If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer


With my noble pawn at hand, it was just a matter of time before I infiltrated the nobles, and started to have some fun with this country. Renner was surprisingly obedient, having something most humans don't have, the ability to admit she had no other choice but to obey. "Sebas," I called, and immediately after Sebas appeared in front of me, one knee on the floor, kneeling to show respect.

"I have a mission for the Pleiades," I started, the mission was simple, to gather information about the kingdom, their political weaknesses and so, with that, I would enter the political game, and usurp the throne for Nazarick. Why was I being discreet when it was well within my power to conquer this kingdom with power alone? Well, as Ainz had said, it was best if we move with caution, at least for a bit, and this was me, moving with caution. "Do you understand?"

"I do," Sebas nodded, "I will send CZ2I28 Delta, and Solution to start gathering information."

"Good," I nodded.

As if on cue, a knock was heard on the estate I had bought, the person behind his knock, Renner. "Let the little princess in, I have much to discuss with her." I smiled, as Sebas went to open the door for her.

"Mael-sama," Renner kneeled, just as she should.

"How is our little plan going?" I asked.

"Is on the works, father already knows I like a merchant with great richest that is currently in the country, who he is or where he is… he is yet to find out," Renner replied, her head still low as she continued to kneel.

Good, now the question was… would the King play his role, and let me do as I please, or would he make another move, "Do you think he will oppose?" I asked.

"No, my father is a fool, who wishes everyone to be happy," Renner replied.

"Good," I smiled.

"If I may, Mael-sama," Renner started, and with a move of my hand, I permitted her to proceed. "I think you should go and meet him, the web of lies I created, implies we met a few months ago, in one of my trips outside the kingdom, so he thinks we have been exchanging letters for a while," at this, she handed Sebas a pack of letters, letters that were supposed to be between her and me.

"Clever girl," I grinned, "Very well… I will meet your father soon, any occasion you would recommend?" I asked.

"There will be a party tomorrow, in celebration of my older brother and his latest accomplishment," Renner answered, giving me an invitation. "I think this would be the perfect place to meet with him." I have to admit, she was a crafty little devil, that was playing her role to the T.

"Very well," I laughed, "It seems you are playing your role better than I expected."

"I aim to please, Mael-sama," Good, that's how servants should be, obedient and diligent.

"You are free to go, I have much to plan for tomorrow," With a wave of my hand, I dismissed the still kneeling princess, after all, I had a tuxedo to pick and a few pieces to move before meeting with the temporary King of this kingdom.


It took me a few minutes to pick my clothes, and in that time I had decided much of what I was going to do tomorrow at the party. First I would declare my undying love for the princess, ask for her hand and after marrying her… the King and the heirs to the throne would suffer… a few unfortunate accidents.

[How is everything going?] Ainz asked, he still had no idea of my current plans.

[I am taking over a kingdom, how about you?] I replied.




[WHAT?!] Ainz shouted, probably in shock.

[Chill them bones, calcium man, I am proceeding with caution, I made a deal with the princess of the Re-Estize Kingdom, and well… we are moving the pieces to make me the king of this place] I chuckled.

[I… you left two freaking weeks ago!?] Ainz replied in disbelief.

[What can I say, I'm that good.] I winked, why did I wink, he can't see me.

[I… do you trust her?] Ainz asked.

[The princess? Heck no, I have an Eight-Edge Assassin on her at all times, but… she seems very compliant so far, all she wants is to not be human and to save someone, a pretty good deal if you ask me] I replied.

[Hmm, it is… and what do you plan to do after you take over?] Ainz inquired.

[We'll get there when we get there] I replied.

[Hahaha, I suppose that is technically true.] Ainz chuckled.

[Well, I'm off, I have a proposal to plan and a few things to move before I meet the King tomorrow, good luck with your adventuring plans] I grinned, closing the chat before he started to lecture me why being an adventurer would help Nazarick.


[Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself POV]

Mael was a being beyond anyone's control, the moment I laid my eyes on him, I instinctively knew, I had no other option but to obey his commands, like a trained dog, obeying his master. Not that I cared, he was the escape I had been looking for, and all he asked in exchange for the escape I desired, was this pathetic little kingdom, a kingdom I would gladly burn for my goals, "I wonder if he will make daddy suffer, or if daddy will have a quick death," I was giddy to find out.

"My princess," Climb kneeled as he entered my chambers, my loyal little lap dog if only you knew what I have planned.

"Tomorrow, the King will meet the man I love," I started.

Climb at this, flinched, aw… he liked me, don't worry climb, I am not worthy of Mael-sama, I am but a pawn, a servant under his command, so don't worry, once the kingdom is his… I will play with you, my little dog, "Do you wish me to escort him," as if that man needed an escort, him and everyone serving him… are monsters.

"No, don't worry." I replied, "What I need from you is… different," I added.

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