If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer


Holding the old lady by the throat, I turned to look at the attackers with an angry expression fixed on my face. They had tried to brainwash me, to use me… ME! "Sebas," I called out.

"Yes, Alastor-sama," Sebas, who had been hiding, appeared, bowing.

"Take this to the mansion, and have a torture room ready for my arrival, I plan to play with her after I deal with this," I ordered, handing the old lady to him.

"As you wish, Alastor-sama," Sebas bowed once again, before leaving the scene with the old hag.

All the while, her companions stood still, looking at me with trepidation, and uncertainty. "If you mortals had any idea how angry I am… you would be begging on your knees for a quick death," I growled.

"Zesshi, we need you to assist us," the captain of this little party muttered.

"I will fight him alone," Zesshi replied.

"To think a group of humans would force me to use PENANCE," it was insulting, infuriating, to think such a weak group of nobodies had forced me to use my WORLD ITEM, it was humiliating.

"We have to attack all at once," the captain told his group.

"I think we should run," A blonde guy replied, "We are clearly outmatched, and as we can see Zesshi won't fight him if we attack him, she wants to test him by herself."

The captain gritted his teeth, "I hate to admit it, but you are right."

"Escape, ah… that's adorable, you don't know how fucked you all are," I laughed, pointing a finger directly at them, "Holy Nova," casting a tier ten spell, I created a blinding explosion of massive proportions, that engulfed the party, killing them in a flash, all save the captain who use an item to teleport and Zesshi who did the same with an item of her own. "They really think… escaping will be so easy?"

Teleporting to their location, I was surprised to only find Zesshi was there, apparently the captain had teleported to another location, and considering he was so weak, I didn't quite feel where, the only one I felt moving was Zesshi.

"Where is your captain, Zesshi? I asked.

"I don't know, and I don't care," Zesshi smiled, her hand over her belly, moving in circles, "I wonder how many kids will you put in me…" say what now.

"I'm sorry, I'm rather high up here… what did you say?" I asked.

"Ten… ten kids should be enough to start… don't you think?" Zesshi giggled.

"…." I don't feel safe anymore.

"But first, I have to test if you are worthy of impregnating me!" Zesshi declared, swinging her scythe around. "Show me! Show me how strong the man that is to breed is!"

"I… how the fuck am I suppose to answer to that?!" I have to say, her antics broke me out of my blind rage completely, for real… I had no idea how to deal with this, this bitch was hornier than Albedo, and that was an achievement of its own.

"What you need is Jesus is your life," I replied, readying for combat.


It took me around five minutes to defeat Zesshi, not because she was difficult to defeat, but because I honestly didn't know if I wanted to defeat her… because basically she wanted that… like sexually wanted that, so I had an internal debate whether I wanted to defeat her or not, and if it was worth it, and honestly can you blame me… the bitch wanted to be inseminated should I defeat her.

Anywho… after defeating her, well… she got naked, and threw herself at me, this created another internal debate, to fuck or not to fuck her… right now. What? I'm not dating Albedo, I'm not dating anyone for that matter… so while I'm free of compromises and stupid stuff, I can and will have fun, but I'm not gonna lie, the fact she wants to be a broodmare scared me a little bit, one thing is to fuck, and another is to father children.

"Breed me," Zesshi whispered in my ear.

"I can and will get a hose, so tune that shit down a bit… you crazy bitch," I sighed, as I walked back to my mansion, wondering how would I explain this to Ainz.

"One hundred… yes, that should be enough kids for the first decade, right?" I…. Yeah, I'm not fucking this bitch, she's too crazy, and that's saying a lot considering I bang Albedo.


[Kaire POV - 2 weeks later]

I came back to my senses with a thudding headache, eyes closed tight against the immense pain that vibrated through my whole body. The back of my skull throbbed at the same rhythm as my heart creating a melody of despair only I could hear; taking a deep breath, I tried to move my hand to inspect the damage in my body, realizing that I couldn't move either of my hands. Something was restraining my arms, keeping them painfully in place, hooks maybe? I couldn't tell. I tried the same with my legs, and they were too immobilized, I was trapped, taking another deep breath, I tried to move my head but the violent hum of electricity streaking through my body assaulted me, calling forth a grimace of agony and utter pain.

It took me a few seconds to recover myself from that, the pain was too much for me to handle, and it knocked me out for a few minutes, when I finally came to my senses, I knew trying to move would result in nothing but pain, so I tried to see if I could hear something, anything that I could use for my escape, focusing on the sounds around, I caught a steady dripping sound that echoed all around me, but it seemed to come from a single source. Me, I was bleeding, because I was missing a few fingers.

How long had I been out cold? I had all my fingers the first time I woke up, as if on cue, the memories of Alastor cutting me open, over and over again, flooded my mind like a natural disaster, bringing vibrant memories of agony with each image. "The gods will save me, I know they will," I muttered, my body shaking uncontrollably.

They never will, you are alone… forsaken by your gods and your people, I am your new God now, and my gift to you is pain, perpetual agony, and suffering, so sit back and enjoy my gift, little pet.

His voice, his laugh, his demonic delight echoed through my mind, haunting me, looking around, I could get a faint glimpse at the tools he was using to prolong my suffering. "I will get out… the Theocracy needs me, they won't abandon me," speaking was painful, as my lips were soo parched they bleed at every word, and to top that, the hunger within me growled, reminding me I had yet to eat.

Forcing my body to obey, I tried to look around to better perceive my surroundings without moving my neck, for pain would come. But, nothing much came from it, the only thing in the room was the tools my captor was using, and the blackness that continued to engulf me. I was motionless, restrained, and defeated. As I realized this, fear took over, I was as good as dead, was I? A lamb awaiting slaughter. Poultry breathing its last lungful before the bloodied knife would steal it forevermore. That slight tremor increased in intensity until I forced myself to regain some dignity, a single man was no match for the Theocracy.

They will come for you, they need you… you have been loyal to them, they won't abandon you!

"Hey there, my little pet," That voice, Alastor, "How are you doing?" His voice was brimming with excitement.

"Y-you w-won't g-get a-a-away w-with t-this!" I tried to sound tough, but my body failed me.

"Hmm, but I already did..." Alastor came into view, smiling. His face was covered in blood, my blood… I don't know how I knew that, but I did. "And now," he patted me on the cheek, his hands burning my skin on contact, "Now… all you have is me, and the pain I am giving you, let me show you…" moving out of sight, he brought a mirror into my line of sight, showing the horrifying state I was in, I had no legs, my chest was split in two, with tools probing my heart… I was… there was no escape from this. "Aww, I always love this moment, the moment you realize you have no escape, I think this is the eighty-seventh time, and it never gets old." Memories once again flooded my mind, this wasn't the first time I had this conversation with him, no… I remember now, he keeps fixing me and breaking me apart over and over again, erasing my memories every time.

"K-kill m-me," I begged and he smiled.

"No," Alastor smiled, "I promised you immortality, and a perpetual existence of agony, and I aim to deliver… Now sit back and enjoy, it's time to clean you up, so that we can live this moment all over again. I can't wait to see you again, my little pet, soon… you will be an angel," he laughed, and once again I understood… This was hell, and he was the devil.

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