The existence of the Forest Eating Goat (Forest Eater) has long been passed down to the Dragon Cities, and many times the Dragon People have been attacked and chased to their dwellings —— they say.

"That big guy! When I first saw it, I dreamed of it."

"Goat's eyes are creepy again."

"Yes, yes!

But the elders somehow say that in a bright tone, so I was kind of dressed like I was out of venom.

"Still...... I want to go see the airship because I might have something to gain. Someone may have survived."


"Mr. Reggie. Well, I'd like to go too... you're going to pull my leg"

"I think you should have Asha stay. If I'm alone, I'm pretty much on the run."


Although I joked and said it, Asha looked a little sad.

By yesterday's "expedition," you thought you couldn't keep up with my speed.

(But I hope you don't look like that... There are things that people can and cannot do)

I turn to the elders again. [M]

"And does the word 'covenant' not sound familiar to you? It's like a promise to connect the two worlds…"

Then the elders glanced at each other.

"Hmm. Actually, there's a" covenant "that's passed down to the Presbyterian Church... we don't know what this is."

"I don't understand...?

"It wasn't something that was passed down to the Presbyterian Church from the beginning. Earlier generations, before that, or in any case quite a while ago. Was that the Dwarf race?

"Uhm. Dwarf Colour"

"When the Dwarf race was wiped out by monster raids, seven people who were in the Presbyterian Church had the same dream."


When I'm necking him,

"Something black about it called the elders to the same dream (...) and said:" I will now convey the covenant. As the race continues, so as to inherit this. Never forget Yumeyume. Because it is the covenant that will make your existence certain '… "

Something black.

I recognize that. [M]

-- "Dark Yo, Gate Open Ke. Kwangyo, Dao Kai Ke '

The mediator who appeared before the "day altar" of the Holy Kingdom of Kulvern.

He appeared in the dragonman's ancestral dreams...?

"How is the content of that covenant communicated? If you don't mind, I'd like you to tell me."

"Hmm. I have no problem telling. What my ancestors heard was the structure of the covenant."

"'Structure of the Covenant' …?

—— The Covenant consists of eight species, including this article.

—— The elements upon which the covenant is founded are "gifted pearls", "covenants" and "mediators".

Are there eight types of covenants?

The content conveyed to the High Elf royalty was not to pick too many talented pearls or anything like that.

Does that mean that each race holds separate contents?

"In the Presbyterian Church, when there is a vacancy due to death or something, we add one new person and run it by seven people. At that time, it's strange, but the new elder also has this pattern..."

What Elder Huang showed me was the back of his hand. There's something just like letters floating around there.

"Is this for everyone?

"Uhm. There are different places to leave... but the purple contents are miserable. What an ass you are! Wahahaha!

"Idiot! I won't tell you that. Promise me!

Thank you very much for the information that purple elders get angry with but don't need to die for.

(... I mean, does the Dragon Nation mean that seven elders are "covenants"? Kulvern, is the Holy King the "covenant"? I'm sure the Holy King owes a covenant like "The Innocent One" with the Holy King color... But you didn't seem to know very well...)

The "structure of the covenant" of the Dragon Nation is only information.

Neither was the High Elf royal covenant on "gifted pearls" enforceable. Well, it seems the elves don't put much talent pearls outside from the "Three Heavens Forest".

(From what we're talking about, the covenant that was passed down to the Dwarf tribe has moved to the Dragon tribe at the same time as its demise, right?

As always, the content of the covenant we have already heard is becoming blurred. I tried to take a note but couldn't even write without the words coming out well.

(The covenant is just something that can be communicated to each race, you mean... But you said there were only Dragon Nation, Underground, and Dark Elves, as there were eight different covenants, right? What happened to the five remaining covenants)

It was all I didn't know.

Tomorrow, we decided to accompany the reconnaissance unit to the airship, and we left the Presbyterian building behind.

Is the time about 15: 00? It's something that's been around a long time.


Asha must have a dark look on her face because she still thinks she's "foot-handed".

I thought it was time we talked about it.

"Asha, that's what I was saying yesterday."

"You told me you had the right thing to do for Asha."

"Ah... with that said, I was. But is there anything I can do?

I laughed bitterly at Asha like I lost my confidence.

"I do. I'm probably going to be so happy from everyone. Even more so if the Dragon City has collapsed many times..."

I don't know more and more, Asha with her neck hanging like that.

"Me, I'm going to see the elders again for a moment. Because I have to get permission to do it or not --"

"Wow, I'm going too! Is there anything you can do for me?!?"

"Work...... um, right. It's work. Let's go together."

Returning to the Presbyterian Church, the seven were surprised at us for still remaining and returning, but when they heard my suggestion, they were on board saying, "That sounds interesting".

Permission came down short.

I'm leaving tomorrow morning, so I have to get ready by the end of the day. [M]

"I mean, that's the first thing we have to try!

and it felt a lot more forward than riding, so

"I'll do it tomorrow morning, so be sure to come"

I said with a bitter smile.

Come on -- let's start the Baths Plan, which uses magic all over the place to make it.

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