Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2357: The person to be found is a Miao traitor

The person to be found in Chapter 2357 is a Miao traitor.


Miao people, looking for a ... age 14 girls?

Why, is it necessary to be fourteen?

"A fourteen-year-old girl can find it everywhere. Why do I have to go to the step house? This is all the old man, the place where the old lady is looking for?"

At night, I asked my doubts.

The eyes of Elder Miao's elders are somewhat erratic.

On the face, it is obviously a struggling look.

It seems to be hesitating, whether it should be, or not, to say these things.

However, I also thought that the night was clear, and my patience was not good.

I am also worried about the impatientness of the night.

In the end, it was defeated by the fear of death: "It is not a fourteen-year-old girl, but..."

The elders of Miao San tightened their fists and looked behind them. They looked at the bound Miao people.

His eyes are full of killings, fleeting.

Immediately, Elder Miao’s elders looked up and seemed to have made the final decision.

He looked at the night without a moment: "The 14-year-old girl is a traitor to the Miao! According to the clues provided by the Miao, the traitor escaped from the Miao nationality and then hid in the village of Stephan! There is no news of the traitor. So... the clue of the traitor is interrupted and must be related to Bujia Village."

The elders of Miao San said that they had a slight pause.

"Since it is a traitor, why is it just for you to come to Bujia Village to investigate? If it is really a traitor, the Miao people have not let the royal family, or Yu Yuezong, come out."

The night is clear and smiles slightly, like a smile and a smile. Miao Miao three elders: "I don't like too much bending around, Miao three elders are as far as possible, the most straightforward."

Seeing her smile, Miao San’s face was black and immediately said: “The girl is indeed a traitor. She stole the most sacred ancient locust of our Miao!”

Ancient locusts?

I remembered that the night was clear, and the peach was written on her survey data.

The ancient locust, which is a symbol of the Miao.

Actually... stolen?

"The traitor went to the ancient locusts and hid in the step house... and then lost all the connections. Even the Hmong martial arts could not find the whereabouts of the traitor..."

The elders of Miao San said: "The stolen things of the ancient locusts are absolutely impossible to pass on in the eyes of the saints. Otherwise, the Miao people will surely be heart-wrenching.

Therefore, the person on the top gave me a private order, ordered me to go to Bujia Village, find the traitor, and retrieve the ancient locusts! ”

"But the villagers said that they don't know who you are looking for. In this village, if a 14-year-old girl really came, how could they not remember?" The night cleared up and raised doubts.

"This... this, I don't know. The order I received was in Stepu Village, and the traitor was forced out..." Miao Miao hurriedly shook his head. "I don't hide it, but... although we are Elders, but in the Miao nationality, there is actually no real power. Most of the Miao’s internal affairs, especially the future of the Miao nationality... Miao people can’t let me know too much.”

This is not a fake.

The night fell slightly and smashed my eyebrows: "Who is that traitor, do you know?"

"This..." Miao three elders face a difficult color. "The Miao nationality did not give an accurate message. It only said the 14-year-old girl... After all... the place like Stephan Village... the 14-year-old girl is still very good. Recognized."

(End of this chapter)

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