If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer


[Elf King POV]

The Theocracy had lost what it was rightfully mine, how pathetic, to lose a tool I had allowed them to keep, at the hands of an unknown, it truly showed how pathetic they were. No matter, this only changed very little in the great scheme of things, Zesshi belonged to me, her body, her mind, and everything that came with it.

As a woman, and a child of mine she had a duty to fulfill, baring me more children, for that purpose I had sent a task force to kill Alastor and retrieve her, so that she would take her place in my harem, birthing me more soldiers, I had no doubts my team would come back successful, but even if they didn't… I had no worries, nothing in this world stood a chance against me, no country was beyond my reach, and no man was beyond my might.

"My king," a servant entered my throne room, as I was fucking one of the many new additions to my harem.

"What?" I turned around, glaring at the insignificant bug that had dared to disturb the royal insemination session.

"The team you sent… they are all dead," What… impossible! "Our sources say a man with a katana killed them off with a single swing of his blade,"

Oh well, I guess this is what happens when you count with lower beings to complete a task you hand them, "I see, no matter. Sent another group, stronger than the last, eventually, they will overcome that pest, now go… I am busy as you can see,"

"Yes my king," the servant bowed, leaving the room.

"It seems Alastor is a bit more capable than I imagined," I muttered, tightening my grip on the breast of my bitch. "Oh well, I will deal with him later,"


[Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself POV]

In two weeks the plan of my master would take place, and in the process he would claim the kingdom for himself, giving me the thing I desire the most, immortality and my sweet little pet for all eternity. Did I have any regrets? No, I hated my father, and my brothers, I hated everyone but Climb and most recently my master and his minions, after all, how could anyone hate someone with such power, to those in power, all that there is to feel is adoration, and I would adore before dying.

"In two weeks you marry," Climb muttered, sad.

"Yes," Don't worry my little pet, in two weeks… we shall be together for all eternity, so don't feel sad.

"He's a good man," Climb added, a good man? No, he was a monster, a being that acted mercifully, but was someone beyond such rules, mercy, love, good, evil, he was beyond that… he was simple it.

"He is the man that will give me what I want," I smiled.

"And for that, he has my gratitude," Climb smiled, a sad smile.

Before I could reply, the doors in my room swung wide open, crashing loudly against the walls. "Sister," it was Barbro Andrean Ield Ryle Vaiself, my older brother and heir to the throne.

"Is there a reason why you entered the room like this?" I asked, a smile on my face, it was still too early for me to show my true colors, for now, I would play my role, as my master had commanded, all for the sake of my dreams, and his goals.

"Are you forgetting this is my castle? And I can do as I please?" Barbro sneered.

"Of course, not." I shook my head, "I simply want to know why are you here, if I am allowed to know, that is." soon you will die, and I will dance in your grave, brother.

"You are," Barbro smiled, a condescending smile, that said, I am your superior, know your place sister. "I need the bastard you are marrying to give me his soldiers, if he wants to bed a royal, he has to pay now."

"Could you elaborate, my feeble female mind couldn't comprehend what you are saying," I knew very well what he was saying, his ego couldn't handle the fact Mael, had subordinates stronger than Gazef, and so he wanted to claim them for himself.

"Of course, sometimes I forget the only thing you women are useful for is to bear children and to use as political pawns,"  Barbro sighed, "I want him to hand me the control of his troops, otherwise, this wedding won't come to happen, a low commoner like him… having servants better than mine? I can't allow such disrespect."

It seems your death is coming sooner than I wanted, brother, "I will see what I can do… remember father signed a deal with him already, I doubt he will pay much attention to--" at this, he slapped me.

"Do as you are told, or I will see that little Climb here… goes to the mines," Barbro hissed.

With a smile, I turned to face him and said, "I will, your word is my will, brother."

"Good," Barbro smiled, leaving my room.

"Are you okay?" Climb asked, worried.

"I am," I answered, smiling at the possible fate my brother would suffer at the hands of my master.

"I'm sorry I didn't stop him, I didn't expect him to slap you!" Climb growled.

Oh my sweet little Climb, I am glad you didn't intervene, for he would've had you killed, or at least would've tried… and I would've killed him for it, angering my master. And Mael was not a man you didn't want to enrage if the old lady on his basement was anything to go by. "It's better this way, now would you please escort me to my betrothed, I need to speak with him."

"With pleasure," Climb nodded.

Oh Barbro Andrean Ield Ryle Vaiself, if only you knew how bad you are messing up if only you knew the type of monster you are poking with such hubris… but not to say I am not an obedient little sister, I will tell him what you want… sparing no detail.

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