Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2301: Stalking little prince

Chapter 2301 stalking the little prince

The night fell, and I looked at the remedy that came out of my hand. The five fingers were held, and the medicinal herbs were crushed in the palm of my hand.

She grabbed the window with one hand and was about to roll over and catch up.

Behind it is a sense of extreme enthusiasm, coming straight.

She tightened her eyebrows and gave up the idea of ​​turning out the window and quickly removed her body shape.


A loud crash sound.

I saw Yu Wen’s fat body, and I ran into the window where the night was clear.

The fat of the body, squeezed on the half-open window, looked extremely oily.

The night cleared the sinister screaming, lazy to pay attention to him, turned and left.

"Little Beauty! Little Beauty!"

Yu Wen screamed hard and smashed his flesh from the window.

While licking the fat, rushed to the night.

"Little beauty, you must come to me, right? I am the first child prodigy of the city, the first little prince! You deliberately sang against me that day, just to get my attention! Right? You are against me. Spring poison, just want to see if my ability is enough to satisfy you! Right?"

Yu Wen’s mad face was pleasing and pleasing to the front of the night.

Clear at night: "..."

This little prince should not be brainstormed by the poison, right?

"Little Beauty, you can rest assured that although this prince has many beautiful people in the backyard, I am willing to send those beautiful people for you."

Yu Wen’s mad face is sincere. “Although you are a few years older than me, I don’t mind! You want to be your king!”

Clear at night: "..."

Sure enough, my brain is broken.

The night cleared his eyes and avoided the hand that Yu Wen madly reached, and walked out of the room.

Yu Wen crazy immediately chased behind him: "Little beauty, my yard is over there, do you know the way? I will take you with you now..."

"To shut up."

The night was impatient and gave him a look.

Yu Wen’s mad man’s face was filled with chunks of fat, and he kept shaking.

Oily light.

Although separated by chunks of fat.

It’s clear at night, and the sorrow and sorrow of Yu Wen’s eyebrows.

Yu Wen’s madness is obvious. After that madness, he has not recovered.

Still dare to chase her?

Not afraid, she once again worked on him?


Even if she didn't do it.

Yuwen mad will also completely kill himself.

Just looking at Yuwen’s madness and rushing to the yard of Miao Rongrong’s yard, I knew the purpose of Yuwen’s madness here.

Presumably, I heard that Miao Rongrong is very beautiful.

I want to come and hunt for it.


During this period of Yuwen's madness, I still continue to live in the same way as before.

In the evening, I am afraid that at least two women will serve.

They all died, and they still thought about the gentle township.

Is it not fast enough to die, not bad enough?

The night cleared and snorted, and the long and narrow singularity smashed a contemptuous cold arc.

Yuwen madness seems to be unable to see the scorn and disgust of the night.

After he was stunned by the night, his eyes were full of excitement: "Little beauty, I shut up, I shut up! I will shut up now! I will close my mouth and take you to my yard!"

Said, he went to the night to clear the hand.

There is a sinister evil in his eyes.


In the hands of the night, I don’t know when, holding a dead branch, and hit it on the back of Yuwen’s hand.

Yu Wen’s mad and obese hand prints a trace of scarlet on the road.

The eyes of Yu Wen’s madness are more and more flashing with excitement.

That excited luster.

There is also a deep evil thought.

(End of this chapter)

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