When I woke up, my head gasped. Shit, I might have caught a cold...... or something. When I wake up physically, [Mori Rawan] diagnosis by the teacher turns out to be "hangover".

Are you serious? This is the hangover...... I feel the worst.

My legs flutter when I get out of bed.

Muge's warehouse is breathable, so it's almost the same as outside. In the summer, breathing in the cool air in the morning made me feel somewhat refreshed.


When I left the room, there was a workbench I was using instead of the table when eating, and there was a pottery bin placed there. On Mr. Mimino's handwritten note, it said "hangover pills"....... thank you. I'll take it. The fact that there are two bottles means Mr. Dantes' is the rest, you know. You hear a hell of a snoring coming from behind me.

Drinking all the way through the contents of the bottle, the bitterness and egumi remained in his mouth, which he tried to sweeten and delude with honey, but could not be deluded. I tried to use [life magic] even in water, so I thought I would use the well and left the warehouse.

Morning burns illuminate the rough land around the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Muge's home and office and shop, the mother house, is no less than this warehouse. It's a digging shed, but it was silent there. The lights were on late the night we got back.

"Hmm? How did you get back when you said that... I don't remember you well enough"

I can't remember my way home yesterday. That fact made me —— tense.

Because [Mori Luo Wan] can't be forgotten! Yeah, well, this is what it was like to forget, and I was happy when I remembered. I don't exactly "forget" it, I guess I "didn't remember" it because of my drunkenness.

There was a great tree characterized by white trunks, and the well was beneath it.

Pumped wells are prevalent within the empire, and although there are sewer sewers for everything, they don't seem rich enough to pass water here, where Mr. Muge lives.

I push the pump to get the water out. I feel cold enough to kink when I dip my hands in the shaaaa and the running water. I washed my face with shabu-shabu and felt better all at once. I shrugged the water and the water that came out after drinking it twice stopped.

I realize I forgot to hand tuck, but if you warm it with [wind magic] and [fire magic], it's fine. It is a handmade dryer. Buh-oh, and I'm drying my face like I'm blowing my forehead up,

"Uh... that's, what?

There was a woman standing there.


He wraps an elongated cloth around it and matches it with a hooded shawl.

I couldn't help but notice the appearance of a rare human race in this country.

"I'm sorry. I wanted to come and thank you as soon as I could...... I'm here at this hour"

Mr. Lulusha laughed as if he was in trouble.

When I got back to my room, I changed (because I wore the worn clothes I used for my pajamas) and went back to the warehouse. Ask Mr. Lulusha to sit on the chair and I'll put water in the pitcher and offer it to him, as usual.

"Shh, sorry, I showed you something ugly..."

"What are you saying? You saved my life, you're ugly, but you can't possibly think that."

"No, it's not like this —— and for now, you're safe."

When I look at Mr. Lulusha again, it's no different than when I saw him in the labyrinth. Though I feel tired, even when I was in the labyrinth, I must have been tired of extreme tension.


Mr. Lulsha, as a little bewildered,

"... well, it's a strange story to ask for help, but how could you possibly go so far?


"You and I met in the labyrinth for the first time, right? He said he wanted to talk to me, but... what does that have to do with it?

"Ah... right. Indeed, it is suspicious to receive kindness from a stranger."

"Yes, no, of course I appreciate it--"

"Of course I'll talk to you. That's why I came to this country.... but before that."

I removed the leather bag from the tool bag I usually carry. [M]

The little ore that was in there is smaller than a pinky nail, but it does glow blue.

My hands were trembling as I took out the ore —— I was nervous.

Mr. Lulusha's eyes are opened.

"Isn't this Phosphorus stone?

"Did you know"

"Oh, oh... because it was also in my mother's artifact"

"I'm not familiar with it, is it something special?"

"... right. There are now no more records of small quantities being picked only in further mines in the Kingdom of Forsha. Extremely characteristic of the reaction to magic…"

"You seem to amplify the magic flushed from 3 to 4 times to return it."

Although I didn't actually try it, [Mori Luo Wan] and I knew it. [Mori Luo Wan] Then we don't know where it comes from.

But, right... was it from the Kingdom of Forsha?

That's where old Hinga comes from.

"Exactly. It was said that if this was harvested in large quantities, there would be a revolution in witchcraft, but unfortunately there was nowhere else to pick it, and the mines were so depleted.... Where is this?

Mr. Lulusha asked me, and I got my place right.

"Thank you very much to your grandfather, Hinga. And I took Hinga-sama's final period. I think it's my responsibility to tell your grandfather, Mr. Lulusha, what he was like, and I've come this far."

Finally, this day has come. I can now finally fulfill one of my biggest missions of telling Mr. Lulusha about Mr. Hinga.

Then I spoke all at once. [M]

That I was a mining slave first because it's something I can't avoid.

What life was like there.

that the Hinga old man was in a position like a summariser for all.

That you taught me the knowledge of this world every night.

that the mine collapsed and the old Hinga man was involved.

And the old man's last words —— not one word after another, I told him.

—— If you ever see my grandson, will you tell him that he died without resenting anyone until the end?

—— Grandson, is that it?

—— His name is Lulusha. You didn't look like a washi, you were an expert, you were a cute girl......

Where my name came up, Mr. Lulsha's eyes were opened.

Mr. Lursha had just met him at a young age, and then he seemed to have no idea where or what the old Hinga man had been doing, and his nose and ears were red as he listened to me.

"... he was wonderful. He was just a slave to nothing. He gave me the knowledge to be a weapon to live in this world. You knew I couldn't possibly give it back. [M] So I wanted to fulfill the last thing he wanted..."

As I talked, my emotions came up.

Oh, no. Even though Mr. Lulusha is showing up, I cry first.

"Master Hinga, looking back at yourself, blessed me."

Even now, I feel like the words back then can come back to my ears.

Even now, I feel blessings from that time push my back.

—— This person is to be punished. Because you have sinned indemnibly in death. However, he bathed so vividly that he would now be exposed to the light of day. Bless this abomination, if you will, O Almighty God who unites the heavens and the earth...

I can still feel those wrinkled hands on my head that gave me my dark hair.

--Reggie, I hope you're happy in your life.

Finally, I can get here. I could tell Mr. Lulusha about the old Hinga.

I felt my body lighten as I fisted my wet eyes. [M]

In front of me, a handkerchief was offered. It belongs to Mr. Lulusha.

"... that's stupid, you are. For my family's sake, I can't believe you're treading through The Labyrinth of Fear."

Smiling, a glimmer of tears also spilled from Mr. Lulsha's right eye.

"But thanks...... I'm so happy to hear about your grandfather."

Then we spent some time in silence.

It was a necessary time to think of the old Hinga man —— and I thought we all needed time to calm down because I heard Mr. Dantes snoring, who had been interrupted at some point, and sniffing across the door that led to Mr. Mimino's room.

Great to talk to you. I'm so glad.

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