Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2351: Because you have no choice

Chapter 2351, because you have no choice

Miao three elders' face is blue.

If you know this young girl, you have such a strong strength.

He is anyway.

This girl will never be involved.

Looking at the night and the face of a smile.

Miao San’s elders have a blood in their hearts and want to rush out of their throats.

"What do you want to do!" asked Miao three elders.

This is just the first question.

The elders of Miao San stopped their mouths with annoyance.

He couldn't help but slammed his mouth.

Now, it is clear that he is in control of sovereignty.

It is him who can use scorpion venom and threaten to sneak into the night.

It is clear that it is night clear, fearful!


After he said this, he asked.

However, it is a life that has turned its own momentum into a lower one.

It turned out to be him, and he was happy to ask for the night to clear.

The initiative was handed over to the night.

At night, the long and narrow singularity, slightly picked up, she squinted her lips, her voice calm: "After all, you are also a Miao people, I am... naturally it is not good to kill you..."

Upon hearing this sentence, the annoyed look of Miao San’s elders suddenly condensed, and the eyes shone slightly brightly: “Yes... I am the elder of the Miao nationality, representing the entire Miao nationality. If you dare to move me... you must... …for sure……"

"To shut up."

The night cleared up and stunned the elders of Miao San.

The voice of the clear voice, no emotions.

The throat of Miao San’s elders was tight, but he couldn’t make a sound.

The night fell slowly and took a few steps.

The elders of Miao San were all soft, and they retreated.

It was like being scared by the night.

The whole face is extremely white.

"You solved the poison of Gu Gongzi and set the most vowed oath of the Miao people. They promised not to find the trouble of Bujia Village..."

The night cleared the word and said his request.

Her eyebrows are calm and her expression is faint.

It's like saying something unusual.

"I... I believe in you!" Miao three elders stalked his neck and glared at him.

The only thing he relies on now is the poison of Gu Jingyu.

If he is relieved.

It’s even more unscrupulous to clear the night, and he’s done to him!

The night fell to the head, the long eyelashes, and the movements like a butterfly wing: "Because, you have no choice."

"What do you mean?" Miao three elders became more and more pale, and then stepped back a few more steps.

It seems that the night is clear, it is a flood of beasts.

At night, the corner of the mouth fell, and suddenly he turned to his own palm.

The elders of Miao San thought that they would attack themselves at night.

Immediately, "ah" shouted.

The Hmong people who stood still and stood still did not hide.

However, the night clearing instructions simply spread out their palms.

Very simple, very casual, swaying towards the Miao three elders.

Simple move.

On the contrary, it is more like a mockery of the elders of Miao San.

Elder Miao three only felt that they were being played.

Angry and shy.

I am preparing to hold a Hmong to stand up.

In the palm of my hand, I suddenly encountered a sharp thing.

The palm immediately opened a blood mark.

The blood followed the palm of the hand and flowed down.

Miao San elders took back the pain and looked at the palm of the hand. It was not deep, but it was definitely not shallow.

I was immediately stunned and looked at the place where the palm touched.

This angle.

Through the bright light of the surrounding.

The Elder Miao three clearly saw...

At the side of the Miao, there was a very fine and fine light.

The light, also reflecting the faint, but full of chills.

(End of this chapter)

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