties, I really thought so. It's just that there's an atmosphere somewhere out there that makes Mr. Polina a good type of beauty to watch from a distance.

The trap didn't activate because I, Mimino, Xeri and Pollina and I have four. Though I searched for the stone statue -- although Mr. Pollina was frightened and concerned himself with the top -- I don't see anything unusual in particular.


The rope I used to tie up the stone statue was torn, but one of them appeared to be stuck behind the stone statue, between the walls. The light on the top of the demon guide lamp does not reach and is dim.

"I'll go up to the stone statue for a moment"


Mr. Pollina said, "Is this guy insane?" I've seen it on my face, but the trap is the trap. It's just a stone statue if it's not activated.

Well, there's talk about whether we can trust the dungeon that far.

I picked up the rope that was falling and stretched it with [flower magic] and wrapped it around the neck of the stone statue. As I passed it on and went up, I could see the top of the wall pulling in. It's like a loft in a room.

I can't see how deep it is. I should be able to crawl on all fours... if I worked out in the "Rokuten Mine" raccoon hole. You're not even happy. You're proud.

"Mr. Mimino! I'll take a look because it looks like it's in the back!

"--Hey, Reggie!? Don't be impotent!?"

I flew from the statue to the gap. [M] It's tough to stand, but it's perfectly fine to crawl and move on.

Relies on the slightest light of the luminous dungeon to gaze.

It's slightly inclined there, downhill. I still smelled blood when I sniffed.

"... but there's no blood left"

Will the surface of the dungeon suck blood? Speaking of which, I haven't even accumulated dust, so there's like a bacteria eating organic food or something...?

I saw the palm that was on the ground. Nothing. Something's creepy.

Let's just move on......

"-- that's"

A little further, I saw a stop wall about 10 meters ahead. There's a hole down there like a cliff. Something like a leather bag was falling-- it looks familiar, it does.

It's a shoulder bag used by Labyrinth Tactics.

When I realized that, I slipped, and the belt of my bag moved like it was pulled from under a cliff. What's going on down there? It's just a few steps and it just falls there —— I'm not as optimistic as I think.

Ha ha.

It's a dust chute. It's where you dump the garbage. And the dungeon collects garbage in one place —— no way, they're even eating?

If this whole dungeon has an ecosystem, isn't it strange to think that this dungeon itself is alive (...)?


The bag moved again.

I crawled to the spot with my hands behind my back. [M]

And activate [fire magic] in your hand --.

"Go. Yeah, yeah!

The more difficult it is to think about the act of unleashing magic. The laws of physics should have actions and reactions, but they don't apply to magic. There is no reaction to wanting to use [Wind Magic] like a jet injection, so the body doesn't move forward.

So the heavenly silver adventurer half elf, Krista, was using [fire magic] and had a blast right next to her body to gain propulsion.

The narrow gap becomes bright as midday.

My body sticks forward with the explosion —— I can reach the bag.

The moment I thought, then, the bag disappeared under the cliff like someone (...) pulled (...).

"Give up —— that!

My body, which is gaining momentum, is about to crash into the front wall, but I poked my right hand there. There's a bottomless space directly beneath me, and if it's about me, it's going to be easy to swallow.

There it is.

The bag.

I reach out my left hand and grab my bag. Pull. Hands-on —— who's there (...)?

My body floats in the universe with my right hand off the wall. Activate [Fire Magic] as is.

The inside of the dust chute became brighter.

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