If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer


While Momonga freaked out about the whole situation, I was having the time of my life, I felt perfect, every little ailment one as a human has, gone, it was as if I was walking in a dream, I felt… good, I felt powerful, I felt ascended, "This is great," I grinned, as Albedo continued to… moan in my presence.

"Alastor-sama," Albedo moaned, and all because I was sitting on her. What? An incredibly hot woman begs to be my chair and I'm gonna say no? Bitch please. Unlike Momonga, I have standards, I'm a man of principles.

"Are you sure you are okay with this?" See! I am even asking if she feels okay with this, I'm a gentleman.

"Yes, this is the greatest honor one could possibly have," Albedo moaned.

"Must you do that?" Momonga sighed.

"I must," I nodded with resolve.

"Fair enough," Momonga sighed once again, probably thinking he had defiled Tabula's creation with what he added to her core text.

"So, any luck contacting the GMs?" I asked him.

"None," Momonga sighed, and I have to say he was taking to all of this better than in the anime, right now he should be questioning everything, like why the NPCs are moving their mouths, or why can I sit on one, as if on cue, Momonga put his hand on his face, probably questioning everything I expected him to question.

"I will answer the questions going through your mind right now," I smiled, "One yes they are all real, is not an illusion… I can feel Albedo's heat beneath me, two I suspected the same thing as you, and three this is not a programming error, no programming error can replicate the five senses, at least not in today's technology."

"I… well that was impressive I have to admit," Momonga sighed, "However I will conduct some experiments of my own if you don't mind."

"Go for it," I shrugged.

"Albedo… can--" Momonga started.

"No," I answered.

"Let me finish!" Momonga complained.

"I know what you are thinking, and the answer is no… pick one of the Pleiades if you must, but as you can see, she is my chair for now," I grinned.

"Fine, Solution," Momonga wisely changed his target. Was I being too possessive… maybe, but if he had fucked me to be with Albedo for the rest of my life, I wasn't going to let him fondle her… assets? God, I feel bad thinking like this… anddddd I'm already over it.

"I will touch your body Solution, is that okay?" Momonga asked the blushing pleiade.

"You two… the supreme being of Nazarick… can do with us as you please," Solution blushed.

"Ahh--" Flustered, Momonga took a step back, but his undead aura calmed him ala of immediately, "Very well," and so he started to touch her, "You are right, it feels real,"

"I know, you just wanted an excuse to touch poor, Solution," I teased him.

"Look who's talking! You are sitting in Albedo," Momonga shot back.

"Need I remind you why?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I hate you sometimes," Momonga chuckled.

"Bitch you love me," I grinned.

"So… now what?" Momonga questioned out loud.

"Now, we assess our situation," I said. Not that I need to.

Momonga hummed for a second before he nodded, then looking at Sebas, he hesitated… I suppose he is still getting used to the idea of all of this being real, "Sebas, go outside and confirm the surroundings around Nazarick."

"I will go with him," I offered as Sebas started to make his way out of the room, "I need to stretch my wings, and Sebas is always good company."

"Such words, I am not worthy of them Alastor-sama," Sebas bowed, a smile firm on his face.

"Are you sure?" Momonga inquired, worried.

"Yes," I nodded, "Besides… if anyone attacks me, Sebas will protect me, so don't worry…"

"With my life, I will," Sebas nodded, full of determination.

"Very well," Momonga sighed.

"Byeee~" I sang, walking out of the throne room, leaving the Pleiades and Albedo with Momonga.


Flying was… it came naturally to me, the moment I spread my wings, I instinctively knew how to use them, it was a bizarre yet welcoming feeling of knowledge. "I love this," I smiled, my hands stretching to their utmost limit, trying to grab the sky above me.

"If I may, Alastor-sama?" Sebas said, looking at me.

"Go ahead," I nodded, curious where this was going.

"I just wanted to thank you personally for not abandoning us," And right here, my heart broke… "I will thank Momonga-sama later, but I wanted to take this opportunity considering we are alone, to say how grateful this lowly servant is you two stayed with us to the very end, that you didn't forget about us, that you didn't abandon us,"

Well, that hurts on a whole new level, and I didn't even abandon them, "We would never abandon our loyal subjects," I smiled, "Now… let's finish the inspection shall we?"


[Albedo POV]

As I walked through the Tomb of Nazarick to carry out my orders, I couldn't help but giggle with delight, Alastor-sama the man I loved, had sat on me… he had used me like an object, fulfilling one of my fantasies, he was perfection incarnated, his wings perfectly preened, his power… his body, his everything… and the best part… I think he liked me… if his throbbing member when he acknowledged me in the throne room was anything to go by.

"Fenrir, our masters are waiting for us on the sixth floor, let's make haste," I called out.

"You smell like you just went into heat," Fenrir chuckled as he approached me, "Did you see my master take a bath or something?"

"He… sat on me," I answered, biting my lips, such honor… to be used by no other than Alastor.

"Well, that's progress… I guess," Fenrir sighed.

"Soon… I shall be occupying his beds.. His baths… his everything," I moaned.

"Fantasize about master later… we have our orders, do we not?" Fenrir asked.

"You are right, there will be time to have Alastor-sama ravish me later," I nodded.


[Alastor POV]

As I surveyed the area with Sebas, I started to test my skills around the zone to see how they worked, and quite frankly it was super easy, all I had to do is say the name of the spell out loud and boom. "Well, this is not the environment we are used to," I declared, getting a nod from Sebas.

"I'm afraid it's not, Alastor-sama," Sebas agreed.

"Then let's meet with Momonga, shall we?" I said, taking flight to the sixth floor.


[Alastor… can you hear me?]

Well that is bizarre, [Yes I can, I will assume this is the message feature of the game, right?]

[Yes… it works differently, but is systematically the same… perhaps even better] Momonga said.

[Try with the NPCs, you can connect with them] I hadn't tried, but… I already knew it worked.

[Interesting, I will try then...] With that said he cut the connection.

A few seconds later, Sebas spoke, "I have been contacted by Momonga-sama, he wants me to explain what we saw to the floor guardians."

"Then let's make haste," I couldn't wait to see my creations, Fenrir and X-77.


On the sixth floor, I entered through the door with Sebas right behind me, only to be immediately tackled by the gothic lolita of Nazarick, "Alastor-sama," as she hugged me, I couldn't help but inwardly shudder at what I had read about her, the things that I had... engraved in my brain, those scars would never leave me. "A pleasure to see you well, Shalltear," I pet her like one would pet radioactive material.

"Get off him you scum," Albedo all but growled.


"I apologize, Alastor-sama, Momonga-sama," She… used more love when she said Momonga's name… good, he can have her.

"Sebas you have the floor," I said, taking a seat beside Momonga.


After a long speech about NAZARICK where Momonga went all out, and after all asking the guardians what they thought about us, I was left with much to think, I'll be honest, I thought I was ready for such… treatment, but some of them… and how they described us, it hit different outside the anime, specifically what Fenrir, X-77, Cocytus, Sebas and Albedo said.

That I was a merciful god, a peerless being, the one that can only be looked upon but never reached, those words… they hit differently when you… when you see them in person, "Well… I guess I will have to get used to being adored," I inwardly chuckled as I took my clothes off so that I could take a bath, only to find Albedo inside the bathroom.

"Alastor-sama," Albedo blushed, biting her lip as I walked in.

You know, I had actually wondered how long would I last without fucking Albedo, I guess four hours and fifteen minutes and twenty two seconds was the longest I could wait. "Well, I might as well have fun."

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