I grew bigger —— when I heard that voice, I felt like what had happened in the past four years had flowed into my body all at once.

Four years.

It was a long time.

It was long enough for me to grow up, and long enough for Lark to use his gifted recoil to polish my life.

"... wait a minute, sister (...)"

I had as many things as I wanted to talk about. But for now —— we have to face the problem at hand.

When I said sister, I felt that Lark's body was twitching. Have her sit there. I was worried about Mr. Dantes, but he seems to be just out of his mind, so I think he'll be fine for now.


"We have to do something about the end fangs."

I take a few steps away from Lark. [M] The Fangs of the End were flying in alert of magic, but they weren't the kind of people who could retreat with that magic.

Can you fight and win?

From what I've seen with Forest Eaters and Human Mannequins in the "Back World", there is little chance of winning alone. The end fangs were also damaged in the attack earlier, but they were a little scratched. Eight giant species are likely to fight for the survival of their species. Even if you have an extraordinary magic like Asha, you can't defeat it.

Well, there's not much you can do.

I gave "persuasion" a glimmer of hope.

"I don't know if I can call you End Fang... but I want you to listen to me."

Use Wind Magic to send a voice toward the end of the fangs. There is no reaction from the end fangs, but on the contrary, there is no movement, and the angry face with the three eyes raised is turned towards us.

"... brother, what are you doing? I can't talk to monsters."

"It's okay. I'll take care of it."

Lark's advice was correct, but I'm already talking to the human money.

"I met Forest Eater, Human Mane in your world. Humans used to call the Forest Eaters" The Great Goats "... but can't you use" Star engraving (Earth Talk) "?


Silence. Are you not willing to answer, can't talk, or —— can't you hear me?

"You're being manipulated by Vision Auger."

At that time, for the first time, a change appeared in the expression of the ending fangs. It was a slight change, but it seemed like he was finally listening to me. [M]

I may be able to go.

I still don't know what fantasy demons are thinking, but it is clear that they are trying to harm our world.

Manipulating the Fangs of the End to spread the Red Gate and raid —— that might be enough given that Forest Eaters and human money were running wild.

"............ I..."

When the eyes of the end fangs turned to the right and to the left, and the astrology was issued slightly.


Looking back at Lark's voice,


I saw a black shadow in the sky - many military magic airships heading our way.

And when I thought the turret was tickling and shining, the black shell was finished and poured down with its teeth.


The impact of the shelling, which can also be a weapon in siege battles, falls to the ground and explodes as well as hitting and penetrating surrounding buildings.

The Fang of the End dodges it like a dance, but a few shots are fired.


The dust rises, and the roar hits my body with sound pressure. [M]

"Damn it... I was about to talk to you!!"

"Run! Go!

Lark is screaming.

The fangs of the end look up at the sky in hate - it won't work anymore, and the thoughts of the fangs of the end are stained with anger.

Looking back, I held Lark and ran away.

"Idiot, I'm fine!


"I'm fine! Just your younger brother--"

"--Shut up. I can't focus."


I remember Wilhelm's movements.

It was the way referees used to call it the "instantaneous step."

(Step in and -- fly)

It was a bit of an experience. Simply put, the landscape in front of you switches in an instant. I certainly moved, but I didn't feel any air resistance. [M]

"Wow!? What are you doing!?"

Lark in his arm was also surprised.

But I couldn't afford to explain, so I ran straight to Dantes.

"Uhh, uhh... Reggie, is that you?

"Did you notice?"

"What's happening now..."

"We are aerial bombarding fangs from an airship. Mr. Dantes, will you and Lark evacuate for a moment?"

Mr Dantes, who got up, nodded when he saw the end fangs with me.

This man is quite right. You can instantly decide what information is needed and what to do in this situation.

"Okay. Don't come, Mr. Lark."

"Hey, wait a minute! What will you do with your brother!?"

I'm still fighting.

"I don't know--"

"--Lark, I'll talk to you later. I feel like I have to do something about that end fang..."

Then Lark shut up. When Dantes reached out,

"It's okay... I can walk alone"

and refused the hand.

"... Raige, I guess."

I nodded.

I have to explain my name later.

"I'm Raige, I'm an adventurer, I'm a member of the same Silver Balance party as Dantes... and I'm your sister's brother."

Oh, really, there's so much we have to talk about.

That's why I'm coming.

Turning my back on both of us, I ran. [M]

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