If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer


[Enri Emmot POV]

When I was about to die, when my efforts were about to prove futile, a man arrived. His presence was that of magnificence incarnated, that at the same time shouted imminent danger, there were no other words to describe him, his wings shining with the sunlight that brushed against them ever so lightly, the sight of him almost made me cry with joy and fear, his mere presence alone… shook my entire world in more than one way, and then… There were his eyes, the part that terrified me the most, with them he looked at me and my sister as if we were ants, bugs, inferior creatures that were not worthy of his holy presence.

But even then, he helped us… the ants below his wings, even then he saved us, and I didn't know what to think of it. Was I wrong, had I misjudged his piercing gaze?

Perhaps, perhaps I was letting the entire situation I had just barely lived through dictate my view, why else would a being such as himself save us, if he didn't care about us.


[Momonga POV]

I still didn't know what to make out of this situation, but I was glad I wasn't alone, perhaps it was a selfish thought, but I was happy to have Alastor with me, to be in Nazarick without my friends… to be in Nazarick without my best friend, it would've been torture, so I was happy to have him here.

But even with my happiness, there was something that worried me, were we still humans? Alastor and I had killed, and yet we felt nothing, but disappointment that our targets didn't last longer… no… of course, I'm still me, perhaps I am different… but I'm still me, and Alastor is still Alastor, and no matter how much this change affects us, we will continue to do what we have been doing for years, we will do what's best for Nazarick, as the supreme rulers of it.

"Is everything alright, Momonga-sama?" Albedo inquired, and if I had muscle and skin in my face I would have smiled.

"Just thinking how glad I am… Alastor is here with us," I replied.

"I understand… the two of you… are the ones that stand above all the other supreme beings, the ones that didn't abandon us… the ones that stood with us to the very end," Albedo bowed, "We are not worthy of such leaders…" she was crying.

"Of course," I said, "How could we abandon our loyal subjects?" Even when we didn't know they were alive, we never abandoned them, and now that we know… we never would, isn't that right Alastor.

"I have a feeling you are asking me a question inside your mind, need I remind you I don't read minds?" Alastor said, taking a bite of his filet mignon.

At this, I laughed, yes, yes! I wouldn't have it any other way, I am glad! I'm glad to be here, to be with my best friend, to live in the place I was the happiest, I AM GLAD! "Nothing,"


[Alastor POV]

As I ate the lunch Albedo had packed for me, wondering why Momonga was giving weird stares every now and then, I felt a few presences approaching at the distance, angel senses sure came it handy. Twenty men, all around their thirties riding horses towards the village, putting my lunch aside, I sat down and waited for the unknown party to arrive, maybe it was more enemies to experiment with, or maybe… it was a certain knight that I barely remembered, Gazef Cholat..off? I don't remember his last name.

[Momon, more humans approaching] I informed him through the chat.

[How many?] Momonga asked.

[Around twenty… not sure] I replied.

[Very well, if they come with evil intentions we will deal with them] Evil intentions, ha! That's funny coming from us.

[Alright, I will continue eating my lunch… if you need me, let me know] I replied.

[I will] Momonga closed the chat.

"Do you want some?" I offered Sebas, as I continued to eat my lunch.

"Alastor-sama! I couldn't!" One would think I am offering him gold, or my heart, Jesus.

"I would like to share, is that really so bad?" I smiled.

"I… I apologize Alastor-sama, but to eat the food that was made for one of the supreme beings… it would be a sin," Sebas said.

"I decide what's a sin or not," I replied.

"I apologize," I have a feeling I will hear that a lot.

"So take a seat and eat with me," I chuckled, giving him a part of my lunch.

"Such kindness… we truly are fortunate to have such masters, we are not worthy," Sebas said, taking the plate… with such… emotion, one would think I gave him the holy grail, "I will treasure this moment forever, Alastor-sama,"

I… just gave him some rice and a quarter of my steak… "Ok…" I chuckled, filling my angel cheeks with food, and not those ones… perverts.


Eventually, the party of humans I had felt rode right into the square, twenty-two men… it seems I missed by one. While keeping an eye on the death knight Momonga had created, and the Angel I had summoned, they formed an organized row before Momonga and the village leader. One of them, still on his horse, no other than Gazet, so I was right, god I love myself.

The man gazed at Momonga, and then at me, as if sizing us up, I doubt they have a scale for us though, for a moment he tensed, as if ready to grab his sword, though I doubted the man was that stupid and I was right, taking a deep breath Gazef approached Momonga and said, "I am the captain of the Royal Select of the Kingdom of Re-Estize, Gazef Stronoff," His voice deeper than I imagined, it carried a tone that spoke of experience in the battlefield, a tone that carried blood and honor.

"What do you think of the man?" I asked Sebas.

"He looks like an honorable warrior," Sebas replied, a good assessment indeed.

With a smile, I turned my attention to the captain to see him interrogating Momonga, and I have to say… I am surprised that Albedo hasn't killed the man, or that the man hasn't stopped, from here I can feel her killing intent.

Taking a deep breath, I stood up from where I was and walked towards the man. As soon as I reached Momonga, Gazef looked at me, and asked, "Who are you?"

"Alastor," I replied, amused at the tone Gazef was using, even though he knew he was heavily outclassed, he was still using a tone only those of power use, impressive, I have to admit.

"Just Alastor?" Gazef pressed.

"Yes," I smiled.

"I see," Gazef nodded, knowing very well he would not be able to get any more information. To be honest, I am surprised he hasn't questioned my wings, oh well, it's better this way.


As Momonga continued to chat with Gazef, this time in a house from the village, I felt more presences at the distance, some of them had holy connections, weak ones, but connections nonetheless. [Momon… there are holy knights or mages outside the village, a few miles away from us.]

Momonga stopped dead in his tracks as Gazef continued to talk, [Are they strong?]

[Nope, their connection to the light is weak… I can feel it] Part of being an angel, archangel, or a god was that in the game you were able to tell if users from the same school of magic were close, this was a very good skill, and what I called a double edge sword, for other users could feel you too… unless you had a spell to avoid this, a tier-one anti-magic search spell would do nicely to avoid detection, something I had, and apparently, they didn't. Meaning I could feel them, but they couldn't feel me.

[Weak compared to you? Remember weak by your standards can hurt me] Momonga replied, at this, I chuckled, getting an odd stare from Gazef.

[Weak like they won't hurt you, at all… even if we take into account your karmic balance] Some holy spells, dealt more damage based on your karmic alignment, meaning the more evil you were… the harder they would hit, they still hit hard without karmic balance in the mix, but with it… boy the damage was obscene.

[Very well then] Momonga sighed, closing the chat.

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