If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

I'm also working on a RWBY novel, so far 20 chaps in patrE-on, will release on WEBNOVEL once I get to the third volume of the series.


The blood of those who had been invited to the wedding coated every corner of the wedding venue, creating a unique blend of sensations that permeated the entire place, giving me a sense of euphoria. For those that were still alive, fear and desperation were the only emotions they could fully process right now, Gazef being the only one still fighting, though it was because of my mercy and amusement he was still alive, my assassins were strong enough to kill him with a single blow, but where was the fun in that?

"Give up," I spoke, looking over at the Captain, as he fiercely struggled against one of my subordinates. What a futile endeavor, why struggle against the inevitable, you can't escape fate.

"You are a monster, have you no humanity!" Gazef growled, clashing his blade against the edge assassin, the sound of his blade echoing in the now almost lifeless building.

"Humanity?" I chuckled, at one point I had… humanity, at one point all of this would've sickened me to the core, I know that much, now… I don't care, I simply changed too much to be considered a human, "I have no such thing captain, for what need does a God have for such weakness?" With a wave of my hand I ordered the edge assassin to stop holding back, and soon enough the screams of Gazef filled the area, before silence took over.

"All the nobles are dead, Alastor-sama~" Pandora informed me, doing a strange dramatic pose, "Those who managed to escape the venue were killed by Zesshi, Fenrir, and the Pleiades!~"

I looked at Pandora and smiled, "Good, now, go back to Nazarick, your services are no longer required,"

"As you wish~" Pandora bowed, before he teleported out of sight.

Taking a deep breath, I walked out of the chapel, my footsteps resonating in the now soulless building, behind me the trail of bloody footprints decorating what had yet to experience the gore of this event, "My shoes are dirty, disgusting." Even in death, these worms found a way to insult me, impressive.

"Alastor-sama," Outside the building, I encountered Sebas who was waiting for me, as diligent as ever.

"Sebas," I smiled.

"What do we do now?" Sebas inquired.

At this I hummed, the Kingdom was mine, beyond this point, I wasn't sure what to do. "Well, for now we have to settle in the castle, I am the King of these people now."

Renner, who was also outside, with her brother chained to a pole unconscious, looked at me, and with a smile and said, "I did my part, the Kingdom is yours…"

I laughed at that, she barely helped, but… it was true, she did everything I asked of her, and now it was time to fulfill my end of the bargain, "That you did, and I am a man of my word, so later after we… finish with this transaction, I will give you… your reward, little princess."

"I am honored to serve you," Renner bowed.

I snorted at that, honor… it was, yes, to server an honor it was, but she didn't serve me out of honor, she serve out of fear, "I'm sure you do,"


[Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself POV]

Finally, the day I had been waiting for had arrived, with little to no opposition Alastor became the King of the Re-Estize Kingdom, a kingdom that had little to no government now all thanks to Alastor, for they had died during our coup, and those who hadn't gone to the wedding… They simply choose to accept the fact he was the King now, maybe out of fear, or because they believed our story.

I really didn't care, I knew that man was more than enough to subjugate the entire continent, with little to no effort.

All of this? His alliance with me, his plans… All of it was nothing but a childish game for him, a fun little game where to enjoy himself, and we were nothing but the pieces of his entertainment. What separated me from the rest was, I knew I had no chance against him, and offered my loyalty, to ensure my survival.

And now, the time had come, and with it, my reward. With Sebas Tian, I was going to become an Imp, an immortal demon that would forever serve him and Nazarick, and with a bit of manipulation, so would Climb.

"What happened… I fell asleep," Climb muttered.

I had drugged him, to keep him safe, not that it mattered anymore, soon Alastor would reveal to the Kingdom he was not really married to me, and that he had killed the nobles and the King, all while making the poor idiots of the kingdom believe he had done it for them, his mind was truly terrifying.

"Nothing…" I soothed with a smile, "Nothing you need to worry about, Climb,"

"I… okay," Climb muttered, going back to sleep.

Soon, soon I would be what I was born go be, and you my little pet, would become my eternal servant, and lover.


[Ainz Ooal Gown - POV]

Alastor's plan had worked, and with little no no difficulty he had claimed the Re-Estize Kingdom for himself, this event had created a rift of opinions between the adventurers, some believe he had usurped the Throne, while others believed someone from outside the Kingdom had targeted the wedding to destroy the monarchy.

Either way, I was in stand by, studying the situation, because should the adventurer guild move against him, I would act accordingly, probably staging an attack to benefit Alastor and his rule, losing on purpose would probably fill that box, most here seem to think I am one if not the strongest adventurer, so losing to Alastor would certainly give him some fame, cementing Nazarick's hold over the Kingdom.

"Momon," One of the guild members called, "We have a mission for you!"

I turned to face the human, "I see, let's go Nabe,"

"Yes, Momon," Nabe nodded.

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